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The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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The new system is pretty terrible, especially considering this is a video game and not a competitive sport or career that you benefit from outside of the computer.


There are so many short-sighted posts in here that talk about getting better and getting a dedicated guild, etc... but none of those posts reflect the reality of pvp being part of what most people do for entertainment on free time, time that isn't already occupied with a career, family, or other hobbies. The majority of people who contribute to society don't have the freedom (or desire) to be in competitive pvp guilds and/or take advantage of exploits such as Ilum farming to acquire gear to be on a reasonably even playing field.


You can't really expect people with jobs and families to play so intensely that they have to have all of the winning conditions met (premades and gear) to have a reasonably enjoyable time. The changes promote premades and avoiding losing at all costs, so that's what you go up against with a solo queue.


Greed is what runs the world, the obviously biased posts on these forums are no different. There should be an advantage to dedicating a disproportionately large amount of time to the game, but it shouldn't strip the progression away from others to the degree that it does with these changes. These games are for entertainment, much of which is gone if you remove incentive for casually playing.


I play casually. I have a full-time job (that is paying me right now as I post, actually), a fiance, friends, etc. I don't run in premades (unless you count queuing w/ my fiance). I have 2 BMs, neither of their gear was updated, so they're in Recruit gear like everyone else now. I stay in until the end of all my matches, and I play my little heart out every single time.


I don't win all the time, and I don't lose all the time. Around 60/40ish, I'd say.


How exactly am I being "greedy" by not thinking that the change to rewards is so bad?


Edit: See, people like Veeius bring actual valid concerns to the table. Calling people "greedy", etc, because they don't agree is just silly.

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So the thing everyone is so up in arms about is that you get half the commendations on a loss?


The way everyone is acting, I thought you got zero now.


What is wrong with you people?

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So the thing everyone is so up in arms about is that you get half the commendations on a loss?


The way everyone is acting, I thought you got zero now.


What is wrong with you people?


An unwillingness to accept that fair is fair.



Losers can't claim the spoils of the victor.

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I think the only people who are fine with the stiffer losing penalties are the people who run premades every time and then will retort with l2p noob when you say that it's unfair....not all of us play during peak hours when it's easy to pull a group together.


I think you're wrong. Actually, wait, no. You are wrong.


Because people like me exist.

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You honestly want to be rewarded for failing!?


For giving u a match and a team to play against, dummy.


We are all here to have a good time, be winning or losing, and not to be used as punchbags for premade teams endlessly.


The last time i played i did 1 win and about 20 losses with pugs, getting nothing when i lose.


If thats whats going to happen ppl will simply quit the wz, and that old complain about leavers will return.




This must be some american way of thinking or something.

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I wish I could've gotten 60/40. But then again, I played republic.

It's been fun.


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Losers can't claim the spoils of the victor.


Losing on unfair terms doesn`t mean the other team is winning either. If my team constantly leaves and my choice is to drop down and instantly get rolled by 5 people waiting for me to do so, while my entire team constantly joins and leaves and I have to 5v8, play through the entire match and for my effort, more effort than ANYONE else maybe, maybe I steal a point, maybe I do a lot of work, more than the winning team, should I be rewarded so terribly? should I stay?

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So finally I had time to play few warzones.


When I lost one, I had 7 medals and got 55 commendations.


I honestly don't understand what the whole QQ is about? It's raining bloody medals from the sky in warzones.


The only time I can see not getting anything if I backfill a losing match towards the end. But hey, it's not the end of the world.

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Losing on unfair terms doesn`t mean the other team is winning either. If my team constantly leaves and my choice is to drop down and instantly get rolled by 5 people waiting for me to do so, while my entire team constantly joins and leaves and I have to 5v8, play through the entire match and for my effort, more effort than ANYONE else maybe, maybe I steal a point, maybe I do a lot of work, more than the winning team, should I be rewarded so terribly? should I stay?


You are rewarded. You just don't get what a member of the winning team would get.


Who gives a **** about your effort. Your side lost, you don't get to win and lose based on individual contribution, this just looks like an XBox game, but it really isn't.


Premades don't have to be hardcore guildies playing metal in the background and slamming 5hr energy to stay awake. Run with some people that have a little skill but don't usually run in premades. It makes a huge difference.


But losing is more than a matter of perspective when you have clearly defined team goals that were not accomplished.

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Losing on unfair terms doesn`t mean the other team is winning either. If my team constantly leaves and my choice is to drop down and instantly get rolled by 5 people waiting for me to do so, while my entire team constantly joins and leaves and I have to 5v8, play through the entire match and for my effort, more effort than ANYONE else maybe, maybe I steal a point, maybe I do a lot of work, more than the winning team, should I be rewarded so terribly? should I stay?


Matches starting unevenly along w/ the removal of WZ abort due to not enough players is an entirely separate issue from WZ rewards.


I know, they exacerbate eachother, but I think that the reward system would be fair if matches actually did begin evenly.


No, I don't mean premades, I just mean equal numbers. ANYONE can make a premade, I don't care how anti-social people are. I choose not to run in premades (too much of a hassle), that's my CHOICE, so I can't complain about not being in one or being beaten by one.


It's not unfair if I have every bit as much opportunity to do the exact same thing.


Starting at uneven numbers needs to be fixed, not broken more like they did w/ this patch.

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WZs don't match classes, gear levels or even numbers anymore.


How is it fair to penalise the least favourably 'matched' team as heavily as they are now?


60 - 75% of the rewards of a win for random pug game losses should be acceptable. Same for credits, which the removal of in lower levels is of a window licking level of stupidity.


In rated WZ's i'd expect the penalties to be harsher...NOT in normal WZ's which people use to improve gear to compete in rated games(eventually....)


The whole situation is just a lazy disregard on BW's part. I mean without character copy how can this stuff get tested??

Edited by Vanash
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So finally I had time to play few warzones.


When I lost one, I had 7 medals and got 55 commendations.


I honestly don't understand what the whole QQ is about? It's raining bloody medals from the sky in warzones.


The only time I can see not getting anything if I backfill a losing match towards the end. But hey, it's not the end of the world.




I'd really recommend everyone try the WZs under the new reward system before taking the QQ here at face value. The reality of what is happening in the actual game is very different than what people are saying on the forums. There are a variety of other issues in PvP right now, but the rewards problem is greatly exaggerated.


I'm saying this as someone who was outraged by the changes, and then actually played a WZ. And then felt like a moron afterwards. YMMV, but you should use first-hand experience to decide.

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I'd really recommend everyone try the WZs under the new reward system before taking the QQ here at face value. The reality of what is happening in the actual game is very different than what people are saying on the forums. There are a variety of other issues in PvP right now, but the rewards problem is greatly exaggerated.


I'm saying this as someone who was outraged by the changes, and then actually played a WZ. And then felt like a moron afterwards. YMMV, but you should use first-hand experience to decide.


lol, you described exactly what I felt when I logged in after work yesterday.

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I'm sorry you didn't get your gold star for effort.


I'm all out of cookies too. Not your day.


You don't get it dude. People are leaving the WZ as soon as something bad happens. In a Huttball match last night, after 4 minutes the other team finally scored......4 of our players left the WZ.


Is that what you want? The current system is totally jacked up.

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yeah this new reward system is not good what sort of thing you need 3 medals just to get something im close to stop doing pvp matches at least give us something for getting 1 or 2 medals but come on bioware you are going to lose more subs if this new pvp system is not changed go bk to the way it was
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Could you explain?


"How is it a waste of time? You get more commedations than you would by quitting.


Are you saying that credits are why you PvP? If not, then I'm confused why you PvP. Is it to grind commedations, credits, or what? "




"Are you saying that credits are why you PvP" - Actually, it is a main factor as to why I PvP. I generally don't like to PvE for credits, however I actually do my dailies on Ilum maybe once a week. If you're denying that you don't need over 400,000 credits to optimize your pvp gear, then you are just bad at the game.


"If not, then I'm confused why you PvP" - Keep trying to think about it.


"Is it to grind commendations" - Um, Yes? I believe we need commendations to obtain gear.


"Credits" - Also yes, I have alts, and crew skills to level up.


"Or what" - I also play to have fun, and PvP is not fun when you try your hardest in a matchup, and only get less than half the rewards in the end just because your team couldn't communicate.

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Im glad u dont work with the pvp dev team...things could get even worse.


While his words might be abrasive, I agree w/ his sentiment.


Why should I care how well YOU did when your team lost? It's a team effort, and being the guy who tried hard on the unorganized losing team still doesn't mean your team won.


I don't think it's so backward to reward the team, or to penalize the team, instead of the individual. I really do hate the me-first mentality.


Heck, my fiance just lost a match: 14 medals, 51 commendations, 1700 credits.


So around half of what she'd get for winning: seems perfectly fair.

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You don't get it dude. People are leaving the WZ as soon as something bad happens. In a Huttball match last night, after 4 minutes the other team finally scored......4 of our players left the WZ.


Is that what you want? The current system is totally jacked up.


And those are the people you want to give better rewards to? <.<


I do "get it". Probably a heck of a lot more than the person I was quoting, honestly.

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first will never disrespect anyone here everyone has the right to there opinion and should be respected but I think alot are missing the point its not really about not getting much for the effort a lot of times there is nothing at all givin and i myself don't have any problem in if i loose only getting half what the winner gets or even lower the point is whether the people are right or wrong they don't want to continue playng warzones for no rewards at all and if an abundance of people start quitting over it then its going to take longer and longer to q and its going to discourage the ones that win most of theres but there is always a few of us that will continue lke me but ive caught myself farming more latlely and i want to see the warzones flooded not decresed if you see my point
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This game doesn't promote team play. How can it when you're grouping with randoms and don't have any means of communication other than a chat box.


Also very valid.


I've brought both of these points up a lot in the past.


Usually in threads about marking healers, though.

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If I end up getting put in a losing match while we are outnumbered, I will leave. Getting medals is easy when you have even teams, but very difficult when you are 5vs8. 1 medal is 0 rewards for a loss. 2-4 gets you around 20 commendations. Not worth the effort to stick around. Mind you, before this change I would be the last person in the match at the end of the 120 seconds fighting it out 1vs8.


Considering the cost for rated gear is now 3x higher than previously anticipated combined with lower rewards it may not even be worth my time to keep paying for a sub.


wow really >.>.... I will keep sub to this game,some things cant please everyone >.>

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