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Inheritance and Birthright Tokens


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I have received an inheritance weapon in my mail, where do I get more of this stuff for my alts?


I've seen that some inheritance and birthright tokens are sold for 100 and 250 daily commentios, but that is kind of a high price for a lvl 14 item.


Is there any other way to get these tokens?

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A guy in my guild got an armour piece of some sort from a treasure hunting mission, so maybe very rarely from those as well.


The multi hundred token ones seem a bit too expensive, but I'm not sure. If they leveled with you, were cross faction transferable or that sort of thing they might justify some value.

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Ya, 200 lvl 50 daily commendation for a lvl 14 item is a steep price. I find it hard enough to get the rakata stuff at 120, now this, hmm, it's going to take a full year before i can equip my alt and start playing him.
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Well, let's be honest.


The *best* part about the kits is that you get a Level 14 item that doesn't level via killing or gaining levels on your toon, AND it has no mod slots to keep it moving up with you.


This is just another chance for BW to step up with something really nice and then falling far short of the goal.

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Inheritance items are low to mid teens items that have stats well above what is normally available at that level. Birthright items are high 20s to mid 30s items also with very good stats. If you are not able to equip your alts with orange moddable gear decked out with purple mods then you would do well to use some of these new items.
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The initial level 14 legacy armor and weapon kits are not meant to "deck out your alt forever"... it's a good burst to help a new alt get through their teens with significant stats on a weapon, more easily achieved than grinding out purple mods/hilts/barrels/enhancements.


It's an ALTERNATE way of gearing up a new alt... I think the idea is that this helps a player who doesn't already have a lot of alts to funnel through crafted items and what-not. I can't imagine it would be reasonable to get blissfully overgeared stuff forever for your alts just by having a relatively low Legacy level.

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for 120 daily commendation, you can buy a boE Rakata implant or earpiece, which you can sell in the GTN for over 500k credits (and its usually the lowest amount, but depends on server) and from that money, your alt character is stuffed with purple artifact items from the GTN from start to finish.... but yeah, buy 1 piece of armor for 200 daily commendation, which you out-level in 3 lvls and change it to a Heroic2 quest reward....


Major F'UP from Bugware!

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Ok, but where do I get more of these tokens!??


I can confirm that slicing and underworld trading missions give them (one was an unlocked mission). I would assume you have a chance at getting them in any mission skill. but they sound like worthless crap.

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I really don't understand these Inheritance items, they don't level with you and they are way, waaaaay overpriced, who in their right mind would spend that much on crap loot. So you get maybe a ok weapon or armor at that current level. But not long after that it will be useless.

I have stuck with custom orange gear on all my characters, and I have never had any problems.


These legacy items are a waste of time and effort to get, and they seem to be just completly useless to me in the long run.

Edited by Merwanor
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I can confirm that slicing and underworld trading missions give them (one was an unlocked mission). I would assume you have a chance at getting them in any mission skill. but they sound like worthless crap.



Too bad!!!


I've been running Slicing and UT missions ALL DAY and didnt get any of that. I got blue and purple mats, schems for augs, companions gifts... no inheritance or birthright kits :(

Edited by ChazDoit
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if you cant gear up an alt without this current setup you are far to casual a player for an mmo. the AH (and yes thats exactly what the gtn is) has tons of gear. you can even get a guildy to craft you some bcs every guild should have an aug crafter at this point. you can even pvp and get higher level gear through the mods. so broken and so bad...
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if you cant gear up an alt without this current setup you are far to casual a player for an mmo. the AH (and yes thats exactly what the gtn is) has tons of gear. you can even get a guildy to craft you some bcs every guild should have an aug crafter at this point. you can even pvp and get higher level gear through the mods. so broken and so bad...


YOUR trade market might.. my server has roughly 1 piece of armor every 3 levels on the GTN. MAYBE... its very barren.

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if you cant gear up an alt without this current setup you are far to casual a player for an mmo. the AH (and yes thats exactly what the gtn is) has tons of gear. you can even get a guildy to craft you some bcs every guild should have an aug crafter at this point. you can even pvp and get higher level gear through the mods. so broken and so bad...


You completely missed the point, this is not about "oh I can just buy a bunch of purples from the GTN" something that I could do if I wanted to. We're a talking about a new feature that is badly designed, or if it is in fact working as intended, then it's pointless, many of the Legacy features seemed to be rushed or badly implemented, companion dance only lasts 4 seconds, the rocket boost suck and there has been several threads about that, the ship GTN is neutral therefore useless, and the target dummy cant dodge, the legacy abilities are restricted by a 20min heroic moment and the prices for the inheritance kits are completely out of whack, 1000 fleet commendations for a lvl 14 item, are you insane Bioware?


I dont mind if they have to delay something because it's not ready (Legacy was delayed for 5 months) but if they are going to implement a feature then do it right.

Edited by ChazDoit
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I got birthright boots AND helm from the same investigation crit mission. (actually got them twice since there's a double craft bug that gives the same rewards)


The prices are insanely high if you purchase them, but getting them for free is a little bit handy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ya honestly I made most of the stuff for my character and didnt spent much money I also bought gifts for their companion and got them up to 5000 and I made the money back in like 3 days and I dont run dailies or anything special. My lightsaber for example is a lvl 15 and all the mods in it are purples except one which was lvl 7 and the other was lvl 11 and my lightsaber and the super awesome legacy one that doesnt level or anything was +2 str and +3 end more. So its somewhere between a full purple and an blue item at lvl 15. Then once you get to lvl 19 you can replace almost all the piece and at 20 you can get an augment saber and that special legacy saber is garbage. Please do not spend commendations on this stuff. By the way this is only my second char and between the two my /played time is like 15 days or about 360 game hours. Im hardly some l33t pro.
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