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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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overall I'm happy, I do hope though that they will rethink that whole 'if you have a lvl 50 char you get an extra month free' because it seems like bad policy to me, and of course the whole pvp-medals thing... when you come into a game late it's kinda hard to get your 3 medals, at least for me as a healer right now...
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I just want to say thanks to the Devs for everything they did for the UI's. I haven't been playing a massive amount of time and have my 2 only chars in the mid level region. It's the small things that can go a long way in a game, like being able to read vital information, this UI tweak system has given me hope for the future of SWTOR as I think it shows they've been listening to the player feedback since Beta for these UI tweaks.


I have nothing to compare to however for the higher level gameplay details so can't really comment one way or the other about things being stuffed up or not. I just think that with sucessive updates, things look to improve.


I got what I wanted anyways. :)

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Where is the option then? Ive looked through it all, must be blind :p




You select the quickslot bar you want to change, and then scroll down a bit on the window untill you see a slide bar that lets you pick how many slots you want in the bar...easy as pie!



As for me i like everything i've had a change to mess with so far. Nothing is EVER EVER EVER perfect when it comes out no matter how much time you spend developing it. I'm sure they will do tweaks and upates to all the changes eventually.

Edited by Pattongen
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Unlike some, I actually pointed out what I thought was good and what I thought was bad. ME ... it's not a universal law/statement.


Constructive criticism is important, trust me. No one likes forums full of junk posts like meh, noob, troll, sucks, really bad, worst game ever, etc.


However, and I'm sure the developers do like it when people say yay I love the game, it is important, so is it important, or even more important FOR THEM, that people express why they don't like the product, and why they are leaving. Uninstall google chrome or whatever, you get questionary so they can know why the customer is "leaving".

Many of you guys who are currently enjoying the game should also remember that you'd have to gain from having more players wanting to play, instead of leaving.


Are many people leaving? yes. Are most/too many people leaving? I dont know, but I do know a lot of my friends already did and I'm going also. All of them are mmo players, all over 30 years old, all of them wanting the game to improve, and like I said already, I/they might be back for some more "single player" content/story when it comes out, cause that's where it was the most fun for me, and I'm a hardcore PVPer! (don't think the pvp is in a good state though)


I'm not saying this game sucks, and you people are nutts for enjoying it, please, enjoy it! I loved what they tried to implement in terms of story telling, however, it still isnt as good as a single player story to most standards by obvious reasons. In my previous post, I said what I liked and what I didnt like. Trust me, in any business, you WANT to know WHY people dont like your product, so you can improve.

Edited by Damazig
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New UI system is total trash. Please explain to me *** they didn't leave PREPATCH UI as one of the default options....I personally had no issues to the unadjustable UI, and HATE having to customize something BACK to the way it was.... This alone will probably end my gameplay. The whole patch is mostly a bunch of to-do about nothing. suxzor.
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New UI system is total trash. Please explain to me *** they didn't leave PREPATCH UI as one of the default options....I personally had no issues to the unadjustable UI, and HATE having to customize something BACK to the way it was.... This alone will probably end my gameplay. The whole patch is mostly a bunch of to-do about nothing. suxzor.
They did, it's titled Default in the pulldown menu. My only issue with the new UI is remembereing where the hell I put everything. Edited by GalacticKegger
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In my humble opinion, I believe they screwed the pooch when it comes to pvp.


Honestly, this is probably my biggest gripe about this patch; not just in talking about rated warzones (which is annoying, but let's face it, the rated war hero gear means NOTHING if it has the same stats anyway). I'm talking about the fact that half the classes seem to be listless right now. Sage/Sorc healers are being melted without a challenge, and their ability to burst heal (or heal to avoid interrupts) is gone - their only fast heal hits too weakly to be worth anything. Bounty Hunter/Trooper players more or less got the eternal shaft regardless of advanced class, and Scoundrel/Agent stealthers seem to be having a lot of trouble as well (judging by their reduced damage output, and increased squishiness in how fast I've seen them melted).


The UI changes, while nice (and don't get me wrong, I do see some good features there) is something that honestly should have been accounted for while the game was still in beta. There was more than a little bit of feedback about it, and such things are honestly becoming a staple of this genre of game. BioWare seemed to realize that only after launch though, despite a lot of input on it beforehand. It's merely a gripe, to be sure, but it's still valid.


My issue with 1.2, however, is the sheer number of bugs...some of which were present on the PTS, and never acknowledged. EV and KP are still buggy as all hell, and many of the existing flashpoints are still terrible as well (Foundry and HK-47, anyone?), which is getting very old. Each planet is still covered with quests that bug out, and harvesting nodes that randomly decide not to work. On the fleets, numerous players are reporting horrendous FPS and lag problems that didn't start until today for live, but occurred on the test server frequently. Traveling around on my main today, I was impressed: I only managed to fall through the ground 3 times on planets at least. I fell out of about 8 warzones though, so clearly the ground isn't all that stable in some areas.


Then there is one of the biggest insults: Ilum. It might be nicer if BW just had the balls to admit "we honestly have no idea what we are doing with this sort of thing" as a direct approach. I'm not saying that Ilum was either fun or appealing before (the base idea of it was always flawed as a world PVP area), but BW simply decided that the best idea for the area was simply to remove it as a point of interest forever. Yes, people can still trot over for the measly valor buff in PVP, but most people no longer have any reason to bother: the valor is nothing compared to warzones, and there are no quests that involve the area. By removing the dailies from there, all BW did was admit (without admitting) that they have no clue how to make coherent world PVP work, which is really a shame since Ilum could have been something entertaining to do.


Of course, those are all the negatives - it IS nice that there are some new areas to play, and it IS nice that there is some new gear for those of us decked out in Rakata to get (although their art director needs to be defenestrated post haste). The legacy system is a bit bland, but it's cute I suppose (and it makes leveling my alts a bit easier). I just wish that it hadn't come at the cost of sweeping class nerfs that seem to have alienated a lot of people...my server had a high pop early in the day, but the numbers seemed to plummet as people came online, played, and saw what happened. Hopefully the numbers recover a bit, but honestly, I went onto a few planets and was the only one there for a while today...which was disheartening.

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Jeeze you are easy to please the UI mod is a fail fail fail

We have no more action slots then we had prior to 1.2 and the 2 vertical rows can not be rotated so they could be stacked on the horizontal ones, as I wished to do. Well what i really wanted to do was leave the vertical columns where they are and stretch the lower 2 rows creating more action slots.The UI is a fail when compared to the Rift UI, SWTOR is a poor copy it.


It earley days yet but so far 1.2 fails to impress


Hmmm there is always someone that dives straight in with both mouths and complains... maybe try it out first then come back and tell us what you found out... or maybe look at some of the UI's being posted out there...;)

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It's actually completely destroyed my faith. I wanted so desperately for this game to be a huge success, bigger than wow. And frankly there is ZERO reason why it shouldn't be. It's star wars for christ's sake! How in the hell does a game full of stupid elves and orcs beat out one with jedi, sith and friggin light sabers? Poor execution, that's how.


I can only lay the blame at Bioware/EA's feet. I'd LOVE to hear what George Lucas thinks. I bet he's thinking "I shoulda sold the IP to Blizzard." It's star wars galaxies all over again. sigh

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Never had a doubt in my faith in BioWare, from the moment I set foot in the Thanksgiving Beta weekend.


But this patch just proves that they deserve more credit than they receive on these forums. Here's hoping to a long history of this game with many years ahead...


What a difference a day can make, eh?


Consider this post updated. Faith now shaken.


Patch is still awesome. But there's a game-breaking bug located in the Management Team subsystem.

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The entire UI is a joke, all you get to do is move stuff around and hide or make it visible.

You can sometimes Flip something, but you cant flip the Action Bar 3 and 4, you can scale entire frames, but you cant change their height or length.


You cant hide portraits, you cant increase the font size on player names, there is no visible class indicator, you cant change the colors of health bars depending on the class, you cant change the color of the text depending on the hostility and so on.




You cant see debuffs on you detatched from your frame, you cant scale your own debuffs, so when there are 4 afflictions on the target you have no idea which is yours.


You cant change the graphics of the UI, so its still the same thing, but now you can move it around and hide things...


There are many many other things you cant do, that any decent warcraft UI addon like AGUF or Xperl or pitbull or nurfed allowed you to do, and remember those were made by fans who got no money for them.


This is just a gimmick, not a real UI modification.


So no, just this one thing made me realise how ****** this game is.


Strong is the DARKSIDE in you I sense.....


Maybe try a Kalma Pill or three, a shot of JD to wash them down, then maybe come back with a more... suggestive approach so that the devs might take some of the potetial ideas you put out there a little more seriously... If not then mind the door on the wayyyyy... oooh thats gotta hurt !! :eek:

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My faith was never shaken.


I've played many a MMORPG since UO. They all proceed like this. Big difference is that these guys are truly listening to what we want.


When you hear them talk they say "our players want this", rather then the Wow team that always said, "We want our players to do this".


Big difference. Huge.


Yeah massive difference. Other companies set industry and genre standards. The thing is, Bioware have not delivered anything at all that the players want other then features that are currently standard in other games for the same subscription fee. If you feel great about paying for a game that is years behind the industry/genre standard then that's great. But honestly you can get better value games with less bugs from the app store for $0.99

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I won't get into the UI debate, because IMO i think its a great addition, but the more and more i think about 1.2, the more and more i realize, there is NOT a lot of new content.


1 new warzone

1 new Op(4 bosses)

Lots of fluff stuff that actually has zero uses outside of solo/RP. Can't be used in PVP, Ops, Flashpoints (Entire legacy system)

Lots of Credit Sinks that most people will never be able to experience(didn't the guild summit point out, how poor people really are?)

A new crafting system, that would leave even the most advanced puzzle solver perplexed. Can do it with this, not that, have a chance with the post 1.2 stuff, can't do it with pre 1.2. OMG HEADACHE.

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Funny, that the same posters in this thread that "LOVE" this patch are the same one that continually jump into every forum post to profess their love for this game as is, no matter what the state of the game is.


I would say that this is generally a failed patch as it has likely failed to or even accelerated the rate at which they bleed subs, I know most of these goofballs could care less if there are 5 or 500 players on at any given time but I'll bet Bioware does and I know that EA cares, unfortunately it may be too late by the time BW gets its groove.

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