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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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How to show empathy for those with reading comprehension failures?


what empathy... they were NOT PUNISHED AT ALL, they just feel that way... being punished would be if those with no lvl 50s would be CHARGED TWICE.


now THATS being PUNISHED... .getting a gift is getting a gift.... some get it some dont....


Calm down. There's no need to break your capslock key, it isn't going to change my mind now, is it? You clearly have no ability to show empathy, i feel sorry for you.

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You do understand that all you're doing is reiterating the point that no matter how long a player has been playing, no matter how many level 40+ characters they have, no matter how many hours they spent on the PTS, no matter how many friends they brought into the game, they are NOT "one of our most active and valued high level players" because they don't have a level 50.


The only people who got that email were those who have a level 50. so the first line of that email was directed ONLY to players with a level 50. Nobody who doesn't have a level 50 got one of those emails.


All you're doing is driving home the point that unless you have a level 50 character, you're NOT one of the "most active and valued high level players"




So if those not having a lvl 50 would get email ''You are one of our most valued and active player so we are sending you a HUG'' you would be happy?




thats the point of all the crying...


they dont care about being valued or whatever...


If lvl 50s would get such email and NO 30 DAY FREE TIME we woudl have 1 thread with 3 pages MAX...


but now cos its 15 bucks for free every none 50 cries all over


thats why i keep pointing it out.


Its everyone OWN fault everyone could get to 50 someone didnt decide to do it so not BW fault!

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A small voice for a small group, yes. However, I mostly am a solo-player as well (though I will randomly group on a whim, and really dig pvp). However, I gotta say I feel a lot more than 30 days out of this game. As far as your Oblivion comment, absolutely; I still play Morrowind as well, but by the time I catch up at least half the possible storylines (which, I love Bioware's writing staff, so I fully intend to do), the content will continuously change, more will be added, and BioWare (thus far) seems to greatly pay attention to its community. But like you, just two cents =)


I hear you, but I just think they can't cater to everyone, and time after time, they will only add things for the PvP'ers and the FP/Raiders, since that's the biggest voice.


If there was a major overhaul to the crafting system, I might consider coming back, but for me, two alts at 50, there's nothing left for me to do.


I've had great fun playing the game, it's been very, very good, but for me, it's just KOTOR 3 and not worth the £8 a month...but again, it's all my humble opinion.

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I have to agree, I don't have a 50 yet and I've been playing since early access (I've swapped servers twice) I had a level 45 on a dead server so I deleted him and started over on a new server but then swapped again due to wanting to play with old guildies from SWG. I now have a level 34 Bounty Hunter and a low level smuggler. I've subbed every month since the games release.


It's a very strange decision from Bioware and one I do not agree with. (Just found out it's only for US servers? ***? So even if I did have a 50 I wouldn't get it because i'm on EU servers) Why only US servers?

Edited by Dirtnose
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Thanks Bioware.


As you can see from this ever degrading thread, you've succesfully managed to split this commuity in two with exceedingly poor PR spin. Enjoy the fruits of your labour.


I dont see it as this at all. In fact most people I have talked to in the game (not on the forums where its 1% of the population and 99.9% of the drama) and noone seems to mind other people getting perks they did not earn. I have yet to hear one complaint from anyone. Just kinda shows this "community" on the forum is one that loves to complain about everything.

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So if those not having a lvl 50 would get email ''You are one of our most valued and active player so we are sending you a HUG'' you would be happy?




No, if they had sent an email to all the level 50s *and* all the players who have been with the game from the start that said:


"Hey, because all of you are our most valued and active players, we're giving all of you a gift in the form of a in-game pet as thanks for sticking with us.


Additionally, we're giving anyone who has a level 50 character an extra 30 days free playtime to make up for the lack of end-game content prior to 1.2"



I, and many, many others would have been extremely ok with something like that.

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i am upset as well... i have had an active sub since december, and i don't even play it because i am simply too busy with classes, yet i have kept up my subscription all these months for the sole reason of supporting the game until i have the time to be an active player. apparently i am not "valued" though so i am seriously reconsidering whether or not i want to support this game any longer.
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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.




true story, sad but we can't do anything about it :(

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Its everyone OWN fault everyone could get to 50 someone didnt decide to do it so not BW fault!


BioWare knew endgame was weak. They knew people were burning out quick. They told us to reroll to put off endgame until they could deploy stuff like LFG. Patch 1.2 should be called "Please reroll while we make more content" patch, because that's what legacy is. It's a bunch of credit sinks and unlocks for level 50 characters.


I am absolutely revolted at being treated like a second-class customer despite having played since beta. For my loyalty, my money, and my naivity in listening to BioWare's advice, and enjoying the game, they then give me a big "F.U." in an effort to keep disloyal PVP'ers and raiding WoW-kids happy.

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So if those not having a lvl 50 would get email ''You are one of our most valued and active player so we are sending you a HUG'' you would be happy?




thats the point of all the crying...


they dont care about being valued or whatever...


If lvl 50s would get such email and NO 30 DAY FREE TIME we woudl have 1 thread with 3 pages MAX...


but now cos its 15 bucks for free every none 50 cries all over


thats why i keep pointing it out.


Its everyone OWN fault everyone could get to 50 someone didnt decide to do it so not BW fault!



why are you so angry bro?


we are just pointing on the fact that a gamer could be 50 in a week and other played since first day available and subscribed even if trey not reached 50 on any of their character, i don't need 11€/15$ because i have a work, but this remain "unfair" to the rest of the community :)

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I see the 30 days isn't being added until the 24th which is about a week after subs run out for those of us here since launch.


Read. It says it will be added BY the 24th not ON the 24th. Like the founder medal was supposed to take 7 days and I got it in 2.

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This was a very odd choice in my eyes. I have a 50 and will get the game time, but I'd rather see it go to everyone that has subbed since launch (or some other date chosen by BW) or to noone. And of course as well to other regions that didn't share the official launch date.


My wife has subbed for just as long as me (and she's very excited about the pet :)) but due to her not having a 50 because of her work hours and her obssesive alt'ing, she's not seen as a valued customer the same way I am?


The gesture is extremely generous and I highly value it, but the wording of it seems very odd.

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The funniest part about this mess is that it really won't keep anyone that was already bored from quitting. That extra month is not going to take someone who was on the edge of quitting and suddenly make them say "WoW BW really values me, I will now stay subbed!" (in b4 fanboi comes in pretending that he did exactly this) However, it already has clearly alienated a large number of people who will quit and never come back.


The people that got the free month will quickly forget and soon will be back to "What have you done for me lately" and quitting...the ones that are angry won't forget and will not return, and may avoid future BW products as well.

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I dont see it as this at all. In fact most people I have talked to in the game (not on the forums where its 1% of the population and 99.9% of the drama) and noone seems to mind other people getting perks they did not earn. I have yet to hear one complaint from anyone. Just kinda shows this "community" on the forum is one that loves to complain about everything.


I actually have seen people outside of the forums complain about this. To me it shows that the forum, while being a place where people do go to air their grievances, is still a part of the community at large. So long as they are subscribing. :D

Edited by Cormey
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Sad thing is, if they just gave, say, seven days or so free play to everyone, everyone would have been happy.

But the way it is, it's a slap in the face of every founder that doesn't have a 50 for one reason or another.

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Oh well, that's one way to ensure I never come back I guess.


iMorpg, hes wrong


If you had time on your account still and a level 50


you will get the month


Its people that cancelled and had no more time that get the week


Hope that helps you.

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I don't have a 50 but have around 6 lvl 28-31's and I don't get a free month because I didn't lvl one toon to max lvl? This is complete and utter BS.


BW has done nothing but screw over customers. If they don't do something to reward everyone who's been playing since it was released with this free 30 days instead of just ppl with lvl 50's I am done with this.


I've sat back and took the bad gfx, terrible pvp, massive bugs and unresponsive customer support but this draws the line for me.


The fact they think someone with a lvl 50 on there account is a more loyal customer is a slap in the face and down right disrespectful.


So **** you BW.

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I actually have seen people outside of the forums complain about this. To me it shows that the forum, while being a place where people do go to air their grievances, is still a part of the community at large. So long as they are subscribing.


The forums are full of people who do nothing but complain and a few people like me. It doesnt matter what they do they get flamed to heck and back on here. In my opinion people need to grow up. Just because someone gets something you do not is no reason to flip out. I may have talked to a couple who were disappointed but not the ranting foaming at the mouth hatred you see on these forums.

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Ya hes crazy its for anyone look:


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The forums are full of people who do nothing but complain and a few people like me. It doesnt matter what they do they get flamed to heck and back on here. In my opinion people need to grow up. Just because someone gets something you do not is no reason to flip out. I may have talked to a couple who were disappointed but not the ranting foaming at the mouth hatred you see on these forums.


Those are indivuduals, you can't really paint everyone on here with the same brush, you visit these forums too, does that make you a 'foaming at the mouth' loony?

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Those are indivuduals, you can't really paint everyone on here with the same brush, you visit these forums too, does that make you a 'foaming at the mouth' loony?


Again you didnt even read past the first half of the first sentence. Reread it.

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