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DFA hitting for 500?


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.....and it's off the Hotbar. Honestly, for how long it takes to go off, the fact that it alearts players to where it's going to hit, and for how hard it hits....it's simply no longer worth it.


DFA is a dead ability.

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It's not a ninja nerf. It was listed in the notes. It hits more times for less damage... Same overall. If the radius wasnt smaller, it'd be a buff. Stop crying while uninformed.


Please help us with your superrior knowledge then. How much does your DFA hit for and how many shots so I can check it on mine?

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It's not a ninja nerf. It was listed in the notes. It hits more times for less damage... Same overall. If the radius wasnt smaller, it'd be a buff. Stop crying while uninformed.


This is incorrect.


No where in the notes does it state that extra tic's were added to the ability. It says this, verbatim:


"Death From Above now has a 5-meter radius to bring its range in line with other Bounty Hunter Area of Effect abilities, and it now begins dealing damage sooner after activation."


Now, I'm not saying what your suggesting isn't happening. I've only used it maybe 3-5 times since the patch, and I can't definitively say right now whether or not I noticed extra tics..


However, I am sure that it isn't doing DRASTICALLY less damage then before. It is still very punishing to people grouped up, as it will still knock a good quarter of there health away.


I would like to see exactly what BW did to it though, they should of been more on the ball with clearly stating what they did to the ability on the notes.

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I believe what we are seeing is the lack of expertise damage. Remember expertise was changed to work better in wz's. I know for a fact, my damage in a WZ and out of a wz is vastly different now.


Yes, there was a stealth nerf to DFA. i am watching 300-700 on my ticks where before it was 700-1k.


It does tick faster, but it is still nerfed. The 300 ticks start once I take off, and I was seeing two ticks instead of just one. I still saw a noticeable damage reduction.

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  • Dev Post

DFA's total damage was not changed in patch 1.2, but it ticks more frequently and deals less damage per tick. The overall damage and DPS dealt by DFA has not changed.


The only balance adjustments made to DFA are the ones you see in the patch notes (starts faster and has a smaller radius).

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It hits more times with less damage each time with overall damage the same.


If anything it got a buff since damage is done sooner.




lol, If I had a choice, I would take the old DFA any day.

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My Death from above felt pretty useless tonight. Its usually awesome in Voidstar and civil war when many are grouped up. Its radius now is very small... and only usefull if people do not move at all!! Ofc this never happens! I missed or hit 1 maybe 2 people on most of my casts. They move out 2 steps and they avoid all damage. The damage now doing an extra tick so the numbers are smaller.... But so small it is ridiculous! I had 386, 386 , 386 fly up before the guys moved out of range in voidstar on one attempt.. this is crazy! The biggest number i have seen tonight is around 800 ish on a tick.


Ok i have alot less aim now in my pvp set, so that could explain low numbers.. But.. where is my 23% Damage bonus to players from expertise! Is this not working?

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DFA's total damage was not changed in patch 1.2, but it ticks more frequently and deals less damage per tick. The overall damage and DPS dealt by DFA has not changed.


The only balance adjustments made to DFA are the ones you see in the patch notes (starts faster and has a smaller radius).


Translation: It hits for less to anything with legs and and the ability to push the forward button.





On a side note, HEY DEV anyfeedback on the lowering of mercs mitigation abilities?

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Translation: It hits for less to anything with legs and and the ability to push the forward button.





On a side note, HEY DEV anyfeedback on the lowering of mercs mitigation abilities?


I think you're actually more likely to get damage in with this current setup since damage happens sooner and the time between animation and damage was key for enemy players to avoid/interupt/stun you.

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