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Chiss force sensitive? sith pureblood on the republic?


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Hrmm......ya so....the lore.....why are you destroying it?.....it is known that the chiss are not force sensitive and i see no reason for a pureblood to be a good doer and join the republic and fight the empire...ya.......this is worse then a hutt jedi...
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Who are you to tell a specific person of a race not to do what they want ? Imagine walking up to an asian and telling him he can't be a Football player because he's asian ? Don't be narrow minded. (This was just an example) Edited by sheheradze
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What does a person's skin color have to do with their profession?


That's racist.


And also, the history of the Old Republic conflicts were lost to the sands of time. How do you know that Chiss were not Force sensitive or that children of Sith chose to serve the Republic?


Are you George Lucas? Because if so, I have a bone to pick with you about Howard the Duck.

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Because there's a line where people complain and whine enough to get it implemented...and "we" all crossed it (using the royal We on that one).


I personally would've been fine without it too...but you can easily RP that if you really want. Just because it hasn't been mentioned in "Lore/Cannon" doesn't mean it hasn't/couldn't happen. ::shrug::

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All complaints regarding damaging Star Wars lore should be sent to Skywalker Ranch.


Make sure to mark it: "C/O George Lucas".


Judging by his own alterations to the Star Wars universe, I'm sure he will be up in arms about it.

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Because fun.


Also, it's somewhat hard to believe that, regardless of 'genetic predisposition,' every single member of a race to ever exist throughout history was evil, or even that there couldn't be turncoats (who might still not be good, but are playing for the other team), or etc. At least it might semi-justify the absurd amount of red lightsabers on the Republic side!


And I think that being as I think the whole point is that they are supposed to be related to your other characters (this is how it was advertised in the video), I'd be more up in arms about the physiological impossibilities involved, rather than a race displaying force sensitivity where before they had none.

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Hrmm......ya so....the lore.....why are you destroying it?.....it is known that the chiss are not force sensitive and i see no reason for a pureblood to be a good doer and join the republic and fight the empire...ya.......this is worse then a hutt jedi...


*Cough Cough* Scourge *Cough Cough*...

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Hrmm......ya so....the lore.....why are you destroying it?.....it is known that the chiss are not force sensitive and i see no reason for a pureblood to be a good doer and join the republic and fight the empire...ya.......this is worse then a hutt jedi...


lol omg i so want a hutt jedi!

Edited by teambff
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What does a person's skin color have to do with their profession?


That's racist.


And also, the history of the Old Republic conflicts were lost to the sands of time. How do you know that Chiss were not Force sensitive or that children of Sith chose to serve the Republic?


Are you George Lucas? Because if so, I have a bone to pick with you about Howard the Duck.


Pretty much this. The lore isn't something static, it's not frozen in time. It's being written with every new addition to it.


You might aswell complain about every single book, comic, cartoon and whatever else that gets released and adds something new to the lore. There might not have been evidence of these things happening before, but there is now.

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Hrmm......ya so....the lore.....why are you destroying it?.....it is known that the chiss are not force sensitive and i see no reason for a pureblood to be a good doer and join the republic and fight the empire...ya.......this is worse then a hutt jedi...


Chiss being force sensitive is possible 1) because Chiss are decended from a human settlement and went through their appearence transformation in an ice age, and 2) because the charachter is not necessarily pure Chiss, it could have a human (force sensitive) parent.


As for Sith Pureblood Jedi, just because they are Pureblood does not mean they agree with the politics of the Empire (Oligarchy/Dictatorship) they might prefer a democratic society, also who says they were even raised anywhere near Imperial space could be a child of asylum seekers/defectors.


Lord Scourge seems to prove that Sith Purebloods can turn to the light side and the Republic



Ergo your argument (or lack thereof) is invalid sir goodday

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Not all people born into a certain race are evil/force ignorant...


For people moaning about sit smugglers or troopers it was established in the rev an novel that certain sith could be born without force sensitivity. Most of them were killed at birth to save them the embarrassment or were put in positions where force didn't matter to hide it. The only case I need mention is sechel.

As for miralukan snipers..... Wow.... That is a bit ott XD I guess maybe they could sense ppl from 100 meters away XD idk

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