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PvP's new pace, what do you think?


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With the decrease in outgoing healing, damage reduction and the increase of outgoing damage, how are you finding the pace of PvP in SWTOR right now? It feels too fast and zergy to me, personally, like if you get the drop on someone there's nothing they can do before death and vice versa.



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War zones suck now. The the medal min absolutely stinks, the reduced rewards is horrible, and removal of rewards if you don't win is very discouraging. All in all, I went from loving PVP to hating it. I can imagine Bioware things this is what players want.
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With the decrease in outgoing healing, damage reduction and the increase of outgoing damage, how are you finding the pace of PvP in SWTOR right now? It feels too fast and zergy to me, personally, like if you get the drop on someone there's nothing they can do before death and vice versa.




Its not for me ... if there is no adjustment (and I don't expect there to be one), I'll be moving on.


I enjoyed PvP prior to 1.2 to a great extent ... a few tweaks were needed, but overall it was pretty damn fun.


This stuff? Meh, I seriously got blown up in a single GCD by a Marauder tandem tonight. Stims, relics, whatever ... its a bit over the top for my taste, you can have it.

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I prefer the old system. There is way too much burst now. The fact that almost any person can drop almost any other person from 100-0% in under 5 seconds is insane and it will make any form of competitive pvp a joke.


And don't even get me started on marauders/setinels.

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Damage is just too high, its like how it was pre-level 50 bracket when you had geared 50's w/ 600+ expertise fighting against 10-49's with zero, all I am seeing is players getting blown up in a stun duration. I shouldn't really complain to much I guess cause its fun throwing guard around and racking in well over 100k protection every match lol, but yeah damage is too high and PvP is way to fast paced and zergy for my liking.
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Let's also not mention the losing team gets almost (if not) nothing at all. Great way to perpetually hold back progression of those starting out in pvp while boosting the veterans (myself included as I am full BM) progression to a laughable level.
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Damage is just too high, its like how it was pre-level 50 bracket when you had geared 50's w/ 600+ expertise fighting against 10-49's with zero, all I am seeing is players getting blown up in a stun duration. I shouldn't really complain to much I guess cause its fun throwing guard around and racking in well over 100k protection every match lol, but yeah damage is too high and PvP is way to fast paced and zergy for my liking.


I mean, what the hell were they thinking? Nerfing healing, reducing the amount of heal boost from expertise, and increasing everyone's damage?


How does that make any kind of sense?! Ugh.

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I mean, what the hell were they thinking? Nerfing healing, reducing the amount of heal boost from expertise, and increasing everyone's damage?


How does that make any kind of sense?! Ugh.


Don't forget REDUCING the damage reduction granted by expertise.


BW obviously doesn't realise if you have a play ground see-saw and you move it 15cm to 1 side that means that side is 30cm longer than the other.

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i love it personally, the losers should get **** all if they dont get medals. hell you can still get a ton of them and lose, people are finishing wzs with 15 medals these days and you cant get 3?


just needs an hour lock out for quitters and youd see a forced improvement over night as ppl found out they had to try rather than just quitting till they find a team to carry them.

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I run a scoundrel healer and I'm having no problems whatsoever. The buff to kolto cloud is amazing. When followed up by slow release medpac the healing is considerable and allows me to focus my main heals on another target.


With competent healers the dps change isn't so bad, I like the faster pace.

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i love it personally, the losers should get **** all if they dont get medals. hell you can still get a ton of them and lose, people are finishing wzs with 15 medals these days and you cant get 3?


just needs an hour lock out for quitters and youd see a forced improvement over night as ppl found out they had to try rather than just quitting till they find a team to carry them.


You have the personality of a dictator.


In any case, that would just make people -not- PvP. It wouldn't make the situation better; it would make people quit. Bad idea.

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Duh people! Healing was too easy in PvE. People blew through the content too quickly. Oh this impacts PvP as well? Oops . . .


Remember that early walk thru vid where the dev said, and I quote loosely here, "Look here's another player. I'm going to wave at him because that's what people do in MMOs."?


When I heard that in the video I knew BW was going to be in serious trouble once the shiny wore off this product. Now we get to watch another dev team make all the same balance errors we saw in SWG and WoW.


Here's to Kinect voice utility for Skyrim and D3 release both in the next 30 days or so.

Edited by Achyllis
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i take dictator as a compliment :)


it will force the quitters to quit, no loss.


i mean it really would give you a choice of trying for 15 mins (although if your getting curb stomped that bad it will be over sooner so the winners can get early finish bonus medals, another awsome change) to get 3 medals (ie auto run near the ball carrier, pass the ball before you die, do a single big heal or hit etc..all sorts of options).


with an hour lock out, people would be forced to try and improvement would follow.


somethings need forcing on people.

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i take dictator as a compliment :)


it will force the quitters to quit, no loss.


i mean it really would give you a choice of trying for 15 mins (although if your getting curb stomped that bad it will be over sooner so the winners can get early finish bonus medals, another awsome change) to get 3 medals (ie auto run near the ball carrier, pass the ball before you die, do a single big heal or hit etc..all sorts of options).


with an hour lock out, people would be forced to try and improvement would follow.


somethings need forcing on people.


No, people would stop PvPing because it's too much of a time sink and isn't worth the hassle. 3 commendations? No one is going to waste their time.

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With the decrease in outgoing healing, damage reduction and the increase of outgoing damage, how are you finding the pace of PvP in SWTOR right now? It feels too fast and zergy to me, personally, like if you get the drop on someone there's nothing they can do before death and vice versa.




Run in burst down a fully glad BM in 4 seconds (crit for 5K on a tank spec) get focused die in 5 seconds.



That's the state of PvP post 1.2.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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I run a scoundrel healer and I'm having no problems whatsoever. The buff to kolto cloud is amazing. When followed up by slow release medpac the healing is considerable and allows me to focus my main heals on another target.


With competent healers the dps change isn't so bad, I like the faster pace.


You do realize that your class is now the best pvp healer in the game right?


I haven't healed in pvp on my sorc healer yet, but I have been able to destroy sorc/sage and trooper/BH healers no problem (plus my sorc healer friends are pretty much planning on giving up healing in pvp). That includes the fact I don't even have an interrupt as a merc. I couldn't imagine what I could do to them if I had an interrupt. Smugglers/Agents on the other hand are still a pain.

Edited by McGarnagle
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No, people would stop PvPing because it's too much of a time sink and isn't worth the hassle. 3 commendations? No one is going to waste their time.


but you dont have to get 3 if you go out and do something. look if you join a huttball match at 5 nil down and have 5 ppl on your team v an 8 man pre made with 6 mins lef, youve got a point, but thats not a common occurance.


the pace is good, its more frantic and theres more death, all pluses in my book and the new WZ is pretty cool too, nothing original but cool none the less, that building with the consol in it, mid objective gets packed real quick and turns into a blood bath.


is there flaws? of course always but generally speaking its enjoyable so far.

Edited by Artthen
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