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10 Good
  1. i dont agree, as they played tank as tank and not oh i skill tank and get dpsgear and rapeeveryone because i still do the same dmg as any damagedealer but can take alot more thx to more survivability and utility
  2. ich weiss ja nicht auf welchem server du spielst ... aber warum laufen wohl 95% aller sins und pt's mit tankskillung rum? genau weil der schaden und vorallem burst als tankskilled genausohoch ist wie in dmg skillung (nur marginal kleiner) wenn man einfach damagegear anzieht, jedoch mehr survivability viel mehr utility usw. combatlogs zeigen es da ja mehr als deutlich wenn dds 1400 dps machen und tank assas und pts 1250 (marauder mit ihren 1800 mal aussen vor) stimmt defintiv was an der balance nicht einzigen tanks die balanced sind sind juggertanks, die haben utility gute survivability aber nur moderaten schade (so wie es sein sollte), jedoch haben diese genau deswegen im pve aggroprobleme weil das game auf aggro durch dmg setzt anstatt tanks nen besseren aggromodifier zu geben .... aber die ganze balance im pvp ist atm sowieso total broken nicht nur was klassbalance angeht
  3. if this was the only bug in warzones it would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice... but yes aint, there are alot of bugs that are worse than this (making you unable to do anything as example) and yeah too many bugs in this game atm... so slowly but steady ibegin to wonder what all these devs are doing (about 200 as far as i know!?) and how they are srsly making balance in pvp worse with every patch.... just because all these changes are 100% PvE even if they try to convince us they aren't... because otherwhise why are assa/sin tanks and pyro/vanguard tanks just dominating everything? imo they are even ALOT stronger than marauder because they just have everything, survivability, utility and ... even pretty nice burst and overall dmg... so yes.... why take full dds if you can get tanks that do thesame dmg
  4. you can trade 30 warzone commendtaions vs 10 ranked commendatiosn at the pvp vendor, just saying
  5. the problem is that "casuals" can only focus on one class... and for them sorcs were the op class, even if i think in comparison to marauder/tankassa/tankpyros and snipers... sorcs were more than fine, because they just insta die if someone looks (looked) their way... pvp balance is just totally broken, heal cant outheal 2 dds for over 10 seconds, so 2 dds that focus 1 dd that gets healed by one healer (that doesnt get cc'ed/interrupted and so on) just dies damn fast, that is no balance srsly if the skill in this game is: "who does more dmg in a short time" without any tactics like when to cc or interrupt whom .... but yeah healing was overpowered ... oh wait @slims EXACTLY for the damage they do the defcds they have are just of the charts, get 2 marauders vs 8 dds, the 2 can easily snipe 2 dds out of there because of their cds
  6. for the BEST dps class.. best burst ingame best overall dps nest and most defcds ingame 2 marauders on 1 enemy is a dead one in about 6 seconds ... and @Op learn your class ravage cant be interrupted... TT
  7. das Problem liegt auch nicht am heal sondern am damage der seit 1.2 im game ist!!! würde man jetzt den heal dem dmg anpassen hätte man ein viel zu burstlastiges spiel, dmg muss im pvp angepasst/generft werden. es kann einfach und darf einfach nicht sein dass ein DD ohne cc ohne counter nen healer zwar nicht unbedingt killen aber trotzdem relativ gut unter druck setzt weil er nur brainafk dmgskills drückt. mit einem nerf am allgemeinen dmg würden sachen wie cc und counter enorm wichtig werden (zumal in hinsicht auf rated) und nicht wie momentan tötlich für den healer oder den dd den er heilt sofort werden. so wie das ganze momentan gebalanced ist hat das spiel nunmal wenig mit skill zutun, wobei "bessere" spieler immer einen vorteil haben werden es jedoch witzlos ist wieschnell richtig gute dds healer zerpflücken.
  8. okay damit hast du dich grad selbst ins aus geschossen, hier dauernd auf dicken macker machen, aber zudumm posts richtig zu lesen. dazu muss man wohl nichts mehr sagen, post nochmal lesen und richtig lesen, dann eigene posts lesen und vielleicht siehst du dann ja mal ausnahmsweise wo du dir grad selbst ein bein gestellt hast
  9. @ voyd da du ja so überheblich daherredest: 1 apfel + 1birne =/= 2 äpfel x + y =/= 2x (ausser y=x) diese simple grundlage scheinst du nicht zu verstehen, sonst hätten laut deiner aussage dd's +40% dmgboost effektiv ... Und healer haben immernoch trauma debuff, warum sollten den dann ned auch dd's kriegen? die müssen auch nur im pve soviel dmg machen oder hat ein gegner im pvp etwa 1mio hp? solche argumente wären/sind genauso dumm ... es ist einfach: heal is fine, damage is not und das haben devs ja nun mittlerweile auch eingesehen dass die mit 1.2 mit dem dmg biserl übertrieben haben
  10. in "Rechnen" hat er auch des öfteren gefehlt
  11. that was my point, and i wrote knockback!? so i dont see what he wants to tell us ... its all the changes to ravage together that make it an unbalanced spell. @suns, no at least not me... i was telling my guildmates already before thatb marauders are strong, but with all the changes to them they just got too strong if played good ... just because casuals couldnt play them right... now good players are half gods with this class that is the issue
  12. sorchealers lack a defensive cooldown yes, a 6 second immunity would be too strong imo. they should introduce a t6 skill beeing like 40% dmg reduction over 6 secons with 1:30 or 2min cooldown, but also castable perhaps on others. making it in ranked a skillfull spell (use it on m8 or keep it for myself?) while enemy team has to get that defcd out of the sorc to then perhaps burst him down (because honestly as pvp is now in ranked sorchealers will just melt even with guard or all 3 healers will just go oom keeping the sorc alive.... )
  13. since i'm playing Sorchealer... i guess i have to explain an important fact about YOUR class... ravage cant be interrupted fyi! otherwhise everything would be fine... but yeah since 1.2 ravage can root (if skilled) does approximatly 25% more dmg (15% base + 8% skilled) and you cant interrupt it... so you have to fill the marauders resolve bar to survive (IF you have 1min cc rdy or knockback) or use our ccbreaker (2MIN CD!) to get out of a damn root ...
  14. @TE screens are just showing that you had a very bad team, neither of these inqs did alot of damage or anything you just got outperformed. Healing/Damage output of sorcs is just fine, if left alone they can sure perform better than other classes ... but they lack survivability !!! also the overalldamage is too high due to the expertise buff, they brought 6% more dmg into pvp while buffing alot of damagespecs (and with it burstdamage) while nerfing 2 healers (and their burstheal), if they revert that buff to damage via expertise and take back that 25% ravage buff, fix arsenal spec (troloololo 8k heatseekers, but tracer seems broken 2.3k only? ), then balance should be pretty okay i guess. Sorcs are fine, damage/healing balance isnt but that aint the problem for healing beeing too week but damage is too high as i said.
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