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I want my giggle back!


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So they wanted to reduce sound noise or something. Instead of something unique and noticeable by operative/smuggie. They have a similar sound to the tracer/grappling hook.. Well done BW, Well done.. Bring it back! I cant stand my operative now....
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the sound is too simmilar to all the other battle noises to notice. it sucks


pretty much this

I can't be near BHs now in a group because I keep thinking their tracer missile is my proc and YES BW I did use my giggle as a queue for my skills. I prefer to look at health bars and lookout for stuff on the ground rather than my buff bar. I want my giggle back :( hell even people in my guild want my giggle back (mainly because I constantly ***** about not having my giggle anymore)

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pretty much this

I can't be near BHs now in a group because I keep thinking their tracer missile is my proc and YES BW I did use my giggle as a queue for my skills. I prefer to look at health bars and lookout for stuff on the ground rather than my buff bar. I want my giggle back :( hell even people in my guild want my giggle back (mainly because I constantly ***** about not having my giggle anymore)


i cant stand it...i have a lot of BHs in my guild.... only one other op and hes a male while my agent is female... never got it confused

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OK after a week of playing I really do hate not having my giggle. I remember I quote from the conference "we want people looking at the screen and not their action bars". Well guess what now that the sound is just like the BH I now have to look at my bar. So much for that idea. I thought it was unique and very fun which is what a game is all about. If anything please implement a way to turn off other people's proc sounds, but definitely bring the giggle back!




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OK after a week of playing I really do hate not having my giggle. I remember I quote from the conference "we want people looking at the screen and not their action bars". Well guess what now that the sound is just like the BH I now have to look at my bar. So much for that idea. I thought it was unique and very fun which is what a game is all about. If anything please implement a way to turn off other people's proc sounds, but definitely bring the giggle back!





again, THIS


/signs again

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Actually, I can't stress enough that this was a stupid decision on the part of some dev that I perceive as having been backstabbed to death too many times by an agent that was giggling. I Think that's the entire reason for all the nerfs.


And yes, removing a unique indicator of my proc was a NERF. screw your new noise.

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I want my chuckle back. If the issue was multiple agents creating aura distortion, then all they needed to do waa make only the agent hear the noise. The new noise a dull, insipid and completely unnoticable background noise that brings nothing to the game.
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I have in-game sounds turned down low (sensitive ears and needing to hear Vent chat) that I didn't realise that we had a new sound instead of the giggle*. I know a few of my guildies would be complaining about my constant creepy giggle, but after running with my Agent a few times they got used to it - it was also a great way of keeping track of my TA stacks.


*My sounds settings are the same as they were pre 1.2 and I could hear my manly chuckle before that.

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I really think the giggle was the best. I am having a very hard time knowing if it is my TA that procced or a BH proc. I understand that also having multiple agents could also cause this confusion with or without the giggle. I hope the dev team considers this and implements a way to only hear self procs. Also would like to see implemented is a way to differentiate my buffs/debuffs on target as compared to someone else of the same class. Maybe make mine bigger and other agent smaller of darkened or something.




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