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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current state of PvP (1.2)


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current state: bad


trending state: worse



bioware, fix your crap now. i dont know how many subs you lost total last night, but i know of at least 50 people personally that have cancelled. the fact that you put these blatantly idiotic changes to live is only going to incite more people to cancel subs.


fix this now. like not on monday, or tonight, or tomorrow. NOW

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I'm not one to threaten unsubbing, but I already did it after an afternoon of WZs on my healer. I knew I wouldn't like it after the first game that I healed, and won, but tried to give BW the benefit of the doubt.


To summarize, dmg is way way way too high. Healing is worthless. Warcraft had it right with their pvp stat in the fact that you take less dmg the more of it you have. Exp should be dmg reduction heavy, not +dmg heavy.


Same. Unsubbed. I've never unsubbed from an mmo update/patch before. This is a first! Where's my achievement medal?


Gave it a few hours today, but realized this went from one of my favorite mmos to awful in one, swift patch.

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I'm not one to threaten unsubbing, but I already did it after an afternoon of WZs on my healer. I knew I wouldn't like it after the first game that I healed, and won, but tried to give BW the benefit of the doubt.


To summarize, dmg is way way way too high. Healing is worthless. Warcraft had it right with their pvp stat in the fact that you take less dmg the more of it you have. Exp should be dmg reduction heavy, not +dmg heavy.


If WoW had it so right, why are they changing it to be SWTOR's system?

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I'm Conqueror level and found the patch to be better overall than I thought. Virtually all of my guild agrees...some major overreactions in this thread.


One thing you have to realize is that some people didn't change out their mods pre-patch and don't have the new expertise. Right now, it's hard to judge things because there is a greater potential gear discrepancy than before. People are also learning new talent setups, figuring out how to adjust to the nerfs and/or tinkering with their UI.


I would wait til things settle down and everyone has more experience with the changes and getting their gear right.


I have noticed some fast killings by certain classes that probably need adjusting, but nothing warranting the ridiculous crying on this thread. I am somewhat surprised that the dps operatives/scoundrels nerf was not a big deal at all from playing against some today. They still hurt really bad and are very potent.


In any case, you can't make any conclusions after only a few hours of anecdotal testing. People doing so at this stage have zero credibility and sense of reasonableness.


Overall, I give BW a grade A for the patch..it was less than 8 hours down time and noticed no major bugs or glitches like I had grown to expect the first day from WoW.

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It looks like BW wants us to post ideas here about the current state of PvP after 1.2. They are closing threads and redirecting us here, where they will (hopefully...) listen. With that in mind, here are some concrete and presumably easily implementable suggestions for BW.


1. Increase credit rewards for WZs

Some players want to level through PvP alone, with only a few class quests thrown in to guarantee they have a full crew on their ship. These players already had a struggle making money before 1.2. Make credit rewards scale by level of the player and their performance within the WZ. For level 50 players, you should be able to make the same amount of money via PvP as you do through Daily PvE content. Currently, level 50s are making about 2k per WZ (that's generous). WZ should be paying out at least 5K for winners, and maybe 3K for losers.


2. Increase commendation rewards for WZs

Before 1.2, you could win a WZ and, through MVP votes and 4 medals, get 80+ comms. Now, even with excellent in game performance and a strong team finish, it is hard to get over 60. This is less of a liability for level 50s as it is for lower level characters; BM gear is WAY cheaper now than it was before 1.2. WH gear is a separate matter, but I assume that ranked WZs will fix this. Currently, you can't use consumable PvP items AND save for gear with the reward structure.


3. Add a cumulative leaver debuff

The debuff would work in two ways. First, you can't re-queue for 5 minutes. Second, if you leave another WZ within 10 minutes, you get an even worse penalty. Here is how I would scale it, based on my experience playing League of Legends, DotA, and other similar games.

15 minute debuff: For 5 minutes, you can't join. For the remaining 10, you are on probation. If you leave again while on probation...

30 minute debuff: Can't join for 10 minutes. For the remaining 20 minutes...

60 minute debuff: Can't join for 20 minutes, 40 minute leaver probationary period...


There are basically two parts to each debuff. The first is a penalty that bars you from entering the queue for 5/10/20/40 minutes (times could be changed). The second is a debuff that further penalizes you for leaving WZs after you can re-queue. So if I leave a game, I can't join another for 5 minutes. If I leave my next game, within 10 minutes of that penalty period expiring, I get an even worse debuff.


I am pretty sure that the PvP community can deal with the other problems with PvP. Yes, class balance is off, but all MMOs have that problem. Yes, individual WZs have some issues, but people can tough through that if they are at least getting rewarded. These are the big three issues that I think would most positively impact current PvP gameplay.

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I'm Conqueror level and found the patch to be better overall than I thought. Virtually all of my guild agrees...some major overreactions in this thread.


One thing you have to realize is that some people didn't change out their mods pre-patch and don't have the new expertise. Right now, it's hard to judge things because there is a greater potential gear discrepancy than before. People are also learning new talent setups, figuring out how to adjust to the nerfs and/or tinkering with their UI.


I would wait til things settle down and everyone has more experience with the changes and getting their gear right.


I have noticed some fast killings by certain classes that probably need adjusting, but nothing warranting the ridiculous crying on this thread. I am somewhat surprised that the dps operatives/scoundrels nerf was not a big deal at all from playing against some today. They still hurt really bad and are very potent.


In any case, you can't make any conclusions after only a few hours of anecdotal testing. People doing so at this stage have zero credibility and sense of reasonableness.


Overall, I give BW a grade A for the patch..it was less than 8 hours down time and noticed no major bugs or glitches like I had grown to expect the first day from WoW.



Same. I think all these kids are running around pugging and not working together. Which will lead to you just absolutely getting facerolled now.


Healers need guard on them, fighting in your teams AOE, throwing taunts out...etc. We have just been decimating people.

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Haven't lost a match all morning. Our 2 healers have died maybe a total of 4 times throughout 11 matches. I think you guys are doing something wrong.


K. What about the other team? Let's see you roll 11 - 20 matches and lose them all and let's see what you think about it then.

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I'm Conqueror level and found the patch to be better overall than I thought. Virtually all of my guild agrees...some major overreactions in this thread.


One thing you have to realize is that some people didn't change out their mods pre-patch and don't have the new expertise. Right now, it's hard to judge things because there is a greater potential gear discrepancy than before. People are also learning new talent setups, figuring out how to adjust to the nerfs and/or tinkering with their UI.


I would wait til things settle down and everyone has more experience with the changes and getting their gear right.


I have noticed some fast killings by certain classes that probably need adjusting, but nothing warranting the ridiculous crying on this thread. I am somewhat surprised that the dps operatives/scoundrels nerf was not a big deal at all from playing against some today. They still hurt really bad and are very potent.


In any case, you can't make any conclusions after only a few hours of anecdotal testing. People doing so at this stage have zero credibility and sense of reasonableness.


Overall, I give BW a grade A for the patch..it was less than 8 hours down time and noticed no major bugs or glitches like I had grown to expect the first day from WoW.



One voice in 6 pages sitting with bw, player confidence is plumeting faster n a fat later without a parachute.

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PvP was going to keep me around. Prior to 1.2 my Powertech could survive against 2 attackers, but my damage was barely noticeable.


Now, I can't survive a single attacker, and my damage is barely noticeable.


It seems to me that these changes have basically made anything other than the highest DPS dealing specs usable. Some classes, like Jugg/Guard, don't have a chance now.


My healing Scoundrel cries. Instead of taking out the laugh cue, they should have changed it to a cry instead. I can't keep one person alive against a Marauder, and this guy was a tank.


Then when you add in that you get nearly zero rewards for losing, there is no real reason to play anymore.


I spent 15 minutes in Alderaan. It was a close game, we lost by 30 points. 30. And despite the fact I had 10 medals, 2nd place on my team and higher than ANYONE on the enemy team...I got 31 coms.


31? Are you serious? What a waste of time that was. The match was fun and even until the very last second, and I get punished with 31 coms because they go the last second win? What malarcky is that? They didn't roll us. They didn't beat us like a bunch of noobs. They barely won.


At this rate, anyone who gets unlucky and ends up on a losing streak will need months to get a single piece of gear.


Not me. I waited until 1.2 before I decided to unsub or not. I got 2 months of time left, but I have no faith that Bioware can fix this disaster. They have done nothing but make it worse since launch.


I have 2 characters who aren't 50 yet, and I will finish them off pretty soon probably. They only need a few levels. Sadly, the legacy system is wasted on them for the most part. And looking at what is coming in 1.3...the vast majority of those legacy perks won't be useful to me either.


So, really the only thing that was going to keep me around was PvP...which is in such a sorry state right now.


Guess I will adding my name to the list of people who isn't paying another dime for this game. Once I hit 50 on my last two characters, the story is done, and I have no real reason to stick around.


So, good luck and thanks for all the fish.

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I'm Conqueror level and found the patch to be better overall than I thought. Virtually all of my guild agrees...some major overreactions in this thread.


One thing you have to realize is that some people didn't change out their mods pre-patch and don't have the new expertise. Right now, it's hard to judge things because there is a greater potential gear discrepancy than before. People are also learning new talent setups, figuring out how to adjust to the nerfs and/or tinkering with their UI.


I would wait til things settle down and everyone has more experience with the changes and getting their gear right.


I have noticed some fast killings by certain classes that probably need adjusting, but nothing warranting the ridiculous crying on this thread. I am somewhat surprised that the dps operatives/scoundrels nerf was not a big deal at all from playing against some today. They still hurt really bad and are very potent.


In any case, you can't make any conclusions after only a few hours of anecdotal testing. People doing so at this stage have zero credibility and sense of reasonableness.


Overall, I give BW a grade A for the patch..it was less than 8 hours down time and noticed no major bugs or glitches like I had grown to expect the first day from WoW.


all your opinion which is fine. i wont tell u how to think. so please dont tell me what to think. This patch is garbage in my opinion and it has ruined pvp (which for me is only thing to do endgame) The pVE Dailies are boring, tired of doing same FP's over and over (where nothing changes)

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There is no direction for large active PvP guilds in this game. As bio-ware said "guilds are the health of this game" but after Ilum failed everyone in my guild and other guilds stopped logging in and started to unsubscribe. Ilum was GREAT for awhile and that WAS the "health" of our guild. Bio-ware CANNOT fix Ilum so what makes everyone think they can fix PvP? It is a true concern for me and that is the reason I do not continue to play anymore.
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Terrible. Absolutely terrible. Up until now, I've been having a lot of fun PvPing in this game. Played a Sorc Healer to Valor 71 without ever setting foot in Ilum, so I've been in a lot of Warzones. It WAS fun. Now, not so much.


On top of "class balancing", they had to go and change the expertise stat, so damage-gains are almost twice as good as healing gains. Now I see people going down faster than a sack of noodles, and there's not a whole lot I can to influence it, unless my team is playing outrageously undergeared players.


So if it's not fun, the solution is pretty simple. Just unsubbed. No drama there, but I do think it sucks BW broke the game this bad with what was supposed to be a huge update for them.

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The players that likes the current changes are tanks... doing more dps than dps classes and getting 14+ medals eachs matchs... ofcause they like the current changes.... nerf the dmg done by tanks by 75% and game might be playable or remove thier defensive cds from pvp. Edited by Joms
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I was exited for 1.2


Disappointed now that I've played a bit, and unsubbed


Put back my my BM enhancements just to have them stack with alacrity again no power/surge/crit that was shown to be on the PTS Servers. Why they didn't go live with it, IDK


Would level my shadow alt, but can't buy battle master comms before level 50! When once again PTS servers did not have a level requirement so their was a point to wz before 50. and again all the RECRUIT and BATTLEMASTER and WARHERO gear all is stacked with accuracy and absorption. practically worthless for shadows.


Was a sage healer/dps spec before patch, knew both my builds would be removed still stuck around for rateds. But they cancel that 8 hrs before implementation.


No positives for this patch for me. No positives for sages this patch, no reason to continue leveling my shadow.

Edited by braONEntax
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I love it. Good bye to OP healing.

I agree and disagree. On the one hand, healing was definitely OP before 1.2. For healers, expertise was basically 'double counted' in a fight. You not only had expertise counted towards damage reduction, but also counted again as a buff to healing. It was extremely difficult to kill healers at a certain level of gear, especially if they played with even the slightest amount of competence. So in that respect, healing was quite strong and probably had to get nerfed.


The real question, however, is: Was healing nerfed too much? Alternately, was damage buffed too much? I think that time will tell and that there is an optimal balance between the percentages. I also think that the current balance is probably off; WZ damage is quite high right now, and people are dying fast.

Edited by ktkenshinx
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Anyone from Bondar Crystal that is quitting please send me your credits. Thanks.





even if i was on Bondar Crystal I wouldn't give you my stuff. Just because we quit doesn't mean we wont come back if changes are made for the better.

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