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Post-Patch 1.2


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So, I've noticed that EVERY other class got buffed and the Bounty Hunter got nerfed ...





Really? Every other class got buffed?


Impressive how it's always "my" class that get's the nerf while all the others get buffed.

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So far my BH shieldtech feels relatively unchanged, except that death from above is now nigh pointless due to its range nerf.


I used to start a fight with it, but where it used to hit the entire trashgroup, it now hits basically 1 mob cause they tend to stand so far apart... And since my shieldtech is basically melee , I cant really collect them together and then shoot either, since it requires distance from targets. Great job in another pointless change, bioware.


The death from above change really needs rolling back.


ps. I ignore posts from pvpers but this thread was a suitable outlet.



DFA is right where it should be now. It was an OP skill and too many BH used it as a crutch for too long. Use your heads and use your other skills and you will be fine. More thinking and less finking please.

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DFA is right where it should be now. It was an OP skill and too many BH used it as a crutch for too long. Use your heads and use your other skills and you will be fine. More thinking and less finking please.


I really don't get this... My IA wants you to meet her Orbital Strike. It does more damage, has a larger radius and lasts longer than DFA. Which is good while guarding bombs, turrets, etc.



So what does DFA have over Orbital Strike again?

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I don't believe that the Merc stayed the same either. Well..I know it didn't.


Explain why I left the night of the patch with my Main DPS DMG. about 600pts. higher than it was when I logged in last night. (I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't see it and don't know why)


I can't figure out what the melee combat punches are for. People are saying it's for PvP but I can't get them to work. Someone just told me they are for roleplaying and that you have to take your weapons off. Huh????? Well, that was a waste of time.


All I can see so far is that compared to immediately before the patch, every WZ I played, I was around the top dmg dealers and now I'm way, way down at the bottom of the list and fairly useless.


Maybe with the patch happening now, you could throwing quilt knitting as a skill for us?


This isn't a rage quit post (far from it) but a cry for help. lol I know I'll get back to normal, with some time and investigating wth they actually did to us. At least, I hope so anyway. It's just sad to see my toon with a damage output at 50, (BM almost WH) the same as it was at lvl 40.

Edited by Taoron
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I don't do pvp (yet) so I'm fine with the damage decreases and increases, though what bothers me is the decreased radius on DFA. It's basically a single target attack now :(


Also on Belsalvis, there's a class mission called Target Rich Environment, where you have to take down multiple targets across the planet (2 per map it seems). I didn't finish the mission before the patch, and so had start over yesterday. It all went fine untill I made it to the target named Reiki. He's a lvl 43 Elite and has around 20-24k health. Before the patch when I was at lvl 43, I beat him. Now after the patch, I'm lvl 45 and he's destroying me. He sends out one of those small spherical propes the circles around you and zaps you. That thing does around 700-1k damage per sec! With Mako on my team and using my own healing abilities I can't even keep up with that! I mean, my rapid scan heals somewhere in between 1.4k-2k and it takes 2.5 sec to activate. In that time, the prope would've dealt 1.8k-2.5k damage.


I don't know if it's me that's doing something wrong. I got an average of 100 rating on all my armour, I've deactivated all Mako's damage abilities, so that she only does healing (and her weak attack which I wish you could disable aswell). ¨

I mean, I can take down lvl 47 Elites on Hoth, whilst being lvl 45 myself, but I can't take on a lvl 43 Elite. Seems weird to me.


I hope is an unintentional bug that BW will look into :)

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DFA just had the radius changed a bit. It actually begins dealing damage sooner after activation.


That "little" change completely screwed up my hunting. Before - the typical group of 3 mobs you see hanging around, I just had to carefully place the target in between them and I would hit all three. Now no matter how I place the target, I get two at best. That's right ... at BEST because it is not unusual on weird terrains to be a little off and waste that DFA on ONE TARGET now.


The signature move that just screamed "Bounty Hunter" to me, and it is now a dead fish.


Get some better PVP gear. You'll be fine.


Sorry, but I am a PVE player who sits on a PVP server only because that's where his RL group wanted to go. In general, I don't care about PVP in MMO games, if I want PVP I go to fixed-stat games such as counterstrike or the like where my results are based on my shooter skills, not on how many hours a week I can sink into chasing the best gear.


And don't bother with the "raiders have to grind too". I haven't been raiding either because my Guild wants at least 3 pieces of Rakata gear on all raiders, and I can not find a HM group to save my life ... I work nights shifts, the people just aren't there, when I am playing.


Like right now, as I am sitting here waiting for a "scheduled" (yeah right, when was it scheduled .... last night? wasn't there yesterday!) maintenance that will go late enough that I might get to play two hours before I go to bed for the day.

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I don't do pvp (yet) so I'm fine with the damage decreases and increases, though what bothers me is the decreased radius on DFA. It's basically a single target attack now :(


Also on Belsalvis, there's a class mission called Target Rich Environment, where you have to take down multiple targets across the planet (2 per map it seems). I didn't finish the mission before the patch, and so had start over yesterday. It all went fine untill I made it to the target named Reiki. He's a lvl 43 Elite and has around 20-24k health. Before the patch when I was at lvl 43, I beat him. Now after the patch, I'm lvl 45 and he's destroying me. He sends out one of those small spherical propes the circles around you and zaps you. That thing does around 700-1k damage per sec! With Mako on my team and using my own healing abilities I can't even keep up with that! I mean, my rapid scan heals somewhere in between 1.4k-2k and it takes 2.5 sec to activate. In that time, the prope would've dealt 1.8k-2.5k damage.


I don't know if it's me that's doing something wrong. I got an average of 100 rating on all my armour, I've deactivated all Mako's damage abilities, so that she only does healing (and her weak attack which I wish you could disable aswell). ¨

I mean, I can take down lvl 47 Elites on Hoth, whilst being lvl 45 myself, but I can't take on a lvl 43 Elite. Seems weird to me.


I hope is an unintentional bug that BW will look into :)

aye that guy is hard as nails.kill his pets then run away to lose aggro.go back and kite him to death.dont stand in the same spot and use your cure that gets rid of his debuffs.thats how i beat him.

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It's funny that as a tank leveling I had the ability to completely vaporize an entire group of 3 to 4 mobs after every two groups of normal killing. Leveling my second char as dps I always felt slighted not having a DFA type ability and as a result his killing felt sluggish at times compared to tank which just isnt right.


I mean come on we always knew it was hitting really hard and the range was far beyond its targeting circle. I'm sad to see it go too but if you search deep down inside you'll probably realize that we always knew DFA was really too good.


I hope in the future they evaluate the changes and decide to add some talents for one of the specs to return DFA to its former glory. It's not overpowered in the hands of some builds but is really a lot of aoe dps for a tank to carry around.

Edited by Prolyfic
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The thing that gets me with the patch wasn't the damage reduction so much as the arsenal tree got kicked in the balls since we no longer get a heat reduction for TM, which we NEED in order to get decent damage for HM, plus follow up attacks. I do actually use Powershot sometimes, if they're already at 5 stacks of Thermal, but frankly it wasn't powerful to begin with, and is even more worthless now that it does less damage.


If you're doing Arsenal or Pyrotech, the ONLY skill you have to reduce heat is Vent Heat (not counting thermal sensor override, because it's cooldown makes it a one-time use thing), which means that once I do my typical attack run:




I'm already at 90+ heat. I would normally follow up with Unload or DFA, but I literally CAN'T now, unless I'm willing to use up my Vent Heat (which vents 66 if you put the points into it... obviously you do), which I typically reserve for when I'm fighting more than one person. And most likely my heat dispersion is around medium-low, meaning that I can maybe pull off one more attack before I'm completely helpless if either thermal sensor override or vent heat is in cooldown. Using Rapid Shots is a delaying tactic at best, but I find I'm using it a lot more in Warzones than I used to. I notice that I'm also dying a lot more than I used to as well, since we all know Energy Shield is freaking worthless. Even if it blocked 50% of all incoming damage it would still be worthless, since other classes have shields that ABSORB damage. It does nothing to save you in a real emergency.


The improvement to Barrage does not make up for our crippling heat management nerf.

Edited by FoolMetalJacket
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My experiences thus far come with these conclusions;


# I overheat more frequently

# I do way less damage

# I stand absolutely no chance in a 1 vs 1, regardless of opposing class (unless I'm facing another BH)

# I die much more frequently

# I'm having issues finishing off most opponents in many vs many


These are experienced -changes- in my game play since 1.2



Guess I better just roll a Maurader as well.

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didnt read anything in this thread other than the first post stop qqing bh got nerfed ever so slightly and i actually manage my heat better now than i ever did still ripping 600-700k games with ease 6k railshots on the squishy guys im loving it adapt or re-roll
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While it may not be as bad as I feared, it's still a nerf. I manage heat a little better, but that's not a trade of the damage I lost.


And all the PT's saying "I don't notice nuffin" can just be disregarded because they're not the ones that got f'd in the a by this nerf.

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After looking at damage logs and testing with fellow guidies MY damage as a Merc/ Ars is now tuned almost perfectly with other dps classes. So why all the crying. Yes we got brought down and they got brought up but our total damage was not nerfed so bosses fall just as easy as before. If fact this probably helped a Ops group as a whole since now if the high dpsing person dc'd or died for some odd reason the rest of the Op is now better qualified to finish what was started.


I can see how a pvp person would cry since in pvp its all about your self and forget the team mentsality . But hey I havent seen a patch yet were the pvp'er didnt cry

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When 1.2 hit I made my first BH. Went arsenal merc. Was waiting to feel the burn of a freshly nerfed class, but it hasn't come yet. Now granted I'm only in the 20s, but compared to my 50 sniper and 42 Guardian, playing a BH is dirt easy. I consciously have to suppress laughter sometimes while playing it. So I can't even imagine how ridiculously lol-worthy it was pre 1.2


Not gonna say "quit your whining!", but really, as someone who is only now discovering the 'easy mode' BH, what is the big deal with the patch for you guys?

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Were to start i guess with a hello im new to the forum post thingy im now one to bother but im making a exception this time so ill address what i like and dislike for patch 1.2 b.h updates


Hired muscle 6% to 3% umm not bothered unless your playing high velocity as it helped heat control


Muzzle Flute really does not bother me with PS and TM heat reduced it really didnt archeive much at all...


Power Shot 10% drop slightly upset me, it was a standard range attack with good power without channel (most upset)


Tracer Missile well this is the tricky one their reason for dropping its power seemed well a bit silly shouldent have set so many other abilitys to rely on it, dunno what to say they might need to look more at the tech tree to fix it rather then drop the missile strength to force rotation...


Power barrier ok liked this move not so much now its was fair it required to build for the buff and im sad to see it halved 5% from 10%.


Jet Boost FAIR i rather see the move go for a more enjoyable jet boost jump from one location to another within 30 metres mayby stun on the way out im sick of the players being knocked around like pinballs (most acceptable)

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Alright... read most of post/ replies...

And it's sad! They didn't kill BH, they fix it!, DFA was OP, fix!

Paraket build was OP, they fix hybrid build...

I'm a PT - pyro and except from DFA, i don't see a lot of changes in DPS/ pvp

I finish in top most of times, kill pretty good 1v1, shadow tank hybrid give me hard times.

Really if you'Re having so much issues, try a different build, gear up, and change your style.

If you're going 1vs1 in pvp aginst a full geared battlemaster... you better be equal in gear or be really awesome!


Now what they really need to fix is the f... stun chain/ spam of certain class.

BH are fine, really

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I mean come on we always knew it was hitting really hard and the range was far beyond its targeting circle. I'm sad to see it go too but if you search deep down inside you'll probably realize that we always knew DFA was really too good


Yes... clearly a fun ability that was cool looking and made the BH class stand out (levitating in the air is really awesome!) that did good damage has no place in a GAME>..


Not sure about you but I play GAMES for FUN... it was fun to use DFA... it was not OP.. it has a 1 min CD because it was a bit strong... unlike the spam-able AOE's from Sorc's....


Lets see...


Powerful AOE on a 1 min CD that can take out 1 pack of 3-4 mobs in a minute...


Semi powerful AOE that has NO CD and can take out 3 packs of 3-4 mobs in a minute...


You were saying something about it being OP????

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Mercenary is what is wrong, not Powertech.


1. Damage is a lot lower

2. Heat is a lot higher

3. Mobility was never there


The changes were a huge nerf. The class is very painful to play in pvp since you feel like you are wearing paper and shooting spitballs now.


It's sad because I had fun playing this class, but now Im probably going to level up my marauder, since they can survive and do damage.


To be honest, the worst thing in this game for pvp is Expertise. It causes a HUGE gap, so the strong get stronger, those without feed off the scraps until maybe getting good gear...unless they stop because of frustration

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Mercenary is what is wrong, not Powertech.


1. Damage is a lot lower

2. Heat is a lot higher

3. Mobility was never there


The changes were a huge nerf. The class is very painful to play in pvp since you feel like you are wearing paper and shooting spitballs now.


It's sad because I had fun playing this class, but now Im probably going to level up my marauder, since they can survive and do damage.


To be honest, the worst thing in this game for pvp is Expertise. It causes a HUGE gap, so the strong get stronger, those without feed off the scraps until maybe getting good gear...unless they stop because of frustration



Yup. Merc is just so underpowered. Very little survivability, mediocre dmg compared to all other DPS classes, and heat feels more like a pain in the *** than a fun mechanic.

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Merc = Hunter in WoW...

Sorry to bring the comparison but I played one at a high level for a very long time (One of the main reasons I went Merc) and the similarities to the PVP limpness and the nerfing of fun abilities is astounding IMO.


Heat = Focus...

Edited by Jaxarale
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