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10 Good
  1. Cool and not cool Bioware, I've been a fan of your games for many many years, and I look forward to more great games from you guys. I grealty enjoy SWTOR and see my self playing it for years to come, thank you for such a great game. However using level 50 chars as your requirement for a free month of play also has me miffed. I'm in the same boat as a lot of people in this forum - I've got a life outside this game and when I do play, I don't want to rush through the journey (content) simply to get to the destination (level 50). I preordered, have been playing since day 2 of the early access and haven't had a single thought of canceling my sub - yet my loyalty isn't as appriciated as someone who bought the game one month ago and power leveled to 50? I've never complained about this game, not once. I've spoken highly of this game to everyone interested ... yet this miffed me enough to complain. I hope loyalty in the future is based upon how many months a given account has been active, and not the chars level.
  2. Hi I'm Jeff, and I'm an Altoholic... I just can't stop, after I have one I need to have another, then another and another! A Legacy Bank is what I need to help my Altoholic tendencies... As you all know Altoholism takes up so much time in your life - because of this Altoholism CAN RUIN YOUR LIFE - Please Bioware, saves our lives ... help us spend less time with our Altoholism and more time with our family and friends - Give us Legacy Banks. It's tedious and annoying to pass items back and forth between alts via mail, but one central location to store mods, enhancements, crystals, barrels, med packs, stims, armor, weapons, crafting materials and what not, accessible to anyone in my Legacy, would be a great convince. I think you for all of your patch 1.2 Legacy improvements in advance - but now you've wet my lips to the possibility of even greater Altoholic experiences.
  3. I too agree with the OP - don't have the ship take off until I tell it to go somewhere, more realistic, immersive and saves loading times. Danke
  4. This idea has been floating around for a while - hopefully BW will adopt this idea :-)
  5. I too support this idea. In addition - Please do something similar to LotRO with hiding armor ... give us two armor equiping tabs ... one tab is what our stats are based on, the other tab is what we appear to be wearing - it works very well.
  6. True - I wonder if they could do like they did in Dragon Age where you assign your companions 'if - then' parameters.
  7. An additional thought, though it'll make it more complicated to do... For those low level chars who don't have 3 companions yet, you could allow them to 'hire' a companion for a chosen Flash Point or amount of time. How you choose the class or type of companion could be done multiple ways .. could be something simple like Tank, Healer, Ranged DPS, Melee DPS ... but I'd also include a gear option. Example, I'd like to take a green geared DPS and it'd cost me 1000 credits ... then I'd like a blue geared Tank and it'd cost me 2000 credits ... a purple geared Healer would be 5000 credits etc. This'd help those level 20 players who can't field a full 4 party group yet. Just a thought...
  8. In short, I think it’d be cool if we could take multiple companions along for group content – perhaps in ‘heroic’ areas we’d be allowed additional companions. I’m sick of sitting in the Fleet spamming ‘LFM for regular Foundry’ (or whatever the Flash Point happens to be) for hours on end without ever filling the group. It’d be quite handy if I could simply grab 3 of my companions and attempt the FP. Now I know a cross server LFG system would fix this issue for the most part … but in all honesty I’m not playing this game for the MMO portion, I’m simply playing for some good Bioware story telling and the Star Wars universe. Sometimes I’m sick of dealing people – sometimes I don’t want to wait 10 minutes while the Tank takes the neighbor’s dog out for a poo, sometimes I don’t want to wait while our 13 year old healer eats his dinner because he ‘forgot’… You’ve created a HUGELY immersive game here, and in some cases other people really ruin it. Now I know this kind of goes against the hole MMO concept, but maybe this can be you’re unique twist on the series … it’s a Single Player MMO – It’s an MMO, but only when you want it to be. Take your other masterpiece games (Mass Effect trilogy and Dragon Age) for example, I love gearing out all of my companions and grabbing several of them and taking on the world … I never have to wait on them and they’re always ready to go… You have everything in place to do this in SWTOR already. Companions aren’t that smart in Flash Points compared to real players, so they’ll never do as good of a job, but that’s the price you pay if you choose to do a Flash Point alone… this still gives players an incentive to group up with others. Put limits on it if you want, only allow us to take multiple companions in 4 man groups, maybe only regular mode – maybe regular and heroic (if the player dares to try…). If you’re catering to the casual players I feel this would help. Personally I don’t have much time to play, so when I do play, I want it to be immersive and nonstop – I don’t want to spend all of my time at the Fleet spamming ‘LFM’… or dealing with the 13 year old who forgot to eat his dinner… Please allow us to take multiple companions to complete group content.
  9. Hey all, Unsure if this is the correct forum to post this, but on well, I'll give it a shot. I'm after a specific piece of Heavy Armor, a Chest Piece, and was hoping someone could help me out. Bare with me as I describe it... It looks similar to typical Bounty Hunter chest item - it has plate looking armoring with a small 'squareish' back pack looking protrusion on the back. It covers the entire upper body, arms etc - EXCEPT the midriff on female chars (that's the kicker). I think it was redish, and I recall it requiring level 31 to use. Now I've checked TORhead several times, problem is that some armor pieces don't have screenshots OR they're displayed on a male char. I've checked the GTN also with no luck (dressing room) ... I know you can get several variations of a 'sports bra with a kite on your butt' in heavy armor, but I hate the kite on my butt! This piece was pure female Bounty Hunter awesomeness and I'm kicking my self because I didn't write down the name... Any help would be appriciated ...
  10. Hey all, Unsure if this is the correct forum to post this, but on well, I'll give it a shot. I'm after a specific piece of Heavy Armor, a Chest Piece, and was hoping someone could help me out. Bare with me as I describe it... It looks similar to typical Bounty Hunter chest item - it has plate looking armoring with a small 'squareish' back pack looking protrusion on the back. It covers the entire upper body, arms etc - EXCEPT the midriff on female chars (that's the kicker). I think it was redish, and I recall it requiring level 31 to use. Now I've checked TORhead several times, problem is that some armor pieces don't have screenshots OR they're displayed on a male char. I've checked the GTN also with no luck (dressing room) ... I know you can get several variations of a 'sports bra with a kite on your butt' in heavy armor, but I hate the kite on my butt! This piece was pure female Bounty Hunter awesomeness and I'm kicking my self because I didn't write down the name... Any help would be appriciated ...
  11. Naw, you're not alone. I enjoy looking at my Mako and her sexy slave girl outfit - rawr!
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