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~12,000,000 credits for Legacy?


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Have 5 50's legacy lvl 43 atm and have maybe 2 mill between all.


I used to do dailies every day and could make a lot of money easy.


I don't anymore because it is so freaking boring.


It is possible to get a lot of creds in short time with 1 character if can handle grinding out dailies everyday.


The issue is people don't have the time or inclination to do this.


Thee Legacy system is mostly fluff. The only thing I am enjoying is having all buffs on all characters.


To each there own some have the ability to grind the same thing everyday and good for them some don't. Just because they don't isn't a bad thing just means have more interests and possibly a life.

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I agree. I will absolutely NOT turn this game into some kind of side profession like many hardcore MMO players do. I will NOT do the same thing for hours each day just so I can unlock something that helps me do this more efficiently, and on to the next thing, and so forth and so on. Just legacy level or credits - not both, please. And if you're going to do both, bring down the prices to something a bit more manageable.


Absolutely my friend, I LOVE MY JOB as the Head of research & development for a marketing corp and I STILL DON'T WANT this game to be like my job. I play this game to feel like I am a part of the Star Wars Saga, to escape the drama of personal life and to hang with some of my friends that live far away. To add such enjoyable features at such a ridiculous cost (which we know they will reduce 6 months from now anyways) is TAKING AWAY from the game not adding to it. The players of a game should feel CHALLENGED not BORED. If they made a requirement have to do with legacy level and the amount of characters you have it would be much more efficient, feel challenging and not require grinding. LETS BE CLEAR, GRINDING IS NOT A CHALLENGE. IT IS NOT CHALLENGING TO DO THE SAME ACTION OVER AND OVER IT IS BORING.

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I agree i thought they were going to look at u're legacy lvl, an alternative would be to buy it, not both. I think i got like legacy lvl 20 or something, I got 1.5mil cred..... (and most of the perks are so useless, I cant really see them being worth that much).
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For all those who wonder why the prices are high keep this in mind: Bioware needs to offer a carrot (however small and shriveled) to keep the hardcore logging in. If you area casual who "only logs to have fun" you can do it easily without *ANY* legacy unlock. If you are a person who can do daily quests for 2 days (I know *gasp* having to actually do 2 full sets of dailies, why oh why must I waste a whole 3 hrs total) you can buy any of the 500k items. 4 days gets you the ship droid, a week gets you any of the races. Cry me a river if you don't want to do dailies, earn cash somewhere else. These are perks available for people who spend time in acquiring them. If you don't want to "grind the credits" fine. Don't expect everything handed to you (I know a whole week of dailies on 1 character is going to break you). This is for the people who have a lot of time to spend in the game. Its fluff. Its vanity. Its small quality of life improvements. Deal with it. I can't afford most of them. I don't even want many of them. I will not let the entitlement attitude deny these perks to others who *will* spend the credits on them.
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Just in case anyone missed it: Thank you devs for putting this into the game. It will hopefully add that small carrot to keep people around once the shine is off the new op/fp. I will not fully participate in it, but thank you anyway.
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Absolutely my friend, I LOVE MY JOB as the Head of research & development for a marketing corp and I STILL DON'T WANT this game to be like my job. I play this game to feel like I am a part of the Star Wars Saga, to escape the drama of personal life and to hang with some of my friends that live far away. To add such enjoyable features at such a ridiculous cost (which we know they will reduce 6 months from now anyways) is TAKING AWAY from the game not adding to it. The players of a game should feel CHALLENGED not BORED. If they made a requirement have to do with legacy level and the amount of characters you have it would be much more efficient, feel challenging and not require grinding. LETS BE CLEAR, GRINDING IS NOT A CHALLENGE. IT IS NOT CHALLENGING TO DO THE SAME ACTION OVER AND OVER IT IS BORING.


So what you folks are saying is that it should be just as easy for someone who neglects content they find boring to get Legacy items as it is for someone who actually participates in said boring content.


It's real simple folks. If you're not willing to put in the effort, don't expect to reap the rewards. At least not any time soon.

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First: Many of us who've been playing since the game was released are below Level 50 or have only recently reached it - because we work, have families, and/or are just new to MMOs.


Second: Your advice for those with characters that have reached Level 50 looks good, so would recommend writing a piece on how to make insane amounts of credits, linking it to your signature.


I love it... you people can pretend those with 50's don't have a life, but it's simply not true. Considering 50 is obtainable within a week (and was easily for me within CE headstart), four months is hardly unreasonable to expect everyone to have a 50 in if they've played since launch like you say. Do you really think those of us who play well magically don't have families, lives, jobs, etc.? That's hilariously off-base.

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Saying it again to be clear for you Rich ******bags lol: 80% of level 50's have less than 400k and less than 1% of players have more than 10 mil.




That info was given over a month ago and I'm not sure at what point the numbers where actually pulled. Since then I don't know how much I've spend on all my characters for skills etc - but my lvl 50 could easily have 3m. If I wouldn't play a few different characters I'd probably be in the 1% category - but that's not my personal goal (and I don't play the GTN etc).


So let's just unlock the whole legacy thing with no restrictions now, all of it for everyone. Done. Watch the incoming "there is nothing to do" threads. I'm prefectly fine with not being able to afford everything today, or tomorrow or the day after.

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I just hit a million last night, roughly 10 minutes or so before servers went down for 1.2. Back to 800,000. To be air, I play here and there, so the only one at fault here is me. I could certainly see getting some of the legacy thing. All of them? Doubtful, but to each his own.
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Saying it again to be clear for you Rich ******bags lol: 80% of level 50's have less than 400k and less than 1% of players have more than 10 mil.




Oh no, 400k... *LESS THAN 2 FULL DAYS* worth of dailies. Sky must be falling. I *must* be a d-bag because if I wanted anything I could get it with LESS THAN 2 DAYS work on a lvl 50... less than 3 hrs total...

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I understand what the OP is saying, from the guild summit I was lead to believe that legacy unlocks would be an 'either or' scenario and that is not the case.


It defo not the end of the world though and I can live without the ship items.


My suggestion would be to leave the costs as they are now the same for those that want to fork out the creds for them, then add 20 legacy levels and reduce the price to 10% for those that actually take the time to grind it. It's no small feat hitting legacy 45 (for the GTN anyway) and there would still be an outlay of creds for the stuff.


Anyways, just my 2c

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Ah, the usual replies here. I'm not surprised.


Well, my thought about this topic is: I was looking forward to the new lagacy system a lot. I logged in, checked it out, saw the prices, immediately lost interest in the whole thing.


My chars have good money, I know I can get more money easily, but why. The legacy stuff you can buy is just not worth it. At least the expensive things.


People who have the money and want to buy these things: fair enough. But most players won't. So, another great theoretically idea in TOR dies before it gets the chance to flourish properly. A pity. But again: I'm not surprised.

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I am pretty sure that BW does not expect people to unlock every Legacy perk in less than a week. Remember that most (if not all) of these perks are a 1 time purchase for all characters on a server, and that once purchased it will never go away.


I realize that many people do not have over 1,000,000 credits. But be honest here... were you trying to save the cash? I suspect that you were not. You were using the cash that you had to improve your game experience by buying existing items when you wanted them (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that). Now you have a reason to save your credits for a large purchase. Once people have a reason to save their credits (and increase their credit income) they will most likely find that it is not that hard, as many people have already pointed out.


Some of the Legacy unlocks may not be worth the credit cost to some people... So don't buy it. It never hurts to have options.


Right now, Legacy unlocks stop at Legacy 25... we still have 25 more Legacy levels worth of perks to unlock. Just because something is not listed on the *Coming Soon* tab does not mean it is never coming. I would love it if they allowed more items to be free with a higher Legacy level, ie. Neutral GTN Kiosk at Legacy 25 for 5 million, or free with Legacy 50 (just an example).

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Right now, Legacy unlocks stop at Legacy 25... we still have 25 more Legacy levels worth of perks to unlock. Just because something is not listed on the *Coming Soon* tab does not mean it is never coming. I would love it if they allowed more items to be free with a higher Legacy level, ie. Neutral GTN Kiosk at Legacy 25 for 5 million, or free with Legacy 50 (just an example).


^ This


I don't got that high legacy lvl, but i rather see u lvling up u're legacy then paying credits

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Honestly you cant please everyone... If it wasnt the OP complaining about never being able to afford legacy perks it would be someone else complaining that it was all too easy to get, and now there is nothing to work toward... Fortunately for us here on the forums we will likely be seeing both types of complaints :p


My 2 cents: A game like this should have some things that seem hard to reach, and require a time investment. This creates value for the features. You may not think you will ever have enough credits to buy each and every legacy unlock, but that makes the ones that you can afford more valuable to you because you have to make a choice and prioritize it over some other feature.


I think that the prices could come down a little and i would be ok with it, but i do enjoy that money actually has value in this game.

Edited by ErnieVega
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Amassing that much of money is not difficult for the kind of player that would buy these items.


Have you never played another MMO? People used to give out millions in Runescape just to make people try and tell funny jokes.


In Guild Wars I would spend a years worth of collecting just to purchase a Guild Island and merchants for it.


There really is no problem with the prices they are charging, these luxury services are something not meant for everyone, only the people who dedicate their time.

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Amassing that much of money is not difficult for the kind of player that would buy these items.


Have you never played another MMO? People used to give out millions in Runescape just to make people try and tell funny jokes.


In Guild Wars I would spend a years worth of collecting just to purchase a Guild Island and merchants for it.


There really is no problem with the prices they are charging, these luxury services are something not meant for everyone, only the people who dedicate their time.


But still this was going to be a big feature, now most people will never get it.

I will never grind for the sake of credits, but if they added something like if u lvl 20 lvls above the required lvl u get it for free, this would be great for some1 like me that like alts and hate dailies.

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You don't read to good do ya? I said replace the credit sink with requirements such as 50 legacy or having 3 level 50 toons etc. THAT IS A CHALLENGE. Yes I understand that if I just set my toons to Underworld Trading and do Dailies all day I can make tons of money, rewards should not require me to divert myself from THE ACTUAL GAME. I want to be rewarded for having so many toons or social points, or valor etc. Credits ARE A REWARD as well I would like to point out.
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Amassing that much of money is not difficult for the kind of player that would buy these items.


Have you never played another MMO? People used to give out millions in Runescape just to make people try and tell funny jokes.


In Guild Wars I would spend a years worth of collecting just to purchase a Guild Island and merchants for it.


There really is no problem with the prices they are charging, these luxury services are something not meant for everyone, only the people who dedicate their time.


Oh wow... Am I really missing out on the "good" MMOs?

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