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Seriously not a single person on my server would get mad when I popped my party bomb. Everyone would whisper me and ask what that was and tell me how cool it was. A number of us would sit around on fleet popping party bombs and instigators and having a good time. I would also pop mine at the start of every warzone and people thought it was great. Helped loosen us up before the big match. I don't know if other people complained on other servers, but I never had a single complaint on the server I am on, everyone would ask me where to go to get the party instigator and party bomb. Me and one of my buddies were some of the first to use the instigator and would run around with it on fleet and within days we saw many of them popping up after we said where to get them. Why would you take this simple pleasure away from those who cared about getting to social X?




I would rather you give me my party bomb back than give me a month for free.

Edited by Moitteva
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I was also hoping with updates there would be more party type items since I noticed you can go past the 9000 points needed for social X. I was thinking oh good I will keep getting social and maybe they will roll out something more epic than the party bomb. Bravo bio(poo for brains)ware you proved me wrong. Edited by Hooter
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I was also hoping with updates there would be more party type items since I noticed you can go past the 9000 points needed for social X. I was thinking oh good I will keep getting social and maybe they will roll out something more epic than the party bomb. Bravo bio(s*hit for brains)ware you proved me wrong.


I dont think you're getting mad enough.

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I would rather you give me my party bomb back than give me a month for free.


This. This right here.


I'm pretty sure I was the server first Social X Emprie side on my server, I was pissed about the mount, but this is inexcuseable. When I saw that this game had social points I thought "Finally, a game that rewards people for being social, a game that puts the word "multiplayer" back in Massive Multiplayer Online RPG." But, apparently I was dead wrong thinking that I had any business having fun playing this game. Most people just treat it like a 2nd job with mindless repetition of the same quests over and over again and raid loots to be had, just like every other sorry MMORPG I wrongfully thought this game wasn't going to be.


I am extremely dissapointed in this, and am seriously considering quitting. That's ok though, I'm pretty sure all the friends I made on my server by actually being social won't even care or notice.

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Do you "social butterflys" have any idea how annoying your party bombs were to other players who would have to sit on their speeder all day long, indoors building up massive carbon monoxide and doing significant damage to their lungs, to avoid your stupid emote spam?


Hail the downfall of the party spammer.


HAIL! It really was annoying, and you all know it. Why else did you bother to farm all that social? Did you think people would enjoy it? lol, of course not. You did it to be annoying and you got what you deserved. Enjoy. :D

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If it did annoy so many people, why didn't Bioware acknowledge the issue in the patch notes?? Instead, they just stealthily took the party instigator/bomb away without any sort of explanation.


I am a huge Bioware supporter, but this kind of attitude is really frustrating and makes me wonder why they even bothered to implement the social system when tangible rewards such as the party instigator/bomb are getting taken away like that?

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If it did annoy so many people, why didn't Bioware acknowledge the issue in the patch notes?? Instead, they just stealthily took the party instigator/bomb away without any sort of explanation.


I am a huge Bioware supporter, but this kind of attitude is really frustrating and makes me wonder why they even bothered to implement the social system when tangible rewards such as the party instigator/bomb are getting taken away like that?


Welcome to MMO's and the infamous stealth nerf. There will be many many more in the future.

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Welcome to MMO's and the infamous stealth nerf. There will be many many more in the future.


This is not my first MMO and probably will not be my last. I am just frustrated that they would do something like this when they keep touting how much they listen to community feedback and care about their customers.


This display was anything but care.

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I tought they were into "Keeping players happy" phase. I was wrong.

I didnt beleive the person that told me of this, and had to come here to verify it.. still can't beleive it's true.


I didnt get the chance to get the party things yet, but was looking forward to it... I'll do something else with my time now.


What's sad is that my leveling partner has told me she was cancelling as this and PvP reward nerfs (Lose= nothing for your time) where the last straw for her. =(

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Not a single person ever complained to me about it. Not a one. Matter of fact, people would stop, start cracking jokes, and have a good time. I'm sure some people didn't like it, but definitely nothing remotely close to the majority. My guildies loved it on Ops and FPs, and it was a riot in WZs, especially when you were going to start a match or about to win.


What bugs me most about this is that they didn't mention it in the patch notes, and when sending multiple tweets to @SWTOR and @Rockjaw, every single polite inquiry has been ignored. Looking good, gents.

Edited by Ashlov
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Crybaby RP'ers are like .001% of the population, why remove(even on non-rp servers) an awesome and fun pair of items that people spent a LOT of time grinding in order to purchase?


Super bad call on that one BW. Mind blowingly bad, and TBH, if you're gonna continue to do stuff like this (even though I never got anywhere close to Social X) it makes me wonder what the next ham-fisted blunder will be, and if I even want to stay subscribed to find out.

Edited by DizzD
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It's both amusing and sad to see community mods closing other threads and posting comments, but completely ignoring this one.


Your team removed two items earned by grinding tons of social points. Show some accountability and address the issue instead of ignoring it until it goes away! This is not good customer service.

Edited by Ashlov
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Why does bioware hate us cool kids who decided to farm Social X. First the Korrealis Baron becomes available to everyone, and then today I log in to see my Galactic Party Bomb and Party instigator no longer exist. Why do you hate us for being social butterflies...why why why? Hopefully this is just premature anger and I find out theres something cool out there I can get new with 1.2 that cant easily be bought by everyone for credits, but i doubt thats the case.


The only reason I can figure out right now is ... well I don't think they actually give a damn :(

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Seriously not a single person on my server would get mad when I popped my party bomb. Everyone would whisper me and ask what that was and tell me how cool it was. A number of us would sit around on fleet popping party bombs and instigators and having a good time. I would also pop mine at the start of every warzone and people thought it was great. Helped loosen us up before the big match. I don't know if other people complained on other servers, but I never had a single complaint on the server I am on, everyone would ask me where to go to get the party instigator and party bomb. Me and one of my buddies were some of the first to use the instigator and would run around with it on fleet and within days we saw many of them popping up after we said where to get them. Why would you take this simple pleasure away from those who cared about getting to social X?


^this :(

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True. In practice it almost promotes the opposite of social interaction. Typing to say something during Esseles speed runs slows things down...

Hitting space bar during a conversation should void social point gain for the next dialogue choice (and apply some penalty to the dialogue roll, as well).


Yes, I'm that guy who will sit and watch the conversations on Esseles/Black Talon in full on his 537th run through. :cool:

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