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Anything positive about 1.2?


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It made Jodea rage quit And it has made these forums even more entertaining.


So far that is all i have sir.


Oh hai sir! <3


Although, it seems these forums got more depressing, least on the PvP side.


Oh wellz, least we have each other!!!

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UI customization is nice, though it takes some time to get it do everything you want. The legacy buffs are cool for soloing in PvE all of the Belsavis Heroics are soloable now because of the bosses are easier (mezzable) and they spawns have fewer golds and Legacy abilities give you some oh **** buttons (and buffs).


Haven't queued yet so I can't talk about WZs but in general the game seems to run a lot smoother on my ATI card.

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It seems many in the PvP community disagree with your assessment.


LOL... You call this a community? It's more of a day care filled with babies raised by the community organizer that all you entitlement monkeys hired.

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Tobe perfectly Honest I am a major Bioware stockholder, I sent them a letter this morning exclaiming my intent to by the remaining number of shares required for me to own 51% of the companies shares, which means, I will then own the company.


I am hoping this letter of intent will motivate Bioware to fix these issues, I am an old die hard Starwars fan, and if bioware can't get this right.. well... Lets say of people are going to loose their jobs.


You players are my money in the stock market for this company, and when you unsub I personally loose money (I unsubed myself honestly as sort of a sending them a message) so perhaps this will motivate them to fix the game, because if they can't I will buy the remaining stocks, walk into their corporate office and begin firing people on the spot and hiring more competent individuals who will actually listen to the players when they say (HEY THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!).


So while this game may die a bit in the coming months.. hopefully once the incompetents are gone it will gain a power push and become the game it was supposed to be. (Or maybe Bioware will just get their heads out of their asses so I don't have to pull it out for them.)


(For those who do not realize it EA is the Owner of Bioware) The stock Symbal is EA and there current stock price is 16.52 a share up by .63 cents with the new subs to swtor) will probably crash a bit tomorrow with all the unsubing)

Edited by Darth-Malkaevian
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Tobe perfectly Honest I am a major Bioware stockholder, I sent them a letter this morning exclaiming my intent to by the remaining number of shares required for me to own 51% of the companies shares, which means, I will then own the company.


I am hoping this letter of intent will motivate Bioware to fix these issues, I am an old die hard Starwars fan, and if bioware can't get this right.. well... Lets say of people are going to loose their jobs.


You players are my money in the stock market for this company, and when you unsub I personally loose money (I unsubed myself honestly as sort of a sending them a message) so perhaps this will motivate them to fix the game, because if they can't I will buy the remaining stocks, walk into their corporate office and begin firing people on the spot and hiring more competent individuals who will actually listen to the players when they say (HEY THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!).


So while this game may die a bit int he coming months.. hopefully once the incompetents are gone it will gain a power push and become the game it was supposed to be. (Or maybe Bioware will just get their heads out of their asses so I don't have to do pull it out for them.)





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It's all good.

Healing as a sorc is amazing now,oh my what a challange atleast for a few secs.

Having half of the wz's not counting towards weekly played warzones kinda spices up

things no.

Finishing lost wz's gives massive rewards so cant complain there.


So yeah well played BW you sure as hell know what you are doing.


Sub runs out in 5 days :p

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LOL... You call this a community? It's more of a day care filled with babies raised by the community organizer that all you entitlement monkeys hired.


While the PvP forums do have some droolers around, I cannot imagine that if this 1.2 update was even halfway decent, we would be seeing countless threads to the contrary.


Then again, maybe it's not so bad, thus why I'm taking a more subtle approach with this thread.

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While the PvP forums do have some droolers around, I cannot imagine that if this 1.2 update was even halfway decent, we would be seeing countless threads to the contrary.


Then again, maybe it's not so bad, thus why I'm taking a more subtle approach with this thread.


I've been logged on for awhile now, (Sith Sorce since I just resubed I have 30 days so I figure what the hell..)


While many people over exaggerate with emotions, unfortunately... unless you are one of the lucky few high dps classes, or manage to find yourself in a decent group, your probably going to find yourself at a shall we say... significant disadvantage....?


But on the all, the patch broke more then just pvp, many other things were changed as well, and many of the things are simply game killers for those individuals that play those classes, or do those activities.


This patch while not "yet" the actual equivalent to SOE NGEN SWG patch.. is fast approaching such in status, as it has drastically changed the entire game and how it is played.

Edited by Darth-Malkaevian
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Outside of pvp the patch is actually pretty great... though they didn't deliver much in ways of crafting.


In pvp though... they nerfed the worst classes, buffed the best classes and snipers (more fixes to clunky mechanics really). Made WZ unbalanced in nearly every way, make 8v4 common, took out rewards for losing, made getting medals very hard for pure healers and reasonably hard for pure dps- while also making you need to get 8 medals now.


Still haven't touched on roots being free of resolve, gave healers in many cases nerfs from every angle- nerfing healing, damage reduction from expertise, healing cast times and resource regen.




What's to be positive about? BW decided they want to make healers pay- people said it was a terrible idea for weeks on the PTS- BW ignored them and pretty much turned the game into dps EZ mode.




I guess that means there is something to be positive about- if you're a heavy dps class you're more useful... oh and lo and behold- the classes that came out of the patch on top are all heavy dps.


Coincidence? Nope, just BW making a ****** pvp game.

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Tobe perfectly Honest I am a major Bioware stockholder, I sent them a letter this morning exclaiming my intent to by the remaining number of shares required for me to own 51% of the companies shares, which means, I will then own the company.


I am hoping this letter of intent will motivate Bioware to fix these issues, I am an old die hard Starwars fan, and if bioware can't get this right.. well... Lets say of people are going to loose their jobs.


You players are my money in the stock market for this company, and when you unsub I personally loose money (I unsubed myself honestly as sort of a sending them a message) so perhaps this will motivate them to fix the game, because if they can't I will buy the remaining stocks, walk into their corporate office and begin firing people on the spot and hiring more competent individuals who will actually listen to the players when they say (HEY THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!).


So while this game may die a bit in the coming months.. hopefully once the incompetents are gone it will gain a power push and become the game it was supposed to be. (Or maybe Bioware will just get their heads out of their asses so I don't have to pull it out for them.)


(For those who do not realize it EA is the Owner of Bioware) The stock Symbal is EA and there current stock price is 16.52 a share up by .63 cents with the new subs to swtor) will probably crash a bit tomorrow with all the unsubing)


Let us all know how that all goes, k?

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Let us all know how that all goes, k?


If it goes well the game will drastically improve with some large patch that fixes the game with lots of stuff from player input 6 months to a year from now.


If it goes bad or for some reason I can't acquire the shares,well... I guess things will continue downhill as they have been, and I'll simply sell off my shares to prevent myself loosing money on a failing company.

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fps is much better


new warzone is really awesome - feels nothing like Alderaan imo.


Healing was nerfed, but healers can still hold their ground. It's still not that easy to kill a healer.


merc were nerfed, but they are still able to reach top3 without much struggle.


Droid on the ship finally shut the hell up about kissing my butt :D


And many more...

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It's all good.

Healing as a sorc is amazing now,oh my what a challange atleast for a few secs.

Having half of the wz's not counting towards weekly played warzones kinda spices up

things no.

Finishing lost wz's gives massive rewards so cant complain there.


So yeah well played BW you sure as hell know what you are doing.


Sub runs out in 5 days :p


Sir, I second your sarcastic and cynical tirade... it made me smile a little also. :D


Bioware screwed the pooch. Time is money (know that saying?)... and if people pay to play, that time is expected to be at least a little rewarding - and BioWare managed to even take 'a little rewarding' completely out of the PvP picture.


Farewell, SWTOR. Was fun while it lasted.

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"Tobe perfectly Honest I am a major Bioware stockholder"


You really want this guy taking over BW? lol how many errors do you see in his opening line?


The ability to lead has nothing to do with the ability to spell.


Obviously if I am successful enough to have the money to Buy that many shares I am intelligent and capable enough to lead said company.

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hmm a positive note the warzones aren as loading laggy anymore, and if you like more burst in pvp then it is also a positive change i guess. oh and target of target is very nice to, and that you can actually move and resize targets castingbar. but i guess that maybe is more about the interface editor, wich actually doing most of its job. if i only could disable the portraits i would be really happy with it.
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about pvp there is only the "lag"issues that got "addressed" that is positive, NEVER seen such a bad rebalancing of classes in ANY MMO.


just saying ravage + marauder = trolololo :D


and yeah having three sorchealers on each side on the team is like having 30k hp per char but thats it, they cant outheal **** in pvp, 15-25 deaths for all the players in a battleground is redicoulous if enemy team has done dmg of 250k max per player in a 15min bg ...


just seeing healers do 500k heal per battleground doenst means nothing if the healer cant keep their mates alive... skill has vanished ... why kick/cc a healer? do dmg its 100% more effectiv because he will die faster ;D

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