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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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I agree no point to play warzones, was at least worth it for exp and learning experience. Now no exp, no valor, no creds, ect... Also, hit 50 get slaughtered and can't get medals even and lucky to get any kills. New gear not good enough.:mad:
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Aparently Biowear is the New SOE...


SOE destroyed SWG, and Bioware will Destroy SWTOR. But hey, look on the bright side.. The company made Millions/Billions off your subs, and is living it large.


This patch is NOTHING like what SOE did to SWG. C'mon...

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well, just cancelled my subscription in a fit of rage. I know they don't pay attention to the servers. probably won't pay attention to the quitter either, but whatever.


that's one less republic player queuing on my server.


-go ahead and given me the "don't let the door hit you on the way out" comments if you want.

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Ignoring warnings and the community testers and destroying consumer confidence makes it pretty darn similar.


The CU was a positive upgrade to SWG.


The NGE need some additional work before it was published.

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Okay, I don't know if I'm just misunderstanding or in denial after reading all this. Just so I'm clear, if you play through a full match of warzone (let's pretend it's a really close match of CW), regardless of your stats/medals, you get 0 (ZERO) commendations unless you win? Is this what I'm reading?


Yep thats whats been happening to me .... :confused: for a primarily PVP gamer like myself I'm forced to playing the boring story line again to level my characters an I'm not sure how I'm going to get my valor to maxed on Republic side.


Of all the things they could have worked on why break a system that seem to be working fine an folks were enjoying. :(


Every one here screams offer a solution if your going to point out a problem ....Fine Bioware suck up your mistake an role back the rewards system for doing Warzones Its no longer worth playing as it stands right now. I started to roll a Imperial toon just to get some warzone wins but that just isn't in me. Plus it just increases the burden on those who choose to stay Republic. But I am not going to give you 50 levels more of my time while you work through a gaming identity crisis.


This is actually the first time I have every actually considered thinking about If I'm spending part of my Entertainment budget wisely. I'm gonna go Play Eve Online for a week an see if the Devs say or do anything to keep me interested.:confused:

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We cant even run 8mans, yet we are screwed if we get 4 freshies, or morons, bioware is horrible at pvp dev. They have changed the reward system atleast 4 times since launch, they cant do anything right, they are butchering the game they spent $300m on, its hilarious.






P.S solo que isnt even worth doing now, it would be more productive to masterbait, than waste 15 minutes getting 30-50 comms, with better stats+medals than the entire winning team?


1.2 ranked what? Oh yea they removed that 6 hours before the patch.

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I gotta know are their decisions made by manatees nudging idea balls?


There's no way any human let alone "game developer" in their right mind could possibly think these changes were a good idea?


Hey dev2 lets make a decent amount of baseline valor regardless of outcome for a while and help those solo q'rs and newbies.


dev1: ok 2 weeks tops, then lets r@pe their pretty pink starfish until they bleed cancels and the overgeared harcores worship us as gods.

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Your right, there's no point at all.


Then again whats the point in staying in a WZ and win as a healer only to find that you've healed the team for ~ 450-500k yet only seem to have gotten 3 or 4 medals out of it.

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Your right, there's no point at all.


Then again whats the point in staying in a WZ and win as a healer only to find that you've healed the team for ~ 450-500k yet only seem to have gotten 3 or 4 medals out of it.


bologna...youd get 3 for healing, about another 4-6 for attack/defender comms, plus 3-4 for kills since healing players contributes to your kill count... even as a JK on pts i would get on average about 10, sometimes 14, sometimes 6 ... TRY it.

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I cant believe you people still haven't figured it out. There is no content in this game, none, no ranked WZs, no arenas, no world PvP, nothing. All this game has is 4 repetitive war zones. Now what do developers always do when they don't have any content? They simply add tedious grinds to mask the lack of content. The sooner you figure out that all the commendation changes and gear costs are nothing more then grinds masquerading as new content the sooner you can make an informed decision on whether or not this game is worth the $15 a month you pay.
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We are not even talking about joining some leavers spot, games are starting 4v8.


I'll say it again to try and clear this confusion up for you.




























See, I can do the annoying "Hi I'm a ******* one word per line thingy too!"


Honestly- people need to suck a little less. I'll be the first to admit it- I am NOT a PvP god, I am not in full Battlemaster, I'm not on 24/7, I don't run in pre-mades, I'm not OGWTFBBQPWN amazing. I'm just pretty good. I'm not always a chart topper but I'm generally *near* the top. So far 1.2 is working for me. :cool:


And doing the math for how long it takes to get gear.... It's not that bad. You're not supposed to have a full set of new shinies in a day. Or a week. Heck I don't expect it in a month. Why? a mmo is supposed to be a continual progression game. If I get all the new best shinies too quickly I'll lose interest. That's what happened in WoW. :eek:

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I cant believe you people still haven't figured it out. There is no content in this game, none, no ranked WZs, no arenas, no world PvP, nothing. All this game has is 4 repetitive war zones. Now what do developers always do when they don't have any content? They simply add tedious grinds to mask the lack of content. The sooner you figure out that all the commendation changes and gear costs are nothing more then grinds masquerading as new content the sooner you can make an informed decision on whether or not this game is worth the $15 a month you pay.


Yes I agree but many have already paid a 6 month sub with a couple months left on it....who are now feeling that money has been wasted. They do not want it to be wasted, and are now just attempting to rationalize logging in to the game for the remaining time or not.

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Honestly- people need to suck a little less. I'll be the first to admit it- I am NOT a PvP god, I am not in full Battlemaster, I'm not on 24/7, I don't run in pre-mades, I'm not OGWTFBBQPWN amazing. I'm just pretty good. I'm not always a chart topper but I'm generally *near* the top. So far 1.2 is working for me. :cool:




what kind of tool enters a thread where hundreds of folk are saying the system is borked, and says its all fine everyone just sucks while if they were as uber as him it would be fine..



the stupid is strong in this one ....

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Yes. lets make a bad situation worse by adding a deserter debuff.


Apparently you guys think that people leaving is a big deal while games starting as 4v8 are not.


Obviously you guys should be working for BW with such insight


QFT. So very true. They guys that are telling you to suck it up are the ones that are playing Imperial and most likely are in their own little pre-mades. The good thing is, if this keeps up, they get to play with themselves (see what I did there).

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Yes I agree but many have already paid a 6 month sub with a couple months left on it....who are now feeling that money has been wasted. They do not want it to be wasted, and are now just attempting to rationalize logging in to the game for the remaining time or not.


I have no sympathy for people that chose to risk a 6 month sub. Those people took a gamble and it didn't pay off. Any one dumb enough to think a game they've barely played if at all is worth sinking a 6 month investment in terms of time and money deserves to get burned.

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See, I can do the annoying "Hi I'm a ******* one word per line thingy too!"


Honestly- people need to suck a little less. I'll be the first to admit it- I am NOT a PvP god, I am not in full Battlemaster, I'm not on 24/7, I don't run in pre-mades, I'm not OGWTFBBQPWN amazing. I'm just pretty good. I'm not always a chart topper but I'm generally *near* the top. So far 1.2 is working for me. :cool:


And doing the math for how long it takes to get gear.... It's not that bad. You're not supposed to have a full set of new shinies in a day. Or a week. Heck I don't expect it in a month. Why? a mmo is supposed to be a continual progression game. If I get all the new best shinies too quickly I'll lose interest. That's what happened in WoW. :eek:


How dare you bring logic to a forum!


But seriously. People complain about this "OMG250HOURSGRINDZTOGETMUHGEARZ", and they don't stop to realize that it's not 250 until you get gear... it's a gradual progression with (semi)consistent reward throughout that time. In a few days you'll have a piece or two. In a few more days you'll have more. And so on and so forth.


They do need to penalize leaving a WZ early, though. When you do that you're ruining the fun for everyone else, winners included.

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To all the people who are saying just quit. Careful what you wish for, if an enitre faction quits or just stops queing for pvp, guess what? You can't pvp either.


Thats why they increased the number of same faction game types. =p

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