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How to Make the Game Combat More Fluid in 5 Seconds


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I disagree. The ability queue should be the value closest to your ping, rounded up.


So if I have 150ms ping and I have options for 0.1 and 0.25, I'd go for 0.25s. But 0.0 simply lowers your damage output even if slightly.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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I have mine set to the highest value (1.0?). It's the time window before an ability finishes that you can queue up the next one.


So I can hit Snipe a second time about halfway through the first one activating and it will start charging as soon as the first fires.


Setting this to 0 just means you have to mash the button like crazy to avoid standing around doing nothing for a while (really short while, but still!) between shots. Not sure how that's more "fluid".

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Could you elaborate more? I'm curious to how this is supposed to work.


The idea is to queue the ability up so it's queued on the server before it actually happens, otherwise there will be a delay on your next attack equal to your ping.


For instance, a person with any queue higher than his ping, in 6 seconds would be able to activate 5 attacks (1 at time=0 and then another one after each GCD of 1.5, total of 4 GCDs).


A person with queue lower than his ping would lose AT THE LEAST ping MINUS queue time (maximum his own ping if he uses no queue (0.0 sec)) after each attack before activating the new one, therefore only achieving 4 attacks at most in those same 6 seconds the previous person achieved 5 attacks. He can also waste more time if we include reflexes and all that.


So having a queue time equal to the value of your ping or a little more (but not less) simulates playing in real time better than not having one (real time as in ping of 0, playing locally). The only thing that still matters is the reflex time. But that can also be addressed by adding additional time at your queue.


So for a less 'skilled' person, a 1.0 second queue would increase their performance by a lot, due to compensating for lack of reflexes by preemptively using abilities.


Hope that's clear.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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I disagree. The ability queue should be the value closest to your ping, rounded up.


So if I have 150ms ping and I have options for 0.1 and 0.25, I'd go for 0.25s. But 0.0 simply lowers your damage output even if slightly.


and the jawa speaks truth

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Nice explanation and so this is probably a stupid question. Why would anyone not set it to 1 second? I have a ping of around 50ms most of the time but why wouldn't I want to queue early to ensure that I have no downtime between attacks?


The reason is that if you set it too high, while you can still play just perfectly fine, it starts feeling a little 'sticky', like your skills do not activate in real time, they feel more preemptive and not action-y at all. Some people don't mind this but it can make the combat feel non-fluid. I think for most people the default 0.5s is perfect, it makes up for lack of reflexes of a new player and ping nicely without being too much.


Also, in serious PvP, a very low queue time (or none at all) can be beneficial so you can never waste any GCD by preloading abilities, so you always have a few more moments to respond to a spellcast and such. That said, I prefer not to lose any damage output in PvP either so I still follow my rule of just above your ping queue time, and no queue means button mashing.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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Nice explanation and so this is probably a stupid question. Why would anyone not set it to 1 second? I have a ping of around 50ms most of the time but why wouldn't I want to queue early to ensure that I have no downtime between attacks?


Lets pretend I'm a spammer (as I am) and I like to press buttons a lot, not even waiting for it to get our of cooldown, making sure this way that the ability is fired as soon as it comes out of cooldown.


Lets pretend I've 1, my basic ability and 2, an ability with a cooldown. The way I play is this:




not with times


[0.0s] 111111111122 [1.5s end of global colldown] 222111111111 [3.0 end of gcd] 1111222...


How many hit did I get on the enemy?

ability 1 at 0.0s, ability 2 at 1.5, ability 1 again at 3.0s


What happens if a queue?

ability 1 at 0.0s, at 1.5s depending on the Queue length I may fire a 1 instead of a 2...because the system queued my 1 spamming in the queue (see it like a buffer).



If you like spamming, have a low ping and like playing "on your toes" always ready to click (key spam) the next ability you want to use in a 1.5s times (the global cooldown: you need to be able to decide/know the ability you are going to cast in the next 1.5 secs), then IMO 0.0 is the way to go.


Personally I never liked Queue ability system, but then again that's because I spam a lot and sometime the queue buffered an ability I don't intend to cast anymore...hope it makes sense.


If I'm wrong please let me know :p, sounds like a couple of guys here knows a lot about this :)

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Lets pretend I'm a spammer (as I am) and I like to press buttons a lot, not even waiting for it to get our of cooldown, making sure this way that the ability is fired as soon as it comes out of cooldown.


Lets pretend I've 1, my basic ability and 2, an ability with a cooldown. The way I play is this:




not with times


[0.0s] 111111111122 [1.5s end of global colldown] 222111111111 [3.0 end of gcd] 1111222...


How many hit did I get on the enemy?

ability 1 at 0.0s, ability 2 at 1.5, ability 1 again at 3.0s


What happens if a queue?

ability 1 at 0.0s, at 1.5s depending on the Queue length I may fire a 1 instead of a 2...because the system queued my 1 spamming in the queue (see it like a buffer).



If you like spamming, have a low ping and like playing "on your toes" always ready to click (key spam) the next ability you want to use in a 1.5s times (the global cooldown: you need to be able to decide/know the ability you are going to cast in the next 1.5 secs), then IMO 0.0 is the way to go.


Personally I never liked Queue ability system, but then again that's because I spam a lot and sometime the queue buffered an ability I don't intend to cast anymore...hope it makes sense.


If I'm wrong please let me know :p, sounds like a couple of guys here knows a lot about this :)


You are right that's why in competitive PvP the best would be to use no queue, so there's absolutely no chance to waste an entire GCD when you're trying to respond near the end of the previous GCD to some spellcast with an interrupt and such.


But in the end you still lose damage output this way. Of course, for PvP it might be worth it overall, especially if you have a low ping like 50.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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Nice explanation and so this is probably a stupid question. Why would anyone not set it to 1 second? I have a ping of around 50ms most of the time but why wouldn't I want to queue early to ensure that I have no downtime between attacks?


You wouldn't want 1 second, cause it can screw you out of a twitch decision to cancel. Say interrupt a heal. If a spell is qued and about to fire off and you decide to interrupt something or whatever, you now need to wait the gcd to do it. Just not efficient and clunky.

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The idea is to queue the ability up so it's queued on the server before it actually happens, otherwise there will be a delay on your next attack equal to your ping.


For instance, a person with any queue higher than his ping, in 6 seconds would be able to activate 5 attacks (1 at time=0 and then another one after each GCD of 1.5, total of 4 GCDs).


A person with queue lower than his ping would lose AT THE LEAST ping MINUS queue time (maximum his own ping if he uses no queue (0.0 sec)) after each attack before activating the new one, therefore only achieving 4 attacks at most in those same 6 seconds the previous person achieved 5 attacks. He can also waste more time if we include reflexes and all that.


So having a queue time equal to the value of your ping or a little more (but not less) simulates playing in real time better than not having one (real time as in ping of 0, playing locally). The only thing that still matters is the reflex time. But that can also be addressed by adding additional time at your queue.


So for a less 'skilled' person, a 1.0 second queue would increase their performance by a lot, due to compensating for lack of reflexes by preemptively using abilities.


Hope that's clear.



Thanks for this. I usually have a ping of around 130 so I'll bump it back up!

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