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Everything posted by FoolMetalJacket

  1. I got it! According to an Asus forum, ghosting can be caused by the TraceFree option being too high. Mine was maxed on 100 by default, and by turning it down a bit to 80, it completely eliminated the problem. Thanks, DataBeaver! It was such an easy fix and now I feel kinda dumb, but I like it when it's a simple fix.
  2. Ah, ghosting, I've heard of that, though this is my first time experiencing it firsthand. This is my first time owning a higher-end monitor. I will take a look in my Asus monitor driver settings and see if I can eliminate the source. Thank you! I'll let you know if I figure it out.
  3. I just got a new computer rig and I maxed the settings in SWTOR. No performance issues... I'm getting a fairly steady 100 frames per second on max settings. However, I'm experiencing a bizarre effect when the screen rotates or pans, and that there's a light-colored shadow AHEAD of an object, and it goes away as soon as I stop moving the camera or the scene (i.e. cutscene) stops panning. It's not visual tearing. I know what that looks like, and it's definitely not what's happening, though I have no idea what the technical term would be. I don't have this issue with other games, so I figure it has something to do with my NVIDIA 3D settings when paired with completely maxed SWTOR graphical settings. My system overview: i7-5820K GTX 980ti 16GB RAM MSI-7885 mobo Primary monitor: Asus VG248QE (1920x1080p, 144 Hertz) Second monitor: Acer S231HL (1920x1080p, 60 Hertz) My NVIDIA 3D settings: Ambient Occlusion - Performance Anisotropic filtering - Application-controlled Antialiasing FXAA - On Antialiasing Gamma correction - On Antialiasing Mode - Application-controlled Antialiasing Setting - Application-controlled (forced by Antialiasing Mode's setting) Antialiasing Transparency - Multisample CUDA GPUs - All DSR Factors - Off DSR Smoothness - Off (forced by DSR Factors' setting) Maximum pre-rendered frames - Use the 3D application setting Multi-Frame Samples AA (MFAA) - On Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration - Multiple display performance mode Power management mode - Adaptive Preferred refresh rate (VG248) - Highest available Shader Cache - On Texture filtering Anisotropic sample optimization - On Texture filtering Negative LOS bias - Allow Texture filtering Quality - Quality Texture filtering Trilinear optimization - On Threaded Optimization - Auto Triple buffering - Off Vertical sync - Off Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames - 1 SWTOR graphics settings: Vertical Sync - Off Full Screen Exclusive Mode - Fullscreen (Windowed) Graphics Quality Preset - Custom Resolution - 1920x1080 Refresh Rate - 144 Bloom - On Conversation Depth of Field - On Texture Quality - High Shader Complexity - High Antialiasing - Very High Character Level of Detail - High Texture Anisotropy - High Character Texture Atlasing - High Visible Character Limit - Very High Shadow Quality - High Shadow Map Cascades - Very High Shadow Map Resolution - 3968 Tree Quality - 100 Grass Quality - 100 If anyone at all knows how I could tweak or overhaul my settings to get rid of this oddity, I'd be very grateful. I'm not an expert at graphical settings, and I usually use default stuff. This issue isn't game-breaking in any way, just very visually distracting, especially in dark areas since the outline leading objects is bright/multi-colored in appearance. I highly suspect I messed up an antialiasing setting somewhere, but tbh I just don't know.
  4. Generally for Sentinel, assuming you are running the Combat tree, you need mostly Power/Surge (you get 6% accuracy from skills). If you're Watchman, you need to get more Accuracy than in Combat, but the stats end up being close enough that there's not a huge difference. Focus is not recommended for raiding. Either way you're going to want to run 100% melee accuracy and around 70-72% Surge (over 72% you're getting into diminishing returns). Put everything else in power. Sentinels don't need crit, generally speaking. They get plenty from their main STR stat. For augments you can put power or STR, it doesn't really matter.
  5. Well, Weakening Blast has a 15s CD, and Shiv is a 6s cooldown. Not long at all, but also not very short. Since they changed Stim Boost to give you TA, that helps me put out more Culls, but it's a very long CD (1.5 min I think with my build). Thanks for the link. My previous searches were full of junk threads.
  6. My typical rotation (assuming starting at 30m then running toward target, as per typical raid): Corrosive Grenade > Corrosive Dart > Frag Grenade (unless I risk breaking CC) > Weakening Blast > Shiv > Backstab > Cull > repeat, depending on whether or not Fatality procs, plus maintaining poison effects. Is anything wrong with my rotation? Not sure what I can do to eke out a bit more DPS. I'm fully 69-level gear (with 66-level augments) or better, but I struggling to hit the 2000 DPS benchmark for Terror From Beyond Hard Mode. I should be able to pull my own weight in a raid, but I find I'm over-relying on the better DPSers during certain fights (such as Operator IX). Also, if anyone has any links to the min/max stat spread for Lethality Operatives I would be very grateful. I have the feeling I'm stacking a bit too much crit (I do need SOME crit for energy regeneration) and not enough power. Surge and accuracy (almost 110% tech accuracy) I have plenty of. Also, is alacrity at all useful for the global CD reduction for DPS? I get the feeling that alacrity is a wasted stat for me since I usually don't have energy management issues with my current rotation, and I hardly notice the global CD change. Thanks a lot. ~Sev'eere'nurodo
  7. Self-explanatory. It's bad enough that we're playing a gamble game with the CM in order to get the color scheme we want, but then not being able to change armor sets with that rare dye we managed to get is just silly. I didn't think the developers could possibly screw up something as simple as a dye system, but somehow they managed. If the dyes are going to be single-use, then we should at least be able to choose the colors we get with dye packs instead of gambling. On that note, there are a lot of color combinations missing. For instance, where is Black and Deep Red or White and Medium Blue (etc, etc.)? Another reason why we should be able to choose our color combinations ourselves instead of going with the "Newbie's Guide to NFL Uniforms" color sets.
  8. Title should be self explanatory. Right now only War Hero and Campaign set bonuses transfer, as far as I'm aware. This is ridiculous. At the very least let Battlemaster, Columi, and Rakata stuff transfer. Very few people (relatively speaking) have Campaign or War Hero-level gear, and it makes trying to make good-looking sets of armor out of Orange-moddable types very difficult when the player is also trying to maximize their effectiveness in Raid or PvP environments. I propose that the bonuses for armor sets be bound to their Armoring modifications like they should be, so players can wear their favorite Adaptive, Legacy, or Moddable gear but still be as effective as they would be in the standard Columi/Rakata or Battlemaster gear!
  9. /Signed I've already had to delete 3 characters just to play new class stories. Annoying as hell that I can't have multiple class with multiple races.
  10. I'm a level 50 mercenary and I've been playing since just before patch 1.2, but now that I'm starting to get my Black Hole and Rakata gear, I've noticed that the BH gear doesn't have a set bonus. I wanted to swap out my Columi helmet for something that looks cooler, but I don't want to give up my set bonus (I need it for Ops healing). However, I've seen some people walking around with Orange moddable armor that, according to their character info, still gives them their set bonus. I think it was Legacy armor (which I can get), but I don't remember, exactly. Is that a glitch or part of the system? I'm not sure what the parameters are for what types of moddable gear retain the set bonus if you swap out the modifications. It's really expensive to change mods (which if you ask me is ridiculous and stupid), so I need to know how to get a different helmet while retaining my set bonus (assuming its even possible). So I need to know before I waste 100k credits (200k if I end up installing the mods back in their original piece) on something that could possibly be a waste of time and effort. Thanks.
  11. I agree 100%. The only reason I'm getting to level 50 now is to unlock my Legacy stuff and complete the story, after that I'll probably quit it. With the buffs to other classes, I might as well just play my Sentinel and Sniper now. I was thinking of making a Pyrotech Powertech to see what it's like, but I'm not even gonna bother now.
  12. The thing that gets me with the patch wasn't the damage reduction so much as the arsenal tree got kicked in the balls since we no longer get a heat reduction for TM, which we NEED in order to get decent damage for HM, plus follow up attacks. I do actually use Powershot sometimes, if they're already at 5 stacks of Thermal, but frankly it wasn't powerful to begin with, and is even more worthless now that it does less damage. If you're doing Arsenal or Pyrotech, the ONLY skill you have to reduce heat is Vent Heat (not counting thermal sensor override, because it's cooldown makes it a one-time use thing), which means that once I do my typical attack run: FM>TM>TM>TM>HM>RS I'm already at 90+ heat. I would normally follow up with Unload or DFA, but I literally CAN'T now, unless I'm willing to use up my Vent Heat (which vents 66 if you put the points into it... obviously you do), which I typically reserve for when I'm fighting more than one person. And most likely my heat dispersion is around medium-low, meaning that I can maybe pull off one more attack before I'm completely helpless if either thermal sensor override or vent heat is in cooldown. Using Rapid Shots is a delaying tactic at best, but I find I'm using it a lot more in Warzones than I used to. I notice that I'm also dying a lot more than I used to as well, since we all know Energy Shield is freaking worthless. Even if it blocked 50% of all incoming damage it would still be worthless, since other classes have shields that ABSORB damage. It does nothing to save you in a real emergency. The improvement to Barrage does not make up for our crippling heat management nerf.
  13. So, I've noticed that EVERY other class got buffed and the Bounty Hunter got nerfed (again), both in damage, damage radius, cooldown, AND heat management. Well, here I go... [RANT] Am I missing something here? Or does Bioware just not want me to play my Mercenary anymore? I wouldn't be so annoyed if it weren't my main, and only high-level character right now. I'm thinking I shouldn't even bother playing it now, and just focus on my Force-using characters... that is, my Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Shadow, Sith Juggernaut, and Sith Sorcerer. I mean, those classes got some nice buffs. With the umbrella debuffing and nerfing that Bioware has so graciously bestowed upon our class in most respects, I can't see how I can possibly SURVIVE in PvP (pub warzones or otherwise), much less do well. My relative lack of skill nonwithstanding. The nerfs on Tracer Missile, Powershot, and Death From Above was probably the things that pissed me off the most. It was bad enough before that DFA was easily interrupted, now I can't even hit those fast-moving groups of stun-spamming Jedi. The only actual buff I saw was for Barrage, and that's still unrelaible since it still doesn't trigger 100% of the time. I can understand the Heat Signature debuff working only for the BH that triggered it, but the rest? I will probably play to level 50 just to unlock my Legacy crap, but that's it. No reason to struggle to keep up with melee classes if I don't have to. I don't even know if it's worth the trouble to even finish my BH storyline, as much as I've enjoyed it thus far. Now, technically Heatseeker Missiles got buffed (by a measly 10%), and I can't say I dislike that, but it doesn't make up for the 2-second casting times on TM and PS. I'm sure my Trooper counterparts feel the same. It was hard enough before to take a Force-using class on toe-to-toe and survive, what with the massive advantages melee classes have over mobile ranged classes (BH and Trooper). Sure, my Imperial Sniper and Republic Scoundrel are a tad more viable to use in PvP now, but I might as well just play my Jedi/Sith classes now, and forget my BH. And to top it all off Bounty Hunters STILL only have 2 abilities with stun effects, and no other abilities to help reduce stun times or break out of stuns. Because, you know, the Resolve system still sucks. I swear that it only works for high-level Guardians and Juggernauts. They could have at least given us greater backpedaling speed to be equal to our forward walking speed, or SOMETHING. Literally everything that's USEFUL in PvP combat got nerfed, and across the board Mercs and Techs got boned on DPS, since that what happens when you kill our mainstay weapons, our MISSILES. Not to mention for the healers out there (I know you're out there), there's no point in trying anymore, since with Supercharged Gas nerfed (Bioware wanted more hot air for themselves, I guess) and Kolto abilities STILL crippled by Heat Management, you might as well use your Sith Inquisitor or Imperial Agent for a healing class. Their DPS/Healing didn't suffer, it got improved. [/RANT] Really disappointed with the imbalanced class "updates". Bounty Hunters got a massive sucker punch and every other class either got buffed (or fairly rebalanced, not majorly affecting gameplay). Puts on a massive damper on my glee for the UI customization and other nice features they added.
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