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10 Good
  1. well i'm am very disapointed with the patch when it comes to pvp. there are alot of great points made and some made out of frustration. there has to be a ballance when it comes to rewards; just like a class, no one is going to play a class if they can't win with it, ppl won't play a wz if there are no rewards. i won 2 matches out of 12 and i had enuff. ppl would leave after the first goal, lost turret or door. then the rest of us end up with very very little or no rewards of any kind. i left out of frustration and really considered on quitting the game. i was so mad i didn't even bother to send in my complaints. there were a few oped classes before patch and the wz's were not that bad. why try and fix something that wasn't broken. they could have just added the the new wz and upped the coms to reflect the cost of the new gear. this was a turning point for the game and if they don't ballance the pvp aspect then the game is as dead as the first star wars. even the PGA guys that didn't place in the top 10 get valued rewards. (i think lol) all i can say is i hope they make some changes fast because i have never done a flashpoint or any pve and live for pvp!!
  2. well i am loading an old version of the game in hopes that i can log in or it fixes itsef if ne one else had/has this problem
  3. the error that comes up is unsuported 16 bit application
  4. this happened after launch can somepone please give sugestion?
  5. the program or feature"\??\c:\windows|system32\cmd.exe" can not start orm run due to incompatibility with 64 bit versions. can some one please help me out with this
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