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Everything posted by mikekrumbak

  1. I would like to know this aswell. And with boots that actually look like the ones from the trailer.
  2. CAn't really see how these 2 look alike, other than the red stripes: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121119204639/starwars/images/5/5a/SithSomethingorother-Deceived.png http://i.imgur.com/uSSAMq0.jpg
  3. This is just SO lazy. The colors are wrong, the metal should have silver/dark gold in it, and they need to slim down the boots. I would like to see them make the arms on the robe longer and wider too, (as in the trailer) so it doesn't look like at t-shirt. Imo this robe actually looks better if you unify it with the legs from the valiant set, and trooper campaign boots: http://i49.tinypic.com/348q238.jpg
  4. As much as I love the Valiant armor set, I am also a fan of hood up armor. I would love to see a hooded version of the Valiant armor, like the jedis behind Ven in the Deceived trailer: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100801112323/swtor/nl/images/3/34/Ven_Zallow_confronteerd_Malgus.png I know an entire armor set might be to much to ask just to get the hooded feature, which brings me back to the hood up/down feature again
  5. I remember the second day of early access where I got in. It was in the middle of the day and I simply had to leave work early to go home and play the game:) (four years of anticipation finally coming to an end) I remember how i played nonstop for like 12 hours because I just couldn't get enough and through the entire christmas. For me it was really magical when I got my first lightsaber, my first jedi robe etc. Oh those were the days:) Haven't really felt that hyped about the game since, but I still play it a few times every week. Funny though that I started the game doing only PvE and never any PvP. Now PvP ispretty much all I do.
  6. Hello Bioware I know there are a lot of threads about armor, but I just can't seem to shake it of me that I think this armor, and color variations of it should be in game. I'm talking about the armor Kao Cen Darach and Ven zallow wears. I know the Jedi Battlelord is somewhat that armor, but I think the armor/robe in the game should be excactly how they are in the cinematics: A simple robe outside the armor with the belt inside and the robe going all the way to the floor and without the shoulder pads and backpiece that is on the Battlelord, because they look so awesome and the balltelord doesn't. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111206011335/fanon/images/d/d9/Kao_Cen_Darach.jpg http://images.wikia.com/swtor/images/c/c2/Kao_Cen_Darach_fighting_Malgus_and_Vindican_alone.jpg
  7. I think he means the 50% critical strike damage to shock you get from Crackling Blasts. I made up something similar when 1.4 came out, and Deathfield more than makes up for the 30% damage Voltiac Slash gives Shock. Discharge also hits like a truck with Cracling Blasts and Static Charges when it crits.There's also the fact that you get 30m ability which makes a lot of difference in pvp, for me atleast.
  8. Absolutely right. Missed the Masked Assault part:) Must say I like this spec if they don't descide to change things before going live with it.
  9. As far as I can tell, you are wrong about the 25% DR. It says that "BLACKOUT causes Shadow's Respite to reduce damage by 25%" Meaning you will only get the DR when using Blackout and not every time Shadow's Respite is active.
  10. Here is my Guardian: http://imageshack.us/f/696/swtorexe201272321334659.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/swtorexe201272324746884.jpg/ Maelstrom Guardian Chest Tionese pants (hued to chest) Force champion boots The rest is Battlemaster I really like this set to, but it is non moddable: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/26/swtorexe201272322842268.jpg/
  11. I dont think it is in there. I would love to see this armor set as a moddable version too, since it is one the best looking jedi guardian set in the game imo.
  12. This is so stupid. I don't want to pvp anymore. We keep losing and losing on my server, and people quit so much more now. I haven't won a single ws in 16 matches
  13. Thanks for the replys guys. I try to break his stun and use resilience everytime, but usually I come out short, but guess it is just back to training, and reading up on those links:) I have noticed they are pretty weak once out of stealth, but damn I think there are some really skilled ones on my server. I hate them:) Don't really know what happened today, but he honestly killed me 1 on 1 in like 4 seconds.
  14. I'm an Infiltration shadow and I valor rank 58 in split centurion and Champion gear. I'm not much for whining about other classes in pvp. If a class beats the **** out of me, i try to study his class to see how I play against him the best I can. I currently don't have that many problems with any class in the game, other than the Operative. Even the sniper (who to begin with was an opponent that always killed me one on one) is a class I leaned to play against and beat. Sure i get my my *** kicked all the time by all the classes, but that's because they are more skilled than me, or that I make mistakes. What I can't seem to figure out is how the h*** an Oparative coming out of stealth can knock me down and have me killed before i can stand up again?! I know that I need to break his stun and cleanse his dots but by the time I actually manage to do that (about 2 sec. into the fight) My health is around 10% and so low that all he needs to do is blow at me, and I'm dead. This really frustrates me, and I almost piss my pants everytime I hear his knife stabs in my headbuds, beacause I really don't know what to do, other than die in 4 seconds, literally. The Sniper does some heavy damage too, but atleast I have a chance to fight back. Can someone enlighten me?
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