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Everything posted by Taoron

  1. Training dummies are one thing, a Raid is another. Maybe the numbers are better, in my world, due to moving and repositioning, heat management, who get's more aggro (like I said, I don't open up with my heaviest hitters, in lieu of letting the Tank get good aggro and not make the Healers work as hard) I'm sure the dummies will show pure output but it's not real world. Pyro has almost no skills that are not instant cast, allowing me to run, move around, whatever, and still be able to get off some of my best moves, on the target. I still want to do more testing on this and get some better gear (there's always better gear) and see where it goes. Either way, I love my Merc. No matter what, the player has to have fun and play a class and tree that fits your play style.
  2. Love my Merc. I have to disagree with the Arsenal being better with long fights. I reguarily play with 2 other Mercs (DPS) who are both Crit based Arsenal and myself Power Based Pyro and yes, in the burst, short fights, they do a lot more DPS than I do (although, out of courtesy to the tank, I don't open up with my best stuff, opting for laying down my DOTS and letting them get aggro) but that quickly wanes and in the long fights, I almost always come out on top of the DPS charts. We are all fairly equal in gear for PvE.
  3. I also just heard a great suggestion, for this item, in general, of having the Egg be clickable and the person who clicked it, has to wait for the egg to hatch, causing the pet to recognize that player as his 'Mommy'. I thought that was a cute twist. Fears I have heard are that if the person who does initially click leaves, then a bunch of others will rush to be the next clicker, causing more hard feelings. In my experience with this thing, as of yet, though, I have not seen more than 1 or 2 people on the egg at any given time. That may just be on my server so, I can't tell. Either way would, most likely, relieve hard feelings and take the power away from the Ninja Looters.
  4. It's happened on many occasions, in this world and others, whenever there are random world spawns for crafting items, gear or in this case, Vanity Pets. You wait and wait for the respawn. Other people drop in and you have a chat with them. MOST people agree that the person who is there first, is next in line and act in a civil and respectful manner. Yet, there is always going to be a small percentage of the community who feels that everything is theirs and 'so what if you were here first, I have other things to do', who swoop in and steal the spawn from those who were waiting patiently, in line, and enjoying the company of others, in the community. It's been a problem since the first MMO appeared and, most likely, will be, when the last one rears it's head for the last time, and dies. There are many other games that have worked around allowing the least civil and respectful among us, to have their sense of 'WINNING' when they feel they have to blatantly ignore any sense of community or basic, either real or imagines, sense of claim. The most recent example of for the Egg spawn for the Okareet pet. In most (and I stress most) cases, people are cool and wait their turn. Yes, there is always one individual who feels they have rights to whatever they want with no repercussions because, really, who's going to enforce Ninja Looting policies? So, if there is no threat of getting caught, warned or whatever, they can simply walk all over the rest of the community and too bad if you don't like it. Suggestion for a fix, to make it less of a pain for people who have waited for hours, only to have some, less than human specimen come along and force them to wait for 4-5 more hours, when they could be moving on and doing something else? Maybe a console, at the nests, that the first person who shows up and settles in to stake a claim can press and as long as they do not move from that spot, the prize is theirs. If they leave the immediate area, the next person who logs into the console is now the owner of that spot, until the next spawn, as long as they stay in the immediate area and don't log, queue for PvP or whatever. Just a thought, to make things peaceful and to take away the Ninja factor, before it even get's started. I've been in several games who had similar instances for crafting items, vanity prizes, etc and they all ended up finding a way, successfully, to avoid this sort of behavior from those who simply don't care for anything or anyone but themselves. Of course, we are all here for ourselves and for our own enjoyment but to have someone(s) who slowly chip away at the fun factor, takes away from the community, as a whole.
  5. I don't believe that the Merc stayed the same either. Well..I know it didn't. Explain why I left the night of the patch with my Main DPS DMG. about 600pts. higher than it was when I logged in last night. (I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't see it and don't know why) I can't figure out what the melee combat punches are for. People are saying it's for PvP but I can't get them to work. Someone just told me they are for roleplaying and that you have to take your weapons off. Huh????? Well, that was a waste of time. All I can see so far is that compared to immediately before the patch, every WZ I played, I was around the top dmg dealers and now I'm way, way down at the bottom of the list and fairly useless. Maybe with the patch happening now, you could throwing quilt knitting as a skill for us? This isn't a rage quit post (far from it) but a cry for help. lol I know I'll get back to normal, with some time and investigating wth they actually did to us. At least, I hope so anyway. It's just sad to see my toon with a damage output at 50, (BM almost WH) the same as it was at lvl 40.
  6. I couldn't get them to work in PvP. I slotted the brawling skills and nothing. As far as I can tell, they're useless.
  7. Taoron


    Same thing on Begeren Colony. The planets have to be aligned just right and hopefully you get more than 1 or 2 players on a team who understand the function of a keyboard.
  8. Okay..I'll play. Me Just Chillin with my peeps. http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o293/taoteron/Chilling%20with%20my%20Peeps/395885_10150701115606654_677976653_11372996_840396081_n.jpg
  9. Taoron


    Is there a server with a decent Empire PvP Community as opposed to the copious amount of useless on the server I'm currently on? I don't want to have to start all over again but it's gone past the point of ridiculous.
  10. I strongly disagree with this sentiment. It is not a fact but conjecture. There is no way you can state that ALL participants, if given the chance, with no Law Enforcement to stop them from doing something which is obviously either wrong or harmful to the game, the team, the economy or any other aspect to the game, will take advantage of the system and/or exploits. I'm actually insulted that people believe that sort of dribble. If you and very possibly, a large number of players, decide that they want to take advantage of a hole or and exploit to move them forward in the game with little or no effort, that is your choice (which I find deplorable) but please do not reflect your own shortcomings and/or the shortcomings of those who DO choose to exploit the system, upon the entire community. It's insulting.
  11. These are jokes....right? I'll agree with another poster and agree that Pyro Mercs suck just to stop THAT ball from rolling and getting us nerfed. I'm glad, as well, that the Rail Shot that I can't use tops 3k most of the time. Not bad for a skill I can't use.
  12. Yep. Absolutely. It will be abused. There are a bunch of threads here that say no, in jest and those that already say they will use it if someone is under geared (same in the other posts) If someone comes in to play and they are under geared, if they are trying and actually playing, they should be left alone. It's got nothing to do with respect or anything else. No player should have the right to end the game of another player who is out there and playing, regardless of how they are geared. However, if someone is just there for valor an comms and hides in a corner, afk, Heck yeah. If someone is a mole for the other side and helping them win in Huttball, heck yeah. If it stands any chance at all of being abused, it's a bad idea.
  13. Taoron

    Ranked Warzones

    Lovely. So it's a 'No PvPer left behind' type of program? I'm sure that will promise to make for a wonderfully stagnant experience, not only in having to wait for queues but for lower level or inexperienced players to be assured that they will never learn anything from the players who may be of higher rank, or better players. For my part, I'm thankful that I was able to play with lvl 50 players when I was not lvl 50. I have been thankful to see others, of my class, who are really good players, and to be able to talk to them about what they are doing right, and I am doing wrong. But, as in society, the minority speaks the loudest and the most so, they will get the changes they want, to assure that they never have to actually compete or learn or get any better. That should work.
  14. Taoron

    Ranked Warzones

    I'm a little fuzzy on this term. Can someone please explain to me what it means?
  15. Can someone explain to me what 'Ranked Warzones' means? I have an idea and I fear it's the 'No Child Left Behind' version of PvP with no real incentive or challenge available for people to learn and get better at what they are doing. I hope that's not the case.
  16. Michael Jordan, don't take this the wrong way, I don't play with you so I have no idea if all basketball players are just as bad or not. Anyway to the point...I think that a sky hook and slam dunk need a serious nerf. I'm really tired of entering a game and their being nothing but 8 foot tall, pro players just spamming sky hooks and slam dunks. I seriously can't do much on my 5'6" frame. (granted I did just pick up my first basketball not to(o) long ago and am wearing flip flops...) It's still really annoying. I mean the blocking in this game is bad enough but throw in shoulder slams and steals (which happens all the time) and then getting spammed with slam dunks for another 2 points. I literally enter the court get pushed around and then knocked the **** down, run back to just get slam dunked and knocked the **** down again and rinse and repeat till the game ends by the same ridiculous ****. Like I said...I don't play basketball normally so if their's a skill thats very similar for the other team on the skins side, then it needs a nerf too. Oh, and on a side note I also think its really ridiculous to get elbowed under the net and then get knocked over..I mean really? I can't even attempt to out-maneuver that because I'm either stunned or seeing stars...not exactly fair. If I wasn't lying down and was still able to move , fine. However it's when I'm crying in the corner and can't even attempt to prevent it.
  17. Yeah, instead of a pissing and moaning thread, like all of the others, I thought I would take the time and thank our gracious hosts for creating such a beautiful game and a great system for spending countless hours of fun. First off, I love the Sith story lines and all of the classes (thus far). The way the entire thing flows, the choices you can make to change your story line and what is happening reminds of the 'Chhose your own destiny' books I used to love to read as a kid. I find myself getting emotionally attached to some of the characters, good or bad, and that keeps me in the game and loving every second of it. I've been playing MMOs for about 8 years, or so, and I've never been one to use the PvP system, at all. Now, I spend most of my time in Warzones, and loving every second. I don't get pissed when someone can beat me. I ask them for advice and most of the time, people oblige and actually rant on about what I am doing right and what I may want to change. When 5 or 6 people all pounce on me I have to laugh because my team has the ball, unopposed. Good fun! I'm not much into RP but I find myself getting into it sometimes and that can be fun. I'd have to say that I really find the game to be well rounded and simply a ton of fun. I own 2 businesses and after a 10-12 hour day, I still want to spend 4-6 hours in your world. I think that says something. Sure we have some bugs and glitches. Are they game changers? Hell no. They'll be fixed and a whole new set of issues may arise. That's the nature of the business. Life will go on. If I had to make any changes they'd be more along the social lines to allow characters to have a social or costume slot to be able to visibly wear whatever you wanted, with your armor staying your armor. I've seen other games that have done this with great success, reverting back to your actual armor visuals in PvP. Other than that, I find much of the game to be perfectly suited to my tastes and well rounded in content. Well done! I've been waiting since I signed up for this one, since 2009 and she was well worth the wait. Thank you!
  18. Taoron


  19. I don't agree, at all. I went into 50PvP with some of the LVL40 set on and I'm loving every minute of it. Within a week, I'm much more stable and secure and constantly get within the top 3 for dmg, kills and objectives. Spend more time PvPing and less time trying to 'fix' a system that is fine if you just have fun and do it, and it'll happen faster than you think.
  20. Like this poster said, it's not the weapon but the soldier who wields it.
  21. I don't see how people can think that it is impossible for lower lvl players to keep up with LVL 50s in Warzones. I don't usually PvP in games but I love the PvP in this game. I hunt lvl 50 players as a LVL 33 Merc and laugh the whole time. Not being your usual PvPer I have to laugh when 3 or 4 of them have to jump me to get rid of me.
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