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The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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he said he played 15 min of pvp and got 2 medals clearly he did something terribly wrong


i played 7 matches now and got 43 medals and 4 wins


so average 6 medals a match


thank you for reminding me about that awesome little counter. 8wins and 184medals earned. a LOT of those are from losses

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Sometimes people get only one medal or two that is cutting close. You make it sound as if people just either stand hugging the turrets for defense points or get 25 kills so easily when matched with premades who completely out gear you.


Hutball is even worse where the only classes excel are sins, sorcs, sages etc. Good luck on

killing those and scoring hutballs if you are not one of those classes.


Like i said earlier remove this medal requirements so people focus on fighting / winning and not on how to accumulate medals.




look earlier i was in alderaan i attacked middle got 10 kill killing blow(2 medals) i went to our east turret and told the guy there he can move i will protect


so i got 2 medals for protecting again


we won i had 4 medals 69 comms


SO EASY but you need to work like a team not like a guy who cannot type

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if you would heal and stand at obejctive point youd have 4-5 medals however how did you only get 2 is beyond me in 15 min dont you get kills from those that you heal


so if those you heal didnt manage 10 kills you dont deserve anything anyway


Are you serious? I'm not standing in direct LOS of all the enemy as a healer just so I'm next to an objective. I'm playing to win for my team, not collect medals. I'm not sure if you're trolling with your 2nd sentance either.


Your post insinuates I don't know what I'm doing but I'm not going to write over a dozen posts in this thread defending my position like some people when to me it seems obvious the system needs fixing somewhat (if only to give a few extra healing medals, biased as I am as a healer) if it wants to keep people like me, with limited time, playing.

Edited by Ksaweri
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look earlier i was in alderaan i attacked middle got 10 kill killing blow(2 medals) i went to our east turret and told the guy there he can move i will protect


so i got 2 medals for protecting again


we won i had 4 medals 69 comms


SO EASY but you need to work like a team not like a guy who cannot type



Not like a guy who can not type? i don't even know what f*** you are talking about.


You are still ignoring the factor of being matched against premades who completely outgear you, starting match with less people in team, joining in late and people leaving the match moment things go side ways. All these factors do not help if you are already losing.


So your solution is if you are already losing just hug the turrets..hey at least you will get 3 medals.

Edited by Gorrdan
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You honestly want to be rewarded for failing!? How about we just cry until BW just gives us the endgame armour without having to do anything but walk into the operation and say boo to the bosses till they give up the shiney's.


You are the 99%, don't want to work for rewards just get everything handed to you because you wanted to play.


As a note, I am not an elitest nor am I in any way a PVP God, I am a mediocre player and I'm not crying about anything. Well anything other than there are way to many servers for the amount of sub's for the game.

Not about failing , pvp doesnt time out of anymore when its say 4v8 or 5v8.


And if you can win game after game with those odds I tip my hat for you but us regular old mortals kinda keep loosing that way and get marginal - no gear up.

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Are you serious? I'm not standing in direct LOS of all the enemy as a healer just so I'm next to an objective. I'm playing to win for my team, not collect medals. I'm not sure if you're trolling with your 2nd sentance either.


Your post insinuates I don't know what I'm doing but I'm not going to write over a dozen posts in this thread defending my position like some people when to me it seems obvious the system needs fixing somewhat (if only to give a few extra healing medals, biased as I am as a healer) if it wants to keep people like me, with limited time, playing.


Exactly. Why the hell would a healer be guarding an objective in civil war if you only have the one objective taken? This reward system encourages you to farm medals and that means if you are a healer and it looks like you are going to lose, and your team is not getting any kills, you are better off leaving them to die and sitting at the remaining turret.

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Exactly. Why the hell would a healer be guarding an objective in civil war if you only have the one objective taken? This reward system encourages you to farm medals and that means if you are a healer and it looks like you are going to lose, and your team is not getting any kills, you are better off leaving them to die and sitting at the remaining turret.


I think a good idea might also be to add 1 medal for entering a warzone already in progress (or even 2) example:


1 medal entering warzone pre 50% time expired (or round 1 or 300+ points or 50%+ shields) and 2 medals if entering past that

Edited by Alcarinn
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I'm not one to usually jump on and complain but PVP is seriously broken. I looked forward to the weekend and playing today, but instead I lost match after match. The gear issue is terrible, the expertise gap is too huge and combined with the lack of rewards for losing, the issue is just compounding. It's not fun getting rolled over and over, and getting very little compensation for it.


Thankfully we've got this free time to wait it out but still its just not fun. Please please fix this soon.

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PVP on swtor is awesome, and 1.2 was awesome, except for one thing, the rule that says you need atleast 3 medals to gain ANYTHING. Although you can easily get 3 medals in a full match, joining late can make it really frustrating and then not getting ANY rewards whatsoever even if your team won, it also just encourages people to farm kills at the beginning of the match, giving the team an early upper hand and i've seen almost half of the team defending one point because they want defender medals, I don't usually post on forums but I thought I might as well add my opinion in to see if it makes a difference...
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PVP on swtor is awesome, and 1.2 was awesome, except for one thing, the rule that says you need atleast 3 medals to gain ANYTHING. Although you can easily get 3 medals in a full match, joining late can make it really frustrating and then not getting ANY rewards whatsoever even if your team won, it also just encourages people to farm kills at the beginning of the match, giving the team an early upper hand and i've seen almost half of the team defending one point because they want defender medals, I don't usually post on forums but I thought I might as well add my opinion in to see if it makes a difference...


Exactly, 3 medal requirement has shifted focus from team play to solo play. People are too busy worrying about medals instead of fighting and no penalty for leaving isn't helping either.

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I am fine with people who have very few medals should not gain as much as the folks who have many (before patch 1.2 I would say it was fine). The real problem is now that the discrepancy between winning and losing is to much, especially in games that where pretty close (like an 15 minutes game of Voidstar where no team got thriugh the first door). The games become much less interesting, because people start now sooner to leave, because there is no reward to try to give the opposing team at least a challenge.


People who have no problems with how it is now after the patch are propable players that suck (can't explain it in any other way, why they don't want to have challenging games), but who have the luck to play on a server where their faction is dominant.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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I usually don't pvp, can't stand it, but that is just me.


The only reason why I started pvping is so I don't have to do the same content over and over again to level an alt. I find it "was" a good way to earn money even though I suck at pvp. So yeah losing would get me frustrated as hell but at least I came out with some cash.


I'm not one of those who hide somewhere and heal myself for the entire game, or go afk.

I actively participate in getting killed most of the time :p


And I'm sure I'm not the only person that isn't happy about these pvp changes.


Now with the new system, it's not even worth my time.


Lose or tie = no $ & no rewards?


That's pretty f'd up!

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I'm going to propose a solution here, that will still allow you to get rewards even if you have server imbalance and get steamrolled by a premade:


Bioware should give you SOME rewards if you've been in the WZ at least 50% of the gametime. Whether you get the medals or not.


That way, it won't be a complete waste of time for the casual, solo queuers.



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The issues is not getting medals unless you come in late or are being rolled by a 4/8 match. The issue is simply the great difference between rewards for winning and lossing.


I am not going to spend 15 minutes in a void match and come out with 30 WZ comms and 80 Valor and ZERO credits. Yes, rewards are what keeps me coming back as a casual PVPer, and take those away...I go away. Let PVP stay with the elite that already have their gear.


My experience as a solo que player is 1 win in 4-5 matches. Not going to waste my time like that.


Enjoy the longer que times people, you that advocate that nothing is wrong can all go play with themselves every hour or two for 10 minutes.

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I think a good idea might also be to add 1 medal for entering a warzone already in progress (or even 2) example:


1 medal entering warzone pre 50% time expired (or round 1 or 300+ points or 50%+ shields) and 2 medals if entering past that


I actually think that's a good idea.


There should be some reason to stick w/ an ongoing battle, especially knowing you will most likely lose.

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I have not posted very much on these forums because I have been enjoying playing SWTOR. I made a post in pvp and that thread got closed and directed here.


Why were the rewards changed for the pvp zones?


What incentive is there to pvp?


Someone made a post responding to mine that this has all been said BUT I also have a right to make a post and be heard.


Don't fix what works. I pvp. I know how to pvp. I was enjoying pvp.


I chose to make my second character I was levelling as only a pvper. She only worked on crafting and class quests otherwise, Her main source of credits was pvp. That's pretty wrecked now.

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if you would heal and stand at obejctive point youd have 4-5 medals however how did you only get 2 is beyond me in 15 min dont you get kills from those that you heal


so if those you heal didnt manage 10 kills you dont deserve anything anyway


He's a friggin healer how can he contribute to his team if a healer is guarding the only turret.

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I think the credit penalties should be lessened (instead of 0, minimum of 500 for full participation), add 10 more comms to the losers, and thats it.


I like it this way. I can get 4+ medals EASY now. Everyone should.


Correct everyone "should", but they don't. My individual stats mean nothing in certain situations. Even though this the wz's are a team effort, it makes no sense to provide no reward at all. People who get no rewards have zero opportunity to get better, it just can't happen. So what happens is the rich get richer and the poor just stop playing.


My boss has a perfect right to tell me to shut up if I expect a reward for failing. But SWTOR is a game that people pay to play. It is expected that it be fun for all, even if you are on the losing side. Before 1.2 I had a blast, even if I lost. Now...not so much. It's almost not worth my time....next....it may not be worth my money.

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Why were the rewards changed for the pvp zones?


What incentive is there to pvp?


Someone made a post responding to mine that this has all been said BUT I also have a right to make a post and be heard.


Don't fix what works. I pvp. I know how to pvp. I was enjoying pvp.


I chose to make my second character I was levelling as only a pvper. She only worked on crafting and class quests otherwise, Her main source of credits was pvp. That's pretty wrecked now.


Yes, they are closing threads left and right now. Submit a ticket to express your outrage with the new system. Strength in numbers.


There isn't much of an incentive to play anymore. I feel bad when we're owning the other team because I know they're getting f#@$ed by bioware, hard. It's not fun being on the recieving end. All you can do now is farm your medals and hope that you win in the process so that you'll at least get 30 commendations for the 900 commendation level 14 weapon.


Leveling through pvp is unrealistic now. Back to taris.

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Posting elsewhere but the thread was closed::


Agree, WZs are silly now, you could say spend 30mins + on 2-3 WZs lose them all and end of with nothing, there is no incentative at all now unless you win.

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You honestly want to be rewarded for failing!? How about we just cry until BW just gives us the endgame armour without having to do anything but walk into the operation and say boo to the bosses till they give up the shiney's.


You are the 99%, don't want to work for rewards just get everything handed to you because you wanted to play.


As a note, I am not an elitest nor am I in any way a PVP God, I am a mediocre player and I'm not crying about anything. Well anything other than there are way to many servers for the amount of sub's for the game.


Try to look things under his perspective, how many times you are able to find a wining team?. It's not rewarding failure, but how many times the op have tried to find a wining team and he gets rejected, turn down and they simply tell you that the team it's always full.

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