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The Fatman 40min Q time


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This was expected. Im on a medium pop server, yet people were leaving left and right for the "highly pop" servers, even thought those servers were already "full" at prime time.


You cant blame BW for this. It is pure player idiocy. I can understand people re-rolling from empty servers, but why go to a full one? Move to the next most populated server, there are so many posts about which servers are most active.


Shortsightedness always comes back to bite you in the *****.


How do we know when every other EST PVP server is standard/light. Standard is something like 350-1000 concurrent players, that's a very large range. If you're on the east coast and like to PVP The Fatman is your only risk free choice.

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wow, so many people complain about dead servers, unable to group because no players etc etc, and youre complaining about having a queue?


thats like complaining that you dont like the way your burger tastes when there are starving kids in a third world country. . .

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yep, this is starting to piss me off.


no queues for 4 months, and now we've got 30m+ waits again because people are coming here for the population.


either lock the server, or remove the damn restriction. this game is so freaking instanced everywhere that it would should be able to easily handle the extra people


I'm in queue right now laughing at you.

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I'd rather wait in line to play with other people than go back to that dead as hell server that all my other characters are on where I have planets to myself and hardly anyone in the fleet. If you've never been on a ghost town server, you have no right to tell the rest of us what to do or where to play.



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Not only have I been on this server since launch But ive been on this server since launch AND I play Reb so before anyone says anything about moving to another server lets just say The Fatman is my home. NOW



40 flipping minutes to play this game?? I have to wait in line to play not only MY server but MY game??? COME ON how much more can A guy take? BIO FIX THIS. LOCK MY SERVER OR Let these refugee take thier chars from there dead server and go some where else. ANYWHERE BUT MY SERVER







My server? My game?

My my, we're an entitled bunch.

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How do we know when every other EST PVP server is standard/light. Standard is something like 350-1000 concurrent players, that's a very large range. If you're on the east coast and like to PVP The Fatman is your only risk free choice.


Ummmm go to the server menu click on pop button at the top it gives u the highest to lowest server in order

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This is a major problem and is Bioware is 100% responsible for it. When server pops died and the funcom i mean Bioware told those ppl on dead servers to reroll their characters. Well it doesn't take a video game programmer to realize that people who invested huge amounts of time only to have to reroll wont want to take a chance on rerolling on another server that might not take off so they go to the one that has a heavy pop. More and more coming every day. I have 3 50s there and it is getting frustrating to go from not having a que to being at 30-40min que nows just because bioware doesn't want to merge servers.


At this point though I think bioware made the problem worse for them cause not only did they upset those who had invested time in characters now on dead servers now the people who have been playing on fatman are being effected by the low pop servers.


Is your response to those people on fatman who have been there from the start to reroll on a different server????

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I find it funny then when everyone complained about their servers dying, the people on the full servers told us to reroll or quit.


Now we rerolled to their server, and they don't like it. So guess what? Reroll to a lesser population server or quit.


Ironic huh

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