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10 Good
  1. Thank you for the generosity BW keep up the good work
  2. It wouldnt be so bad if they took down all regions, but just the EU is rediculous and since they can take down just the EU region this time, then why the hell do they not do the same for the weekly maintenance. We really should get some sort of compensation for all the time they have cost us this week, its gone beyond a joke now.
  3. There is an option to turn off the darkside corruption
  4. Happy about 1.2 for the most part, especially the UI customization only thing that doesn't get me excited about it is the species unlocks, would of really liked actual new species instead of the old 1s just becoming available for every class.
  5. Yeah the name thing really bugged me to, wasn't to fused about the exterior appearence tho. But would of liked interior customization.
  6. Yeah i've noticed this at the login aswell. The sorcs eyes are just because of alingment, as this is the case with my darkside toons
  7. If you think there are a lack of healers, you could always roll 1 yourself. as stated already the UI is hateful for healers.
  8. /signed The game seems to be a good finished product, for me i have had no lag or crashes during the entire early access period, it also looks well. The only minor issue is the queues but as with all mmo's the queues will subside in a couple of months time when ppl who nvr really planed on playing long term will not renew there sub. Thank you Bioware for a good game
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