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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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^ This right here Bioware...is why you fail.


You have upset customers. Upset, and bombarding your forums.


Yellow tag shows up, and closes the thread. Doesn't bother to answer the customer's complaint, doesn't bother to try and soothe the person's feelings, just point them to the conglomerated complaint thread, close the thread and move on.




How can one company do some things so right, and others so completely, totally and utterly wrong?

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Jesus it's just around 13 Euros worth of playtime. They probably decide this based on a number of factors. No reason to be offended, that Bioware doesn't see you as a "valued customer".


It's not the money, it's the principle. It's not how much you play but how long you've paid. BW's idea of loyal is twisted.

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This thread should be renamed to "QQ if Bioware doesn't love you and you're butthurt"


They give away free gametime to players, who've been most active in the game. Just because they say, that they deem those players most valuable, doesn't mean they don't also value their other players. They say this as a compliment to those active players, not to degrade all the others. Don't take this stuff too literally.


Fact is Bioware wants to compensate for things that have gone wrong in the last past months, and they can't give out free gametime to everyone, that would hurt their profits too much.


I bet that all the people, who are now offended by how Bioware only selected some players for the free gametime, would probably not say a word, if they were on the list.

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Free tauntaun for subscribers. Nice!


Free 30 days game play for Bioware's most valued players. Guess what, you are only valued IF you have a level 50 character. I, and lots of players, have been playing since early access and do not have level 50 toons. This is absolute bullcrap. A valued customer is someone who pays for your product. Bioware's marketing department has a screw loose.


Couldn't agree more.


I'm another loyal player/subscriber since launch and not managed to get to level 50 yet who feels a little under valued.


A black mark against SWTOR/Bioware when I decide where to spend my MMO time/money this year and in future.

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^ This right here Bioware...is why you fail.


You have upset customers. Upset, and bombarding your forums.


Yellow tag shows up, and closes the thread. Doesn't bother to answer the customer's complaint, doesn't bother to try and soothe the person's feelings, just point them to the conglomerated complaint thread, close the thread and move on.




How can one company do some things so right, and others so completely, totally and utterly wrong?




This type of "customer service" from BW has been going on far too long.

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I laughed at the us/US mistake, it is available to anyone who got the email. Don't fret.


However, the guys with 47 level characters and some alts don't get the free month. This is because it is largely accepted that end game is the problem, the leveling game is fine.


If you haven't been inconvenienced, why would you expect to be compensated?


Actually i think this is the problem right here.


Bioware didn't have the balls to say it's because their endgame sucks, instead going for some 'loyal' wording to blow smoke up our collective arses. Unfortunately for them this has given those without a level 50 the percetion that they aren't considered loyal in Biowares eyes.


This is what happens when a company screws up PR spin. Something that could have been mostly avoided by speaking plainly.

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I have to agree that they need to have a different metric on who should receive this free 30 days.


I signed up for this game with another friend. He is busier with work and cannot afford to even log on to play, but he still remain subbed. But because he is not yet 50, he isn't considered a valued customer despite both of us subscribing at the same time.

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It's obviously a reaction to the nothing to do now I'm lvl 50 threads. They don't want them unsubbing to go elsewhere.

Anyone who's still levelling to 50 is more likely to stay subbed.

Still, it's an odd thing to do, because, as is evident here, it divides community. On the bright side, I got to lvl 50 few days ago:D

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It's not the money, it's the principle. It's not how much you play but how long you've paid. BW's idea of loyal is twisted.


No, it totally makes sense. Someone who pays for one month and plays the game 15 hours a day hasn't supported Bioware as much as someone who pays for 3 months and only plays 2 hours a day.

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People deserve a free month for being subbed since headstart. Character level is irrelevant. Everyone paid the same.


No, that's not true. If you don't plan on playing a game where 50% of the content starts after level 50 you shouldn't be whining here.


"Oh yeah well I've had this fitness subscription for a year now, only been there once, but I do expect to get a sixpack and a ripped body in the next month"


"Oh yeah, I've been subscribed and supporting SWTOR for 20 years now, but I can't be arsed to level all my level 47 and 48 toons to level 50, because I'm such a lazy noob, but I do think I deserve a free month just cause I say so"


If bioware decides to give rewards to players that actually play their game properly, then good for them. I am glad they did.


Shame on the people complaining here that they DESERVE a reward. If you've been subbed FOR SO LONG and you have no level 50 yet you DESERVE NOTHING. Bioware rewards players that actually play their game and not the handfull of casuals complaining in this thread OH BOOHOO I JUST KEEP ON REROLLING AND I CANT BE ARSED TO LEVEL TO 50 BUT I DO DESERVE A PRIZE.



You can't be alting around forever, if you're too scared to go to 50 (which takes ROUGHLY 5 days , 1-50, if you have questing buddies) then you deserve nothing.

Edited by Shredbull
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I pre-ordered the game when it was first available. I beta tested it. I bought it on day one. I have an active subscription and have paid faithfully every single month. I play an average of 2 hours per day.


Right now I have a lvl 48 Trooper, a lvl 41 Smuggler, a lvl 26 Jedi Consular. I have explored many planets, unlocked tons of Codex entries, found many datacrons without resorting to the web. I have 2 chars with their crafting skills at 400. I have RP with my guild. I have done all the things you said were part of the game BUT the High-End content because I wanted to experience the full game at a slow pace.


But yet, i am not a valued customer?


Thanks, I guess. At least I know what you do really value, instead of what you say you value.

Edited by Ahrien
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If you haven't been inconvenienced, why would you expect to be compensated?


This is bull. Just because someone has a level 50 doesn't mean that they've been inconvenienced.


What about the guy who hit level 50 yesterday? Is he really more inconvenienced than the guy who hits level 50 tomorrow?


What about the guy who hit level 50 a month ago, never bothered with end-game content and went on to his alts? Was he inconvenienced?


Not everyone who had a level 50 had problems. That's a bogus justification, and if it's Bioware's excuse, I'm glad I cancelled.

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To all the ungrateful bastards : You should've leveled one of your 500 alts to 50. It's not biowares fault that you couldn't take the extra step. Leveling a toon to 50 takes a week at most.


If you have been subbed to SWTOR for only 1 month you don't deserve an extra free 30 days. If you have been playing since release and you don't have a level 50 you don't deserve an extra month. You'll prolly use it rerolling anyway.


The 30 free days are most likely to compensate for the lack of endgame content. If you have been playing alts casually never leveling to 50 then you have been busy with constant questing. So you don't need an extra 30 days.


Quit your whining and ************ like little spoiled girls. Should've leveled to 50. No level 50's? Either new or fkin lazy.


May there are players who like to PLAY the game and not just Rush to 50 and then BI*CH about how there is nothing to do.


Some player rerolled because the changed servers, due to population problems. Some may have moved because the found friends on a different server. There are many reasons someone who has been playing since launch may not have a 50 yet.


Maybe a better idea would be the add up all the /played time for every ones account the base it off of that. Then lets see how that works out for the 50's.


Am I a little mad about giving only 50 a free month, yea. If it was a week then it would not bother me so much.


Will I start posting and shouting "Give me my free 30 days or I'll quit!". No I'll voice my displeasure and continue to play.


But I guess the saying is right "The squeaky wheel gets the grease".

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To all the ungrateful bastards : You should've leveled one of your 500 alts to 50. It's not biowares fault that you couldn't take the extra step. Leveling a toon to 50 takes a week at most.


If you have been subbed to SWTOR for only 1 month you don't deserve an extra free 30 days. If you have been playing since release and you don't have a level 50 you don't deserve an extra month. You'll prolly use it rerolling anyway.


The 30 free days are most likely to compensate for the lack of endgame content. If you have been playing alts casually never leveling to 50 then you have been busy with constant questing. So you don't need an extra 30 days.


Quit your whining and ************ like little spoiled girls. Should've leveled to 50. No level 50's? Either new or fkin lazy.


Firstly, it is Bioware's fault that they chose to make this the metric of the reward without announcing it. If they had said three weeks ago "by the way, if you have a level fifty when we release 1.2 we will give you a free month of play", then I would probably have a 50 now.


Secondly the very fact is that I, someone who has been playing since pre-release and doesn't get this free month but someone who subbed last month and steamrolled to 50 does - or somone who got to 50 in the first month, cancelled their sub and reactivated it on the morning of the 12th, does is one of my biggest problems with it. They are going to be giving a reward to a lot of their most disloyal customers while ignoring a lot of their most loyal ones.


I was in no hurry to get to 50 - mostly because everyone was saying that there wasn't much to do anyway. So I took my time trying out a load of different ACs and story options. I also, due to illness, made the decision to reroll on an EU server since I will be returning home to the UK and wanted to start my legacy on a server in an EU timezone as opposed to my then US timezone server. I've been playing continuously since pre-release and did a quick check of my characters across both servers and have a total of 341 levels. I'm neither lazy nor new.

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I pre-ordered the game when it was first available. I beta tested it. I bought it on day one. I have an active subscription and have paid faithfully every single month. I play an average of 2 hours per day.


Right now I have a lvl 48 Trooper, a lvl 41 Smuggler, a lvl 26 Jedi Consular. I have explored many planets, unlocked tons of Codex entries, found many datacrons without resorting to the web. I have 2 chars with their crafting skills at 400. I have RP with my guild. I have done all the things you said were part of the game BUT the High-End content because I wanted to experience the full game at a slow pace.


But yet, i am not a valued customer?


Thanks, I guess. At least I know what you do really value, instead of what you say you value.


So you've been here for over half a year, and you couldn't even level 1 character to 50? Even if you play 30 minutes a day you should've been 50 already.


A valued customer of an mmorpg game is an active player in my eyes.


Grabbing all datacrons takes 1 day. Noone gets codexes, maxing a crafting skill takes a few hours.


Whatever you did, it wasn't playing the game, it's called slacking, and slackers don't win.

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


I have to agree 110% this is terrible public relations by Bioware. I've been a subscriber since early access and I have a lvl 34, 28, 14, 13 and 3 10s (All different classes) and why shouldn't I get the free month?


Bioware needs to fix this ASAP!

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It's kinda sad that I'm going to miss all these "you should have leveled to 50 already" people complaining next week that there's nobody to play with. If there's a lack of level 50's then the way to get more is NOT to tick off those who are still leveling.
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Once upon a time there was a game called anarchy online, sometimes during patches and updates they made so big mistakes that they gave players a free month as a "sorry we messed up" kinda way, many years after a company well know for their awsome games came along and wanted to share the wealth in what was know as the world of mmorpg.

First they showed real promise to the people about the game wich allready had a huge fanbase due to the franchise, then they started showing stuff about how they made they game work and so on and so forth....

Suddenly it was release time and every one was jumping around like antsy little kids that couldnt wait to unwrap all the gifts they knew was under the tree for them.

But then came the big fat CORP called EA and with an evul laugh they told the company that.. " you sholdnt do that just yet because we can improve it to make it more shinny "

The gullible company with the game thought this was the best ideer they had ever heard so they posponed the game just abit longer...

a looong time after came launch day !!! YAAAY !!!

fat happy little hands clapping all around the world in joy !!!


POW BUM BANG and the game was on its way !!


this story could really go both ways from here... only time could tell..



some hints have allready been given about the state of things:


1: free month for players with a lvl 50 char ( wich is pure BS, and yes i got 2 of those )

2: ignoring the community on alot of important subjects

3: not inventing the deep dish but instead re-using what was allread there.

4: failing to do so in many areas.

5: loosing subs after the first free month.

6: the cry´s in the community

7: etc.etc.etc.etc


The list only goes longer and somehow they just keep getting worse and worse.

imo this is ( and im a freakin fan of this franchise and BW to ) one of the weakest starting points of any mmo ive played so far besides AoC ( age of conan for those who dont know ) and look what happend to a game with such a promising future...


THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU BIOWARE !!! so pls wake up and smell the roses, give the free months to every account that has been active since launch, fix the big mistakes you made and give the players of this game an apology for how you have treated them...

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I have played since pre-release, I also have a family, job and a wedding to plan, I don't have a level 50 because I'd have to neglect one of those, 30 free play awarded arbitrarily on if you've got a 50 is wrong, sends out the wrong message to those of us taking our time, levelling alts, or don't have the time available, every one who has paid since the beginning has paid the same, to then say the level 50s deserve special treatment is insulting.


I really like this game, but this is ****** management, so I'm off to wait or guild wars 2.

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