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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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well i'm am very disapointed with the patch when it comes to pvp. there are alot of great points made and some made out of frustration. there has to be a ballance when it comes to rewards; just like a class, no one is going to play a class if they can't win with it, ppl won't play a wz if there are no rewards. i won 2 matches out of 12 and i had enuff. ppl would leave after the first goal, lost turret or door. then the rest of us end up with very very little or no rewards of any kind. i left out of frustration and really considered on quitting the game. i was so mad i didn't even bother to send in my complaints. there were a few oped classes before patch and the wz's were not that bad. why try and fix something that wasn't broken. they could have just added the the new wz and upped the coms to reflect the cost of the new gear. this was a turning point for the game and if they don't ballance the pvp aspect then the game is as dead as the first star wars. even the PGA guys that didn't place in the top 10 get valued rewards. (i think lol)

all i can say is i hope they make some changes fast because i have never done a flashpoint or any pve and live for pvp!!

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Here's my issue.


Regardless of Skill, gear, bleh bleh bleh. PvP IMO, is intended to be an aspect of the game aside from PvE, for those who enjoy this type of game play environment. Prior to patch 1.2, if you put in effort, even with a loss you felt decently rewarded for YOUR contributions if you were able to grind out some medals. I averaged 7-10 with a loss or win prior to 1.2 at the level 50 bracket. 5-9 At the lower levels.


So even when we had complete Hardtards on my team, there was still reason to stay due to my own hard work in said game.


So fastforward to yesterday. I re-rolled, to check the new legacy etc.... Made level 15 in about 3 hours as a Jedi Guardian. Qued for matches, fully expecting to lose due to 5-1 Imp vs Pub ratio Numbers (not confirmed), and we did just that lose. BUT, heres the big BUT. I only obtained 5 badges, and after the loss I received 0......xp.....0....coms.....0 credits.....


aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh wth?


So I que Again, with the same results. not sure if this is the new system or just a bug but this will be the straw that broke the camels back for me. I am not hardcore by any means, and I don't QQ about winning or losing, nor do I join the give me free gear Whannnnnnnnhbulance Train.


BUt I do have Major issues with wasting hours of my life for 0 xp, 0 reward. So now I forced to play the Game tailored to a PvE track, or I roll the dice and hope I don't get a scrub team for WZ's.


I respectfully Request to play the game the way I want to, without fear of wasting my time. ONe can Dream right?

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after so much complain abut the disaster which 1.2 is on pvp they still don't admit that is totally wrong the new wz reward system.

When they will understand on their stupid mind that no reward the poor guys that don't get 3 med is a bad decision?

some may say: it's not so hard get 3 med at least, is bullsht, yes it is, everyone on full battle-master and killing 3 shoots the new;s 50, the recruit gear is a joke, not even critical rate have, so the damage Don't have many chance to crit, so if we are killed in a blink how can we achieve objectives?

TERA online not my kind or gw 2, diablo 3, whatever, people want deny, ok i understand they like the game and have hope this become better, but common lets be realist, they don't wanna admit they make crap, making mistake is normal but it seems is too much for them to admit, and the truth is that next month tera is here, if you really think that swtor will not feel that you are wrong, next diablo 3, after that gw2, sw will suffer alot loses on subs, or you think its only who post on forums opinions, is the only ones taht are not liking the 1.2 patch?

they are simply waiting new games to try, and bioware is going to learn or not ( their problem) the hard way that they are not doing things right, then come with fancy offers like bigger trials, reactivating accounts to celebrate anything etc, but it will be too late for that, the game will fail only due them being stuborn.

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Tbh anybody who supports this WZ system as it is is probably just lucky enough to be on a server where the opposing faction( probably rep(ever hear of a majority rep server? Or better rep pvpers?)) are crap and always lose. Edited by Trollarama
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And I'm sick of baddies complaining about how they can never win.



By "baddies" you really mean people with lower expertise than you.


This whole argument is rooted in the fact that expertise is king in this game until you have close to equal amounts. You want the "baddies" to stay "baddies" ie lesser geared so you can stroke your ePeen.

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I just did a Huttball on my 21 and we were against a 40+ team who steamrolled us 6-0 in 5 min. I did over 50k damage, only 2 medals. I got zip even though i didn't give up.


After giving up on my 50 sage because of 3 days of losing and never getting my daily done, I went to my 21 Imp. Won some, but the XP gain is no longer worth it.

I hate being forced to pre-make groups. Whats the point of staying, when you know 1 min into the WZ, whether you are gonna get rewards or none.


Turning 50 and jumping into 50 WZ with no gear is just a slaughterfest. This game is so unbalanced and broken, I'm done with it.


1.2 is a fail..heck..the game is a fail. And they lock every thread to hide their image/failure..so.


Back to WoW.


Edit - and they did lock the thread this post was in..so I copied it over. The hiding of all negative comments is proof enough to me. Hey Bioware, if you cannot take the heat, get out of the Kitchen. Cowards.

Edited by Guenaveer
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While I agree winning is it's own reward, most people are not real pvp'rs in the sense of being there just for the pvp. It's all about the gear here. Give the guys that loose a pitty tip of coin N valor ffs. So we have people to pvp with.
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By "baddies" you really mean people with lower expertise than you.


This whole argument is rooted in the fact that expertise is king in this game until you have close to equal amounts. You want the "baddies" to stay "baddies" ie lesser geared so you can stroke your ePeen.


Sorry, but "expertise" is not the sole reason that people lose matches.


I'm even more sorry that you would automatically associate a "baddie" with someone who is undergeared, because that's not what that means at all.


Gear means a bit, sure, but a "baddie" is someone that gear isn't going to help.


It's that guy who keeps stunning the enemy ball carrier right before the endzone, filling their Resolve. Or the guy who keeps running over to the west turret by himself and dying, then yells at his team. That moron farming people in the middle in Huttball when the ball is nowhere nearby or close to being reset. The guy who thinks it's more important to fight the stealther who popped out as they solo defend a turret, instead of immediately letting the team know his turret is in danger. These are the guys who lose you the game, more often than not, and they are terrible in multiples.


That is a "baddie". Now stop putting words in peoples' mouths.

Edited by Varicite
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I get that they were trying to reward people for effort and punish afkers, but it's just not working. There's even less incentive now to play for a win because you run the risk of getting nothing. Sitting at a node that's not getting attacked, floating between nodes to be ready to reinforce, getting in position to defend or receive a pass in Huttball; all likely ways of getting nothing or very little at the end of a warzone.


It's a classic example of punishing the majority because a minority is doing something wrong. The vote-kick system would be a better place to start, why not run with that for a while and go back to reasonable rewards for a loss?

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I wrote this in another area but this seams to be the place to ask.

I do not understand what has changed for the losing team? I played a few games yesterday on my alt I was still getting ex and valor. What has changed that has people AFKing out of the matches?

Is it credits that you do not recieve if you get under 3 metals?

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I agree Bioware needs to fix this asap. There is now 0 reason to stay in a losing match and since matches no longer end because of imbalanced teams you can be stuck with a 5man team getting farmed at your spawn in with no chance to get medals. They need to give a reasonable amount of reward based on participation if nothing else. The system should be setup to encourage fighting to the very end to maximize rewards for both teams. The most fun I have in a Warzone is a nice close one we barely win. I just joined a voidstar late in round 2, I got 2 medals as our team was outclassed played for the 3 minutes left in round and got nothing for my time. So next time I will drop the warzone it will be the first time I drop from a warzone but it won't be the last till they fix this. Edited by Waynef
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where is the damn EXIT BUTTON out of a warzone anyway? there is no exit button over the map like at the end of flashpoints, do i need to log off? I'll never stay again in losing WZs anymore from now on, THANK YOU BW for making me spend my time for nothing since 1.2 ! Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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We just won a WZ, I got 12 medals... and yet I only get 2k cash as a reward and measly commendations?


Cash was my main drive for competing in warzones so I could upgrade my gear (yes I know there are a thousand ways to make money, but thats how I enjoyed making it)


And now, it seems there is no point because the second your team starts losing, they drop like flies, why? because there is no point staying another 10 mins in a wz thats going to earn you waht, 200 credits? or maybe 5 comms?


Seriously bioware, who was the genius behind this one? sack him.

Edited by Talarchy
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Loss: Novar Coast, 7 Medals, and 35 Coms….

Win: Voidstar, 18 Medals and 65 Comms (This is not a typo)

Loss: Alderan, 8 Medals and 65 Coms

Win: Alderan: 10 Medals and 85 Comms


What a Fakakta reward system.

Edited by Torcer
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This is what happens when you go through with changes that aren't properly tested. Very few level 50 PvP'ers on test.


I havent' been able to play it yet, but it sounds pretty rough. I'll reserve judgement until I get in myself to play.


91 and 136 creds at level 50 respectively? What are they thinking? I have plenty of other ways to make money and have plenty, but that's an over the top nerf.


I dunno who gave you those amounts, but it doesn't match my experience.


Just got out of a losing Civil War. I earned 12 medals in the loss. I received 52 comms and 1365 credits.


Fewer credits than it used to be but the comms are good.

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yes..so winner get better and loser don't. in a 2 faction/gear based system that lead to one side smashing the other until they quit. Then the winner get to play against themself all day.


once again if there no reward to losing, why stay, WZ will at least be quick. No one has told me a reason to stay in a losing WZ, which was my Original Point.


An excellent reply.

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I will say this though. There's no point staying in a losing Novare Coast.


I just got facerolled in a 6 vs 8 most of the game. Everwhere I went seemed like I was curbstomped by 2 vs 1 and barely made any progress. After about 8 minutes or so, it was over, and I got ZERO reward for it. ZERO exp, ZERO valor, all of it.


so yeah, next time a Novare is going really badly, I'm jumping ship and cutting my losses.

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WZ leaving is rampant right now, at the first sign of a loss everyone just drops.


i think this is democratic process in the works..


people are voting out this current horrible sustem by refusing to participate in unfair match that got no incentive at all.


a system that punish loser is acceptable if the warzone queue algorithms can pit same number of ppl, same gear level and same level bracket without imbalance.

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As a juggernaut you can earn 13+ medals easily before 1.2 while in a losing game.


You are doing something terribly wrong.


So pretty much your argument boils down to you not being aware of how bad you are.


You are not getting how bad this is on some servers. If this is not happening to you, it's not because you are good or awesome or trying harder. It is simply because your server is some what balanced or you are on the over powered side. Join a server that is 2-1 population and join the losing side. Then come back and post how much others suck. Until then, just be happy this isn't your server.

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I am not wasting my time on my server, the republic side is made up of like 7 pre mades, we get nothing and there is nothing but Sentinels all over the place. This is the worst pvp update I have ever seen in any game I have ever played.
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I see a lot of these posts talking about people quitting WZ's because it is a waste of their time, too hard, no rewards...blah blah blah. My thought in response is :


If you're so ticked off about wasting YOUR time, think about how the person that gets to replace you in that WZ is. They wait their time in line to get into a WZ, and because you can't seem to find a pair of big-boy pants, their match is already screwed BEFORE they even get into it.


Suck it up, play what you're dealt, and TRY rather than giving up because it's not an EZ-MODE faceroll win for you.

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I see a lot of these posts talking about people quitting WZ's because it is a waste of their time, too hard, no rewards...blah blah blah. My thought in response is :


If you're so ticked off about wasting YOUR time, think about how the person that gets to replace you in that WZ is. They wait their time in line to get into a WZ, and because you can't seem to find a pair of big-boy pants, their match is already screwed BEFORE they even get into it.


Suck it up, play what you're dealt, and TRY rather than giving up because it's not an EZ-MODE faceroll win for you.


Anonymity erases all guilt. Noble idea but an impossible reality.


Still, it doesn't erase the fundamental problems 1.2 has created in regards to PvP.

Edited by DarthBastila
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