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1.2 Sorc Heals Thoughts?


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Fact of the matter is in (here's a random number) 75% of the cases taking an Operative or merc healer instead of a sorc healer to a premade will dramatically increase your chances of winning.


All the "sorcs r fine L2 adapt" bullcrap being spewed around is just that.

I play as both a sorc and op healer. Pre 1.2 my sorc heavily outperformed the op in hutball due to utility and slightly in voidstar because I have a totally awesome team.


Guess what, now my op outperforms the sorc in every aspect, not counting pulls in hutball.

There's simply no comparing the two.

Same teams, same classes, massive change in outcome.

Its not me being unable to adapt to the sorcerer changes, its the fact that it simply doesn't come close performance wise to my operative.


I need peels 24/7, so my team basically can't do anything other then help me survive all the bloody time.


To many weaknesses to take advantage of, proper enemys know what to do and faceroll me.

Then I log on my op, same team same classes same enemys and guess what, we rinse them.


Pre 1.2 in high end PvP, against players just as good as I and my team are it wasn't perfect, but doable.

Some folks don't seem to understand how big the nerf really is.

1 second, a whole second on a casted heal is a humongous change.

In the heat of battle .1 second can make the difference between success and failure.

Add to that losing ~10% health upon using comsumption.


When targeted you have no choice but to use Dark heal. It does NOT have enough healing output, it costs way to much force, but there is no other option when you are being zerged by -insert random class with some burst- between resurgence and innervate.

Funnily enough against DpS sorcs/sages I have absolutely no issues whatsoever.


Sorcs healers are simply not good enough in PvP.


Sorc DpS isn't sorc dps, its there for controll, utility and applying some pressure.

They are still a good asset to any good team, but I definitly would not take more then 1.

It can help out with shields, CC and snares and do good DpS which is by far not the same as burst.

Edited by Cuppcake
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You top healing and won most matches sounds like everything you want in a pvp match as a healer. The new healing style is going to become easier over time we talking healing one way for months to healing one way for 2 days.


I think the day one Sorc/Sage are just having growing pains with leaning on the 1.5 cast big heal too much, as someone that's starting new as a Sorc with no perceived notions on what heals to use I have not had any problems yet still not level cap so jury out on 50 and if I can't heal on it I'll eat crow.


Also each person with a 50 got a free month so you got more time to see how the Sorc/Sage changes pan out


As I said.


It wasn't a matter of adapting... it was a matter of how boring/annoying I found the class to play. It just isn't fun anymore and I play the game to have fun playing. I want it to fun/challenging, not annoying/challenging. I put the sorc away and don't plan on playing him again until they make major changes to the class. I may try leveling an OP healer.. if I find leveling is not too boring, I may stay, but honestly, I doubt it.


When I cancelled, it said my end date was 5/6, so maybe by cancelling I am not eligible for the free month.

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If you just give up on your class the day of the new patch, your mind is weak. You do not wish to use it to find new and better ways to play your class and work around the changes. It is not meant to offend, just the truth. Things may not be as easy as they were. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Damage in PvP does need to be toned down, this we all seem to agree upon. I'm sure that will be addressed by the designers soon.


Let me clarify things, I'm not giving up on my class, Im giving up on this game. For a multitude of reasons, not just this one. I would imagine that one of your intellect can probably figure out some of the major issues with this game without me having to list them. Again, best of luck to you. I wish you many good years figuring out your class.

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As I said.


It wasn't a matter of adapting... it was a matter of how boring/annoying I found the class to play. It just isn't fun anymore and I play the game to have fun playing. I want it to fun/challenging, not annoying/challenging. I put the sorc away and don't plan on playing him again until they make major changes to the class. I may try leveling an OP healer.. if I find leveling is not too boring, I may stay, but honestly, I doubt it.


When I cancelled, it said my end date was 5/6, so maybe by cancelling I am not eligible for the free month.


You should still be eligible, my last day is the 18th and I got the email.

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I'm loving healing on my baby Sorc and its healing as much as my Op and BH pre level 50 right now. I'm not seeing the spec is as dead that people have been talking about from the PTR comments.
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I'm loving healing on my baby Sorc and its healing as much as my Op and BH pre level 50 right now. I'm not seeing the spec is as dead that people have been talking about from the PTR comments.


Baby PvP:

lack of expertise

lack of experience in classes

most just play for the daily


I'm sorry, although you might like baby pvp and play it alot. It's just not representative for endgame pvp.


Fact of the matter is in (here's a random number) 75% of the cases taking an Operative or merc healer instead of a sorc healer to a premade will dramatically increase your chances of winning.


All the "sorcs r fine L2 adapt" bullcrap being spewed around is just that.

I play as both a sorc and op healer. Pre 1.2 my sorc heavily outperformed the op in hutball due to utility and slightly in voidstar because I have a totally awesome team.


Guess what, now my op outperforms the sorc in every aspect, not counting pulls in hutball.

There's simply no comparing the two.

Same teams, same classes, massive change in outcome.

Its not me being unable to adapt to the sorcerer changes, its the fact that it simply doesn't come close performance wise to my operative.


I need peels 24/7, so my team basically can't do anything other then help me survive all the bloody time.


To many weaknesses to take advantage of, proper enemys know what to do and faceroll me.

Then I log on my op, same team same classes same enemys and guess what, we rinse them.


Pre 1.2 in high end PvP, against players just as good as I and my team are it wasn't perfect, but doable.

Some folks don't seem to understand how big the nerf really is.

1 second, a whole second on a casted heal is a humongous change.

In the heat of battle .1 second can make the difference between success and failure.

Add to that losing ~10% health upon using comsumption.


When targeted you have no choice but to use Dark heal. It does NOT have enough healing output, it costs way to much force, but there is no other option when you are being zerged by -insert random class with some burst- between resurgence and innervate.

Funnily enough against DpS sorcs/sages I have absolutely no issues whatsoever.


Sorcs healers are simply not good enough in PvP.


Sorc DpS isn't sorc dps, its there for controll, utility and applying some pressure.

They are still a good asset to any good team, but I definitly would not take more then 1.

It can help out with shields, CC and snares and do good DpS which is by far not the same as burst.


last night there was a spot in our prime-pvp team

however they picked somebody else to fill the spot

Edited by Greenthy
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i feel i should complain purely because im a sorc healer and love pvp, stupid assassin kept facerolling me last night, why me? come on dude theres a perfectly good jugg over there, go hit him!

oh wait, he knows im a healer and isnt a gumby that ignores me so i can heal like a mad *****... stupid assassin knowing who to target(grumbles) that was first few games...


last few games in voidstar...

lolz, silly jedi ran past me and attacked the jugg, sigh, viv,surge, DI, dance,

oh here he comes again, shield up!

sigh... what does the jugg look weaker than i do, oh wait, stop dancing heal jugg, /dance /win


i still hate that assassin and want them all nerfed and break a few fingers while there at it...




its been 2 days, wait n see how it pans out. after a week ill help light the torches and handout pitchforks

Edited by Acdril
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Let me clarify things, I'm not giving up on my class, Im giving up on this game. For a multitude of reasons, not just this one. I would imagine that one of your intellect can probably figure out some of the major issues with this game without me having to list them. Again, best of luck to you. I wish you many good years figuring out your class.


All games have issues, especially new ones. If you don't want to stick with the game or your character that is your prerogative. I played a mage in wow, and for those 6 years there were many changes. Some good, some bad, some terrible. But I rolled with the changes and always loved playing my mage. This scenario is not much different. Except it is still very early on in swtor's life.


I hope you find what you're looking for in a game. I feel swtor has the potential. We just need more time to see if they can rise to it.

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Sweet work BW. I love the new patch. Havent had any of the problems with my sorc that others were so up in arms about. I heal just fine and have never been killed in pvp. Think I might get a 6 month sub just cuz they did such an awesome job! To all the naysayers...the sky didnt fall.
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I understand that sorcs got hit hard, but I feel like BH's got hit even harder, it's very hard to manage heat now properly, guess we'll all roll Medicine Operative/Sawbones Scoundrel and be OP... But I have to point something out, to the guy who said Sorc healing was already the weakest class in the game is wrong. I think they probably were the most OP healing spec, that's my opinion (and many others) though.
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Truth is we were best healers and we did a nice job. But in no way do I think we had some massive advantage over other classes.


My guild has 2 main healers - one is operative and one is healer. Together we never had a problem in any encounter. I might have done slightly more healing than the operative but it was nothing outstanding.

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Updating from last night: Won about 17 matches last night in the 19 I played. Had no problems healing, what-so-ever, again. Was typically the top healer every game, and the games I wasn't a top healer, I got out-healed by another sorc in our guild. Edited by Kajimoto
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I really am disappointed with how nerfed sorcs got. I just hope that with all this complaining, Bioware will see their flaws and decide to change it up again. I get that maybe they needed to change some things in order to balance the class out, but they went kind of overboard. Hopefully they'll fix this.
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Updating from last night: Won about 17 matches last night in the 19 I played. Had no problems healing, what-so-ever, again. Was typically the top healer every game, and the games I wasn't a top healer, I got out-healed by another sorc in our guild.


You should start your own thread about how much you like the changes and stay our of this one.

Maybe you will get people who agree with you.


For now Stop Trolling here!

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You should start your own thread about how much you like the changes and stay our of this one.

Maybe you will get people who agree with you.


For now Stop Trolling here!


Threads call "1.2 Sorc Heals Thoughts? " not "Omg the sky is falling" :)

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I know. A healer healing themselves and not dying. What's the world coming to *sighs*


Unfortunately there is nothing new about that complaint. I have heard it in the PVP discussions of every MMO I've eevr played. People just hate healers in PVP...period. And in "people" I include some mediocre developers who give in to the whiners.


The funny thing is that a pressured healer reduced to nothing but self-healing for the sake of survival is totally neutralized by one DPSer. If people thought in terms of team goals, they would see that as a good thing :p

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1.2 is SWTOR's NGE


Really nerfing a class does not equal turning 34 classing in SWG to nine I mean hell they remove my class from the game when the NGE happen.


You class got nerf get over it, I just did a heroic 4 mission my level on balmorra by myself. New heroic moment and unity are so Op.


SWG NGE change the whole game, remove classes, change so much for the worst.

Edited by Wynn
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Can you QQ'ers stop QQ'ing on my thread about some problem with Sith Sorc, yes we are nerfed. Yes we need to adapt too, and yes we can still pull high heals, but its dependent more on what you do and why you do it. If you want to QQ please make a thread. I dont want this thread to get locked, I just want this thread to simply identify what can we do to get around this problem. I could qq all day too but instead I rather solve problems by trying to adapt. If you guys cant do this just reroll operatives and heals, sheesh.




On PvP I find that Dark Infusion well works > 30% if geared and > 60% if not geared. With proper rotation it takes 5 minutes for me to run outta mana. If I dont get touched.


The last time I was not touched I did about 700k heals, but the last couple of games when I was constantly attacked was about 400-500+k heals so I am getting used to healing more. Problem is for me any melee, range I can LOS and operatives I can slow and sprint away. But Juggs I cant shake off and Marauders I can sorta shake off.


As for the 20% debuff in corruption or 20% extra speed in shield for 3 seconds, I dont think either is great solution, especially if melee has many ways to slow u down and get to you. So unsure if I wanna sub into either or want either.


I wish that casting Dark Heals gave a small buff to something besides just heals, maybe more armor, or provide a bonus to further heals by 5% or something with a talent.


Also wished Purge was not on a cooldown too, find it annoying that it is, I dont mind if its on GCD but it seems to be a 3 second cooldown which sucks.


Also unsure how much surge/crit/alarcity.

Edited by Zhaker
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Still loving my baby sorc healer in the 20s and having a way to tap for force is great right now, no issues healing in pve and pvp and feels at the same level then my other two healers when I level them. I'm one of those crazy healers that always leveling in a healing spec to get a better feeling on their healing toolbox.


I got to say best thing about the spec so far vs the other two healers is force speed it has so many uses in pvp. I love being able to get to people that need heals asap.

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I'm honestly not having an issue with this patch, it's strictly learning your new rotations, and figuring it out, i average 500-600k a match and breaking even over 850k(Link Below) Since 1.2 i have beaten my old record of 705k by over 160k, since 1.2. At first it's frustrating, but get your rotations down and you should be golden.





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All the videos I saw of the new raids the Sorc place Revivificaiton so they hit the tank and that it can still hit them.


I think pretty much this. Just got Karagga hard mode and soa hard mode tonight as healer using a AOE healer build. Standing in my own AOE heals 100% of the time was necessary to offset the health cost of consumption.

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I had a 4 page discussion on PVP sorc healing in 1.2 then bioware decided to close that thread and every other thread like it.... why? because they don't want us talking negatively about 1.2 pvp healing sorcs, because sorcs are now broken.


BUT be careful!!! this post might get deleted/locked also!


What's the matter Bioware? Why are you going around locking and deleting threads and posts having to do with Sorc healing in patch 1.2?


Because you broke sorcs and now you can't deal with it. Best solution bioware? Silence our voice and act like 'nothing is wrong'.


This forum soooo needs a tinfoil hat smilie to mock people like this...

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