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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I had a level 50 3 days into the ega. I quit playing about a month and a half later for lack of content and just to many damn bugs ( still payed for my sub tho )


So not what you would term an "active" player but I still get my 30 days. Like I said earlier , everyone who has been around since day one and paying should get this 30 days free.



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This is directly from the email they have sent... it says "You are one of our most active and valued high level players".


This does not mean other players are not valued, it simply means I am an active player who is valued.


I get it you feel you should be valued cause you paid since December (so have I), and you are. But the player base they need to appeal to is their active players.


I am sorry but if you do not have a 50 at this point, you are not very active in the MMO community. It really comes down to that.


Bioware did not say only their valued players are getting a free month.


Bioware did say their most active and valued players will be getting a free month.


People need to stop being so sensitive.




And for those who are complaining about paying $15 bucks.... well why are you playing a this game if money is that tight?


Thank god someone who gets it. +1000 interwebs to you sir.

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I still don’t understand why I am supposed to be upset, I don’t have a 50 toon, and I am fine with them giving extra time to folks whose updates for the level of their toons didn’t go as well as it did for the updates for the levels of my toons.


What is the problem again?


Nothing to see here you aren't a whiny ***** so you get it no worries keep on gaming man you rock.

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This honestly upsets my wife and I as well. We've been playing since early access but we're alt-oholics. I've got a 47 agent and 7 other characters who are anywhere from their teens to 30's. Does that mean that I'm not as valuable a customer because I chose to do lots of different types of content, rather than just trying to push the grind to 50?


If Bioware chooses to keep this 'reward' the way it currently is, there's nothing I can do to stop them, and I'm not going to scream '/ragequit' just like that. But it's going to leave a very bad taste in my mouth and I'm going to be straight out when I say that I'll remember it when it comes time to renew my sub.


If my money's not as good as one of the 'focused' players when it comes down to it, then you don't have to keep getting it. Maybe it's a 'reward' to some people but it's a hell of an insult to others.


And before I get accused of having a sense of entitlement or anything - it's not that I'm 'owed' anything, so much as that Bioware's choosing to give a reward based on a specific set of criteria which not everyone chooses to play by - especially when it's not known that there's this coming in the future if you do. And while it may only be 15 bucks, that's still a little irritating that because I wanted to do a little of everything so I could tell people what was fun and try to have experience in all different parts of the game, I don't get to see a benefit as compared to someone who sat there and did one thing over and over until they hit a particular number. I'm hardly saying they can't do it. I'm just saying that fairness has absolutely nothing to do with this decision as it stands right now, and some people (myself included) are going to take issue with that.

Edited by DJDowntime
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I do not have to read back to be on topic, especially since the topic is the original post and not the 100 + pages of crybabies afterwards.


I never said you dont know what you are mad about I said if. you obviously do not understand what people are actually typing which probably explains why you also feel that something meant as a perk to others must be a slight to you even though nowhere did they actually make a slight at those that did not receive the perk. Nowhere did bioware actually say we do not feel our other customers are loyal..you just infered that because you are crybabies.


I always find it amusing how stupid people are and how they claim others have said something that was never actually written or said out load. just because it is in your head does not make it reality. But continue to qq like little kids its amusing.


i think you need to read back over your post and reapply some of that to yourself mate. again, they did make it about a slight, due to implying that level 50 character accounts are more valued, and more loyal, than other accounts.


calling us stupid and crybabies just goes to show your lack of understanding of the topic at hand, and how your lack of simple compassion blinds you to it.


the "qq like little kids" remark also shows your attitude towards others is one of superiority. perhaps you need some help?


joining in this little charade of elitism you are intending to carry on will only further ensure that you tip over the edge into something similar to nerd rage in the end, so i bid you goodbye sir, and beg of you to research and actually intake what is written before you, withholding judgement and insults until you actually understand what is happening.


wish you the best and goodnight :)

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Its like we picked up all the 12 year olds from WoW and lost the adults. You guys complain about EVERYTHING. Its 14.99 a month, thats McDonalds for one meal out of 90. If you can't swing it you should be playing free games.

I got the 30 days and sure it was nice, but I wouldn't be blowing up over NOT getting it. I have 4 co-workers who play and none of them have gotten to 50 yet. FYI, I don't think its a 50 thing, I think its who helped give them feedback that they can use to make the game better. Have you done any Hard FP, or OPS, given forum feedback, gotten on the test server to help preview the 1.2 patch, or PVP past valor 10? I wasted HOURS of time in Hard EV trying to time the colums correctly to get past that point. Now they have changed it so the next groups that get there do not have the same problems.

Don't tell me that they should have tested more to get rid of bugs, it wasnt that long ago that everyone was ************ about when is the release date, i have been waiting forever!


For what they have done with this game, in the amount of time they have taken to do it is amazing. WoW had rollbacks, WoW had downtime that was unexpected and lasted for hours or DAYS and that was after 3 YEARS, this game is still only 5 months old. And the amount of features they have fixed and released due to US ASKING FOR THEM is INSANE. You want dual spec, we working on it, you want more space missions, on it. You want a better UI, here you go. You want to romance same sex relationships, give us til summer. Read the forums, I knew the tier bonus didn't move over with armoring mod, its only on the new armor that you can do that. Relax people, go play Skyrim for 6 hours.

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Wow, just read this and this get me mad.


I've been an avid support of BW/EA because the game has great story for each of the characters....even with the skilled artistic design of the worlds to such great details. That is why I have many alts and none at 50.....so why exclude people because they have not reach 50?


This is gotta be a management decision that is full of baloney and really STUPID!!!!


Active participating members of the community. Not everyone who subbed from day one have been active and participating. Would you seriously want to reward someone working for you who only works one day a week for only 4 hours over someone who works endlessly does overtime and contributes heavily to your business? I know I wouldn't because that wouldn't be fair to the person who devoted a huge chunk of their life doing that work. This is no different in my eyes. I don't find the decision at all stupid. I think it is fair.

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Simply because one is not part of the set (or sub-set) of people receiving some benefit from the company does not equate to that same person being penalized. If my employer wants to give my co-worker a bonus does not mean they dislike my work; simply are choosing to reward another for reasons of their own.


Perhaps one needs to take a break and re-prioritize life if they believe they are owed or entitled to much of anything beyond the product itself.



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Simply because one is not part of the set (or sub-set) of people receiving some benefit from the company does not equate to that same person being penalized. If my employer wants to give my co-worker a bonus does not mean they dislike my work; simply are choosing to reward another for reasons of their own.


Perhaps one needs to take a break and re-prioritize life if they believe they are owed or entitled to much of anything beyond the product itself.



This is correct, however, I rather imagine if you co-worker was given this bonus for being a "valued worker", while you knew you had spent as much, if not more, time working... you'd be a bit put out. Maybe you wouldn't, if not... I dub the a saint.... however, I don't really think that is realistic in the least.

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Simply because one is not part of the set (or sub-set) of people receiving some benefit from the company does not equate to that same person being penalized. If my employer wants to give my co-worker a bonus does not mean they dislike my work; simply are choosing to reward another for reasons of their own.


Perhaps one needs to take a break and re-prioritize life if they believe they are owed or entitled to much of anything beyond the product itself.


You have it backward my friend. WE pay THEM. It's like buying milk from the grocery store, and giving one guy $1 off because he bought 1 item and ate it very quickly. The next guy bought the same item, but ate it too slow so he gets NO DISCOUNT!

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i think you need to read back over your post and reapply some of that to yourself mate. again, they did make it about a slight, due to implying that level 50 character accounts are more valued, and more loyal, than other accounts.


calling us stupid and crybabies just goes to show your lack of understanding of the topic at hand, and how your lack of simple compassion blinds you to it.


the "qq like little kids" remark also shows your attitude towards others is one of superiority. perhaps you need some help?


joining in this little charade of elitism you are intending to carry on will only further ensure that you tip over the edge into something similar to nerd rage in the end, so i bid you goodbye sir, and beg of you to research and actually intake what is written before you, withholding judgement and insults until you actually understand what is happening.


wish you the best and goodnight :)


Implications are not statements god people are so stupid. They didnt actually say people were not valued and people keep saying they did. IMPLICATIONS ARE NOT FACTUAL THEY ARE SUBJECTIVE.

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I don't understand why people are so upset over a messly 15 dollars, I guess that's a lot of money to some people who do'nt have jobs.


It's not the money, I spent that last weekend watching Hunger Games in XD. It's the lack of respect to players who actually have been loyal to BioWare especially those from Early Access. A valued player is a player who gives a company their money month after month. BioWare instantly devalues any player who might not have a 50 for whatever reason (real life obligations, alt-a-holic whatever) by saying their 5 months of being a subs doesn't means squat and that the guy who just got the game a week and has a 50 means more.

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Active participating members of the community. Not everyone who subbed from day one have been active and participating. Would you seriously want to reward someone working for you who only works one day a week for only 4 hours over someone who works endlessly does overtime and contributes heavily to your business? I know I wouldn't because that wouldn't be fair to the person who devoted a huge chunk of their life doing that work. This is no different in my eyes. I don't find the decision at all stupid. I think it is fair.


The problem is, in a lot of cases, that is PRECISELY what you are doing: Rewarding those who have spent LESS time.

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Its like we picked up all the 12 year olds from WoW and lost the adults. You guys complain about EVERYTHING. Its 14.99 a month, thats McDonalds for one meal out of 90. If you can't swing it you should be playing free games.

I got the 30 days and sure it was nice, but I wouldn't be blowing up over NOT getting it. I have 4 co-workers who play and none of them have gotten to 50 yet. FYI, I don't think its a 50 thing, I think its who helped give them feedback that they can use to make the game better. Have you done any Hard FP, or OPS, given forum feedback, gotten on the test server to help preview the 1.2 patch, or PVP past valor 10? I wasted HOURS of time in Hard EV trying to time the colums correctly to get past that point. Now they have changed it so the next groups that get there do not have the same problems.

Don't tell me that they should have tested more to get rid of bugs, it wasnt that long ago that everyone was ************ about when is the release date, i have been waiting forever!


For what they have done with this game, in the amount of time they have taken to do it is amazing. WoW had rollbacks, WoW had downtime that was unexpected and lasted for hours or DAYS and that was after 3 YEARS, this game is still only 5 months old. And the amount of features they have fixed and released due to US ASKING FOR THEM is INSANE. You want dual spec, we working on it, you want more space missions, on it. You want a better UI, here you go. You want to romance same sex relationships, give us til summer. Read the forums, I knew the tier bonus didn't move over with armoring mod, its only on the new armor that you can do that. Relax people, go play Skyrim for 6 hours.


it is a 50 thing. yes i have tested extensively, during and after beta, and yes i did test in the 1.2 test. no i do not have a level 50 character.


again not about the free time, more about saying its for their loyal and valued customers, who have a level 50 character. the rest of us were just left out.


oh and there are plenty of people being childish on both sides of the fence. and before we start on whining about stuff lets not go into those that rushed through and whined there was nothing to do at the end... (not everyone at level 50, not saying that)


it is aimed at level 50 character accounts, and would have been acceptable if worded as an apology or w/e for any reason other than customer loyalty and value

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Active participating members of the community. Not everyone who subbed from day one have been active and participating. Would you seriously want to reward someone working for you who only works one day a week for only 4 hours over someone who works endlessly does overtime and contributes heavily to your business? I know I wouldn't because that wouldn't be fair to the person who devoted a huge chunk of their life doing that work. This is no different in my eyes. I don't find the decision at all stupid. I think it is fair.


Just a quick question. Can you be active in swtor witihout a level 50? What if you have a level 42, 36, 30, 28, and 11. Is that active?

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


No matter what Bioware does, someone will be unhappy and irate. They could give everyone a free 30 days, and people will be unhappy that someone they don't believe "deserved it" got what they got.


I don't think they should back down on the "have a 50, get 30 days free", but maybe have a window of time (a couple days or something) in which if you get one to 50, you get 30 days free instead of a have one on the day of the patch release, get 30 days.


For those that are within reach of their first 50, if the servers come up I highly suggest trying to hit 50.

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You have it backward my friend. WE pay THEM. It's like buying milk from the grocery store, and giving one guy $1 off because he bought 1 item and ate it very quickly. The next guy bought the same item, but ate it too slow so he gets NO DISCOUNT!


So by your logic, two people spend the same amount of time playing this game. One spends time to max out a character and progressively work on alts so they get to see all the elements and provide feedback to everything from start to end game content. the other person just does alts does not get to endgame stuff because they want to level all thier toons equally. They don't have as much feedback to provide about the end tier content because they have not experienced it, yet they should get the same reward as the person who has gone the extra mile to provide feedback about things the other person has no clue about? That's pretty much the argument you are describing here. As a person who has been in management. I wholly disagree with you.

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Personally the 30 days is neither here nor there to me. Only had the game 5 weeks.


What annoys me is the way folks are just screaming at others who wish to voice an opinion on how THEY feel about this issue.


Seems simple to me, if you got the 30 days don't berate and deride anyone who thinks for whatever reason they should have gotten it as well. Your point to you is valid, as is their point to them. If they wish to take their point up with the gameco via the forums, that again is their option as paying customers.


The whole thing is a gyp to start with, EA/Bioware blew it, they are trying to do some damage control by offering free time to a section of the player base. I feel they have gone about it badly, but that is just my opinion (your mileage may vary).


If you feel they are wrong in their complaint ignore the thread and let them and the gameco sort it out.


Feel free the flame the heck out of me.

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Active participating members of the community. Not everyone who subbed from day one have been active and participating. Would you seriously want to reward someone working for you who only works one day a week for only 4 hours over someone who works endlessly does overtime and contributes heavily to your business? I know I wouldn't because that wouldn't be fair to the person who devoted a huge chunk of their life doing that work. This is no different in my eyes. I don't find the decision at all stupid. I think it is fair.


What does being level 50 have to do with supporting / contributing have to do with anything?

Anyone has been paying since day one has been contributing to biowares wallet.


What people do with their 15 bucks a month subscription fee is their own business and should not be based on in game accomplishments.


There are are ton of players who have been around since day 1 without level 50's who had to put up with all the bs ie: bugs, lag, broken quest and what not who are still here and what do they get for their support? A big FU is what.


I don't think some person who started playing a month ago deserves 30 days free cause he has more time to play and grind to 50 then the people who have been around seince mid Dec. You did not earn it imho

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The problem is, in a lot of cases, that is PRECISELY what you are doing: Rewarding those who have spent LESS time.


Less time perhaps, but they have experience and feedback that people who don't go the extra mile to see what else is there. What is more valuable? Time spent doing the same thing? Or time spent doing things most others have not?

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.



Why you should you get more. You are already playing the game. You had nearly 4 months to get one 50. I have two and working on a 3rd.

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