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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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Can some forgive my ignorance of other MMO's and tell me if this is the standard or if EAware has decided to try something new here?


Most of the ones I've played you actually get the rewards while doing the action, there isn't a 'ok here's a big thing for winning' at the end. Maybe a small bonus on top of it but the bulk of what you earn is in the match itself, win or lose.


And THAT encourages you to keep playing. You want to try to win because it's more, and who doesn't want more, but you don't give up when you start losing cause you still have a reason to be there.

Edited by hadoken
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Ok, ok. I get the picture about losers being losers and winners being winners, but for the love of anything you believe add penalty for the quitters. It MUST be longer then a typical WZ. Let's say 20 min or even 30 min! I want to stay and fight. I want to turn the tide, but simply CAN'T. More then half of the team gives up after one sight of losing match and leaves. This is annoying and NOT FUN, NOT FUN, NOT FUN! To hell with rewards. I want to fight...
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Can some forgive my ignorance of other MMO's and tell me if this is the standard or if EAware has decided to try something new here?


This type of system is the cancer of MMO PvP. It was held in check for awhile, but as time has elapsed it has infected the entire industry and now we are undoubtedly stuck with this crap style of PvP forever.


And yes, it started with WoW.

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Get the old system back.+ Reward for capping a door Ding! Medal! Reward for capping a turret DING ! Medal! Reward for defusing a door DING! Medal! Keep the gear changes (allowing to ripout Mods armoring ehnacement.)


ONLY use this reward system if at all on ranked premade full ops grps. All other should be back to the old where you actually got some fun out of loosing and the feel of Tightening the gap gearwise against domainating factions with more players.



Do i get a thumbs up ?

Edited by Quisong
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Get the old system back.+ Reward for capping a door Ding! Medal Reward for capping a turret DING ! medal. Reward for defusing a door DING! medal. Keep the gear changes (allowing to ripout Mods armoring ehnacement.)


ONLY use this reward system if at all on ranked premade full ops grps. All other should be back to the old where you actually got some fun out of loosing and the feel of Tightening the gap gearwise against domainating factions with more players.



Do i get a thumbs up ?


I'm all for being rewarded for being a team player and playing to objectives, but apparently Bioware isn't... I was just about to cancel, but I want to see any official statement on this... I truly hope it's a bug.

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That's not what's happening at all though. You still start every single match at the exact same level you were before, or higher. Your stats aren't changing. You are not getting worse.


Your opponent may have won this match, but you may not even SEE that same guy in the next match. It may be an entirely different team, your team may be better, it may be a WZ you're better at, etc. There are several factors you aren't taking into account in your slippery slope argument.


It's not as linear as people are trying to make it sound here. Just because you lost a match does NOT mean you will automatically lose every match thereafter until the end of time.


The thing people are pointing out (at least to me) is that now PvP gear is even more important than ever with the changes to expertise. This means that the winners ARE gearing up much faster than the losers, and that gear gap now is pretty big between recruit gear and BM gear. This ensures that the winners keep winning with superior gear while the losers will not be able to gear up in a timely fashion to compete.


The thing is also that games are starting with 4v8's and not ending, and that is making the losses just that much worse. You stand very little chance to do much in that situation. =/

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Huge mistake is no penalty


I personally feel if people know they get "also ran" commedation or rewards even if they lose you get people who play lackluster


I for one applaud the loser getting no commadations


As for money that is another mistake as some people level through pvp and that is just stupid


Basically this whole change is a huge shift to this game being all pve with a small splash of pvp


And they will lose alot of people if it stays this way for certain

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This type of system is the cancer of MMO PvP. It was held in check for awhile, but as time has elapsed it has infected the entire industry and now we are undoubtedly stuck with this crap style of PvP forever.


And yes, it started with WoW.


Actually when I was playing it with the exception of the dailies the majority of what you earned in a battleground in WOW was during the match itself (honor from kills, honor from objectives, etc). You didn't get 0 for losing or whatever is going on here with this patch.

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i linked that SS to shut the people up posting Ohh i get 0-0-0-0 when clearly you can see i got 1k+ valor and some comms from a match i joined late andi only managed to get 6medals [which is below the cap] old cap was 4 medals for valor/comms now its 8medals if you're complaing about 4v8 and not getting anything thats not a WZ problem thats a dead server problem so take that out of this pvp forum


oh and 4v8 10mins of pain? you should know by now u get heaps of medals for ending a game asap so if that group of 8 is farming you for 10mins a match again server problem

Edited by Shioji
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People, you need to earn 3 medals to have a reward. :p This is in place o keep the afk'ers from mooching.


But its not nearly enough!


This patch will create a massmigration to factions and servers with pvp wins, It will destroy everything that is called balance. PvP wil only be fun for Elitists kids with too little to do after school, Thrashing the experince for more mature players with real life responsibility entierly.


What u get is WoW all over with pure kid gamers when it comes to pvp. Its a horrible patch. Its poison

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I'm split on my opinion. On the one hand I agree that losing should net you 0 reward. It's just not logical that failing to win a competitive game still gets you massive rewards (which is what the system was like before).


On the other hand, this is a casual game, and a lot of people have about 10 hours a week that they can devote to playing. This will severely limit their rate of progression, and I can see a string of multiple losses being solved with saying "**** it,", followed immediately by an unsub.


Tough call. I hate the idea of rewarding failure, but I don't want to see this game become any more of a ghost town.

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I work my *** off and get less medals just because my team lost. My preformance may be no. 1 but still if i lose i get almost nothing and enemy team gets much more. No fun at all. I'd prefer the pvp BEFORE patch 1.2. Plus the new wz just sucks. Nothing fun about it. The 3 previous wz's superior for sure.
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if you lose a wz you get nothing, you don't get any real valor, no real comms. there really is no point in staying anymore. I liked staying to attempt to get my 4 medals but nope no point in doing that anymore.


If it's as bad as some people are saying for the PUG group players(vast majority) they had better fix it fast. Basic rule of economics people act in their rational self interest. If their rational self interest is leaving a WZ that is what the majority of people will do. If they end up leaving more than playing and having fun well then they may leave the game altogether.


It isn't rocket science. It's not personal, It's just human nature.

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Yes, even if you stay and get *8* MEDALS, you get absolutely no rewards - no comms, no credits, no valor.


The patch notes clearly state that the SCORE MATTERS. If you lose 6-0, even with *8* MEDALS you get NOTHING.


Holy crap.


No 8 man queues (hell, like I could fins 8 guildmates to pvp with half the time these days anyway!), and severe penalties in line for solo/small man queueing?


Where were the beta testers on PTS anyway? Were they asleep? What about internel testers? What genius thought it was a great idea to royally screw losing teams?

Edited by islander
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The main issue is PVP WZ's arent a boat load of fun for a lot of people. When its not fun, people just do it for gear grinds. When your losing, your not being productive so off to another match as fast as possible.


i think you are on to something here. this is what i was tired of in wow and why i left as soon as swtor came.. hoping for something different. this game is still new and heres hoping that biowares gear grinding instanced pvp business model allows them to branch out a bit and bring something new ( or some great old ideas from games like daoc or wow or maybe even ... "gasp" swg ) and make this game stand out in a good way.

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Quote from patch notes:


"The amount of Valor, Commendations, and credits awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone."


Stop spreading false information! Losing teams DO get rewards!


..and what is the problem with the winning team gaining extra rewards? If you take away that, you take away the incentive to even want to win a warzone to begin with.


In no way does this nerf the rest of us, or specifically the brand new level 50's in anyway (as many have claimed, its just not true). Omg esspecially when for less than 100k you can gain near ~900 expertise with the new Recruit PvP gear! My fresh lvl 50 PT BH does just fine with Recruit + Centurion set. Just fine.


The part of this thread I DO agree with, is they need to offer a brief penalty for deserters. 15 minutes would be ideal (so its like they have to sit one out). However, it's not any bigger of an issue now than it was when the game debuted.


Also, the new warzone is a blast. If you guys consistantly hate this game, what are u still doing here?

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Quote from patch notes:


"The amount of Valor, Commendations, and credits awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone."


Stop spreading false information! Losing teams DO get rewards!


In 2nd grade, we all (most of us) learned that when you multiply any number by 0, the result is "0".


Patch 1.2 PvP rewards are now dependent on your SCORE. (i.e. 6-0, 5-4, 1-1, etc.).


If you get all 8 medals (the current medal cap), you can still get 0 REWARDS (No valor, no commendations, no credits) if your Team fails to score any points. And if you only score 1 or 2, the rewards are pathetic.


This is because Bioware Developers don't comprehend what we learned in 2nd grade - that when you have a reward based on 8 medals (means you did well and should be rewarded), but then multiply that reward by the SCORE, you end up with 0.


Further more, a "6-0" score is not the same match as a "1-0" score. Such a close game means both sides did well, but one managed to squeak out a victory. That side gets full rewards, the other NOTHING WHATSOEVER.


Here is how Bioware can fix the problem.


1. Fire their PvP lead designer/staff/qa people and hire competent replacements.

2. Scale the end rewards in PvP not by SCORE, but instead by DIFFERENCE in score as a penalty.



I get 8 medals, meaning 40 commendations, and whatever valor. I then get a bonus for completing the warzone, say 60 commendations (total 100).


If I win, my reward is unmodified. I get 100.

If I lose, my reward is lowered by the difference in score.


If the match was 6-0, that is a "6" pt difference. Say, the penalty is 5. That's a 30 penalty for such a blowout. I get (100-30)= 70.


If the match was 6-5, well, that's only a difference of "1". Now I would get (100-5) = 95. Not as bad a penalty because I don't DESERVE as bad a penalty. The same is true for a "1-0" game, "2-1" game, etc.


So, Bioware, please proceed with the above plan. We, the players, would like a patch by next Tuesday.


Thanks for reading.

Edited by Zaodon
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