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The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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The only penalty that there should ever be in PVP period is a penalty for leaving before the match is complete.


Anything else is just stupidity and create an imbalance to the game and it's players.


Sorry, with the lame reward system in place now, I will leave every single time we are set to lose and I will que right away to find a wining team. Tough if this bothers you, but that is what BW has created and that is how I will play.

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Sorry, with the lame reward system in place now, I will leave every single time we are set to lose and I will que right away to find a wining team. Tough if this bothers you, but that is what BW has created and that is how I will play.


Yeah we need a penalty for quitters, make them not able to queue for maybe 30 min if they quit.

Guess quitters will still quit but maybe someone will start working for their rewards.

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I don't get it why BW constanlty tries to fix things that arent broke.


This change didn't need to happen. People wnated to win for dailies/weeklies/cos noone likes to loose and people didn't quit en masse cos they still got a bone even after getting their faces kicked in for 15min.


Why the change Gabe? Why? To inflate the time it will take to grind out WH gear? Didnt the games lead designer say in one of his panels that players will do the grind but will hate the devs for it? Christ BW, you make sense in panels and blogs but you implement the weirdest things.:confused:

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Yeah we need a penalty for quitters, make them not able to queue for maybe 30 min if they quit.

Guess quitters will still quit but maybe someone will start working for their rewards.


No this will only increase queue times because no one will want to stay in warzones if they are going to end up with 15 to 20 comms and zero credits everytime they lose.


Why people hardly used to leave before 1.2? earlier players used to stay and try to win match because even if lost they know they won't be kicked into nuts. The difference between winning and loss has been widened a lot by new patch so much so that players would rather leave than stay and fight. And i don't blame them.

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Sorry, with the lame reward system in place now, I will leave every single time we are set to lose and I will que right away to find a wining team. Tough if this bothers you, but that is what BW has created and that is how I will play.


Before 1.2 I have never left a single warzone in progress due to the inevitability of defeat. Just left a match today that was 4-0 huttball. 5vs8, 1 medal. If the end result of the match will be 0 rewards, why dealy that?


Mismatched games need to end. Put back the 30 second warning like on test or 120 like it was on live before. Have it go off only if one team has more than 1 extra person, not just having less than 6. 5 on 5 games are just fine.


And in those games that end because of the mismatch, get rid of the bonus commendations for quick victory.


Last, totally get rid of the penalty for "not participating" as it is hitting those that are participating but getting stomped and not giving those people any chance to advance their gear. We had plenty of social incentives to get rid of people that did not participate and left early before 1.2. Those that did this often would be told, either leave the WZ and we will get someone else or the rest of us leave. One time of everyone leaving is all it took. The 2 people that we have done that to I have never seen again.

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Yeah we need a penalty for quitters, make them not able to queue for maybe 30 min if they quit.

Guess quitters will still quit but maybe someone will start working for their rewards.


Enjoy your 1 hour que times then. You can play with your other already geared pvpers and the pool of new players will shrink over time. Maybe that is really what you want, only elite biofans to play a WZ with you.


It is a game and if it sucks and does not offer gratification of some sort but gives frustration, then I will not play it (pvp).


Go ahead and give a penalty...you will suffer longer and longer and longer que times.

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Yeah we need a penalty for quitters, make them not able to queue for maybe 30 min if they quit.

Guess quitters will still quit but maybe someone will start working for their rewards.


This is what needs to happen.


It's the slackers that start these wild campaigns for more stuff, money, etc.


It was the same thing in wow. The afk'er/slacker crowd wants their cake too. They are the most vocal posters in the game. They will whine and throw tantrums until they get participation rewards since they pay a monthly fee too, so they feel entitled to play how they want, and if that means not really doing anything in a wz, that is fine by them.

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This is what needs to happen.


It's the slackers that start these wild campaigns for more stuff, money, etc.


It was the same thing in wow. The afk'er/slacker crowd wants their cake too. They are the most vocal posters in the game. They will whine and throw tantrums until they get participation rewards since they pay a monthly fee too, so they feel entitled to play how they want, and if that means not really doing anything in a wz, that is fine by them.


Let me guess you got full BM easy mode pre 1.2. Am i right? because i am seeing a pattern here.

Edited by Gorrdan
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So now it's easy mode pre 1.2. I have gotten more BM gear this week than I got in 4 weeks pre 1.2.


Yes compared to how everything is now after 1.2 and fresh 50 have to run in recruit gear which is as good as paper bag compared to BM gear of course you guys farmed BM easy mode when you were getting respectable amount of comms even for losing.


No surprise you were all quite then drooling over commendations.

Edited by Gorrdan
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Yes compared to how everything is now after 1.2 and fresh 50 have to run in recruit gear which is as good as paper bag compared to BM gear of course you guys farmed BM easy mode when you were getting respectable amount of comms even for losing.


No surprise you were all quite then drooling over commendations.


1 bm token did cost 4k commedations and most parts cost 2 tokens. So easier before I dont think so.

And you dont even need the valor rank anymore so the complaining is just retarded.


BTW I'm not full bm yet but i will bee soon becouse it's so easy to get now.

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1 bm token did cost 4k commedations and most parts cost 2 tokens. So easier before I dont think so.

And you dont even need the valor rank anymore so the complaining is just retarded.


BTW I'm not full bm yet but i will bee soon becouse it's so easy to get now.


Easier because you got lots of commendations for losing and even more for winning not to mention double rewards for doing weekly. Now daily and weekly gives same rewards. yeah it is retarded no doubt.

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This is the patch of the premade. Anyone who does regular pre mades every day is absolutely loving the changes as they are getting triple the reward of everyone else. Every match they play they get further ahead and makes it easier to continue to dominate.


This patch is a giant failure, Bioware needs to even up the rewards and remove the absolutely isiotic 3 token minimum for rewards. Getting into a game late after being in the queue for 15 minutes only to have 30 seconds to try and accumlate 3 badges on a losing side is pure stupidity from the devs.

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Just wanted to drop my 2c into the feedback machine.


Levels 10-49 PvP battles are already a bit of a steep hill to climb with the difference in abilities, and now with the added bonus of most of the time not getting any rewards from combat at all, it has basically put me off doing Warzones altogether. The level 50 ones are ok, I get my medals each time (usually coming out with 12 on average) but after 15 successful wins, I only have enough Warzone Commendations for 3/4 of a lightsabre. The grind needs to be drastically reduced.


I know you need 3 medals, but I worked my hardest from start to finish as a healer to try to get the 3 unlocked, but the enemy team roflstomped us, and after a 10 minute battle, only managed to scrape 2. It was a nice hill to climb when you got rewards no matter what happened, only more for a win, but now it's depressing to spend ages doing your best just to get nothing. I am seeing more people ragequit WZ's now than pre patch, as soon as the tide turns against your team.


It really feels like if you already grinded up to Battlemaster then you are a lucky few, as those of us that were only halfway up the gear up hill have now been knocked back down to the start again, and a real shame, as Warzones were so much fun, now they just seem like something to avoid.


Just my thoughts on it though. I hope the system doesn't stay like this, as right now, I have lost pretty much all interest in pre-50 PvP.

Edited by Vahzl
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It was the same thing in wow. The afk'er/slacker crowd wants their cake too. They are the most vocal posters in the game. They will whine and throw tantrums until they get participation rewards since they pay a monthly fee too, so they feel entitled to play how they want, and if that means not really doing anything in a wz, that is fine by them.


With the current state of 1.2 the smart move now is to make a minimal effort to lose with rewards as opposed to even attempting to try to win a wz at a chance at 0 rewards. Sit on one controlled turret and afk for your guaranteed comms. Why bother to feed the other team more kills for more medals?

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The new system of getting nothing for your time because your team lost is the product of AFKers and Leachers getting rewarded for doing nothing.


This is as it should be BUT to punish players that are actually trying to win is the wrong answer IMO. Commendations and Valor should be tied to Kill count, Healing Done, and Medals; not just winning. A win still benefits the Leaches and Bads on the winning team.

Edited by Exartess
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The new system of getting nothing for your time because your team lost is the product of AFKers and Leachers getting rewarded for doing nothing.


This is as it should be BUT to punish players that are actually trying to win is the wrong answer IMO. Commendations and Valor should be tied to Kill count, Healing Done, and Medals; not just winning. A win still benefits the Leaches and Bads on the winning team.


Then you play 50 WZs and the players are pretty much camping the spawn point in full BM gear.

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It really is sad to see pvp in the state it is now, i mean i had fun before. My main, 50 marauder, has 3 pieces of Champion and the rest Centurion. I was finally at a point where i felt like i could step up to someone in pvp and not just be cannon fodder like i was when i started, with no pvp gear, but even then, i still had fun.


The way it's become, i feel like i've been kicked in the junk and knocked back down, i feel like cannon fodder again except it's not fun this time. I'd hate to be someone in the recruit gear, they'd get murdered and wouldn't want to play anymore.

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It really is sad to see pvp in the state it is now, i mean i had fun before. My main, 50 marauder, has 3 pieces of Champion and the rest Centurion. I was finally at a point where i felt like i could step up to someone in pvp and not just be cannon fodder like i was when i started, with no pvp gear, but even then, i still had fun.


The way it's become, i feel like i've been kicked in the junk and knocked back down, i feel like cannon fodder again except it's not fun this time. I'd hate to be someone in the recruit gear, they'd get murdered and wouldn't want to play anymore.


I totally agree with this. Spending my whole afternoon losing 20 warzone matches and getting 30-40 commendations per match is absurd. The old system was good... because the losers got something out of it... you got rewarded for participation and effort. Now look at it... its only fun when you are a War Hero or if you are in a pre-made... what a shame... Really. :(

Edited by Erikusz
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I totally agree with this. Spending my whole afternoon losing 20 warzone matches and getting 30-40 commendations per match is absurd. The old system was good... now look at it... its only fun when you are a War Hero or if you are in a pre-made... what a shame. :(


lets say you get 40 comms per match (which is actually on the high side for losses), and you play one full match per 30 minutes (playing + queuing)


that's 84k coms to get WH armor


that's 2100 matches.


that's 63k minutes, or more than 43 full 24-hour days of play time. or that's more than a year of playing 4 hours a night 5 days a week (playing 20 hours a week for a full year). that's only time spent doing nothing but pvping. add time if you want to, say, craft or go to the bathroom.


by that time, there will be multiple new, better sets so you won't be even in gear even after all that time.


and that's with a fairly high number of coms won from the losses.


and that's without having to get your BM gear first, which is a whole 'nother grind.


yes, you get some from dailies, and you win win from time to time when you get with a premade and against pugs...but come on....

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I actually logged on specifically to make a post about this so i am glad to see others feel the same.


I just played 3 match's. (republic vs Imp) We lost every single one. Getting nothing except for a few medals for the kills you get is rediculous. Not only is it resulting in the gap between levels gettign far greater but it has made me not want to PVP any longer.


The imps seem to win every battle i go into and hutball is just a joke. Ilum is dead (totally dead)


There is now no way of getting to battlemaster gear due to this imbalance.

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The thing i fail to understand is your wanting people to be rewarded for no even trying to win, to just sit there and farm medals. I find that outrageous and more annoying than losing.

It irks me when the point of huttball is to score and people are trying to farm medals via killing. The point of a warzone is to win, not to see who can hit who the hardest.

Thats why there are goals and achievements, a winner, and a loser. Hell no, they shouldnt give more commendations to the losers, this should make them want to try harder to win and work as a team.

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