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PvP Pyro 1.2 Impressions so Far, Modding Tests.


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Would it be worth it to lose thermal detonator to try to squeeze in steely resolve ( 9% aim)? Also Ive never really asked this before but I find that I hav eno heat problems and barely have to use vent heat at all. I This might be because I moved the two pts from Rapid venting ( vent heat cd) to gyroscopic alignment jets( auto vents 8 heat when stun, slow, KBed) I was wondering if the fact that I do not run into heat problems often means that I am doing something wrong and not getting the most out of my skills. Edited by Hardened
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Would it be worth it to lose thermal detonator to try to squeeze in steely resolve ( 9% aim)? Also Ive never really asked this before but I find that I hav eno heat problems and barely have to use vent heat at all. I This might be because I moved the two pts from Rapid venting ( vent heat cd) to gyroscopic alignment jets( auto vents 8 heat when stun, slow, KBed) I was wondering if the fact that I do not run into heat problems often means that I am doing something wrong and not getting the most out of my skills.


It's a thought. I haven't tried Gyro to much with patch, for a straight burst encounter I find having shorter vent heat better. However, I can see what you are saying about long term heat if you can't get a chance to drop combat. It was a pretty useless ability (i felt) before patch but may increase in value again. I'll have to fiddle with it.


As far as TD vs Non-TD again, if you Solo Queue only, than I feel a TD Build will be better. In the event you can get some leeway in your attacks due to being in a premade I think I am pretty set on a Non-TD Build again, where if you are focusing targets you can be a bit lax on your heat and actually weave Rapid Shots in.


With the Commendation change I've been premading like crazy to try to get gear fast (Although voidstar still pisses me off and sometimes only gives 80 comms, i seriously hate this warzone, did before patch and even more now that I get it most of the time), as far as set up we always run Myself, a Mara and a Merc Healer. the 4th can be pretty much anything. Good group comp is important to staying alive as a Pyro. Predation alone just for the speed has saved my *** a lot of times by being able to get distance.


Just some screenies from today using 8/5/28.


Note: The reason I like 28 rather than 8/8/25 is my CGC crits for 1k+ On players sub 30% with how expertise and gear has changed. It's a pretty good chunk of last minute damage on a player.


Solo Queue:

Huttball #1 - 5k+ Hit Win



Huttball #2 - 6 min Battle, 250K+ Done Controlling Mid

Voidstar #1 - Mara Rage Buff on Full BM/WH Player - Mercenary

Voidstar #2 - Mara Rage Buff on Full BM/WH Player - Sorc

Edited by exphryl
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I love TD atm. I'm 7/3/31 and I got a 6.1k crit today :o






There's been a few High 6k+ I've gotten on players to cheap to even buy recruit gear. (BW is feeding people gear and they still won't take it. So mind boggling. Wish they had some type of Expertise lockout for people queuing)

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There's been a few High 6k+ I've gotten on players to cheap to even buy recruit gear. (BW is feeding people gear and they still won't take it. So mind boggling. Wish they had some type of Expertise lockout for people queuing)



Yea, it was on at a 800 expertise maurader lol. Sad when we see people with lvl 40ish pve gear instead of recruit gear.

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I see very little reason to use anything but the matrix cube right now.

IMO BM defense cube is clearly a better option. The expertise is very valuable, and defense doesn't hurt. Defensive and offensive relics don't share cooldowns, for those that didn't know, so you can pop both in 1v1s.


On a side note, I keep two offensive relics i rotation. You can have them both on your bars, and swap them out between fights via the hotbar (1st slot only, 2nd also possible but not via hotbar).

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Exphryl...first off are you the same that was on Shatterbone in Rift?


Now for your TD builds are you using mostly combat - tech or eliminator bonus? I didn't see it mentioned. Not being war-hero yet I'm just using the RP crit multiplier.

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Ex, I'm leaning toward continuing to use Eliminator gear for my War Hero set. I noticed, however, that in one of your videos it shows your crafted piece as the Combat Tech chest. Any reason why Combat Tech and not Eliminator?
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Ex, I'm leaning toward continuing to use Eliminator gear for my War Hero set. I noticed, however, that in one of your videos it shows your crafted piece as the Combat Tech chest. Any reason why Combat Tech and not Eliminator?


Combat Tech looks better than Elim. That's the principle reason to craft it.

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Exphryl...first off are you the same that was on Shatterbone in Rift?


Now for your TD builds are you using mostly combat - tech or eliminator bonus? I didn't see it mentioned. Not being war-hero yet I'm just using the RP crit multiplier.


Yes Sir. Sexy Warrior in Zombie Goasts :) And I'm using Eliminator Bonus as Pyro.


Who is this btw?


Would it be worth it to lose thermal detonator to try to squeeze in steely resolve ( 9% aim)? Also Ive never really asked this before but I find that I hav eno heat problems and barely have to use vent heat at all. I This might be because I moved the two pts from Rapid venting ( vent heat cd) to gyroscopic alignment jets( auto vents 8 heat when stun, slow, KBed) I was wondering if the fact that I do not run into heat problems often means that I am doing something wrong and not getting the most out of my skills.


I wanted to retouch on this quote. I re did a 31 Point Pyro Build with Gyroscopic and I'm seeing similar results to what Hardened did. I guess previously with how PPA Worked I never noticed the ability going off, but now it actually seems to be a bit of a great way to conserve some heat since it can be a bit difficult at times. Definitely thinking keeping the points out of Vent Heat and continuing it in this talent.


Ex, I'm leaning toward continuing to use Eliminator gear for my War Hero set. I noticed, however, that in one of your videos it shows your crafted piece as the Combat Tech chest. Any reason why Combat Tech and not Eliminator?


I like Blue over Green. That's it.


The only default Combat Tech thing I purchased is the Gun just due to having a Surge Enhancement to begin with, the rest of the armor is Eliminator (Although i'll eventually replacing that Enhancement with the one from another set of Boots, but for now it's a bigger increase than the eliminator as is)


I'm still a bit iffiy on the Implants, they really don't make me all that excited based on their stats. I may actually just stick with the BM Power Surge even once I get the rest of my gear. We'll shall see.

Edited by exphryl
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Would it be worth it to lose thermal detonator to try to squeeze in steely resolve ( 9% aim)? Also Ive never really asked this before but I find that I hav eno heat problems and barely have to use vent heat at all. I This might be because I moved the two pts from Rapid venting ( vent heat cd) to gyroscopic alignment jets( auto vents 8 heat when stun, slow, KBed) I was wondering if the fact that I do not run into heat problems often means that I am doing something wrong and not getting the most out of my skills.


Why not use the best of both worlds and run 7/3/31. This will only give you 6% Steely Resolve but you get to keep TD. This is actually the spec that I'm using and I like it so far.


I recently did over 500k on Huttball with this spec, I know it pales incomparison to some of the videos online but this was in Huttball and not on Voidstar. And for the record I don't use any AOEs at all. I used to use DFA before the nerf but now its too situational to be bothered by.

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Why not use the best of both worlds and run 7/3/31. This will only give you 6% Steely Resolve but you get to keep TD. This is actually the spec that I'm using and I like it so far.


I recently did over 500k on Huttball with this spec, I know it pales incomparison to some of the videos online but this was in Huttball and not on Voidstar. And for the record I don't use any AOEs at all. I used to use DFA before the nerf but now its too situational to be bothered by.


How much Aim do you have?


The problem I see with the extra aim talent is I question its overall contribution compared to basically 10% extra crit to all elemental and 3% overall tech crit. PVP gear is not heavy on primary stat like pve gear, so the actual net contribution of dmg is marginal. its basically the small overall increase vs the more often critical/higher crit dmg. if your surge is high, you're probably getting more out of all that extra crit than 6% aim.


Maybe when I have an Aim augment in every possible slot and consular buff from alt the aim will look better lol.

Edited by ShiroRX
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How much Aim do you have?


The problem I see with the extra aim talent is I question its overall contribution compared to basically 10% extra crit to all elemental and 3% overall tech crit. PVP gear is not heavy on primary stat like pve gear, so the actual net contribution of dmg is marginal. its basically the small overall increase vs the more often critical/higher crit dmg. if your surge is high, you're probably getting more out of all that extra crit than 6% aim.


Maybe when I have an Aim augment in every possible slot and consular buff from alt the aim will look better lol.


I am sitting at 1597 Aim with only the War Hero BP(augmented) and the rest all BM(nonaugmented) gear. Granted I am a Biochem and running the Aim Stim too but shouldn't we all be. I'm guessing that after i have all the WH augmented gear and get the last few things like +10 data cron, and the Rakata Aim Stim, i should be able to break 1700 Aim. Now will this offset the +10 crit to fire effects your talking about, I'm not sure. I'm mainly doing it for increase RS and TD for the most burst possible. And currently this seems to be the best way to take down a good marauder, kill them before they get the chance to blow their cooldowns.

Edited by Zarovich
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I am sitting at 1597 Aim with only the War Hero BP(augmented) and the rest all BM(nonaugmented) gear. Granted I am a Biochem and running the Aim Stim too but shouldn't we all be. I'm guessing that after i have all the WH augmented gear and get the last few things like +10 data cron, and the Rakata Aim Stim, i should be able to break 1700 Aim. Now will this offset the +10 crit to fire effects your talking about, I'm not sure. I'm mainly doing it for increase RS and TD for the most burst possible. And currently this seems to be the best way to take down a good marauder, kill them before they get the chance to blow their cooldowns.


Currently i'm sitting at 1709 (with inq buff) Aim, 1632 aim without Inq buff. (note: that's only with 3 WH pieces so far)


Could be higher but I choose lower aim / higher power mods for some of my gear. (Where were these mods for us before 1.2? They are pretty awesome).


The reusable Stim is the only reason i'm keeping Biochem around.

Edited by exphryl
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Currently i'm sitting at 1709 (with inq buff) Aim, 1632 aim without Inq buff. (note: that's only with 3 WH pieces so far)


Could be higher but I choose lower aim / higher power mods for some of my gear. (Where were these mods for us before 1.2? They are pretty awesome).


The reusable Stim is the only reason i'm keeping Biochem around.


Are you using the 5/5/31 spec or something else?

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So my question to you then since you've played many specs. Is 7/3/31 better overall for DPS ouput then 5/5/31?


Give or take, really. Both have their merits. Obviously with 7/3/31 your Railshots will hit a bit harder. (Fully buffed in my pvp eliminator gear my top end RS damage is 2010 on the tooltip) so it's nice.


When I got my WH Weapon I went back to it because hey, I like big numbers so wanted to see what I could manage. :) The 6% Crit in the 5/5 is pretty nice. The only thing to be somewhat worried about if you are noticing lack of crits on a lot of attacks in the 7/3 is you are giving up about 9% crit on some abilities which is pretty substantial.


I think as AIM and other stats get higher with Gear though that becomes less of an issue as you are slowly buildling that crit up (even if it's a small amount).

Edited by exphryl
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For the young and aspiring Exphies out there that want to remod their gear, there is a half way solution on the surge enhancements.


I think it's the "war leader" boots, warrior heavy armor tank set (BM) that has surge enhancements, only ones I've found after the removal of cent/champ gear.

They do on the other hand have high END and DEF instead of the wanted power/crit but like 51 surge.


Rolled armortech @ 1.2 and I so dearly miss biochem stims/health packs :/

Can't get those 5k Rail crits without biochem adrenal / pvp adrenal, then again.. I've been 50 for less than 3 weeks now :p

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I've been having decent success with my dot build since 1.2. Using flame burst for the combustion dot, incendiary missile and retractable blade. Even if I die, my opponent usually follows me a few seconds later thanks to the dots.
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I've been having decent success with my dot build since 1.2. Using flame burst for the combustion dot, incendiary missile and retractable blade. Even if I die, my opponent usually follows me a few seconds later thanks to the dots.


Never heard of a dot build. :p What the hec is that?

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