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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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is playing the game legitimately, most of the 50's i see were rushed to that in a month? due exploits and other idiotic stuff that got ignored by cus rep . so basically, not only do the belligerent players get to dominate the game, mess with the economy make it so even bioware cant fix the damage, but now.. they reward them with free time? lol you know.. i just keep thinking to myself how we had a chance to make this not warcraft, i remember telling everyone that we had to discourage barrens abuse, establish a unique community. it didn't take long, we lost the game in the first week.

as an example of how messed up this is, i have a guild member that curses incessantly, if it was possible to have Le torrents' syndrome in a writing form he is a valid candidate. i naturally go to ticket, choose inappropriate behavior. wait really long, finally real time speak with cus rep. he says, you should have right click chose harassment. oh really?? where the hell does it say that?.. then it gets real fun. he says that the guild leaders can decide what kind of stuff can be said in the guild chat. so i blatantly said to him, you mean that gl's can decided whether or not the members can abide by elua?

with such idiocy for policy i began musing the concept of potential larceny and it's implications . considering that we are 'told' that things are begin done, we 'surrender' control of the game to them. they continue to take our money. nothing is done, seriously. like i said, i have proof. many screens of a guy obviously exploiting. i ended up joining his guild. i mean heck.. it was the only way i would not lose against him.

so, you all focus on the minor issue of free time, fine, but half the guys at 50 cant get to 50 unless they exploit or had vent which is a third party program not even under bioware's policy.

because i been playing since day one, i still haven't got a 50. i like most people , was doing that thing called exploration. the fastest way i seen them do it. exploit the wz and lvl like mad. you get money, reward , a company that appears to do nothing about it and now free time .

yet, if bioware can just get past the alternate to warcraft thing and remember that stwor wars is a generational presence, that yes, there are little kids playing along side 45 + year olds. perhaps they , unlike warcraft can show responsibility which creates a more dedicated patronage by far. remains to be seen.


Paragaphs and sentence structure are your friends. ;)

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To be honest it’s a game and you play it for fun. Some of us out there don’t have the time to play games very much but we still love to play SWTOR. However this dose throw dirt right in the face of players that have a life but still find the time and money to play this game.

I really don’t care if I haven’t got a character to 50 yet because I’m trying to enjoy the game and everything it offers (with all my characters), I’m sorry to burst some peoples bubbles out here but real life come first not a game.

I do love playing SWTOR, its fun and I enjoy the stories but I won’t sit back and have a company take the mick out of me, so I’ll just cancel the subscription for a month and come back after.

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Just my 5 cent here , bioware probably knows that there are fewer lvl 50s in game and decides to get them play again .


what happen with more lvl 50s around ?? The general chat wiill be filled with "LFM BLAH BLAH operation , mission ... ETC ETC " , hence motivating lowbies to keep leveling so that they can experience high-end content .


So , more 50s for a month , more low-level players motivated to remain playing , and subscription number will also increased. WIN WIN for bioware.


Maxed level characters is like cool kids , they bring the parties to them.


I think this is more where BW is coming from.


They don't want 50s to stop playing.


Also, 50s are more effected by the changes, since they played up with old skills, have probably been running HMs and ops with old skills, etc.


Also, there is even less end-game content (with the end of Illum daily).


They are kissing-up to 50s, begging them not to quit.


If you enjoy the story, have 20 alts on 4 servers, and a SWTOR blog, you're not going to quit because your skill trees are different, and BW knows that.


If you have 1 main toon whose name strikes fear into the other faction, and suddenly your blaster rifle whimpers when you hold it, you might end your sub.


30 days gets frustrated 50s some time to "see what happens."

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They did this because there's nothing wrong with the pre-50 game, it's actually pretty fun. The free 30 days to 50s was them saying they know their level 50 content sucks and 1.2 does little to nothing to help it. So here's 30 free days, please stick around until the next patch!


The whole customer appreciation thing is complete BS, it's an apology.


Again, if they said that instead many of us here would not be so upset. Instead, they went a completely weird route judging loyalty, dedication, and value based upon a lvl.

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Originally Posted by Airehn

Screw you Bioware.....Screw you. My highest is a level 45 Combat Medic, out of my own choice to play the game I the way I wanted.


I finished nearly every planet, even though each mission only gave me +5 XP, and every kill only gave me crap loot and 50 credits. I made 3 or 4 characters on different servers, going through the many stories that the game had to offer, and now I'm finding out that if I spent more time on 1 single individual, that I would get a free month???


That's not the part that upset me the most. What really got me was when I found out that you are giving away free time to players THAT DON'T EVEN SUBSCRIBE ANYMORE. Seriously??? ***???


I've been on this damn forum for a year before the game was release, pre-ordered, was in Beta, paid my 6 months, and now I'm finding out that if I quit, you would not only let me play every weekend for free, but also for a whole week or maybe even a free MONTH???


Screw you! I gave you my money and you ignore me. I'm not blaming my 2 jobs, or my 3 kids, or my fill in the blank, I'm blaming your terrible decision you made to ignore players that have been with you BEFORE THIS GAME WAS RELEASED.


Done. Feel free to flame me.



Completely agree. I play the game the exact same way. Here since pre-release and I have 8 characters ranging from 18-48. This horrible customer service is making me consider spending my time and money elsewhere.

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I have met many people who decided to level up 5-6 chars at the same time never actually getting one to the end. I am one of the guys who has a 'MAIN' character and then alts. Took me a month to level my Shadow to 50 and I have been using it ever since. Full rakata for a month now and due to lack of content, I started rolling alts. Now that 1.2 was out, I am going for Campaign gear. Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Oh analogies, can I play too.


At the Blow-hard factory there are two groups of people, some that make gold widgets and others that make several different types of silver widgets.

Both are made with the same type of machine and both groups spend the same amount of time manning their machines.

Now the boss calls a meeting and tells the gold widget makers that they are some of the companies most valued employees and offers them a $100 bonus each.

I just can't understand why the silver widget makers are getting up in arms, can you?


The moral here is that the people without level 50's potentially spent the same amount of time and money to support the game, but only one group is now being rewarded purely because they chose to play it in a different way.


mine was better :)here

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While I have a level 50 character and am getting the 30 days, I really was surprised by the decision to base it on having a level 50 character.


That really shouldn't matter, and is not an indicator of how active someone is. Someone could be an altaholic leveling up each character unto the end of a chapter and then switching, and I don't see why they shouldn't be rewarded as well.

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No, some people just can't stand the phrase, "You do not qualify", and the word "No".

If all level 50's got was a speeder...there would be the same amount of hand wringing and Henny Penny sky is falling bullflop.

No one can handle the fact that someone else has something, that they can't get too.


This is what happens when schools make a habit of giving out participation trophies and parents reward every sneeze and fart as something amazing.

Life isn't fair. People will have things and get things that you won't.

As my grandfather said, "Fair is something you go to in the summer. It ain't life, kiddo."


Someone else who just doesn't get it.


Look, if BW had said they would be giving free game time to randomly selected players in some kind of lottery, I'd understand. I'd even think it was a cool idea. The real issue has nothing to do with money though. It's about whether customers feel valued by the company they buy from.


To give you an analogy, I have 2 convenience stores near where I live. I go to the one that's a bit further away and is a bit more expensive because the sales staff are nicer; more polite.


BW need to understand that its not a good idea to alienate some of your customers by implying that their custom is less valued. Totting out lazy cliches about schools sports days doesn't make you sound clever at all. It just shows that you don't understand customer relations and marketing.


The reality is that there are several new MMOs on the horizon and all of us SWTOR players will make a decision (consciously or not) about whether to continue to play SWTOR or move over to one of these new games. When that time comes, many people will not simply make a decision based on the merits of the game, but also on how they were treated as customers.

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So why dont all of the people who are not 50 yet but have been in the game since the begining just unsub for 30 days.


I guess then we would see how valued a customer Bioware thinks you are.




I am going to do this. This is the only way to send a message to a company, hit them in the pocketbook.


I have a variety of alts, the highest is 49. Playing since pre-order and have just as much PLAYED time as most of the people that are getting a free 30 days, and I am not. And to top it off, I've been insulted and devalued by a video game company that I pay money to in an official press release. Really makes me want to stay.

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Still not sure I understand the slight


I was going to pay my subscription before this news


I am still going to pay my subscription after this news


I am negatively affected in what way?


Amy I supposed to be pissed because others got something cause their update didn’t get implemented as advertized? Why should I be upset about that?


Not sure I understand


A player who has had the end game ruined adn stayed loyal gets 30 days ... nice one well done (THe valued customers is a PR blunder)

A lvl 49 player who as played sinced day 1 get's nothing well i can understand they havn't really been affected, but the free time for people who are unsubscribed is the kick in the teeth for all loyal but not a most valued players

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No 50 for me, but 15.00 is not a big deal. 49, 40, 35, at least three alts in their 20s and then another 4 or so just passed the home world.


I have a total of 10 characters. I do a few space missions during the week and then play probably 16 hours over the weekend...sometimes more and many times less.


My PC was also in for repair for about 30 days or I'd probably have 2 level 50s.


I appreciate those who feel they should be rewarded for their play time just like those that have a level 50 (my wife falls into that group :p). Perhaps BioWare will change their mind...maybe not.


Don't sweat the small stuff. ;)

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I see both sides to this.


The game has been out for about 4 months. Considering that I (personally) can level a character to 50 in about 10-12 days without breaking a sweat, I suppose BioWare is on the right path here catering to those who have the most time and effort into the game.

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Hmmm....I've also had the game since pre release and have been subed ever since. I have 7 characters and my highest is lvl 32. I have every crafting skill maxed with all greens r/e for all 3 blue versions up to lvl 28ish. I don't play every night but I damn sure pay the 15 dollars every month. I'm not valued eh? Cool, I guess you don't need my subscription then.


Probably the stupidest move I've ever seen an MMO pull. I thought Blizzard was retarded. Congrats on taking the #1 spot over them. After the 7 years of nonsense I put up with Blizzard before I quit the game permanently, you just did in one day. Pretty sweet.


I was hanging in there waiting for the game to get better but I don't even care anymore. You just killed your game by rewarding people who already quit or were quitting anyway. Now you made people that were supporting you waiting for new content and bug fixes to quit too. I had no intentions of leaving the game until today. Absolutely ridiculous. I'm pretty sure your game is done for sure now. Sub canceled. Later.

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It's purely the principle because according to BioWare they don't care if you were subbed since Early Access and have been a sub since then and that they only players they care about are the ones who have 50s whether they joined last week and got a 50 or 3 months ago and people were shocked that EA was rated worst company because EA & their subsidiaries do bone-headed things like this.
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I agree with you. My highest character completed his story at 47 and I saw no need to grind him for 3 more levels so I rerolled. I got my consular up to 30 something and then my server died. Rerolled a Bounty Hunter on another server got him to late 30's/early 40's quit, this server was dead when I came back. I Just rolled a Knight who is at level 28 on a third new server.


I clearly don't deserve a free month, because I haven't got to 50. I have only pre-ordered the game on the first day of pre-order, got the Collector's Edition, subbed 3 months and completed a fair amount of the games content.


This is exactly how my leveling has gone. I have a 47 and a handful of 30s. I don't really care that much about the free month, I honestly don't even notice the $15 they take out of my account each month. I will say that not being one of their "most valued" customers kinda pissed me off, seeing as how I bought the CE which has like 3 items on the Republic side, have been registered here and following the game since the month it was announced, have bought and read all the SWTOR books (I pretty much read all the star wars books) and played open beta.


How about a few free server transfers and an apology?

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It's very simple why so many of us are upset.


Bio, intentionally or not is clearly saying to us: "hey you play hard and got level 50 have a month free on us because you are our most loyal. The rest of you even though you have the same active accounts and pay same amount you just continue to play and pay us, thanks!"


Oh wait, they didn't even say thanks did they, sorry my bad.

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I am somewhat mad about this and feel like I should be entitled to this 30 day free time and here's why.


In my situation I have been playing since day 1 (launch) and participated in two Beta events before launch. I have a Lv 49 (Yes 49 about to be Lv 50 this weekend because i now have more time to dedicate to the game). I have maintained an active subscription since launch. Now reasons to me not being Lv 50 yet should really not matter but I can say it's for personal reasons.


So out of this deal I get no kind of extra play time whether it be the 30 days or a week to come back to game if not subscribed. However, I have maintained an active subscription and while others may have canceled their subscription I stayed because I enjoy playing and I am a dedicated player/subscriber.


So I do not think it is fair that a dedicated player like myself (even thou I did not reach Lv 50 on a character yet) does not get any kind of free game time. This should have been given out in a manner of who has had an active subscription since a certain date rather then whoever is a Lv 50 and active gets 30 days free. someone could have bought this game 2 weeks ago dedicated 100% of their time to get Lv 50 and now they get free 30 days?? Makes no sense to me... What about your dedicated players that have not attained Lv 50 yet????

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Whatever Bioware once was, it no longer is and they just weren't ready for a MMO of this size.


Mass Effect 3 brings in the cash but has customers outraged and SWTOR is just one PR disaster after another by a company that should have years of gaming industry experience.


I paid for six months but didn't actually play for a month, and they send me a begging email to please come back. They send to many friend invites and free weekends so early in the game that is pretty clear they need every player they can get. Not hard to understand if you see the population of Alderaan as 3.


And then this. I wasn't even pissed off. I thought the launch was pretty smooth for a MMO and although the game wasn't as good as I had hoped, I had some fun. Had already decided to call it a day, might have tried out the 1.2 patch but after reading the patch notes it seems clear it is to little to late. They are patching the game but not fixing that it is a single player game with a monthly fee.


And then I read on kotaku this PR brain fart. Gosh, was Bioware not getting enough negative press? You are already on the gaming sites because of ME3 and then you FINALLY get 1.2 out the door, find the money for some free time for paying customers and put the ******** level requirement in.




This is not like kicking a puppy, this is perfecting genetic engineering to create a puppy on Mars then spending a year in a small capsule on a one way trip so you can kick it.


Perhaps next time you hire a PR manager and you think you found a nice person because they brought a kitten to work, maybe you should check that the box it is in, isn't a lunch box. Just saying.


So, instead of exploring 1.2 and seeing new goodies, I am pissed off because I am an alt-oholic and not a level grinder. Gosh and it not as if two new MMO's that might not disappoint will be begging for the same cash I would need to use to resubscribe.


Really, what idiot manager approved this and thought, "Hey, I am sure we are going to have a LOT of pleased people because of this".

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It has nothing to do with value to you, ultimately our $15 are very valuable to bioware, keeps servers running, people employed and updates coded. If, by creating a pr stunt, they alienate part of their user base, enough for large numbers to jump ship the game will shut down. Every single subscriber is vital to your continued enjoyment, because without them there would be no patches, no servers and no game. It takes a real idiot to produce a promotion that will annoy a segment of its paying users, especially in this day of many mmos, where jumping ship is easy.


I'm saying lvl50 is more valuable, because he keeps others in game. If they lose one guy below 50, it hurts them less than losing one guy at 50 that is likely to pull others after him. That's math.


I'm not saying that alienating part of player base is good idea, but then, it's impossible to please everyone. No gifts, and other people would be raging. Even with gifts for everyone someone would complain.

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wow, when i saw thisi wasso upset, i had alvl 50 sniper for some weeks ago, but accidentaly i deleted him, now my highes char is a lvl 38 warrior, but unitl this time i havent felt like i wasted a mont by lvl ing up my agent, cos at least i became more experienced since this is my first mmo, and now i know i wont roll a sniper again more like an operative. And really 30 days my, wallett would really like that 30 free days since i have just resubbed!


You know even if you delete your vll 50 They can still back it up?



I feel sad for PVE who didn't got vll 50. any pvp player all have a lvl 50. they should gave 30 day free to any1. some poeple would came back in to test 1.2 and see if it worth it.



Personnally i do not wait any content : so i can't be mad! How many game released date was pushback ? How many game were release on a non- finished state? ALOT over 9000!


my tips to any1 : do not wait anything from update and u won't be mad/sad/unsubbing for child reason


exemple :customer there is no ranked pvp 'baby cry'

Bioware -> give you 30 days free worth 10-15 $

Customer : still *baby Cry*


conclusion : W/E you do customer are never happy, you give them 5 feet than they want 100. Strangly when i log on yesterday there was 2x poeple on the server? mad ? nah just sad from being lied which is understandable but would you want buggy stuff ?i dont want! i want my stats to be count as it should.



ps: english isn't my first language :D but i still hope Bioware will fix the situation.

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wow, when i saw thisi wasso upset, i had alvl 50 sniper for some weeks ago, but accidentaly i deleted him, now my highes char is a lvl 38 warrior, but unitl this time i havent felt like i wasted a mont by lvl ing up my agent, cos at least i became more experienced since this is my first mmo, and now i know i wont roll a sniper again more like an operative. And really 30 days my, wallett would really like that 30 free days since i have just resubbed!


Okay how do you accidently delete a character when the game has a backup when it asks you if your sure and then tells you to type "delete" if your sure. You cant by accident delete a character, so your saying you accidently clicked delete and then again by accident typed delete when the game prompted you too. Lol what bad luck man, just makes no sense

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Terrible analogy. I have two level 50s. I didn't rush at all through the first one, but still got to 50, and then enjoyed the quests on Voss, Correlia, and then all the level 50 content (which sadly is not as much as the level 1-49 content). My second level 50 leveled faster than the first, but I still took my time as I enjoyed the class stories.


There was nothing rushed, messy, bland, about how I went through the game. To imply that somehow getting to level 50 means everyone rushed through the game is just inaccurate.


I think this extra 30 days to level 50s is frankly to make up for the fact that there's so little end-game content in the game. The removal of ranked warzones was quite another blow to the end-game PVP crowd. This 30 days, whether Bioware admits it, is to help sooth over those omissions.


My point wasn't to label all players who have level 50s as spacebar players...


My point was that someone who bought this game a few weeks ago and spacebarred to 50 in a week is rewarded by BW for being a loyal and valuable player over players who've been playing since day 0 without a break in subscription.

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