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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Bioware: Why did you base this decision on character level instead of account creation date? I think this is a valid question that deserves a response.


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What's wrong with that?


The way this reward was handed out seems exactly like that, a lottery. With the ridiculous criteria that has been set for who gets it, being a valued player in the eyes of the company and getting the reward or not is now just a roll of the dice.

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When reading that they cut out the ranked WZ I cancelled my account first


So at April 12th 12 pm CDT my account was still active but not set to recurring. Does this mean I will not get anything (pet/30 free days) even if I reactivate my subscription again now (I still have 1 day left, so it's still active)?


If so, that would be the final nail in the coffin...

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BTW, I have little to do as the game queue has about 30 minutes left on it. That's...wearing on me too.


"OMG Bioware, servers are dying, there's no queues anymore and I never see anyone, fix it!"


"OMG Bioware, there are queues, I don't want to have to wait, fix it!"


Not you, specifically.


Edit for above: Now even the people that were specifically unloyal want to get a loyalty reward.

Edited by Thaed
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The way this reward was handed out seems exactly like that, a lottery. With the ridiculous criteria that has been set for who gets it, being a valued player in the eyes of the company and getting the reward or not is now just a roll of the dice.


Are you saying that getting to level 50 isn't something worth recognising? I disagree with the idea that it's a 'ridiculous' criteria - you're essentially saying that players who looked at getting to 50 as important are less worthy than you.

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When reading that they cut out the ranked WZ I cancelled my account first


So at April 12th 12 pm CDT my account was still active but not set to recurring. Does this mean I will not get anything (pet/30 free days) even if I reactivate my subscription again now (I still have 1 day left, so it's still active)?


If so, that would be the final nail in the coffin...


You're fine. Have to simply be active in good standing...

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I have to agree however, that giving exclusive gifts to your level fifties is a stupid move.

Keeping in mind that I qualify for the gift. I appreciate it. I think it's very generous, but I don't like the assumption, that I'm somehow more loyal and dedicated a player, than anyone else.


In fact, the last month, I didn't even play. I hadn't the money for the sub, and frankly I didn't have the desire to do so. However, because I reached 50 at some point prior, I now seem to be celebrated as part of some kind of super fan collective, when there are people far more deserving of that praise.


This kind of prioritization of player base, is just going to demoralize.


This rationale, results in a situation, where a person who obtained level 50 in the first week, and quit, is somehow more dedicated and loyal, than someone who only played once a week for four months, and still hasn't reached end game.


Which is ridiculous.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Is it? It's a freebie, not active discrimination.


It's not though. A lot of people here are saying this is a gift. A gift is something you give people for the hell of it. If bioware randomly decided to pick a thousand people to get a free month, that'd be a gift. In that case, it'd be up to luck, and nobody could complain because it was something they didn't have to do.


This is a reward. A reward is like a gift, except it's a gift with strings attached. To get a reward, you have to do something the person giving the reward wants you to do.


Bioware is rewarding level 50s for being loyal. Being 50 has no bearing on a person's loyalty, however. They are claiming to reward people for one thing, but actually rewarding them for something else. There is no inherent proof of loyalty involved in leveling to 50. Leveling to 50 can be done before your free month is even done.




Had they rewarded people who had played X number of hours between all characters and servers it would have been better. It still would have possibly cut out some people who have extremely limited time to play, but it would have been better than this method.


Had they rewarded people who had been subscribed for a total of X number of months, then it would have been better. The only downside (for them) is they may have had to give out more free time.


Had they just not used the wording they did, and came out and said they were giving the free month to people who were 50 because they wanted them to know they appreciated their business and were working to give them more end game content to do, it would have also been fine, and the same people would have been left out.


Instead, they brought everyone's loyalty into question and then rewarded select individuals based on criteria which was not relevant to the question.



I do not expect them to change their criteria, or to give out more free time to people without 50s. I do however hope that they come forward at some point and admit that they put their foot in their mouth with the wording.

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I think that if you've paid for the game for the last four months since it's release and remained a loyal customer, you should get the reward... not just for lvling a character to 50. That's like saying "The kid who sits in his mom's basement all day and finally picked up a copy and did nothing but play to lvl 50 for the last month is a loyal player... and all you people with lives who've paid for this game since it came out and haven't quite made it to 50 yet... well, you suck."


Yeah... guild wars is starting to look more and more awesome. BW has screwed themselves with this one, IMO.



Edited by kurainova
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Seriously, I am willing to bet the complainers would actually be happier with that scenario than the current one.


This is what makes me despise humanity sometimes.


Harsh but it would be fairer.


I think this is what people are taking issue with. They basically took 1 group of people (active subscribers) and split them into 2 and said you lot get a reward while the other lot don't. Its basically insulting group 2 for no reason and rewarding group 1 for no reason.


Stupid thing is all the people with lots of near 50 alts are the games long term, invested in it bread and butter. It's the 'bored' 50s threatening to jump ship they need to bribe with 'rewards'? I wonder where that cycle will lead.....

Edited by Daguul
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Kiss my *** BIO, I have a 35, 31, had a lvl 27 (till a Re-roll now 15), 23, 20, 2x18 and a lvl 1 that I was holding to lvl till 1.2 released. Yet for my playing since beta and having a lvl added up well over 50 and I get a stupid *** pet BS. Guess I'm not loyal enough Edited by Majedron
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Are you saying that getting to level 50 isn't something worth recognising? I disagree with the idea that it's a 'ridiculous' criteria - you're essentially saying that players who looked at getting to 50 as important are less worthy than you.


That's not what I'm saying at all. It's not about who IS included, but who is NOT... those with several alts, those with active subscriptions since launch... yet the only people being rewarded are those that happen to have a single level 50. Read everyone else's comments on here, it's quite easy to see what I'm getting at.

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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


Well since I don't have a level 50 player on my characters (I actually have things to do in real life AKA "a real life"), I guess Bioware mustn't think I am valuable or value my business. Especially since I got the Founder title and all and paid regularly.


Thanks BW for the esteem boost!



Edited by Blakinik
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I have to agree however, that giving exclusive gifts to your level fifties is a stupid move.

Keeping in mind that I qualify for the gift. I appreciate it. I think it's very generous, but I don't like the assumption, that I'm somehow more loyal and dedicated a player, than anyone else.


In fact, the last month, I didn't even play. I hadn't the money for the sub, and frankly I didn't have the desire to do so. However, because I reached 50 at some point prior, I now seem to be celebrated as part of some kind of super fan collective, when there are people far more deserving of that praise.


This kind of prioritization of player base, is just going to demoralize.


This rationale, results in a situation, where a person who obtained level 50 in the first week, and quit, is somehow more dedicated and loyal, than someone who only played once a week for four months, and still hasn't reached end game.


Which is ridiculous.


Spot on mate.

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can bioware give rewards to who ever they please? yes

do you meet the criteria? no

are you **** out of luck? yes


if they widened it out to everyone with any toon level the whole base would be free and that wouldnt work too well now would it.


perhaps control the ADD and finish something you start eh?



I think you're missing the point. The decision to give a free month to the lvl 50 players while calling them devoted is like calling the other players worthless(I guarantee many devoted players who put in a lot of time don't have a 50). Not everyone plays the game in the same way as you...maybe they enjoy PVP and do purely war zones starting at lvl 10...maybe they like experiencing different story lines on different days? Maybe they heard end game dungeons weren't that fun so they focused their attention in other parts of the game. Whatever the case, it's just not a good idea to insult any part of your customer base regardless of the type of business your in.


One of the benefits of an MMORPG is that you can choose to play the way you enjoy the most, it's not like super mario where the goal is to get to the end.

Edited by Alunis
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Bioware's incompetence and inability to address server merges and/or transfers has contributed to people not having lv.50's yet. I, myself, do not have a lv.50 because I've had to re-roll at least three times off of a dead server.


Seriously Bioware, just answer this question. WHY did you choose to base this on character level, rather than account creation date?

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