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1.2 first impressions


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Funny enough you find a reason to jump in every tread to bash the game. Either you are a troll, of you work for a competitor.



Naw, just people have nothing better to do than complain, that is all ive seen in these forums.


Im currently at work so I cant enjoy this new update.

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This. They hyped it up to be some amazing patch that would make the game awesomesauce.

I didn't even have any expectations, I was expecting it to be crap. And I was disappointed. It's even worse than I imagined.


Good thing my sub runs out in 6 days.

/unsub (and I'm giving all my stuff to guildbank)


I just want to know if people honestly think we care...


Like a guildie of mine said, if I were unsubbing from a game, like actually unsubbing I wouldnt care enough about th game to come post on the forums, lol, I would be moved on.


Ive pretty much just come to assume anyone who says their unsubbing actually isnt and is just trying to..I dont know scare BW into changing the game the way they want it..and I bet in 99% if the cases Im right. :p

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I personally think this patch would be good if bioware would added everything that was promissed.






- I was hoping for new color crystal added ( were in pts, not in live )


- better graphics ( were in pts, and on the trailer ) and are not in live, why I do not know.


- appearance customization - was suppose to change how your gear looks, nothing like this.


- games looks a bit blurry for me




- better gtn


- ui customization


- legacy


Overall I just cannot stand, how robes look horible when close up, the textures looks even worse then in dragon age origins, which didn't have good looking graphics at all.


I am a bit dissapointed with the lack of appearance customization and better graphics,


I was gathering gear for appearance customization but it seams it is not gonna happen.


If you look on patch 1.2 trailer you can see how the show that you will be able to change the appearance of your gear. It seams they lied to us again.


I have month of sub yet that I already payed so I will be playing but after that if you still will be doing such things to your customers, I think I won't playing your games anymore.

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I was so wanting this to work out and well...it just a half-as$ attempt at i dont know what. Legacy....all worthless. They killed healing for sorcs and sages. But i know fanboi's are gonna defend it and say Healing if fine and call me a noob and what not but the fact is they broke the class. There really is no reason to log on or keep paying them. Man i was such a fanboi myself when this game launched but this......this is.....hell there on a roll first Mass Effect Now this.
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I'm pretty unimpressed, mostly because our feels like how the game should have launched. Over 4 months after launch the game is just now getting to where it should have been at launch. Many of these features seem like they could have been patched in sooner.
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The constant speeder sounds are driving me crazy.


Legacy buff unlocks are cool.


Jedi robes still have big butts.


They fixed splitting stacks of items pasting into chat.




Those are my first impressions. :)

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legacy stuff: all good.


pvp gear: in store but unoptainable.


crew skills: biochem is still op to other crew skills.


UI interface: <3<3<3<3


new world boss: going on him tonight lets see.


more dailys: what a joke ...


i am very disapointed about the crew skills not balanced and that pvp rated didnt get in this patch and allso they added more dailys T.T

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My first impression of 1.2? It blows.


Granted, I probably need to play with it for a week or so before I really form an opinion. There may be a lot lurking in the background that I haven't seen yet.


But, just at a glance, the only thing significant that has changed is the ability to unlock new options with your Legacy tree. Since I formed all my characters before 1.2, they are ALL siblings except one ally. I'm getting the impression that I will be missing out on a WHOLE lot because there isn't much complexity in my Legacy tree and therefore I'll need to start all my characters over from scratch on another server to really get the full benifits of the Legacy tree.


Next, I'm 4th level Legacy. I realize that's not all that much. But I've been playing before the game was released. At 4th level, it seems all that I've unlocked is the ability to dance with my companion. REALLY?!!?!! REALY?!?!?


I can't tell crafting has changed. I need to spend several days crafting - or possibly even weeks trying to sell on the GTN - to be able to truely say whether crafting has improved. But just looking things over, I'm not seeing any real difference. I can now craft a light saber (for others, not myself) and that's REALLY cool, but if it's only ONE item I'm not sure I care. If you can get a cooler looking orange light saber off some vendor then it's not even worth crafting them. (I haven't actually crafted it yet. Just added it to my schematics.) Anyway you look at it it's one lonely weapon addition. On the surface, Synthweaving doesn't have appeared to have improved at all, but I need to craft for a couple days to know for certain.


The ability to visually modify outfits is a joke. You basically have two colors that you can switch between: the default colors and "matching colors". But I don't see any way to CHOOSE what I want the outfit to look like. Matching the colors really doesn't change much. I mean, I already put together orange outfits that basically worked together in the first place. It's a small improvement at best.


My first impression is "What was all the fuss about? THIS is what I've been waiting for every day for the past 2 months?!?!? I'm decidedly NOT IMPRESSED."


To sum it up, a lot of people were saying 1.2 wasn't likely to bring back players who have left. I have to say I think they were right.

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I'm pretty unimpressed, mostly because our feels like how the game should have launched. Over 4 months after launch the game is just now getting to where it should have been at launch. Many of these features seem like they could have been patched in sooner.


I can't agree with this any more. I was growing sick of this game and was going to finish at the end of my sub. Then I heard about 1.2 and heard all the hype. I really really thought this patch would fix so many things they should have got right at launch..


And then a little while ago at PAX EAST one of the bioware reps basically said 1.2 wouldn't be implemented immediately. I should've guessed. Can't you sheep see the big picture? they want to keep your subs so they keep promising a big feast and are instead feeding you nibble by nibble, so that you will hold on to the game. These bioware executives should be politicians!

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Like in the topic...


Companion gifts stacking - very nice

UI customization - nthing special in comparison to other games , still can't even move inventry or character window, same with mission rewards.

Legacy - more grinding, not worth the time (doesn't really affect the gameplay...) /class emoticons are a joke. Nice incomig changes in 1.3 though.

The rest is sweet.

Everything besides the math and legacy is cosmetics really. The main problems still are unattended. Same quests over and over again (when lvling more toons, exept the main story line ofc), low amount of quests (there is literally no choice between the quests, and I dont mean refusing quests, couse it's not a choice really). It's a shame that BW focused so much on vocalizing every dialog and on making cutscenes couse the pve content is poor in comparison.

PVP is lovelly in swtor in my opinion. I'll stick to the game andwant to see how it'll develope.

Imagine, if bw would implement some space action like from eve online, not only mini game "space fights".

BW has to speed up the developement in my opinion, the competition is harsh with all the present MMO and all which will be released soon. SWTOR isn't in WoW's situation from 7 years back and the devs dont have time for screwing around;)

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Like in the topic...


Companion gifts stacking - very nice

UI customization - nthing special in comparison to other games , still can't even move inventry or character window, same with mission rewards.

Legacy - more grinding, not worth the time (doesn't really affect the gameplay...) /class emoticons are a joke. Nice incomig changes in 1.3 though.

The rest is sweet.

Everything besides the math and legacy is cosmetics really. The main problems still are unattended. Same quests over and over again (when lvling more toons, exept the main story line ofc), low amount of quests (there is literally no choice between the quests, and I dont mean refusing quests, couse it's not a choice really). It's a shame that BW focused so much on vocalizing every dialog and on making cutscenes couse the pve content is poor in comparison.

PVP is lovelly in swtor in my opinion. I'll stick to the game andwant to see how it'll develope.

Imagine, if bw would implement some space action like from eve online, not only mini game "space fights".

BW has to speed up the developement in my opinion, the competition is harsh with all the present MMO and all which will be released soon. SWTOR isn't in WoW's situation from 7 years back and the devs dont have time for screwing around;)


I love it how people are now starting to say "there will be more in 1.3" it makes me laugh.

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I am patching the game right now so I have not logged in yet. I am really looking forward to the UI customization and the ability to match your armor again. That was one feature I really missed from beta. Judging by all the complaints I have read here it seems like I may be one of the lucky ones. I just rerolled on a populated server so all this complaints about BM gear and legacy stuff doesn't effect me. Can't wait to check it out. I hope the changes bring people back to the game who have taken a break.
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I am very disappointed in the legacy stuff. Having to buy all of the unlocks other than the valor or social ones makes them completely pointless and worthless to me. I don't have the time or desire to waste millions of in game credits to buy these... if the ones in 1.3 or further on are only acquired through spending credits then I will not continue playing.


I was under the impression that having a high legacy level would mean I could have cool stuff, but it doesn't mean anything if I don't also spend a piles of credits. That sucks big time and makes the legacy stuff just a cheesy credit sink.


Sorry if this seems overly negative, but I am terribly disappointed.

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I can't agree with this any more. I was growing sick of this game and was going to finish at the end of my sub. Then I heard about 1.2 and heard all the hype. I really really thought this patch would fix so many things they should have got right at launch..


And then a little while ago at PAX EAST one of the bioware reps basically said 1.2 wouldn't be implemented immediately. I should've guessed. Can't you sheep see the big picture? they want to keep your subs so they keep promising a big feast and are instead feeding you nibble by nibble, so that you will hold on to the game. These bioware executives should be politicians!


Well funcom did this with Anarchy online Graphics engine update for 3 Years and as far as i know it still not out, i read somewhere they are shutting down the servers in January of next year.

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not sure anyone @ bioware or in the community tested the legacy. It says i am human, i am not. It gives me a sithwarrior icon (protip i am not a stih warrior).


The new UI customiseation is ok, but i still cant have another hotbar. All my hot bars are full, and Bioware gives me more icons to push via legacy. feels like they dont think about the basics.


Servers still not merged. playing on empty server. new players joining the game and leveling think its single player as no goof cross server instance tool and pvp takes forever to launch.


not cool. at all.


Also are the PvP cues even working at all at the moment? been cueing for well over 1.5 hours.

Edited by trindermon
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But, just at a glance, the only thing significant that has changed is the ability to unlock new options with your Legacy tree. Since I formed all my characters before 1.2, they are ALL siblings except one ally. I'm getting the impression that I will be missing out on a WHOLE lot because there isn't much complexity in my Legacy tree and therefore I'll need to start all my characters over from scratch on another server to really get the full benifits of the Legacy tree.


I'm curious what you mean here. You can change the legacy "family tree" however and whenever you want. I think you missed something when you dragged-and-dropped the characters - you have to drop it onto the little sub-icon that you want to use not just on top of the character to relate it to.


The only important part is that you have to put parents in before children.


Also, all the characters in the tree get the benefits regardless of position or even if they are in the tree.

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