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PvP Pyro 1.2 Impressions so Far, Modding Tests.


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Exphyrl, the orange pvp armors that you crafted...do they give you set bonus? and what kind of mats they require?


I haven't worried about the PvP Set bonus for a long time so I'm used to not having that crit. I'd rather take the neat 100 AIM / 60 END from the augments. So for now the BM Set bonus does not transfer.


The mats were cheap, something stupid small like 6 Ciridium, 10 Zal Alloy, 8 Durasteel, 4 Thermoplas Flux (Servers down now so i can't check for sure)


Than once I get the real War Hero gear I'm already set with good armor to put it in :)


What about 4/12/25 spec (to get more Quell) to stop casts?


I've never been a fan of that build as I've seen it thrown around. Pyro is not a control build. It's a build built around high damage and crappy survivability. Get as much output as you can before you have to respawn.


In theory the shorter cooldown on Quell seems beneficial. But if you get focused you will lack some of the better tools to take down that opponent. I only take that ability in the AP/Pyro build I roll with. Full pyro should be as many damaging attacks as possible.


With the expertise changes healers are a lot more manageable to kill so you really don't need to interrupt anything. (Other than a Sorc's Innervate).

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This is my favorite PVP spec. It is a melle dps spec that can take a beating while being able to dish some out. You have the ability to use guard . You'll want to use the Combat Tech PvP set for the 4 set bonus to take advantage of the specs rocket punches/stock strike +15%crit chance and +30% rocket punch/stock strike crit dmg. You use a shield generator to absorb a moderate amount of energy/kinetic dmg. Make sure NOT to put anything into absorb or armor or any other dmg mitigation talents (except combust) for your best dps pvp spec players will be using specs revolving around yellow dmg suchs as force/tech dmg that bypasses all armor and absorb effects anyhow. In other words, putting points in these dmg mitigating talents will make you more tanky than dps and defeating the core purpose of this spec. This is supposed to be a hybrid spec that gives you survivablity yet does not take away too much from dps; allows you to guard a friend; allows you to interrupt every 6 sec on those slow casts rather than every 8 sec thanks to the talent "Quell" and has AWESOME maneuverability.

***Note: It is more important to interrupt a huge dmg/heal cast and force the enemy to wait the 3 sec before they can re-cast it than it is to have extra armor or absorbs. Don't believe me? Feel free to try it out for yourself and see how you like it. Personally i find it fantastic to interrupt a huge heal/dmg ability and demolish the opponents hopes while giving my team the advantage and only having the CD on a 6 sec timer vs 8 sec. Those 2 sec differences are very crucial.

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Just curious. So you found the expertise on belt/bracer wasn't worth it? What about relic?


(I have crited rakata belt/bracer/relic)


I couldn't live with the low endurance they put us at. I took a slight loss on expertise to get more main stat and endurance. (The amount of expertise I lost from those two and the enhancements were negligable).


I am running dual BM Relics though to not dip too low where previously I used a Matrix cube. Still figuring out what I'm more comfortable with in this new system.


People are hitting like trucks for all classes (Sorry Sorcs, you missed the OP Damage bus), so do not want to take TOO much damage reduction away.

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What Augs you using again X?


The epic Reflex Augments. They are 13 Endurance / 18 AIM now. (rather than I think it was 28 aim alone before patch).


Not sure why they changed them. But the extra endurance does come in handy.

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The epic Reflex Augments. They are 13 Endurance / 18 AIM now. (rather than I think it was 28 aim alone before patch).


Not sure why they changed them. But the extra endurance does come in handy.


Theare are 12/18 actually (or should be if you ahve a 13, epic bug). IT was 28 before patch. All main stats were +28. They changed to 12 end, 18 main stat. YOu get the epic version by in slicing tech part missions getting the lvl 22 green schematic (aim/cunn is Armor, str/will is synth, power/surge/crit is Arms, but everyone should get main stat+end, can't think of class where main stat isn't BIS) then DE greens to get blue, de blue to purple.


Man I wish you could get critted belt/bracer orange.


Can you let me know what armor/mod your using in th ebelt/bracer?


I have extra elim set, may try putting the armor from there in. I'll let you know.


EDIT: BTW just finished before servers came down, crit crafted my 2nd full set of warhero (pvp and pve, cause it's the ONLY BH Gear that BW has made that I actually like how it looks).


Couldn't believe someone put the 22 reflex augment on AH for 20k, the schematic. In process of trying to learn the epic. But 20 greens so far, no proc on blue. 20% my butt. My Alt sin is my armortech. So glad everything is BOE. Was nervous I'd have to drop BIochem on my main.

Edited by dardack
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Two questions...


One, I understand for sustained damage you want to put Incendiary missile up first, but isn't using TD -> IM -> RS the stronger opener? Personally, I think the most powerful part of the build is the fact that the TD and RS hit at approximately the same time when doing that. Though, I suppose it doesn't make a huge difference whether something hits in one second or the next, but that's just my preference. If there's a compelling reason to use your order, inform me :)


Second... you're using Rocket Punch before Flame Burst on that "opening" rotation. With the change, unless their text is wrong, Combustible Gas Cylinder needs to be on the target in order to proc PPA. The one benefit I've found to Flame Burst first is the fact that the CGC dot is applied before the check for PPA, thus you can proc PPA by simply Flame Bursting a target (even if you haven't hit them with anything before).


I've been mostly PvEing (cleared HMs on the PTS, so I had a lot of time to work with the new changes), so I haven't had a bunch of time to mess around in PvP. My "opener" is...


Thermal Override -> Thermal Det -> Incendiary -> Rail -> Flame Burst -> Rail (PPA) or Rocket Punch (no PPA)


78% of the time, I get a PPA proc by that point. If I don't, I obviously work around it to stay <40 heat, and Flame Burst when I can (unless the cooldown on RS is coming off).


Whenever I get a PPA proc, I always Rail Shot on the next global. Then, during the 2 "filler" globals, I do a mix of Rapid Shots, reapplying IM, TD, or using a 3s channel (Unload is underrated, people need to realize how important things re-applying CGC is now... Unload costs less than Flamethrower, longer ranged, and does around the same damage with at least 1 CGC proc, not to mention it applys the dot). Then, I obviously just go from there, repeating as necessary.


Another extremely useful combo with the way CGC and PPA work now... if you switch to a new target, or a teammate needs help finishing someone off and Rail Shot is on cooldown:


TD (optional) > Flame Burst > Rocket Punch (no PPA) or Rail Shot (PPA)


Huge burst, low-ish heat cost (won't screw you like a new Incendiary Missile). Plus, CGC ticks harder than IM, especially on low hp targets.

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@ 0 secs: proc

@ 3 secs: ability that proc'ed and rail shot done, 3 seconds to go till new proc.


So actually, you're counting 3 secs after your proc'ed rail shot. You have plenty of useful skills to choose between in those 3 seconds.


It's not very difficult to get used to, and it doesn't hurt our dps much at all (remember, you're getting a lot more procs).


Wait, let me get this right.


The first railshot after IM doesnt start the internal cooldown. So for example, IM>railshot>RP>railshot would work if you want a back to back railshot. However, im confused about what you mean by 3 secs. You are saying as soon as it procs and after I use the railshot, i only need 3 secs till new proc? So after I railshot on PPA proc I use two abilities which is 3 secs then a RP/flame burst to get next railshot?

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Some guy earlier was saying how the set bonus is attached to the armoring instead of the shell. So then your alt can crit craft a whole orange pvp set for you. That's better than anything in this game since you now have augment slots with set bonus?
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Wait, let me get this right.


The first railshot after IM doesnt start the internal cooldown. So for example, IM>railshot>RP>railshot would work if you want a back to back railshot. However, im confused about what you mean by 3 secs. You are saying as soon as it procs and after I use the railshot, i only need 3 secs till new proc? So after I railshot on PPA proc I use two abilities which is 3 secs then a RP/flame burst to get next railshot?


OK your opening RS doesn't start a CD since it's not a proc of PPA.


So you open with TD/IM (or vice versa)/ RS, then FB or w/e to proc PPA, say it procs.


Now your GCD is 1.5 seconds (and I believe the PPA procs at the begining of the ability being used not end), so that 6 sec is now 4.5, you RS, another 1.5 GCD, so 3sec till next PPA proc can occur. 2 abilities.

Edited by dardack
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Some guy earlier was saying how the set bonus is attached to the armoring instead of the shell. So then your alt can crit craft a whole orange pvp set for you. That's better than anything in this game since you now have augment slots with set bonus?


OK new tier is attached to armoring (black hole, war hero non crafted).


Old tiers (BM/Rakata) is attached to the shell.


I'm forgo'ing the 2pc/4pc right now for crit crafted. My 2pc/4pc is meh compared to 12*5=60 endurance, 18*5=90 aim.

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I'm forgo'ing the 2pc/4pc right now for crit crafted. My 2pc/4pc is meh compared to 12*5=60 endurance, 18*5=90 aim.


As much as I want to put on the new armor right away, I am not too convinced that 90Aim (which is half the value of Steely Resolve) OR 60 End (pretty much Integrated Cardio Package) is more beneficial than set bonuses. But I could be wrong.

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As much as I want to put on the new armor right away, I am not too convinced that 90Aim (which is half the value of Steely Resolve) OR 60 End (pretty much Integrated Cardio Package) is more beneficial than set bonuses. But I could be wrong.


If your elim, you're only giving up 15% crit to RS. 1 every 6 seconds (basically).


If your AP, your giving up 15sec off CD, .5s more to carbonize and 15% crit to RP.


Rp is 1 every 10 seconds.


Again your call, but for me for now, critted.

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Just to add. I relooked at my gear and didn't realize the 61 Aim/ 37 Endurance / 11 Crit was changed on some BM Gear to add 25 Expertise but keep the rest of the stats. (I had the original Nimble 25A Mod in my Moddable Bracers/Belt)


So i'm back up to 20% expertise :D

Edited by exphryl
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Wait, let me get this right.


The first railshot after IM doesnt start the internal cooldown. So for example, IM>railshot>RP>railshot would work if you want a back to back railshot. However, im confused about what you mean by 3 secs. You are saying as soon as it procs and after I use the railshot, i only need 3 secs till new proc? So after I railshot on PPA proc I use two abilities which is 3 secs then a RP/flame burst to get next railshot?


What derdark said.


Yes, after a proc'ed rail shot (your second RS in your example) you have 3 secs (2 abilities) to do something else before trying to re-proc. As someone else stated, unload is quite decent, tho you can obviously do things like stun/aoe stun/grapple/DFA/TD/IM and rapid shot etc, depending on the situation and heat.


I'm not feeling much of a DPS decrease in 1.2 (DFA itself is very noticable), but we're all a lot squishier, that's for sure.

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ok im a newb PT (lv36), got a BIG QUESTION


do pyros HAVE TO use Combustible Gas Cylinder? (to be effective)?? and if so, don't you feel squishy compared to any build(s) using Ion Gas Cyl??



-I was Advanced prototype pre-1.2 and I used ONLY Ion Gas Cylinder because in pve and pvp I would live soooo much longer than using the other cylinders... it just seemed like the others were not even close to being as good.... BUT, I'm a lowbie (my main is lv36 PT) and want to maybe try the pyro tree out (i like dps, but i also like tanking and may try the shieldtech out instead)


so what i'm really asking is:

do pyros use Combustible Gas Cylinder vs Ion Gas Cylinder mainly? and how does that affect your survival/dps, is it much better dps with less survivability then?


do any pyros use Ion gas cylinder? and what build is the one you would recommend for that.


THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT! (sorry if my questions sound stupid, i am a noobie)

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This is my favorite PVP spec. It is a melle dps spec that can take a beating while being able to dish some out. You have the ability to use guard . You'll want to use the Combat Tech PvP set for the 4 set bonus to take advantage of the specs rocket punches/stock strike +15%crit chance and +30% rocket punch/stock strike crit dmg. You use a shield generator to absorb a moderate amount of energy/kinetic dmg. Make sure NOT to put anything into absorb or armor or any other dmg mitigation talents (except combust) for your best dps pvp spec players will be using specs revolving around yellow dmg suchs as force/tech dmg that bypasses all armor and absorb effects anyhow. In other words, putting points in these dmg mitigating talents will make you more tanky than dps and defeating the core purpose of this spec. This is supposed to be a hybrid spec that gives you survivablity yet does not take away too much from dps; allows you to guard a friend; allows you to interrupt every 6 sec on those slow casts rather than every 8 sec thanks to the talent "Quell" and has AWESOME maneuverability.

***Note: It is more important to interrupt a huge dmg/heal cast and force the enemy to wait the 3 sec before they can re-cast it than it is to have extra armor or absorbs. Don't believe me? Feel free to try it out for yourself and see how you like it. Personally i find it fantastic to interrupt a huge heal/dmg ability and demolish the opponents hopes while giving my team the advantage and only having the CD on a 6 sec timer vs 8 sec. Those 2 sec differences are very crucial.


Despite your claims, this is a pvp "Tank" spec, not "melee dps". A pvp dps spec would probably do at least 30%-35% more damage than your spec. Actually, besides Retractable Blade, you dont anything that increases your damage compared to a full pvp shieldtech. And with Heat Blast now being off of GCD, I am willing to bet that a full Shieldtech pvp spec will do more dps.

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do any pyros use Ion gas cylinder? and what build is the one you would recommend for that.


THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT! (sorry if my questions sound stupid, i am a noobie)


If they do, poke and laugh at them. With the change to PPA being tied to CGC, running anything BUT CGC is basically like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.


Pyro is a damage spec, all it's talents are built on Damage (Minus say, Energy Rebounder if you choose to take it). The goal of this spec is to kill people, plain and simple.


As far as survivability goes, as you get geared up and can kill people faster, your survivability goes up greatly. I know, that sounds weird. But it's what the spec offers. I know, if I see a player, 99% of the time I"ll be able to kill them before they kill me so to me, that is good survivability.


In group battles, well, pocket healer is welcomed especially with the Time To Kill (TTK) Being so short from the expertise changes.

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Thoughts on Combust vs Intimidation? Does combust even work in PvP? I don't see a debuff icon on people i FB or RS?


Also Prototype Cylinders? Isn't the 2% crit on our tech attacks worth it? That's CGC dot, FB, RP, TD, IM right? All our main damage except RS?


Gyroscoplic Alignment Jets vs Infrared Sensors? GAJ helps with heat management in pvp in 1.2? Thoughts?

Edited by IronChefZod
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Thoughts on Combust vs Intimidation? Does combust even work in PvP? I don't see a debuff icon on people i FB or RS?


Also Prototype Cylinders? Isn't the 2% crit on our tech attacks worth it? That's CGC dot, FB, RP, TD, IM right? All our main damage except RS?


Gyroscoplic Alignment Jets vs Infrared Sensors? GAJ helps with heat management in pvp in 1.2? Thoughts?


Combust should work in PvP. As far as Intimidation, it's a Damage Talent and highly worth it.


I don't value crit really that much, at least that low of an amount. Never been a fan. I'd rather up the damage of my attacks.


As for GAJ vs IS, it's always been a preference of people playing. I like IS for the shorter cooldown on stealth detection, as well as passive stealth detection. GAJ does help a bit with heat, but I found it didn't vent enough over the course of a fight to really be worth the 2 points.

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