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10 Good
  1. 8 years later, still an issue, still not resolved. =(
  2. This honestly upsets my wife and I as well. We've been playing since early access but we're alt-oholics. I've got a 47 agent and 7 other characters who are anywhere from their teens to 30's. Does that mean that I'm not as valuable a customer because I chose to do lots of different types of content, rather than just trying to push the grind to 50? If Bioware chooses to keep this 'reward' the way it currently is, there's nothing I can do to stop them, and I'm not going to scream '/ragequit' just like that. But it's going to leave a very bad taste in my mouth and I'm going to be straight out when I say that I'll remember it when it comes time to renew my sub. If my money's not as good as one of the 'focused' players when it comes down to it, then you don't have to keep getting it. Maybe it's a 'reward' to some people but it's a hell of an insult to others. And before I get accused of having a sense of entitlement or anything - it's not that I'm 'owed' anything, so much as that Bioware's choosing to give a reward based on a specific set of criteria which not everyone chooses to play by - especially when it's not known that there's this coming in the future if you do. And while it may only be 15 bucks, that's still a little irritating that because I wanted to do a little of everything so I could tell people what was fun and try to have experience in all different parts of the game, I don't get to see a benefit as compared to someone who sat there and did one thing over and over until they hit a particular number. I'm hardly saying they can't do it. I'm just saying that fairness has absolutely nothing to do with this decision as it stands right now, and some people (myself included) are going to take issue with that.
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