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Everything posted by iTryHard

  1. Honestly, I'm just going to let my sub run out, devs have been extremely unresponsive to class balance issues which are BLATANTLY obvious since launch. They do help you if you have a simple problem, but not otherwise. I'll probably keep a close eye on this game this fall just to see if the devs are able to be more responsive... At this point though, I think GW2 will be my new game... =[
  2. hmmmm, ok, thanks for the advice... about those enhancements, are they the blue kind as well?
  3. What level is the stuff you're selling? Are you going for blues or purples? Haha, you seem experienced =]
  4. Also, forgot to ask, what level, item level, and rarity of enhancements do you like to sell? I'm curious as to where I can get the schematic for the _______ Enhancement 26?
  5. Hm, what server are you from? Also, what rarity of hilts do you sell? And, this might be embarassing, but I didn't even know we could craft offhand sabers haha, maybe I'll go sell some of those, should I try to augment em? I'll also go GTN snooping to see what Enhancements are selling, and which ones are lacking, I'm thinking probably the +power ones are going to be hotter than say.... +absorb or something.... Anyways, sorry for all the questions, I just want to have a useful crew skill =/
  6. So I've had Artifice on my main at 400 for a while, have the level 50 +41 crit magenta schematic, as well as the +33 power 49 magenta schematic, AND I have the level 31 +?crit, besides that I just have standard stuff. I want to know, is there anything profitable about artifice at all? Before 1.3 augmented sabers sold like candy, and now? Why buy an aug saber when you can't even use it for your augments (I'm talking about the L20 one). What I"m wondering, is WOULD it be profitable to augment the level 50 saber? It seems to have a lot of mats and as it takes forever to crit craft an item, would the cost of mats outweight the money made? Onto crystals, a couple months ago, level 50 crystals sold for over 100k a lot of the time, now they're as low as 40K!!! I simply can't justify spending the money for Corusca Gems and the other mats to make them when I'm earning what... 20k? (Maybe I'm overreacting, someone might know more about the crystal trade). Now, some of you may ask, why not sell those fancy schmancy magenta crystals? Well for starters, nobody is going to buy the 49 crystal since they're almost 50. The level 31 one I was selling for about 100k a pop, then I started getting undercutters, and the price dropped to 60k, then back up to 70k, the market for them seems bloated now whereas before I was the only one selling them. The level 50 ones are not worth selling either, BECAUSE the population of The Fatman have decided that 200k is a good price for them... Seeing as it's incredibly time consuming to get the Magenta Adegan Crystal (and requires at least a 3 person group) and THEN you have to go to Alderaan to wait for 2 of the Rough Magenta Shards to respawn, then grab them, THEN go to Tython/Korriban to refine them into the Pristine Adegan Crystals? Bah, it takes forever and it's not worth the 200k that it may sell for. Relics, are BoP, nuff said. Ok /endrant, just looking for some advice to make money, since right now I'm pretty credit starved =[ P.S. Not going to reroll since I spent 500k on the Magenta 50 schematic.
  7. Wrong, Leap's default CD is 15s, talented it's 12s, Watchman Sentinels also have an interrupt on a 6s cooldown so if you were getting ability pushback he might be able to use it every time you casted.
  8. Just stick with it opf, every class will have its month =] Hopefully BW will be smart and balance out Sents/Maras and PTs/VGs, it's just a matter of waiting I suppose.
  9. I like how you call people who PvE carebears, nice touch there buddy, hate this kind of attitude in "serious" or "hardcore" PvPers looking down on anything that's not PvP. Not saying anything bad about PvP in general (I like it and play it) but I don't see why you need to insult those who like to do PvE content.
  10. Did you read my post even? I never said anything about removing the PvP gear, I merely suggested that the gap between tiers was made less noticeable, thus making it so you wouldn't have to suffer as much to get to the point where you have balanced PvP. For "grindy" people like you this would also satisfy because there would still be gear progression but it just would make it less "gear > skill"y. L2Read.
  11. The point isn't that those in recruit gear are too lazy to grind for War Hero, it's that it's stupid to have to suffer through 1000s of warzones to reach a point where you can have balanced PvP and not get your face kicked in for the duration of a warzone. The solution apparent to me is to just make the gaps between gear smaller, those that PvPed more would still have an advantage, but not to the point that gear > skill. I also think that removing expertise is dumb because then people who haven't even set foot in PvP but have done HM EC will be able to have the BiS gear instantaneously. Or, as some others have already mentioned, cross server PvP queuing could be put in place to make it a fair field, as it is now though, individual servers do not have the population for this. Even introducing cross server queuing could be bad though since it ruins the sense of community you may get on a server, instead of pitting you against the people you liked to go against and knew you'd get pitted against total strangers, and friendly banter would stop, in addition the anonymity many would get would encourage flaming and trolling even more since it would be easy to say something and never be seen again by the flamed person amid the sea of other players.
  12. I started feeling this way about level 40 because Merciless Slash really complicated things, you mentioned being confused about which centering consumer to use when sitting on 30 stacks of centering. I'd say, unless you're in focus tree, hit Zen, only time I used Transcendence while leveling was if I had 30 centering after a battle and wanted to run faster In focus tree probably I'd go with Inspiration, but not sure really.... Key thing is, keep your focus consumers in a central place that you find easy and natural to look at. Lots of times I don't even look at my centering but when Zen's icon lights up showing I can use it, I set up my burns on the target and pop Zen. That's also another thing, before using Zen, set your burst up, in Combat pool focus to Slash spam, and in Watchman, get your burns on your target and immediately pop Zen, the rotation can be... Tricky sometimes but it's mostly just priority and planning ahead (i.e. getting enough Focus for your next Merciless Slash or Zen Burst (in combat tree)).
  13. Because Watchman is great once you hit 20 whereas Combat sucks for quite a while, the only part of its rotation that is different from 50 for a Watchman spec is that you sub in two Slashes instead of a Merciless Slash, besides that you just stack Overload Saber on your target. Combat relies heavily on Blade Rush though which you don't get until 40, so you won't get the guaranteed Ataru procs, or the on demand 100% crit for blade storm for a while. My theory on that anyways.
  14. Agree with you OP, full BM/WH Mercs pose no threat to me unless they're freecasting, in recruit PvP gear on my Sentinel, I can take a merc down quite easily and get down to ~30% health, it's stupid easy beating them and not fair that mercs have bad dps, bad mobility, and bad utility, /signed
  15. Unfortunately you must grind your butt off for DPS gear =/
  16. iTryHard

    PVP and 1.4

    Great ideas, except the Commando/Merc bubble, at the current time, merc/mandos have it bad, sure you might see the occasional 400k out of some of them, but why bother with the horrible heat/ammo effiency when you have the operative who can put up 700k without a sweat? If anything, merc/mandos should be buffed as the only thing going for them as healers is their survivability (which isn't even that great if they don't have their 12s bubble up). I personally want to see: -Marauders and Powertechs balanced, not overnerfed or made slightly worse than ranged (I actually think they should a little better than ranged in the DPS department since they're melee). just balanced to be in line with other classes. -Sorc's lightning tree buffed in survivability and DPS, madness buffed in DPS, survivability increased a little. -Merc/Commando, large DPS buff to make up for their 0 utitlity, or a slight DPS buff and some more utility added to the class. -More warzones -Healing efficiency improved for the sorcerer and mercenary classes to put their throughput on level with operatives. -Sin tanks redesigned to have less DPS, but have survivability on par with other tanks, the exact OPPOSITE of what BW has already done. The gap between PvP gear levels made smaller, fully augmented war hero players beating on recruit geared players while they try for 2 weeks or so to gear up is lame. Gear should matter, but let Skill > Gear, not Gear > Skill -Implement better WPvP, nuff said. -A buff to the concealment operative's sustained DPS would be in line, as well as a buff to the operative's lethality tree as currently sniper lethality > operative lethality not sniper lethality=operative lethality -Either a slight buff to the Deception Sin's DPS or an increase in their survivability would be in line, currently they're the squishiest class in the game wearing light armor, being in melee range, and having only one ok defensive CD. Sustained DPS should be increased to make them competitive in PvE (*gasp*) as well. Something like better force management would solve that. That's all I can think of currently, but I may think of more things that may be a good idea to change.
  17. General chat is fun because you can banter with the other team if it's PubvPub or ImpvImp, it's good to socialize with people, try it out,!
  18. Why can't we play both games, GW2 doesn't have a sub cost so I plan on switching between the games every few days so I can have fun in BOTH!
  19. Just curious to any that said the Watchman Sentinel's rotation was easy and required few buttons, which classes are you comparing them to? Balance Shadows, Vigilance Guardians, those two classes I have high respect for, their rotations seem overcomplicated... Also, Sentinels don't have a "rotation" persay after their intitial opening rotation (Leap->OS->Zealous->Cauterize->MercSlash->MasterStrike), they have a priority list of abilities that need to be used, this is much harder than the Powertech Pyro's fairly simple rotation of IM->TD-RS->RP->if proc, RS->if not FB spam until RS proc->repeat FB spam until RP is off CD->RP->RS, if proc. And so on, it might look complicated but really you just have to use TD on CD, keep a DoT up, and spam RP/FB to get RS procs while mixing in auto attacks. So, the majority of the time you'll be using four abilities, RP, FB, and RS with a TD every 15 seconds. DoT upkeep should be a non issue. So, that's what... 4 buttons in the main rotation? P.S. I might be a little biased towards Powertechs since I don't have a level 50 one, but if someone wanted to break down the Sentinel's "rotation" (might be difficult since priority) that'd be awesome.
  20. If the Columi gear looks similar to your Rakata gear, you could just earn your battlemaster gear, take out the mods, and put them in the Columi gear (easier to get than another set of rakata), problem solved, heck, if you have the time you could even grind for another set of Rakata to put your PvP gear's mods into, that way the PvP players are happy you have expertise and you're happy on how you look aesthetically!
  21. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, my consular is a male so no slave girl costume Now, this is my personal opinion, but I think the campaign gear looks horrible, at least on a male consular! It shows way too much shoulder for my liking. xD
  22. Does anybody know where you can find the lower and upper robes on any of the Primeval stuff? I have the headpiece, but torhead doesn't mention much on the robes...
  23. Okay, I'll try to find some of the other pieces
  24. I hit 50 a while ago on my Shadow and have worked my way up to having Columi/Rakata PvE gear, next step is Campaign where I can transfer out the mods and still keep the set bonus so I can choose how I look. I just wanted some suggestions for some nice looking pieces of gear and where to find it. I currently have [Prototype] Primeval Battlemind's Headgear in mind. That still leaves a bunch of other slots to fill, so... Suggest away! -Thanks
  25. True true, but if GBTF isn't to go, what is? Most of the people on these forums are whining loads about sents/maras, so what exactly makes them OP?
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