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Im melting!!


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Im lvl 49 and experiencing the same thing. i realize im not in the 50s bracket yet but thats why I am commenting. Pre 1.2 I could literally stand and type to people while fighting and jump around while people smacked me with their glowsticks, but now i feel like I get melted in seconds and this is with shield and Adren rush up. We dont have much for healing in 1-49 so ive not depended on it b4.


TLDR: I dont think its expertise thats causing the change because high lvl vangaurds in the 1-49 brackets are getting wrecked as well were we used to laugh at people b4.

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Well I also noticed that it seemed like I was getting pounded last night in WZ. Granted I am only 27 but I seemed more survivable before patch.


I have 2 theories. But neither is tested.


Pre-Patch I was Assault and tended to use Plasma Cell more than Ion Cell.

Post Patch I am Assault/Shield and using strictly Ion Cell/Guard.

It could be the person I am guarding is getting tagged and that is the problem.


I also wonder if Ion Cell 60% armor buff is actully bugged and reducing armor by 60%, I tried reading the combat log but I need a parser to parse out the data and don't have time for that.


I also wonder if in the run up to ranked WZ that was pulled at the 11th hour there is some sort of multiplier for higher level/rank. It seemed like the people rally tagging me were higher level and possibly higher rank.


Well food for thought




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To the op, I'm level 50 in battlemaster gear, valor 67. I was briefly in a few warzones last night, and I was also melting ..... albeit when I was focused by a couple people. I did feel just slightly more squishy than normal (I play an assault spec AC,not tank).


But, on the bright side.... I was also completely melting the opposition. I mean, I was 3 and 4 shotting people (relic,adrenal,battle focus....then start rotation). It was kinda nice to be able to open a can of whoop a** as I ran up on a sorc, plowing through his lightning stream. I can't imagine the nervousness he felt as I approached with ample health, firing away at him :D


With that said, it is clear that there's a flaw in the formulas in PvP now :( I hope it is not working as intended.

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In general damage through expertise is almost doubled that is why everyone is doing more damage. Check your damage and you will notice that you do more damage too.


Personally (Vanguard full BM) I don't see a big difference, perhaps I just don't play Rambo as much as I did before.

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In general damage through expertise is almost doubled that is why everyone is doing more damage. Check your damage and you will notice that you do more damage too.

you forget that mitigation through expertice has also been increased. the difference we now have between the two is not more than some very few percent. so NO, damage has not been increase due to expertice that much, not if you face opponents with the same amount of it.

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you forget that mitigation through expertice has also been increased. the difference we now have between the two is not more than some very few percent. so NO, damage has not been increase due to expertice that much, not if you face opponents with the same amount of it.


I am basing my opinion on actual damage seen in WZs in 1.2 versus known players. And in general it is all the same, they do more damage, I do more damage, we both just die faster. :D

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i agree with this the expertise increase makes my damage bonus 20% but the dam red 10% so i believe this is intended


i am sad because the longer fights were one of the reason i liked this game so much i guess its just relearning classes effectiveness now. either way 1.2 changes weren't bad over all.

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i agree with this the expertise increase makes my damage bonus 20% but the dam red 10% so i believe this is intended


i don't believe you. i have 17% dmg increase with expertise while i got slightly above 15% dmg reduction from expertise.

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I realise that there may be issues with Expertise..... But it isn't the only problem here.

In 10-49 brackets a single DPS can take down a tank in seconds.

A sniper took me from 100 - 0 before i could LOS him.. that was like 4-6 seconds ffs.


They have screwed with something here that makes shield spec like toilet paper.


I said this in another thread, i stand more of a chance 1v1 with the fire pit in Hutball than i do vs a marauder/assassin/Operative/sniper/Sorc.

I last longer stood in the fire.


A lvl10 Sorc opened on me today with that lightning crap, it used to just snare me and take a small amount of HP. Now it takes 25 - 30% of my HP and im 100% shield spec ffs.


Cant make any judgments is non 50 WZ --- the variance on expertise is too great


I do feel squshier now but I can kill healers

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Cant make any judgments is non 50 WZ --- the variance on expertise is too great


I do feel squshier now but I can kill healers


feeling squisher has mainly nothing do with the expertise changes. meawhil there are a lot of reports from various troopers, not only vanguard confirming being squisher even without any expertice being involved (lower braket and pve).

it is an overall issue with mitigation, probably only armor related.


while also it seems that after the first patch after 1.2 (i think its called 1.2a) this was fixed. though it lasted only an hour or how long it was till they closed the servers again due to many other issues.


and i don't get the claims here of 20 +dmg from expertise but only +10 dmg reduction. i call this bs as i have +17% dmg and slightly above +15% dmg reduction due to expertice. there is a difference but it is rather small.

Edited by me_unknown
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I'm a 43 Vanguard running crafted gear to my level with just about full shield tech spec and would swear I am even stronger than pre 1.2. I routinely score 1st or top 3 in damage for WZ, earning 9-13 medals a match.


Usually by half the match the enemy team gets annoyed with me and I find it takes 4-6 of their team to take me down and even then it takes them a minute or more to do so unless all my cooldowns are ticking.


Frankly I am loving my Vanguard so far.

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I'm a 43 Vanguard running crafted gear to my level with just about full shield tech spec and would swear I am even stronger than pre 1.2. I routinely score 1st or top 3 in damage for WZ, earning 9-13 medals a match.


Usually by half the match the enemy team gets annoyed with me and I find it takes 4-6 of their team to take me down and even then it takes them a minute or more to do so unless all my cooldowns are ticking.


Frankly I am loving my Vanguard so far.


maybe it was after they seem to have mysteriously fixed it meanwhile. yesterday right after the patch i only found complains about a highly reduced damage mitigation, not only from us vanguards!

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I don't know about the pre-50 WZ experience but at the very least the Expertise is a little borked. Pre-1.2 PVP Damage Boost, Damage Reduction and Healing Boost ALL received the same bonus from Expertise.


Pre-1.2 if my Damage Boost was 11.67 % then the other two were as well. Now, With 965 Expertise my Damage Boost is 19.29%, my Damage Reduction is 16.17% and my Healing Boost is 10.61%.


Shouldn't those all be the same? Something is not right....


Either way I am WAYYYYYYY more squishy as shield spec and I can't even play tactics anymore becuase I get dropped so fast.


GG Bioware. Jeeze Louise.

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I feel a *lot* less squishy today than I did yesterday. In fact, I can once again stand up to most individual opponents, although my lesser gear means that I can't kill the harder guys solo.


I suspect that something was "off" yesterday. You should go out and have another go today before making any serious adjustments to your character.


Rather than die instantly to lightsabers, now I can stand at the terminal in the new WZ and ignore the guy slicing me while I move the bar. At least for a little while.

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i still feel squishy, but it feels as if all are much more squishy. it is as if all, me and all other are simply doing more damage overall. and it is far more than the difference between +dmg, dmg reduction of the new comptetence.


maybe the damage reduction from competence is not working at all. though this wouldn't explain this effect in non-competence situations others observed.


don't know, but it is very vobvious that something is different.


it is not that i feel weaker in an 1on1. in 1on1 on ones the cahnces to win are the same BUT the fight is much faster over than pre-patch. it is as if both are doing more damage on each other. its very odd.

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it is not that i feel weaker in an 1on1. in 1on1 on ones the cahnces to win are the same BUT the fight is much faster over than pre-patch. it is as if both are doing more damage on each other. its very odd.
That would make sense if most people are now wearing a lot more +expertise than they were before the new gear arrived.
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That would make sense if most people are now wearing a lot more +expertise than they were before the new gear arrived.


you post does not make sense to me. if all are wearing more experticse than there shouldn't be any difference. the damage increase is getting nearly fully compensate by the damage reduction. now after 1.2 there is a small gap between them. but it is rather small and not explaining the observed issue at all.


beside of this the issue aparetly happens in situations without any competence too.


check out the pvp forum. many posts and threads about this issue.

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This seems like the right place to whine, so...


Full Battlemaster gear, been doing PvP only for about three months. 1.2 comes along and now my HP dissapears instantly in a 1 on 1 fight. Winning imps get WH, I get absolutely no rewards even with an average of 5 medals per game. Thanks for killing my character BW. Loyalty is fading fast, stupid tauntaun pet will do nothing to keep me around.

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This seems like the right place to whine, so...


Full Battlemaster gear, been doing PvP only for about three months. 1.2 comes along and now my HP dissapears instantly in a 1 on 1 fight. Winning imps get WH, I get absolutely no rewards even with an average of 5 medals per game. Thanks for killing my character BW. Loyalty is fading fast, stupid tauntaun pet will do nothing to keep me around.


PvP sucks balls right now, not even worth it. I used to like PvPing with my 8 different toons :p But now? It's unbearable.

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Ok i know this is going to sound like complete BS but bear with me a second.


I started this thread because since 1.2 i felt ultra squishy as a full shield spec Van at lvl32 in low lvl WZ's. Before anyone says pre 50 doesn't matter ill explain that i have a full geared Op who used to bypass tanks, now i look for those with Ion Cell active and melt them.

I also have a 50 Sentinel and (not as well geared as Op) i do the same to tank spec BH's


Anyway, back to my low lvl Van. Today i switched to full AS (apart from 3 points in focused impact) im now lvl33. I still ran with Ion Cell and died as fast as before, but at least i got some kills and averaged 10-15 medals a game.


For shts and giggles i decided to run Plasma Cell... i could tank again. I was top damage in 3 of the 5 WZ's and in the top 5 in the other 2. I could still live with a Marauder and another DPS on me untill help arrived with a mixture of CD's and good old kiting.


So im wondering if 1.2 screwed with resistances and mitigations and bugged them in some way. Because i take more damage with Ion Cell active than i do with NO Cell active.

Im not a number cruncher or a min maxer, but i just feel tankier without having my tanking Cell active.

Edited by triangulate
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We use Ion Cell for Guard, not for any significant mitigation in pvp. I fully expect a full Assault Vanguard running Plasma Cell to live longer than Full Shield Vanguard getting pwned because he was dumb enough to guard someone after the 1.2 patch.
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