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  1. I don't see why this is still debated. If you can't naturally feel the delay based on the way you play, then do the "mount" test. Doesn't matter what machine you're on, class, or whatever. You can re-create it time after time. Simply hit your mount key then try moving forward the second the bar shows that it's finished. your mount will appear and then disappear. Doesn't matter if you keybind, click, spam keybinds, or spam clicks. That is the delay that is plaguing everything you do. Whether it be animations or capping a node on Alderan warfront, it's there. Sure, you can get around it by waiting an extra second or whatever, but that doesn't mean the issue isn't happening. I doubt that it's intended or has anything thing to do with the way combat is "meant" to be. If players are comfortable with watching animations and timing and what not, that's totally fine. I'm not here to judge or critique. Just have fun. I'd love it if everyone was happy. Understand though, that most players keybind. Most players that keybind also spam to a degree. To ensure they are maximizing efficiency every 1.5 seconds with zero downtime. There's roughly 1.5 million playing. Out of that, i'd bet only 20k post on the forums. I'm the only one in my guild that reads the forums, and i can assure you that they are all complaining about this as well. They just don't care about the life of the game like i do. Most people don't care enough to post, they'll just quit and be done with it. It sucks, cause it makes me look like a total fan boy for defending bioware and this issue. It's like i have to beg people to give it time to hopefully be fixed. Also keep in mind that this issue is all over other gaming forums and spreading. All it takes is a handful of people to tell their friends that the combat isn't responsive and to not buy until it's fixed. Then they tell 2 friends and so on. Add that to how easy it is to find tons of people complaining about it all over the forums. Just try the mount thing for yourself if you can't notice it, and help work towards a better game. Enough with the "adjust" to faulty system. That doesn't fly with everyone.
  2. OMG! I still freak out when i'm kiting. It's looks so stupid because you're not facing the target when doing the proper jump kite. Usually when you strafe in games, your character side steps while facing forward. Swtor however decided to just straight up run sideways. That maybe where the issue with jump kiting is coming in.
  3. People were voicing it in beta, which is what scares me. The ability que wasn't in builds before that, "everyone gets in weekend". I think they added it to solve the problem. It was absolutely terrible prior to.
  4. My thoughts exactly. I don't care that i'm infatuated with starwars, or that i had a pre-order to preorder the CE lol. Fact is, if the combat isn't perfect it can fall like the rest over time. Quit WAR, Aion, and didn't even give rift a chance because of combat. I don't play WoW anymore cause after 7 years of azeroth, i'm just over it. All i want to play is this game. I want my friends to play it. I want it to be amazing. I want people who don't play mmo's to of at least heard the name like they have WoW. I don't think people realize that combat is probably the main reason why people go back to WoW. Blizzard does it perfect. Hands down. GW2 probably won't be perfect either. Probably going to have to wait until Titan to get another solid mmo that isn't wow.
  5. I think they would have made a public patch notes if they did any changes to it. Try mounting and moving forward as soon as bar finishes. It's still there. I brought this up so many times in beta and on the forums after the NDA and was flamed with the, "it's beta dude" comments.
  6. Turn the ability que to 0.0 in the preferences. Removes it all together and allows for canceling to get quick cc or interrupts. Gcd should go down to 1sec IMO
  7. Setting ability que to 0 made it feel better for me. You don't have to worry about any canceling of ques then. It's still a bit clunky with some spells though. I was making posts about this for 3 months, but they got buried by the people claiming its just beta or whatever. I wouldn't mind the gcd going down to 1.2 or 1 second, but that kind of thinking gets me flamed for whatever reason lol.
  8. You wouldn't want 1 second, cause it can screw you out of a twitch decision to cancel. Say interrupt a heal. If a spell is qued and about to fire off and you decide to interrupt something or whatever, you now need to wait the gcd to do it. Just not efficient and clunky.
  9. I don't know why they set default at .5 or why it even exists for that matter.
  10. In the preferences tab, find the ability que slider and set it to 0.0. It's defaulted to .5 for some stupid reason. Game will feel much better
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