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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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You are right except that you missed one very important word




THEY NEVER CLAIMED ONLY 50s are loyal and active...


rest are getting price aswell. You just cry cos you didnt get 30 free days like us who had to endure crap endgame! and no ranked wz


I don't want to be mean, but this is really terrible logical reasoning on your part.


There are such things as "inferences" and "implications" that an educated adult mind usually employs when reading these kinds of things.


Like when mommy and daddy gave your older brother a lollipop but did not give you one.

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1) They have a full time job that takes more than the average 40 hrs/week

2) They have children and devote more of their time to the children than they do the game

3) They go to school full time and spend their time working on their education more than they do the game

4) Any combination of the above, as is my case (have kids, going to school, and work 50+ hrs/week)


i have a wife,2 kids and 2 jobs,i only play bout 12 hours a week and still had a lvl 50 in about 5 weeks...i dont see this as an excuse for slow leveling

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Holy crap, the amount of self entitlement in this thread is astounding.

The criteria for free 30 days was to have a level 50 and an active sub. It wasn't 'have a level 48 and a bunch of 20-35s', it wasn't 'work 60 hours a week for last 3 months', it wasn't 'have a wife and 3 kids'.

If you have a level 50 and don't get 30 free days, then yes, you have all the reasons to complain, but if you didn't meet the criteria you have nothing to complain about.

It is as simple as that.


This has nothing to do with entitlement, at least from my end. I don't want any free spiff. I know full well that I could have just written to customer service (who is obviously slammed over this) and got my free month.


I'm not going to.


What I want is for the management team to realize that they need to shape up and make sure this kind of fiasco doesn't happen again. They need to understand what loyalty is, without placing some arbitrary number on a dart board.


This has been discussed at length already, but your "entitlement" slam is soundly rejected.


There is absolutely no excuse for throwing players under the bus to try and avoid publicly addressing something that they're afraid to address.


It's ridiculous to suggest that a player with 6 days /played time who hasn't even been billed a SINGLE subscription fee is more loyal and valuable than a player with twice that or more, who has been here for 3 full billing cycles.


Does not compute. Try again. And if that IS the accepted definition and differentiator of loyalty and value at the top levels of this company, then this game needs new leadership... fast.

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1) They have a full time job that takes more than the average 40 hrs/week

2) They have children and devote more of their time to the children than they do the game

3) They go to school full time and spend their time working on their education more than they do the game

4) Any combination of the above, as is my case (have kids, going to school, and work 50+ hrs/week)


Why care so much about 15 dollars then? If life is so busy? You guys realize that the free month is a retention mechanism for all the people with multiple 50s and nothing to do right? If you go sit in the imp fleet, you can see them all in flashy armor and giant cars jumping in circles for hours at a time.


If you guys ever do get to 50 there's going to be no one for you to group with otherwise, because the leveling curve is REALLY soft.

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"Because not everyone plays the same way. Some people level alts simultaneously. Some folks have very little free time. Some folks prefer crafting and socialising to leveling.


It takes all kinds in an MMO. The issue here seems to be the definition of "loyalty". I think had the free time been given to 50s under the auspices of "you guys have been patient and yeah, we goofed on ranking wz" so here."


So the top in bold should get a free 30 days over someone who's played numerous hours into content?

Edited by PunisherAS
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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


not the big 3 letters aka key word!


You are upset over the way they worded it? How were they supposed word it. They are being PR friendly. I'm trying logically figure this out. You know we're not a special snowflake. They stamped that "Thanks for being one" send that to thousands of people. Doesn't actually mean they hold favor with us over you.


They just decided for whatever reason only for level 50. It's kinda reasonable to have least one level 50. Maybe this is our reward for reaching level 50. Makes sense to me.

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"Because not everyone plays the same way. Some people level alts simultaneously. Some folks have very little free time. Some folks prefer crafting and socialising to leveling.


It takes all kinds in an MMO. The issue here seems to be the definition of "loyalty". I think had the free time been given to 50s under the auspices of "you guys have been patient and yeah, we goofed on ranking wz" so here."


So the top in bold should get a free 30 days over someone who's played numerous hours into content?


Again, you don't get it do you?

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Why care so much about 15 dollars then? If life is so busy? You guys realize that the free month is a retention mechanism for all the people with multiple 50s and nothing to do right? If you go sit in the imp fleet, you can see them all in flashy armor and giant cars jumping in circles for hours at a time.


If you guys ever do get to 50 there's going to be no one for you to group with otherwise, because the leveling curve is REALLY soft.


* See the post above yours.

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i have a wife,2 kids and 2 jobs,i only play bout 12 hours a week and still had a lvl 50 in about 5 weeks...i dont see this as an excuse for slow leveling


I just don't understand how being level 50 makes you more loyal than actually playing since day one or prior, technically. One of my friends hasn't even played a month and is 50, he just started, it's not hard, no one is arguing that, it just seems silly is all to suggest because someone completed running from here to there and killing ten of those things more often, or on a single character, that they are some how more "loyal."

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I must say im totally confused.


No idea what this 30 free day thing is about aside from the first free month when you buy the game. What gives? Is Bioware offering more free time or are some people going crazy? :confused:


Nevermind... i just checked my e-mail and saw Bioware loves me. Sucks to be the unloved bunch. :p

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i have a wife,2 kids and 2 jobs,i only play bout 12 hours a week and still had a lvl 50 in about 5 weeks...i dont see this as an excuse for slow leveling


Because your goal was to level a toon to 50


Not my goal, there is one character I play actual quests for 5 hours a week, with a group of 4, has never ever done a solo quest




The goal is not, and has never been to reach 50


Dont get me wrong I am not one of the ones complaining, Bioware and Lucas arts and EA are very welcome to my $15 a month for the level of enjoyment I get playing. They can give out free months to 50's and it wont change my thoughts one tiny bit

Edited by Dayln
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It's ridiculous to suggest that a player with 6 days /played time who hasn't even been billed a SINGLE subscription fee is more loyal and valuable than a player with twice that or more, who has been here for 3 full billing cycles.




As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


Where does it say in the official quote that level 50`s are more loyal?

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The players who did not qualify have my sympathy. They deserve a reward just as much as any of the rest of us. Their money is worth no less than mine and they contributed just as much as anyone else to the game.


This could have been a great way for EA/BioWare to get some good press and foster confidence within the player-base that EA/BW values everyone that has helped to make this launch a success. Instead, it's turned into a greedy attempt to give away the absolute bare minimum while greedily holding onto as much cash as possible. And in doing this they have basically slapped an entire segment of the player-base in the face and told them they are worthless to the game.


That was a dick move.

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"Because not everyone plays the same way. Some people level alts simultaneously. Some folks have very little free time. Some folks prefer crafting and socialising to leveling.


It takes all kinds in an MMO. The issue here seems to be the definition of "loyalty". I think had the free time been given to 50s under the auspices of "you guys have been patient and yeah, we goofed on ranking wz" so here."


So the top in bold should get a free 30 days over someone who's played numerous hours into content?


I think it comes down to money. ANYONE who has been a long-term subscriber is (at least in all MMOs that reward on that basis...sub. longevity) should get rewarded IF there are going to be rewards for "loyalty" or "long term subs" etc.


So, if the person who pays 15 a month (or whatever) can only play 10 hours a month, why should they be perceived as any less "loyal" than the person who paid 15 a month and plays 10 hours a day?

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I just don't understand how being level 50 makes you more loyal than actually playing since day one or prior, technically. One of my friends hasn't even played a month and is 50, he just started, it's not hard, no one is arguing that, it just seems silly is all to suggest because someone completed running from here to there and killing ten of those things more often, or on a single character, that they are some how more "loyal."


i was just reponding to the post that said a job and kids is the reason for no lvl 50.alot of us fit that criteria and did just fine.

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I have never posted in a forum before but when I saw what they were doing I was so annoyed that I felt I had to. I can not believe that they are giving a free month to all level 50 players, claiming that this is because they are 'the most loyal of all'. I am not happy, I have loved TOR from day one, I've been defedning it to the hilt to anyone who says anything bad about it. I've got 2 mains atm, one to play with my bf and one to play when he's at work. I'm 3 levels off of 50. So what exactly makes me less 'loyal' than any other player? What makes any of us 'less loyal?'.
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The players who did not qualify have my sympathy. They deserve a reward just as much as any of the rest of us. Their money is worth no less than mine and they contributed just as much as anyone else to the game.


This could have been a great way for EA/BioWare to get some good press and foster confidence within the player-base that EA/BW values everyone that has helped to make this launch a success. Instead, it's turned into a greedy attempt to give away the absolute bare minimum while greedily holding onto as much cash as possible. And in doing this they have basically slapped an entire segment of the player-base in the face and told them they are worthless to the game.


That was a dick move.


No, it's our reward for reaching 50. Obviously those who don't have a 50. Had six months prior to do that.

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Don't understand why this has gone on past the part when someone pointed out pretty much all endgame content was broken, but then again only the level 50s would know that. If any of the people complaining (especially the people who got to high end level 40) finished the characters then they would know this, we are being compensated, not rewarded. The free pet is a reward, hence why it is given to everyone, we have paid loyally for a subscription for months with nothing but broken content to keep us amused while doing so. Think about it instead of flying off the handle and complaining. And also for those who want to take the moral high ground and claim they haven't got time to waste on a game yet you have time to waste complaining? Logical.
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Where does it say in the official quote that level 50`s are more loyal?


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


that part? that says if you have a level 50 you are more valued and are being rewarded for your loyalty? you know, the whole quote...


not if you have an active subscription since day 1 and have a character...


the free 30 days doesnt phase me, im happy to pay my own fees. being considered undervalued and non loyal compared to someone with a level 50 character just plain bites

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I think we can all agree that people with one or more level 50 are amazing and are the foundations of SW:ToR.


However it's the fact that even though there are lots of people in the same, active sub from release boat, BW have decided to alienate those without a level 50.

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