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Bioware takes too long with 1.2 - Forum goers whine like hell


Bioware releases 1.2 without rated warzones to make people happy - Forum goers whine like hell and call it "bait and switch"


Bioware gives everyone with a 50 a free 30 days of gameplay - Forum goers whine like hell and call it unfair......


The point of the story forum goers whine like hell.

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I have a lvl 49 who would have been 50 if I didn't download the 'early released patch' on April 11th (no joke). Now I have to download the client again and I miss out on 30 days free game time. Crazy bad luck.




Do I bother to pay for the 30 free days others got? (BTW free time to keep people hooked over the release of D3 so they will keep playing SWTOR/ maybe come back)

Or do I put the same money towards a new game that hasn't just screwed me out of 2+ days of game time PLUS 30 days bonus time? Especially as now I have no incentive to stay with SWTOR over moving on to something else.


Logical choice for me. I am not one to boo-hoo, especially in a quit thread but I haven't seen something so ridiculous since the 'other' SW game.


Figure out what you're doing BW!

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As with many others who have posted in different threads, I'm a little concerned about the "free month for lvl 50" announcement (http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120412-1).


I have played since the first wave of early invite. I have at least 4 characters over level 30 and one character that is 47, and I played two characters to 15 on the PTS to help test 1.2.


Yet, I will not receive the free month of play because I didn't focus on a single character to get it to 50 before today.


I'm seriously disappointed in BioWare for deciding that Level 50 characters are: "our most valued players" What makes their money better than mine? What makes the the total amount of time played more valuable than the total time I've played?


I'm not going to go "fanboi" and say that I'm going to unsubscribe, because lets face it... I won't.


But at the same time I'm not going out of my way to sing the praise of the game or try to recruit friends to come play. And you can be D@MN sure I will tell anyone who ask me about the game how BW only rewards those who can get to the "end game" the fastest and not give a second thought to those of us who have taken time to enjoy the incredible stories, planets, and immersion they put together.


Through all the changes from Beta to live, to 1.1 and 1.2 I have stood by BioWare and defended them... For the first time I'm honestly and truly disappointed.



I don't get why you didn't do this as "anyone who's completed chapter 3 once or completed chapter 2 twice, or chapter 1 three plus times" -- It would have totally included all of us casual players and the level 50s

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Happy to take my money off me month by month since day 1 but as I don't have a level 50 I'm not classed as a 'loyal customer'.


With the negative feedback in this thread clearly visible for all to see I'd be very, VERY surprised if this decision isn't altered.


You clearly have some complete rejects working for you. Get it sorted.

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Good to see that Bioware don't give a rats *** about us that don't speed up with the leveling, and get to level 50...


I've played since beta, but unlike my friends, i play to have fun and see every aspect of the game.. pvp, social, see the worlds, and story from all classes and so on... Instead of going for 50.....

So i got 4 lvl 30-40ish and 2 lvl 20-30ish that i play around with quite many hours a week...


But hey, they started after me, but leveled to 50 at once...


While i just took my time, guess their'e money is more worth than mine...



I just checked, and in total i got now 460 Hours total ingame time since launch. thats around 25 hours a week...

Guess i should have quit my job and stopped my 10h a week training to be able to play more eh?.....







It is probably their reward for getting level 50 in 3 days and skipping the ingame storyline.

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Those complaining about the free month being for 50's only, should think about what is missing from 1.2 that should have been in? then, who (or what level range) is affected by it not being in?


The free month is a sorry to level 50's for the lack of rated WZ's imho


then dont say its for loyalty and support

Edited by nadokaoh
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Bioware takes too long with 1.2 - Forum goers whine like hell


Bioware releases 1.2 without rated warzones to make people happy - Forum goers whine like hell and call it "bait and switch"


Bioware gives everyone with a 50 a free 30 days of gameplay - Forum goers whine like hell and call it unfair......


The point of the story forum goers whine like hell.


And you just joined the choir, whining about whiners.

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Having a level 50 or not really doesn't have all that much of a reflection on who on social life in real life at this point, for some players though it is an reflection on playing behaviour.


Bioware made a point of advertising the story driven focus on the game long before they even started talking about their re-branded battlegrounds, their attempt at open world PvP and their take on crafting.


Story driven focus does attract certain types of players, who are equally dedicated in terms of game hours but are less dedicated in terms of pushing to max level and focusing on competitive PvP or getting the highest tier equipment in order to reduce the difficulty gap in high end raid/instanced content.


The decision Bioware made in judging customer value/dedication based purely on level to me shows a significant sign that there is somewhat of a gap in awareness of who is playing their game or at the very least is a sign of focusing promotions on one section where a lot of their current development focus has been and raises a few questions in terms of decision makers and their perspectives toward the community in general compared to their own perspectives of how they themselves tend to play MMOs.



Whilst I am not alone in this, I have been active since early access, have remained consistent subscribed and played multiple times per week but my focus has been on the different classes stories and for each character:


* Exploring planets for interesting finds,

* Finding codex and datacrons on my own initiative rather than just firing up google and finding a wiki with all the information.

* Focusing quite a lot on crafting, resource gathering in open world to keep stocks consistent between crew mission timers.

* Levelling different characters.

* The occasional session on the public test server (though not all that often).


These are all things promoted and encouraged during the build-up to release, and as such people interested in doing just these things are going to be playing the game and not just casually.


So for Bioware to then judge worth on level alone, is understandably a slap in the face for myself and others.

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And I think you missed the point I made about being appreciative of a gesture even if it doesn't particularly benefit you.


I think EwokMilkshakes reply is funny and fitting. When I give gifts I shouldn't be stingy about it. Is it really worth it for BW to alienate another portion of playerbase ? Especially since it includes ppl who are/were dedicated to the game ...


I have to laugh. If nothing else BW is funny.

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LOL I can't stop laughing...lol...Bioware not only removes the pvp warzone thing hours before patch and now comes up with we will be granting anyone who actually played the game to 50 a free month...lol....The game is falling on its face... I paid for 6 months worth just out of the kindness of my heart...lol...


As i knew they would change the pvp system about 4 to 5 times before the 6 months is up...The gear and classes that was to be suspected...And today I hear everyone with a 50 gets a free month..REALLY...I have 2 50s atm I'm a casual player, but besides the point, why not just give everyone a free month... The answer is simple... They are Alienating the Community farther into a downward spiral...


End game content well i can wait until my last month to try , not in any hurry really... Hopefully by july they will have fixed gear problems and adjusted flashpoints etc to a comfortable play level...


Free cookies lol but you have to be level 50 haha...

Edited by Hardsteel
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Question about the TaunTaun... Will it be like the free friend trials, in that if I just bought the game a few weeks ago and still have 17 free days, even though I DID sign up for a subscription, I won't get it?


Cause I mean, I can wait a while to give my buddies free trials, but missing a free pet because I've still got a week or so left before my subscription actually bills me is kinda sucky.

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I think its pretty crappy you HAVE to have a level 50 character to earn the free month because they are the most loyal!


I have been playing since beta and don't have a level 50 as real life prevents me from playing all the time and I also like alts..How are people like me less loyal and not entitled to all the benefits?

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Your content wasn't broken. Mine was (@ 50)

I played the game in the playstyle it was advertised (great stories, different stories for each character, ~ 150hrs of playtime per character, etc.), probably paid the same amount of money for the game (perhaps even more as I dod not miss a single day) and now being punished for this.


yep. You are perfectly right. This does not only sound fair it IS fair. :rolleyes:


BIOWARE: Thanks for telling your customers how to play your MMO. Many of us simply have been doing wrong the last couple of months by not leveling to top level. How dumb of us. :(



btw islander ... you could have tried other classes if your top char's content was broken. The game was not broken. sorry to say that, but your argument is BS.

Edited by JoePHi
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I agree with the other posters. I played in a beta weekend, played since day 2 (shipping delay) and bought the 6 month subscription on the same day. Now because I didn't bother to take a character to level 50, I lose out on a free month. :mad:


Someone is gonna Class Action Lawsuit Bioware/EA

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Cool and not cool


Bioware, I've been a fan of your games for many many years, and I look forward to more great games from you guys.


I grealty enjoy SWTOR and see my self playing it for years to come, thank you for such a great game.


However using level 50 chars as your requirement for a free month of play also has me miffed.


I'm in the same boat as a lot of people in this forum - I've got a life outside this game and when I do play, I don't want to rush through the journey (content) simply to get to the destination (level 50).


I preordered, have been playing since day 2 of the early access and haven't had a single thought of canceling my sub - yet my loyalty isn't as appriciated as someone who bought the game one month ago and power leveled to 50?


I've never complained about this game, not once. I've spoken highly of this game to everyone interested ... yet this miffed me enough to complain.


I hope loyalty in the future is based upon how many months a given account has been active, and not the chars level.

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I'm a little concerned, one about the verbiage of this announcement, and two about the entire concept. According to this announcement, players with level 50 characters are considered "most valued." That's a mighty slap in the face of those of us who have played since Early Game Access, played across multiple servers (including weeks on the PTS) testing the new patch, multiple alts to 30+, but who just haven't finished a single character to 50. Also, this announcement, coming as an "after-the-fact" announcement, means those of us with characters that are close on a character (high 40s), are not rewarded with free game time because we were unaware of this "perk".


Some players like to experience multiple stories, multiple aspects of the game. And, in some cases, players ceased playing on live servers to play new characters on the test server rather than finish reaching 50 on a single character.


I would suggest that the levels of alts be taken into account, and time spent on the PTS, rather than claiming that those who have reached level 50 are more important than those who have played a wider spectrum of the game. Ether that or give all players with active accounts of a certain length of time this free time, rather than basing it on some arbitrary in-game basis.


I have to agree. Worse, I had a long response to this post in another thread that got closed while I was writing and lost it:(


What didn't get taken into consideration is the fact that people have different playstyles. Some take time from their own characters to assist guildmates/friends, some enjoy playing many characters, some enjoy spending time crafting, RPing, and so forth. Some even have multiple accounts. They pay to play the game how they prefer to play it.


And there are other reasons. For some, it's technical issues.


So now we have people who've been paying their subscription since the beginning slighted for people who may only have been playing a few weeks simply because the reward is aimed at one specific type of playstyle.


Most who know me know that I'm usually one who tries to see the good in things as well as the fairness. There isn't fairness here. Instead, what we have is a form of discrimination.

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as with many others who have posted in different threads, i'm a little concerned about the "free month for lvl 50" announcement (http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120412-1).


I have played since the first wave of early invite. I have at least 4 characters over level 30 and one character that is 47, and i played two characters to 15 on the pts to help test 1.2.


Yet, i will not receive the free month of play because i didn't focus on a single character to get it to 50 before today.


I'm seriously disappointed in bioware for deciding that level 50 characters are: "our most valued players" what makes their money better than mine? What makes the the total amount of time played more valuable than the total time i've played?


I'm not going to go "fanboi" and say that i'm going to unsubscribe, because lets face it... I won't.


But at the same time i'm not going out of my way to sing the praise of the game or try to recruit friends to come play. And you can be d@mn sure i will tell anyone who ask me about the game how bw only rewards those who can get to the "end game" the fastest and not give a second thought to those of us who have taken time to enjoy the incredible stories, planets, and immersion they put together.


Through all the changes from beta to live, to 1.1 and 1.2 i have stood by bioware and defended them... For the first time i'm honestly and truly disappointed.



I don't get why you didn't do this as "anyone who's completed chapter 3 once or completed chapter 2 twice, or chapter 1 three plus times" -- it would have totally included all of us casual players and the level 50s



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I think its pretty crappy you HAVE to have a level 50 character to earn the free month because they are the most loyal!


I have been playing since beta and don't have a level 50 as real life prevents me from playing all the time and I also like alts..How are people like me less loyal and not entitled to all the benefits?


Level 50s are the most likely to unsub. You have hours of single player content left, the subsxription fee probably means nothing to you, you are extremely unlikely to unsub, they dont need to offer you and incentives to stick around.

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What sort of backwards logic is that? At any rate, I'm appreciative of the gesture. It's providing me with oodles of entertainment value at the creative chaos it's caused.


What I find hilarious is I'm sitting at level 48 and would have been level 50 if I hadn't taken a few weeks off to play Mass Effect 3 - another Bioware/EA game. Yet somehow I'm getting punished despite being a loyal Bioware customer.


I don't know of any other MMO that only gives free time based on player level versus how long they've been subscribed. When WOW was having tech difficulties in the first few months, EVERYONE got free time.

Edited by Jornas
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Except for the first time I'm considering quitting now. Seeing as my business isn't valued anyway.


Your daily product wasn't a train wreck.


The level 50's is. Both PvP and PvE. If you and other alters quit, you're spiting yourselves. You have ZERO to complain about your game product. I know. My one level 50 I did 90% questing. It was great fun.


I'm leveling in 10-49 warzones on my marauder now. Warzones are great! Up until 50.

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