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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current state of PvP (1.2)


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If we take a look at the history BW has shown us, then you can see that they take a LONG time to fix anything, the WZs are now basically about bringing the highest damage and you will win. I wouldn't be surprised if some Devs are already updating their CV.


I had a lot of hope.... it is quickly turning into despair.


I will be happy if we hear SOMETHING from Devs about this and that is the best piece of Marketing advice they can take right now.


Silver lining.... imagine if rated were actually in.

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I've done a few more Warzones and I'm a bit surprised at how quickly people die know, especially healers. Before 1.2 you had to work to kill them and quit rightly so, now it's a lot lot easier. Sorc healers go down faster than any other healers, Operatives / Mercs take a wee bit longer with Operatives probably being the harder to kill.
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Definitely noticing a lot more damage. Tabbing over people's highest hits after the match is confirming that people are doing more damage at the top end at least. Overall damage numbers are actually down atm, but I attribute that to people learning their classes after the changes and the fact that people are dying quicker now.


Pretty much any time I had two people on me I was dead. Before the patch, I could usually kite and CC them, probably still die but at least put up a fight. Now, I just die. Some of it I attribute to playing 31 Madness though, it's a good spec for 1v1(at least as good as it gets for Sorcerers I guess since we suck at 1v1), but in a group setting I fold quick now.

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Shocked so many people have already posted. In my opinion it feels like Bioware pulled a "Blizzard" as I call it. They took a game that wasn't perfect but was amazing nonetheless and destroyed it in one patch. I hope that Bioware will realize this error and revert the changes back to how they were. This was the first game in which I enjoyed the PVP aspect more than the PVE and now simpy seeing myself in que upsets me. I no longer enjoy playing the game I thought i'd be playing for at least another year. As of now I'm beginning my search for a new game. Unfortunately, yet again, it seems it's time to leave my beloved characters behind. Any suggestions aside Guild Wars 2?


On that note my main issues are the character spec changes and the medal system, I do like the scoundrel/operative aoe heal increase however most of the other changes have negatively affected the game in my opinion. I spent my first wz in Huttball with a group that was not trying making it impossible to get the new medals etc, what did I receive from that about 7mins of time? No valor, no comms, nothing. Not to mention the new increased damage from the fire etc, simply retarded it'll only increase the amount of "rage quitting" that occurs as a result of people getting pushed/pulled into fire. Not to mention my sage's heals seem drastically reduced, before the patch she had a record of 863131 heals in a voidstar, doing over 350k was nothing in a huttball, that huttball I ran this morning struggled to get 240k. Please fix the game that has been destroyed. On that note any chance of getting my money back or at least putting my game time on hold until the game improves?

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Definitely noticing a lot more damage. Tabbing over people's highest hits after the match is confirming that people are doing more damage at the top end at least. Overall damage numbers are actually down atm, but I attribute that to people learning their classes after the changes and the fact that people are dying quicker now.


Pretty much any time I had two people on me I was dead. Before the patch, I could usually kite and CC them, probably still die but at least put up a fight. Now, I just die. Some of it I attribute to playing 31 Madness though, it's a good spec for 1v1(at least as good as it gets for Sorcerers I guess since we suck at 1v1), but in a group setting I fold quick now.

The reason dmg numbers are down in WZ is because you cant do dmg while dead, and you need people alive to attack.. lol
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I agree with everything this guy has said..


Although, im a pyro powertech, rank 75, rather than a mara.


in 3 globals, someone is dead at the current state of the game.. no matter what gear. and no matter the class...


there is no longer any skill involved, no thought needed, just spam highest burst skills.


healers scaled well with gear prior to 1.2 but now.. its whoever hits their buttons first. interupts are no longer needed.. stuns and then burst = win.


oh, and have they changed tab targetting to make it even worse now? or am i being paranoid?



Perhaps it will take time to acclimatize to better rotations & the other changes but I observed similar on first day of 1.2

  • Yes - Attempting to target friendlies by click on Raidframe is worse now
  • Yes - Tab targeting enemies not intuitive as usual
  • Yes - I seemed to be in chained stunned state for longer ( multiple times )
  • No - I did not find the burst to have changed dramatically. ( on myself or keeping others up )
  • Yes - Resource deplete faster ( not used to sequence ) so that would seem to be main reason allies die now.
  • No - I did not see a single Battlemaster die in 3 globals. I had multiple on me a few times and I dragged them around all over the place in Novarre



Haven't noticed anything dramatic yet like one class outperforming in all scenarios & the new warzone is really fun

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The reason dmg numbers are down in WZ is because you cant do dmg while dead, and you need people alive to attack.. lol


I would actually attribute it to the gear being more equaled out/easier to get, as well the changes to the healing/dmg.


First 4 months people complained about how OP healers were, now we are feeling the results of that. Give it some time, things will shift as they always do in MMO's.


The forum community pushed this (broad generalization which is never good), but when so many people complain about something and the dev's respond this is what happens.

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Lol at this kid claiming to be a marauder, when you know hes a healer, pathetic, the marauder buff to rage was minimal, about 600dps per smash, which has 3second longer cd, so no gain, LOSS actually, and ravage? Sure it was a slight buff (talented) and its the ONLY useful attack in carnage spec with gore up besides massacre, it was needed, and it still bugs out, so dont act like your a mara, or sent, I call b.s without a doubt, your just crying.


Regarding bolded/italicized section: Any Carnage spec marauder knows that you forgot about a auto-critical Force Scream(from Ataru proc triggering Towering Rage/Blood Frenzy combination) that ignores armor mitigation when Gore is up. Might as well laugh at you for missing that one.

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I would actually attribute it to the gear being more equaled out/easier to get, as well the changes to the healing/dmg.


Gear is not more equal, the diminishing returns cap was raised significantly, almost to the point of being linear.


The gulf of performance each point of expertise gives was widened.


Damage increase now outpaces damage mitigation. Healing bonus was reduced.


Despite all of this, even though spike damage is up, overall damage has gone down.


Less up-time is about the only explanation.

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there needs to be a way to make credits from pvp. 1-2k credits for 15minutes of my time is awful.


pre 1.2, you had the daily/weekly bags that awarded credits, and warzones awarded a medium amount of credits win or lose.


the amount of credits you earn should be static. valor and comms should be dependent on your performance.


if youre a soldier in a war, you get paid. if your army loses the war, you still get a paycheck. its not rocket science......

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I'm not happy with the PVP changes at all, and when the fun is gone I usually stop playing an MMO.


I swear I thought my gear had disappeared I was dying so fast. I couldn't kill anyone but they sure dropped me like I was wearing a paper dress and I'm a full BM geared agent. Granted I have only played 1 WZ but this sucks.

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Once again I'll state the only valid argument in this thread is that losers should get more comms than currently. Healing is fine if your team knows you are a healer.


I had a marauder and powertech on me, one was carnage other was rail shot proc spec. marauder rooted me w/ trauma (20 percent less healing) used ravage, powertech was wailing on me and my healer was keeping me alive through all of this, scoundrel.


All 4 of us were BM, healing is fine. You just need to LoS / kite even more now. I keep freezing force up on everyone to keep my squads escapability up. IMO this was needed because healers could just laugh through damage as they heal their whole team, then when they get down to 30 percent worry about themselves and still live.


This way is much better, and takes more team play to win effectively.


Taunts (30 PERCENT DAMAGE REDUCTION), are also more important now than ever.

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This way is much better, and takes more team play to win effectively.



I would agree if the team you were refering to was an 8 man team where no pugs were involved. Oh wait, they pushed the only good part of this patch back

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I had just finished the long horrible grind to valor level 60 a week ago, and would just today have enough battlemaster commendations to buy the lightsaber.


Today the patch removed the valor requirement for BM gear, and at the same time made it dirt cheap.


I'm feeling pretty screwed over for having done the entire valor grind for nothing.

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I had just finished the long horrible grind to valor level 60 a week ago, and would just today have enough battlemaster commendations to buy the lightsaber.


Today the patch removed the valor requirement for BM gear, and at the same time made it dirt cheap.


I'm feeling pretty screwed over for having done the entire valor grind for nothing.

Old news. You knew that was coming in 1.2 weeks ago. QQ about getting gear easier won't get you anywhere.


This is about PvP Combat, an actually important matter.

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I play a 50 sage healer and used to do quite good in WZ's, despite not even being fully pvp geared expertise wise.


Now I get molested in a split second as soon as any good dps'er jumps me. I can't heal up fast enough. I might get my two insta heals up, bubble & rejuvenate while I try my best to get out of range using speed and force slow. Doesn't work, bang dead. I might try to stick around, doing channeled and cast time heals, though the incoming dps in this scenario will be far bigger than the amount I can heal, even if the player does not interrupt me.


On a sidenote: I suspect this patch will once again push the faction balance(gearwise). A balance which had almost got even after the Ilum incident.


Soon I will go to bed, and hopefully wake up to a hotfixed SWTOR.

Edited by DuriZap
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Im an operative.


In the current state of pvp, I can hardly kill anyone who is of equal gear, and healers are especially tough now. their healing output proceeds our damage. People in the same gear that I used to kill after a tough fight, I can't even kill now. yet, Marauders and Bh's are killing me solo in 5 seconds. Fully geared BM.



It's no fun killing someone in 4 seconds, but it's also not fun seeing BH's crit for 6k when the highest crit I've seen in 4.3k. Also, having to expend my entire array of resources to try and kill someone, only to get them down to half of their health.



Also, there is no reason to stay in a losing warzone now. If you are losing, you get nothing. for example.. 5k credits for a win, 300-1k credits for a loss..

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I play a 50 sage healer and used to do quite good in WZ's, despite not even being fully pvp geared expertise wise.


Now I get molested in a split second as soon as any good dps'er jumps me.


lol sorcs are cannon fodder now didn't you hear?

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