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Everything posted by cwolfe

  1. With the 3.0 release I decided to give it another go. I have looked around the guild recruitment forums and here and seems only a couple are updating whether there guilds are active or not. (want to weigh options) So decided would give it a go and just ask who is active and recruiting. I am 38 and game for fun, not a job. Looking for a mature guild that understands RL is always first. Not into huge guilds, but would like at least some activity at night not just 1 or 2 people not talking to each other. Gaming is only as fun as you make it and that is why I am looking for a guild. Last time I returned it was ruined by a guild of plain jerks (not naming names) All I want is a good mature guild that will be running all content. Mostly PVE, but like to PVP here and there also. Casual to moderate is more than fine. Just can't do the hardcore thing anymore. Working my Sorc/Healer up atm, but have multiple lvl 50 characters that will be bringing up after get sorc to 60 and decently geared. Anyways if I fit what you are looking for please contact me here or in game Main's name is Krazarian.
  2. That might of helped huh:o usually play from 5-6ish PST till depends on what's going on and how tired I am. On average would say log 9-10ish seeing as have to get up at 5 am for work.
  3. Started in beta played on release and loved the lvling and game. End game just wasn't there and the pvp sucked at that time.(nothing but Huttball). Lvled 5 characters to 50 and had 1 more at 45 which at that time. GW2 was released and needed a change from the same old thing of doing dailies and such. This was back when Illum I beleive was end game. Recently had the urge to load this back up and see what has changed.. Been back for a week and plan on staying for awhile. Still trying to get feet back on ground and redoing all my enhancements and such. Think spent more time reading than playing since been back lol Anyways I have the SWTOR bug again and want to catch up to what is going on. Which is a real PITA without a guild and just forums to go by. My main is a sorc healer Krazarian in game and have dps sorc, sniper, Powertech Tank, and a maurader at 50 that need to work up to 55. Also have a 45 IA healer that was working up when went to GW2. A few other lowbs but not worth mentioning atm. Now I was way more hardcore then than I am now and have a FT job that leaves me 3 hours a night to play if that now. I am looking for a RL friendly mature guild that likes to play hard when playing but isn' t a bunch of *****hats and realizes there is this thing called a RL and this is a game not a job. Please PM here or in game if I seem to fit or have any questions for me!! All my characters start with Kraz. Main - Krazarian Alts - Krazana, Krazar, Krazariana, Krazaria,Krazia, and Krazen (Krazariana is alt that rolled when came back and running atm to get the feel for game back only lvl 15 atm) These are all my characters that will be playing and getting back up to speed hopefully lol EDIT: Forgot to say I am on the Sith side
  4. When left game cap was 50 and best gear at the time was Rakata. New raid had just come out and believe it was the one with Black hole gear(no clue what has come out since then). So a ways behind ATM. I had 5 LVL 50 (darkside) (few lower characters) characters and most where geared or very close to being geared with Rakata. Left for GW2 and end game was really boring there. Played other games in meantime from Neverwinter, Secret World, Tera, and a couple more then went back to DDO which has been only game to keep attention. I liked this game a lot lvling it up and did storyline for all classes. End game just killed me. I guess what asking has it changed for the better and if so what are the guilds out there that are looking for returning type solid players. My playstyle is mostly PVE, but like to mix it up in PVP also. The guild (Black Cloak) that was originally in when came to this game died when the forced transfer happened. I am the type who likes to get the end game gear and do end game without the elitist attitudes that seem to prevail MMO's nowadays. My main was a healing sorc Krazarian, but had something for all roles tank/dps whatever was needed. I have always liked being able to fill whatever whenever, but atm I am so lost and a newb again I am resubbing for a month and hoping it catches me again. Like said liked the game just not enough at the end to keep me when i left. Hoping for the best.
  5. Have 5 50's legacy lvl 43 atm and have maybe 2 mill between all. I used to do dailies every day and could make a lot of money easy. I don't anymore because it is so freaking boring. It is possible to get a lot of creds in short time with 1 character if can handle grinding out dailies everyday. The issue is people don't have the time or inclination to do this. Thee Legacy system is mostly fluff. The only thing I am enjoying is having all buffs on all characters. To each there own some have the ability to grind the same thing everyday and good for them some don't. Just because they don't isn't a bad thing just means have more interests and possibly a life.
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