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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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You're entire post is a joke...


The UI overhaul is a MASSIVE improvement. Its leagues beyond what other games have out of the box and it competes easily with custom UIs in other games.


The only things you are complaining about are the few things YOU wanted to use in a UI. Sorry to burst your bubble pal but the UI changes weren't made to just suit you. The truth of the matter is the UI suits 90% of the population and I am sure the other 10% are getting along just fine.


I don't need any of the stuff you mentioned though I can't wait to get in there and move some stuff around.


You people are the angriest bunch of "me first" entitled gamers I have ever seen.


Ever since WoW allowed custom UIs you think every single developer has to include all the features of the custom UI that you like.


Well, it doesn't. Get Over It.


Play Rift for 5 seconds and you'll realize that your foot is wedged firmly in your mouth and your head is planted very deep in your ***.


Yes, every single developer has to include a fully customizable UI because that is what the customer wants as a feature, and not having it as a basic feature in a game at this stage in life is just plain stupid. You have no standards for game developers do you?

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Let me see. . .


- Legacy has 0 pvp utility


- You can now make your character look better with higher res textures, just like it was in beta. the old high res was medium res in beta. So nop, no gain there, we were supposed to have high res at launch, not at 1.2


- My only character, sage healer, got huge nerfs, and I wasn't even enjoying it that much before the nerfs.


- New armor looks really bad.


- Ranked Warzones arent up yet, and WZ queues are still crap.


- Still can't bring myself to spam general chats to go check out "instances"


Now bring all that to the fact that I'm one of those guys who hated Bioware for those Mass Effect 3 Endings.


Result, finally cancelling my account on swtor. It was better than SW Galaxies, but its not better than other mmos. Sure the new story telling was great, but it not good enough to head to head vs other singleplay roleplaying games. (give more gifts to your companions so you can just talk to them some more? no quests? nothing?)


Waited to 1.2 to decide, and yeah thats it for me. Might come back later to check if they introduce some new "single player" story to the game, cause that's where it was the most fun for me.


Quoted for Truth

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I dont think this game is going "ToRtanic" but at this point I dont think its going to draw back a massive influx of people like some might want.


Oh, they'll come back. Probably for a month, just to put their toe in the water of 1.2. Some may stay. Many won't. At the end of that month, numbers will tank to levels they are now, perhaps lower.


Legacy only appeals to a very small subset of people (core role players and grinders), the widespread nerfs will drive people away (even if the nerfs were justified - MMO 101, when players come back and see a wall of nerfs, the initial response is almost always negative), end game is still pretty lackluster, ranked warzones being omitted at the 11th hour will irk potential resubs, and little has been done to address trying to find groups, regardless of level range (spamming chat channels is so... 2006).


I have no doubt we'll see a bump in subscriptions initially, but I don't think it'll last. Sorry to say, I still say this game is heading down a F2P path by the end of the year or by summer of '13, at the latest. Hell, Legacy feels like they're already plotting that course; Think of it, for the in-game Quality of Life items, you can either grind it out in game for the high prices, or buy "points" for microtransactions and get them that way.

Edited by Captiosus
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Let me see. . .


- Legacy has 0 pvp utility


- You can now make your character look better with higher res textures, just like it was in beta. the old high res was medium res in beta. So nop, no gain there, we were supposed to have high res at launch, not at 1.2


- My only character, sage healer, got huge nerfs, and I wasn't even enjoying it that much before the nerfs.


- New armor looks really bad.


- Ranked Warzones arent up yet, and WZ queues are still crap.


- Still can't bring myself to spam general chats to go check out "instances"


Now bring all that to the fact that I'm one of those guys who hated Bioware for those Mass Effect 3 Endings.


Result, finally cancelling my account on swtor. It was better than SW Galaxies, but its not better than other mmos. Sure the new story telling was great, but it not good enough to head to head vs other singleplay roleplaying games. (give more gifts to your companions so you can just talk to them some more? no quests? nothing?)


Waited to 1.2 to decide, and yeah thats it for me. Might come back later to check if they introduce some new "single player" story to the game, cause that's where it was the most fun for me.


I'm actually happy you did. I'm also happy you took the time to tell us about what type of person you are.

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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.



So...what you're saying is..had the game launched with all the things most MMOs are meant to, then you'd been happy with it from the start.


I think that's what most companies attempt to do, Bioware obviously felt they could ride the Star Wars name until the storm settled - ala another good example of the cash cow angle.


1.2 does nothing to the core of the game - Star Wars is over and done already. They will never overhaul it and it will still be what it is right now forever more no matter how much content or useless fluff they add.


Don't be naive - play it if you like it, just keep it to yourself. What we don't need is anymore unwaivering and uncompromising loyalists going around brown nosing uncreative developers - encouraging them to continue to regurgitate boring old products that don't even work right and thus fueling the vicious cycle so that we find ourselves in this exact position over and over and over.

Edited by Ranebow
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Four months after launch and they give us a patch for alts. I am seriously disappointed. They could be doing making chairs interactive or working on Sabbac or Pod races, heck I seen a whole list of things they could be adding to make the environment more interactive. The environment feels dead! This is supposed to be Star Wars, why can't I interact more with the environment. Dozens of Catina's in game but not a single place I can sit down in any of them. An entire Casino in game but not a single operating game I can play in that Casino. The developers seem to be in way over there heads and are gasping for breath with no clue how to save this game. Edited by Babyduck
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My faith was never shaken.


I've played many a MMORPG since UO. They all proceed like this. Big difference is that these guys are truly listening to what we want.


When you hear them talk they say "our players want this", rather then the Wow team that always said, "We want our players to do this".


Big difference. Huge.

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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.


Would you care to elaborate what in 1.2 made you love this game?

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Would you care to elaborate what in 1.2 made you love this game?


Nothing made us love the game. We already did that. This just made it more fun and entertaining.


Those of us that understand how MMORPGs launch and evolve would be very happy to see this much attention, this many additions, this much content so early in the life of a game. Three months in with Wow and they were still trying to figure out how to keep people from falling through the world, mobs hitting through walls etc....and that was a GREAT game.


I truly am sorry if this patch upsets the nay-Sayers, but it was a great leap and has made the game that much more fun.


Kudos to them.

Edited by Blackardin
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Nothing made us love the game. We already did that. This just made it more fun and entertaining.


Those of us that understand how MMORPGs launch and evolve would be very happy to see this much attention, this many additions, this much content so early in the life of a game. Three months in with Wow and they were still trying to figure out how to keep people from falling through the world, mobs hitting through walls etc....and that was a GREAT game.


I truly am sorry if this patch upsets the nay-Sayers, but it was a great leap and has made the game that much more fun.


Kudos to them.


I love the "we already did that."


Trying to generalize your own oppinion, makes your post invalid IMO.


Btw, comparing a 2011 game to a 2005 game, is not fair in anyway.

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"The nay sayers", "gimme your credits" and "I'm glad you are leaving, shows the person you are"


Hehe here we go again. Some people like the game, some don't. I stated what I dont like and what I do like, I'm not bashing saying its just bad. It has good things, and bad things.


Lighten up, I'm not saying you like this game your a noob or anything like that, far from it.

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Jeeze you are easy to please the UI mod is a fail fail fail

We have no more action slots then we had prior to 1.2 and the 2 vertical rows can not be rotated so they could be stacked on the horizontal ones, as I wished to do. Well what i really wanted to do was leave the vertical columns where they are and stretch the lower 2 rows creating more action slots.The UI is a fail when compared to the Rift UI, SWTOR is a poor copy it.


It earley days yet but so far 1.2 fails to impress


Well, another way of looking at it is that some people just can't be pleased. You could give them a million dollars and they would complain about the color of the suitcase it was put in. ;p


Beyond that, I'm quite pleased. As a guild officer, raid leader and raid tank that actually uses his UI to its utmost, I am quite pleased with this current addition.


More bars? Sure. I'd like them and I'm sure they will add them soon. Laying them out, rather then vertical? Sure. a nicety that can be added in time. However, to say this addition is a failure is a huge leap of conjecture. It is a vast improvement, grants almost unlimited customization, and is rather easy to use.


Well done as far as I'm concerned.

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OMG i think im in love with BioWare.... 4 months into the game we got the "largest" content patch in the history of MMO's.. What is included? We got a whole ton of stuff to do now, im not sure i could do it all in a month. We got 1 new warzone, we got 1 new flashpoint and we can now move out bars around on the screen to make the game look better. Holy Moley i sure wish BW would give us this type of excitement all the time for patches....



On a more serious note, if you seriously think that those "minor" additions to the game compensate for the failures they have commited since Alpha / Beta than you are the weakest link. These are all things that are being sold to you as "new" stuff when its all stuff that literally should have been in at launch if there was a compitent staff running this game.

Edited by revolana
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"The nay sayers", "gimme your credits" and "I'm glad you are leaving, shows the person you are"


Hehe here we go again. Some people like the game, some don't. I stated what I dont like and what I do like, I'm not bashing saying its just bad. It has good things, and bad things.


Lighten up, I'm not saying you like this game your a noob or anything like that, far from it.


Wasn't taking a stab at you. If you're leaving though, why not farm out your gear and credits?

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Well sir, 1.7 million to back that statement up. Until someone can demonstrate that those 1.7 hate the game, my statement will stand as correct. ;p


"We" is us against you. ;p


So lets see here. The supposed number of active subs is 1.7 million currently. Thats 1.7 million people x $14.99 a month - $25.48 million monthly x 4 months = just about $102 million. So do you or anyone else in the gaming industry think that 1 new war zone, 1 new flash point, a useless family tree system and the lack of a true Q/A department that honestly took up until under 12 hours before the patch was going to the live servers to realized the crap doesnt work? I dont know about you, but this patch is totally no where CLOSE to worth what the company is making monthly. Its honestly a slap in the face, but thats why i am happy that in the final 10 days of my active subscription i will voice my displeasure with the service i received for my money.

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I love the "we already did that."


Trying to generalize your own oppinion, makes your post invalid IMO.


Btw, comparing a 2011 game to a 2005 game, is not fair in anyway.


What? He told you why he loves the game and you're going to tell him his opinion is invalid?



The game is fun. Lots of us really enjoy it. 1.2 makes it even more enjoyable. If you don't enjoy it, why are you here?

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OMG i think im in love with BioWare.... 4 months into the game we got the "largest" content patch in the history of MMO's.. What is included? We got a whole ton of stuff to do now, im not sure i could do it all in a month. We got 1 new warzone, we got 1 new flashpoint and we can now move out bars around on the screen to make the game look better. Holy Moley i sure wish BW would give us this type of excitement all the time for patches....



On a more serious note, if you seriously think that those "minor" additions to the game compensate for the failures they have commited since Alpha / Beta than you are the weakest link. These are all things that are being sold to you as "new" stuff when its all stuff that literally should have been in at launch if there was a compitent staff running this game.


Depends on how you view the game, life in general. If you were happy with the game, its great. If you were happy with the game but sought improvement, it was great. If you understand how MMORPGs laucn, grow, expand over many years, you will understand that this was a great leap so early in its life.


If you hate the game (and I still have no idea why someone that hated the game would remain playing), then you will find any way possible to hate the patch.

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What? He told you why he loves the game and you're going to tell him his opinion is invalid?



The game is fun. Lots of us really enjoy it. 1.2 makes it even more enjoyable. If you don't enjoy it, why are you here?


Fewer like it everyday. They're not here.

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I just found out that Kira can't be in my Legacy Tree... which would beg the question as to why I can romance her, marry her, tell her that I want kids, but she is not even considered part of my legacy?


hmmmm I guess my legacy name, Carsen, is kinda pointless now! agggghhhhhh




Was this printed somewhere? Did I miss it?

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