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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Let me explain, 30 days od playtime is 15$, lets say that 100,000 players that would pay the money dont have to, while this cash could be used to hire more ppl for fix bugs and stuff.



You have an incredibly infantile understanding of how business and MMOs work.

Edited by daibakuha
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Truly entertaining to see the empty threats.


A real man would just unsub, delete CC details to avoid "accidental sub" and be done with it.


You, folks, simply adore hearing yourself talk and patting your backs.


Someone got something for free. Don`t like it... protest with your wallet. But do so quietly, as you should...


By all means, proceed...

Edited by Styxx
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Let me explain, 30 days od playtime is 15$, lets say that 100,000 players that would pay the money dont have to, while this cash could be used to hire more ppl for fix bugs and stuff.


Hiring a collection of out-of-studio programmers who are unfamiliar with the engine on a temporary contract would be a waste of time.

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I don't know what the crew behind Bioware thought among themselves when they decided to grant those who have at least one level 50 character 30 days of free time, for being "loyal". To be frank, what they did, was to give those who have played the exact same amount of time, though doing different things than leveling up their character, the middle finger.


Some view this as a way to reel in the players with level 50 characters who left due to boredom. I think there's -some- sense to that statement, based on what I've personally heard from other players who have reached level 50.


The decision has certainly pleased those at max level, but provoked the playerbase that hasn't yet reached that peak, despite having invested just as much money and time in this game.


I hope to see a change soon, where everyone who has played since the start, receive 30 days free time. In my opinion, that is only fair.


Peace. Etc.

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Love it! Love everything about it! Thank you Bioware! From the various development team leaders to the folks in the mail room (if that's even a thing anymore), thank you!


Thanks for the free month and thanks for the free pet. I really appreciate how nice Bioware is to the player community, even if the player community isn't always nice to Bioware.


I know it's just $15 back in my pocket and a cute digital pet, but that is a heck of a lot more than I've gotten for staying subscribed to any other MMO.


Also thank you for the color matching - Now I can play a Trooper and a Bounty Hunter in style!

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You have an incredibly infantile understanding of how business and how MMOs work.


Perhaps, but its all about money isnt it? Plus there is no doubt that money made from subrsciptions change the quality of product.

Edited by Pawlas
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Truly entertaining to see the empty threats.


A real man would just unsub, delete CC details to avoid "accidental sub" and be done with it.


You, folks, simply adore hearing yourself talk and patting your backs.


By all means, proceed...


You have 6 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


I did unsub.

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Thats the entire point. Players who got to max level were expecting a little more content. They really had nothing to do. If you didn't enjoy leveling alts you were done and the game was really sub-par.


Just using an analogy here. Please for the love of god don't take this too literal.


If i go to a sandwich shop and order some food that i'm extremely dissatisfied with afterwards, and bring it to the attention of the manager and he gives me a gift certificate for another sub, there is nothing wrong with that.


You on the other hand go there and you really enjoy it and make no complaints and found it to be a good meal. Of course the manager isn't going to give it to you.


This isn't "Customer appreciation" it's business practice to sweeten the deal for people who aren't 100% satisfied.


While i do understand that you can be a level 40 and still be dissatisfied, One could argue that there is a lot more "enjoyable" non-grindy activities for you to do prior to hitting 50.


What's amazing to me is the sheer number of people who, like whatever marketing execs decided this was a good deal, fail to see the various reasons why someone who's been subscribed and playing since the game's beginning might not have a level 50.


That includes playstyle, technical issues, low server populations, testing patches, and so forth. For some, it was simply the fact that they knew there wasn't a lot of content at 50 until 1.2 and so they focused on the content that was already there.


Whatever the reason, this isn't a "small" gift. In the realm of MMOs, it's a fairly substantial one. And to tell a portion of your loyal customers, who've paid the same amount as others (more than some) and perhaps even played the same amount of hours that they don't qualify is absurdly unfair.


And those who don't see that are really just adding insult to injury.

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But it won't pull them back. From what I understand, you had to have an active sub at the time with an recurring payment method. If you'd already cancelled but had time left on account, like me, you won't get the 30 days.


That's how I'm seeing it.


Whatever it is, it's a piss poor PR move. I have a 50 but others should be rewarded for their loyalty as well.


No that isnt true because I have canceled and I did get the email and im in same boat as you so it is a PR stunt and they stuffed up with how they annouced it and lost some fanboys because of it.

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This ^^^


It doesn't annoy me so much, it's more of an amusement that BW could turn this into a PR disaster. Whoever came up with this idea seriously needs a new job because obviously community relations is not for them.


Indeed. Between this and BW's PR gaffs regarding their other recently released title, they seriously can't catch a break.


Been subbed myself since launch, early access and CE owner (Darth Malgus is currently starting over at the screen, I'm sure wondering where his 30 days are) and don't have a 50, from a mix of getting my first character to 48 then deciding to reroll and having a mix of alt-itis and not playing as frequently as I usually would. Even then, I'm more amused than annoyed or frustrated that someone thought something as significant as an entire free month would go over well as a reward in a situation like this.

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We'll see what happens. I know it's an attempt to keep high-tier players in, the wording of the announcement and the "why" is just really bad.


Unfortunately, they just lost this 'less' valuable sub with that 'promotion'

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This is redundant at this point, but I am going to voice my opinion as well since Bioware claims they listen to their fans.


When I first heard about this game I was really excited and eagerly awaited for a launch date and beta signups. I signed up for the beta ASAP and got into it a month or so before release and submitted bug reports to try to help make this a better game.


I preordered the Collector's Edition to get the awesome stuff and support Bioware who I was a huge fan of!


I was there at early access, playing just about daily on a NEW PC I BOUGHT JUST FOR THIS GAME!


I played my first character to around 30, Jedi Consular until my server's population tanked and Bioware was getting heat from the community. I kindly requested my character be moved to a new server, but understood that this may not be possible at this time! So I rerolled on a high pop server and continued to enjoy this game every chance I got and stuck with Bioware through the harder spots because I knew the game would get better with time! I watched the livestream of the guild summit for crying out loud!


Today, I am a "weekend warrior" on SWTOR because I just don't have the time to play all week and my highest level character is around 32 on my new server.


And through all this, EA/Bioware does not consider this Loyal?


Only the players who powerleveled to 50, complained and *****ed, then quit the game until 1.2 came out and resubbed to get this free game time are considered loyal?


I sincerely hope this was EA's doing more than Bioware, because I have NEVER complained about anything and have really loved them as a games company, even after Mass Effect 3's "endings"


It's not really the lack of free 30 days that bothers me..it's just that they don't consider me a loyal fan that bothers me.


//end rant.

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How would this work? You make it sound as if all they need to do is put the money in a bowl, pour it over the game, and it'll fix things like a magic potion.

So you're saying that Bioware is a such a special developer that all their employees work for free? Hmmm, if not maybe they could hire more people to actually work on the problems.

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No that isnt true because I have canceled and I did get the email and im in same boat as you so it is a PR stunt and they stuffed up with how they annouced it and lost some fanboys because of it.


The way I understood it was either you had to have active subscription time, or an active GTC attached to your account. If you were to unsubscribe, but still be on that time you should still be eligible as far as I can tell.

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What's amazing to me is the sheer number of people who, like whatever marketing execs decided this was a good deal, fail to see the various reasons why someone who's been subscribed and playing since the game's beginning might not have a level 50.


That includes playstyle, technical issues, low server populations, testing patches, and so forth. For some, it was simply the fact that they knew there wasn't a lot of content at 50 until 1.2 and so they focused on the content that was already there.


Whatever the reason, this isn't a "small" gift. In the realm of MMOs, it's a fairly substantial one. And to tell a portion of your loyal customers, who've paid the same amount as others (more than some) and perhaps even played the same amount of hours that they don't qualify is absurdly unfair.


And those who don't see that are really just adding insult to injury.


The reason for this the 30 days freetime and pet is to try pull back the 50's who quit from bordom and trust me there is alot more whom has quit and are about to quit than people want to believe, the fact is that most of us dont want to waste more money subing on a boring game and only way they could even tempt us to try 1.2 is if they offered free time to play now the longer they keep us around mroe they can try fix things. So this is the true reason for the 30 days freetime and people need not get jealous of those with level 50s becuase it not because they have lvl50s it because they quit because end game sucks. nothing to do with loyality that is just a PR stunt to make it seem like they care but honestly they dont or would gave you all it. Infact I see this PR stunt backfiring.

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I know it's just $15 back in my pocket and a cute digital pet, but that is a heck of a lot more than I've gotten for staying subscribed to any other MMO.


I got Diablo 3, a mount and an invite to Pandaria Beta for staying subscribed to WoW...

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What a great way to show you care about people who care enough to want to hear every cutscene and play the game without skipping YOUR content. How ******** is that. You should have given the 30 free days to people who have been subscribed for like the past 3-5 months or something along those lines. It literally takes a week to get to 50 if you skip every cutscene, probably less.


Who in PR thought this was a good idea? They should be fired.

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You have 6 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


I did unsub.


Excellent... I have 21.. plus their free 30.. plus another 30 on its merry way when those end...


But, IF I would end up not liking it anymore... I`ll just quit. NO need to inform all the Forumites about it, since they are in no way representative of the population anyway.

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I think all you guys saying that there was enough time to hit level 50 are missing a valuable point. There was no warning about this, there was no competition to get to level 50 and earn a reward. I made a choice of playstyle just as simply as you made a choice about your chars race. I didnt ever think I would receive less as a result of my choice. If I were told 30 days ago that I would get 30 days of free game time if I hit 50 today, then it would have been my choice not to earn it. Thats not what happened. What happened was I was selected as a less valuable customer due to my playstyle, not the amount of money I invested in the company or because of a choice I made with clear consequences.


It is the exact same thing as Bioware giving everyone who played a chiss a free 30 days or everyone who played on one specific server a free 30 days. It simply is not fair.


And a further point to it all would be the fact that a lot of us that took our time enjoying the story or better yet enjoying multiple storylines were likely listening to BioWare the whole time they were building up SWTOR by saying "it's story that matters"...


...*cough*and getting to 50*cough*

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It's simply to try and retain existing level-capped players in the game. This is more important as Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2, and Diablo 3 get closer to release. I think people are talking PAST each other at this point.


Camp 1:

It's a business decision to keep level 50s playing.


Camp 2:

It may be a business decision to keep level 50s playing, but that doesn't mean that I'm not dedicated to the game as I've been playing since beta or launch.


Two arguments, both valid.

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