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Tauntaun Hoth Mystery


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I would be worried about using your last piece of jerky; I feel like you should always have an extra piece in your inventory since we haven't confirmed that it's the buff that we actually need. The buff may just exist so that the jerky has an additional purpose (other than getting us tauntauns). The jerky could possibly be like the egg, and when you get to the right spot, something starts happening.


Maybe I'm an optimist, but it seems like the devs would've given us a hint by now if we weren't on the right track. Or maybe they're just enjoying watching us suffer ^^

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Maybe I'm an optimist, but it seems like the devs would've given us a hint by now if we weren't on the right track. Or maybe they're just enjoying watching us suffer ^^




I definitely agree that Georg Zoeller should get in on this thread and give us a little hint! C'mon Georg, you have tortured us enough :) What are they paying you to keep this information from us? We'll double it.


Please? We've got cookies :)

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Or at least confirm/deny were on the right track. I honestly feel like were so close is why he hasnt said anything. In reality if we can find the dead mother tauntaun coord Ill burn my jerky on that to see if that lures a baby out from hiding then tranq it. If that doesnt work then ill say were lost.


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OK ran past abunch of groups of lost tauntauns and nothing happened. Still looking for afore mention "dead mother tauntaun". I found dead tauntauns but not sure if they were the dead mother. What makes the dead mother tauntaun distinct from other corpses?



Odd, I was running to a heroic on Hoth yesterday and noticed a corpse south east of, near Aurek base I dont remember seeing before going through that area. Might have been there all along and I never noticed mind you, I got no tooltip from mousing over it neither. Thing is I got a Jerky drop an hour latter from the Heroic I was going to to begin with... might head back there and see if it activates anything (ie it might be clickable now?)... unless there are now lots of new corpses across Hoth.


LIVER NOTE- I got my Liver as a dark blue drop from a strong (silver) Imperial Soilder npc in "prisoner extraction" Heroic area on Hoth.

Edited by BigfootNZ
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So the jerky drops from mobs other than snowblind?


The ice scrabbler liver and ice scrabbler jerky are two different items. The liver is used as a crafting ingredient in order to make the jerky, which in turn gies you the buff.


Hope this clarifies things.

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Hey Jenemi, could you perhaps update the first post with the following Ice Scrabbler Jerky recipe? I know you can find it on other forums threads but it would be nice to have it here as well :)


Ice Scrabbler Jerky recipe:


Ice Fern (Hoth coordinates -3085, -1756)

Ice Scrabbler Liver (drops from several different kinds of mobs on Hoth/Illum)

Cosmic Trace Particle x4

Inert Virus x4

Pickled Space Worm x2 (can be purchased from the Hoth cantina vendor)

Edited by DrossHoplite
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I got the fern at the aforementioned place and I bought the liver from the GTN ( someone was selling it for 2k). Now I'll have to make an alt to level up the crafting skill and get the recipe.


We are running out of options though... Georg could give us another hint.

Edited by BrunoLogan
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Ive been following the thread since it was in the PTS forums as well as searching, but had somewhat of epiphany, with the added Legacy "punch, kick" etc moves, Ive noticed the subtext of all the tauntauns themselves are different. I was on Ilum at the time so I.E. the ones that were there were lvl-- headbutters and chargers. I decided to headbutt one of the headbutters back, and it popped a item into my mission inventory, http://www.torhead.com/item/dRISW5W/coolant, as soon as it happened I knew it had something or maybe nothing to do with them. I have no clue where to go from there even with the subtext of the item itself, maybe freezing a tauntaun and then capturing it? It may lead to more speculation itself or have nothing to do with the tauntaun. But I figure it was worth mentioning...


P.S. I forgot to mention the first time that as soon as it happened I logged into an alt character went to Ilum and tried repeating the above steps, I could not get the item to drop again on the alt character, making me stumped to how it worked the first time.

Edited by TwistedVisage
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Ive been following the thread since it was in the PTS forums as well as searching, but had somewhat of epiphany, with the added Legacy "punch, kick" etc moves, Ive noticed the subtext of all the tauntauns themselves are different. I was on Ilum at the time so I.E. the ones that were there were lvl-- headbutters and chargers. I decided to headbutt one of the headbutters back, and it popped a item into my mission inventory, http://www.torhead.com/item/dRISW5W/coolant, as soon as it happened I knew it had something or maybe nothing to do with them. I have no clue where to go from there even with the subtext of the item itself, maybe freezing a tauntaun and then capturing it? It may lead to more speculation itself or have nothing to do with the tauntaun. But I figure it was worth mentioning...


P.S. I forgot to mention the first time that as soon as it happened I logged into an alt character went to Ilum and tried repeating the above steps, I could not get the item to drop again on the alt character, making me stumped to how it worked the first time.


Where did you see the coolant in your inventory, where items you loot go or mission items? Isn't Coolant an item for Poisonous Strategy?

Edited by KurganNazzir
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Ive been following the thread since it was in the PTS forums as well as searching, but had somewhat of epiphany, with the added Legacy "punch, kick" etc moves, Ive noticed the subtext of all the tauntauns themselves are different. I was on Ilum at the time so I.E. the ones that were there were lvl-- headbutters and chargers. I decided to headbutt one of the headbutters back, and it popped a item into my mission inventory, http://www.torhead.com/item/dRISW5W/coolant, as soon as it happened I knew it had something or maybe nothing to do with them. I have no clue where to go from there even with the subtext of the item itself, maybe freezing a tauntaun and then capturing it? It may lead to more speculation itself or have nothing to do with the tauntaun. But I figure it was worth mentioning...


Where was the tauntaun you hit? I'd like to try this out myself. Also, did you use the ability "Bash"?

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So I just spent two hours roaming Hoth searching for spots that might be usable for this little hunt. Torhead.com has Frightened Taunlet as a weak, friendly creature on Hoth. I spent a while trying to find it but.. meh.


This almost solidifies it. Jerky+Dead Tauntaun mother=Frightened Taunlet summon. Tranq. Pet. done.

Now just to find that summon point.


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Where did you see the coolant in your inventory, where items you loot go or mission items? Isn't Coolant an item for Poisonous Strategy?


You are correct, I had to of been lagging for the item to pop into my inventory that far away, I also didnt know Poisonous Strat had that quest item, I feel noobly.

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You are correct, I had to of been lagging for the item to pop into my inventory that far away, I also didnt know Poisonous Strat had that quest item, I feel noobly.


I just remember that talking to the droid he has us drain his coolant and it shows up in mission items, and since you apparently don't have to click on it for the quest, it's easy to overlook.

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I'd hate to ask someone to blow their jerky on this, but can someone please go to Ilum and mess around with it there. I've supplied coordinates to the Imperial Tauntaun's that are green (there are 2 sets) and it has been comfirmed by myself and someone else that they are mirrored on the Republic side. They were added to the game and are labled uniquely...there must be a reason for it.


There is also a Champion level "Enduring Tauntaun" that I have never seen before that I killed the other night. I would try all of this out myself but I am in rehearsal all day. That mob is located in the upper East corner of the map past the Poisonous Strategies Heroic Area for Imperials. (On top, not down below in the canyon where you head to get the Willpower Datacron.)


If I'd classify what planet I got the bird pet from, I'd say Alderaan, but in actuality, it was Tatooine where I was able to manifest the pet. That may be the case here with the jerky ingredients/recipe mainly coming from Hoth and previous mentions in tooltips/patch notes of hoth pets being available. We can think of it as a "Hoth pet" but it manifests on another planet entirely.



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I'd hate to ask someone to blow their jerky on this, but can someone please go to Ilum and mess around with it there. I've supplied coordinates to the Imperial Tauntaun's that are green (there are 2 sets) and it has been comfirmed by myself and someone else that they are mirrored on the Republic side. They were added to the game and are labled uniquely...there must be a reason for it.


I remember seeing your post but I don't have it saved, where are these Tauntaun? I'm on Ilum at the Imperial base and, right now, I just see the ones that have always been there.


Also, the Enduring Tauntaun has always been there.


Nevermind, I found your old post. The ones you mention have always been there.

Edited by KurganNazzir
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Not sure if this is in anyway related to the ongong mystery but the SWTOR Community Manager has been tweeting since yesterday that something important will happen or be announced on Tatooine tomorrow (Sunday) morning before "mid-day". In an interview he said: “Make sure you are on the servers on sunday morning. Tatooine in particular.”


I'd love to hang out and wait on my server but I will be enroute from the Bay Area to Nevada. How I'd love a quick travel option for that. :D

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