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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Yep. Lots of people confusing "gift" and "reward" in here.


I think you are the one confused.


Gift: A thing given willingly to someone without payment


Reward: A thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.


Yeah, pretty sure it's a reward. A reward for being "the most valued" and "loyal" based on a criteria that has nothing to do with either.

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Its funny how much people actually complain about whaa i didnt get what she got or whaa he got more than i did makes me wonder if this game really is filled with adults or just adults that are still children. i think ill go with my second answer:rolleyes:


we dont give a **** about the 30 days... what we DONT like is bioware telling us that were not considered valuable customers because we havent leveled a toon to 50...

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This is hilarious...half of the whiners in here are just reacting "You people? What do you mean you people?"


Sensitive much?


McDonalds is giving free meals to their most loyal customers in Indiana. To qualify you must be a resident who has tried the food and eaten it quickly and complained. No rewards for loyalty to anyone who eats at a different pace, even if they are long time customers.


The obvious out of context example(imperfect as it is) is meant to convey to you how a poorly worded promotion would be offensive to others.

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I could understand if the criterion were different ... say had a 50 by end of January and hadn't unsubbed. Especially if instead of calling them their most valued customers they simply said appreciate your loyalty and patience while we worked to get more content to you.


But a scenario like that is NOT what happened nor is it how they worded it.



I agree with that. That would have been better and saved face.


LOL, but my next thought is how people who hit 50 on February 1 would start to complain and argue that they're not appreciated and/or suffered/waited/paid/got bored... too

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Okay, so the free month was an enticement for the 50's to stick around because the end game content wasn't complete and wasn't included in 1.2. I get that, but rather than doing it the way they did, why not announce that it will be done in a month and that level 50's will get the free month if they stay subscribed until then? That gives users who aren't 50 a chance to get there if they've abandoned their high level characters because of low server population or because they felt the level 50 content wasn't sufficient. It also keeps the 50's active until the content is released. Just a thought, but I guess hind-sight is 20-20.

Anyway, I like the game, just not its policy in this case. I'll be sticking around and playing all my alts at my own pace even if they double my subscription cost for not playing enough (whatever sense that makes...). I hope the incentives bring more people to or back to the game; maybe its already happening... Last night I saw another player on Hoth for the first time since being there! Awesome! (what font do you use for sarcasm...? :) )

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Quoted for thruth.


I think that either BioWare should give all players now the free 30 days regardless of highest level toon, or make it a general rule that any account that levels a toon to level 50 in the future also gets 30 days free.


And even more important, change the offending announcement "most valued players" indeed.:(


Maybe "most valued players" is wrong, it should read "players actually effected by lack of/delays in level 50 content"

Edited by Nakazia
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Has Bioware offered a Mea Culpa yet? If not, I sincerely doubt there will be one, and that will be the biggest mistake of all.


Mr Reid did respond to my tweet saying they are discussing the issue this is something i think would take a bit more time to sort out

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That... is actually pretty generous. I appreciate it, thank you.




Though this is true, it would be a very unusual position for someone to be in. Do you know someone like this?


Yes. Me! I have 3 level 40+ characters and 5 others over level 30.


This limitation to players who have a level 50 char stinks

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So those with level 50s JUST HAPPEN to be 'the most valued players' and Bioware JUST HAPPENS to show their appreciation for their 'support and loyalty' with a gift. I can't imagine why anyone would think of it as a reward for getting to 50...


They didn't say that "the most valued players" are level 50. They said, and I quote:


You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy...


Do you see the difference?

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People are discontent with level 50 content overall and the delay of rated warzones. If you left and resubbed or have stayed subbed the whole time its' sort of a non-issue, a player that they have subbed now at level 50 will benefit because they are the people who have been actually effected by the content that is sub-par. They are trying to make up for things, I give them credit for the moves they've made recently despite all the flames on these forums.


If you're playing the story/leveling part of this game still four months after launch, your simply not contributing to anything "end game" and have not been effected. It's the best part of the game, they're content and taking time leveling and that's okay but they're still the minority of casual people who are enjoying content that most people who more seriously play have already wrapped up in Janaury and repeated multiple times already.


So because they chose to leave because of crap endgame content (or chose to hang around because I guess they like crap) they are more valued than the player that hasn't gotten to endgame and therefore seen Bioware's apparent deficiencies first-hand?

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Originally Posted by Dezzi

Yep. Lots of people confusing "gift" and "reward" in here.


So those with level 50s JUST HAPPEN to be 'the most valued players' and Bioware JUST HAPPENS to show their appreciation for their 'support and loyalty' with a gift. I can't imagine why anyone would think of it as a reward for getting to 50...


yeah ignore that one Corell.


She tried this same line last night, got put down with facts

took her attitude and went home


Appears shes back for round 2 with the failed incorrect (cant call it logic cause its direct opposite but to early in day to think of correct term) SPIN (that works!!!!) on new crowd.


I got to say, with all the self satisfied ego stroking thats been going on since announcement


I hope they either cancel the free time completely or give the under 50 2 free months (as it wouldnt bother those that got 50 at all according to them)


Hell Id actually $45.00 just for Bioware to make that announcement of me getting 2 free months because I played game the right way! (moronic claim but hey, its whats being said far to often)

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I dont care how you twist and bend this.


Bioware told one group of customers that they were better than another, with no real dicernable reasoning behind it.


and then they gave them a monetary gift (but thats not what were mad about)


Very true. I haven't been on very long except since January, but i thought myself pretty loyal lol. any way yes this is a gift for the Lvl 50's with nothing left to do but sit here and wait for BW to fix and promise to fix issues that should have been done a while back. The honesty out of this is that lvl 50's really don't have crap to do at that lvl but sit and wait....


These people who are lvl 50 are now gloating about getting this gift and by words specifically targeted to them have ultimately made them seem better than the rest of us.

BW needs to apologize. I'm not mad about the free month, and honestly the pet thing is cool and all, but BW's choice words were not very careful.

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I think that we should be happy that bioware made this game in the first place. and become one with the force instead of complianing about what we dont have or get. Which

at the end leads to the DARK side. so just be greatfull jedi and sith.

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Its funny how much people actually complain about whaa i didnt get what she got or whaa he got more than i did makes me wonder if this game really is filled with adults or just adults that are still children. i think ill go with my second answer:rolleyes:


Says the guy with a comic book character for a username. Actually you couldn't even get that-copyright issue or someone else beat you to it?

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Your post makes sense and shows that you have the same understanding as Bioware. The issue is not why the patch was needed or even that they should try to retain the level 50's. They simply insulted a large(not majority, I'm sure) portion of their customers and that is what most of these 200 pages are full of comments on.


I agree that it IS an issue, however I would point out the fact that no gesture is ever translated the same way by everyone. For example: You could be the nicest person in the world to others, but you won't always get people who respond positively to that. The greater the gesture, the greater the reaction. There is simply no way, no way at all, to please everyone in an audience the size of the SWTOR customer base. You will ALWAYS get someone who is discontent. Even if they had given over a month to everyone, there would have been people who felt that there should be more, people who felt that it was too late in coming, people who felt like it was a piffling handout and scoffed at it. Let alone their side of trying to justify to Bioware and Lucas Arts handing out hundreds of thousands of dollars with far less justification. Sorry for the rant :D Just Sayin....

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Do you even realize how pointless your argument is? All the suggestions made here would in some way or other reward people who have not been contributing or punish people who have been contributing. It's not like they can review millions of accounts for time played, numbers of alts leveled, levels reached, time subscribed etc. And even then people who wouldn't get it would complain, because they missed it by one day, one alt, one level... because they have family, were sick, busy with job... whatever.


Hell, even if *everyone* got it as a reward, people would probably want to feel special and complain that the one who subscribed 5 days ago has done nothing to deserve it.


Excuse me while I interject a (simplified) fact into this nonsense.


SELECT account_name FROM character_stats WHERE (seconds_played1 + seconds_played2 + seconds_played3 + seconds_played4 + seconds_played5 + seconds_played6 + seconds_played7 + seconds_played8) > 864000


And you've got the account name of every player with more than 10 days /played on a server.


Now I've simplified that a GREAT deal for ease of understanding, and you'd probably need a few lookup tables, some pretty nasty JOIN statements, and some post-query processing and report display formatting, but this is not at all difficult for a db admin.


Technically, apart from a few changes, it isn't going to be that difficult of a query beyond the one they're already using to just find 50s.

Edited by Kubernetic
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By all means, find me the quote where Bioware says that those without a 50 aren't valuable customers.


Read the wording of the announcement, carefully:




One of. ONE OF. ONE OF.


You could argue that that means the player specifically if you really wanted to jump on the Bioware hatewagon, but this statement by no means insinuates that those who don't have a level 50 aren't valued.


I can forgive you for not reading every single post in this thread but it has been stated multiple times that the statement was edited. Not that you have to believe me but I read the post before there was a single comment and it was stated quite clearly that the 50's were their most valued customers.

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So because they chose to leave because of crap endgame content (or chose to hang around because I guess they like crap) they are more valued than the player that hasn't gotten to endgame and therefore seen Bioware's apparent deficiencies first-hand?


No my point is, a player who hasn't hit level 50 yet is still blissfully playing in story land and that part of the game is great!


Anyone dissatisfied with game play at level 50 is who they're trying to apologize to.

Edited by Nakazia
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