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Unify color fail


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I am not in game yet to test myself, but based on common sense, I would imagine that if the helm has a solid color scheme or no color at all originally, then nothing will change on it when you use the color match system.


If the helm has color accents, such as a base white with green or blue accents on parts of it, then when you use the color match system, the accents will change colors.


This seems obvious to me.

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When I tried to unify my boots to match my orange/grey Corpsman chest; it was changed into white/grey and not matching at all.


Glad they originally were orange/grey and matched close enough. But I find it rather stupid when it changes them to white when there's no white at all on the Corpsman chestpiece.


BW said if the color isn't available to match the chestpiece, it will pick a complimentary color.


e.g. If that specific model for boots was available in white, yellow and black, there is no orange available for an exact match, so the artists chose white as the best compliment.

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It seems like if the textures do not exist for the model, they won't be replaced. For instance, on my Scoundrel, the pair of pants I use does not properly unify colors with the chest-piece, however if I swap them with another pair, they will work fine. Also my scoundrel's belt changes to fit his chest-piece however my vanguard's doesn't.


I think that the system works by replacing the texture file to match the hue, however if the proper texture file does not exist (because the model in question was never used with that color scheme) then it doesn't change anything.

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@devlonir although i agree with most of your post. i must say your idea about always having low expectations is a bit wrong, don't get me wrong too many ppl have too high expectations and thus are very disappointed. but i believe to go around with low expectations is bassically saying you have no confidence. a good dose realistic expectations is what needed. and for all thou's going around calling this the jesus patch, this is not realistic
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I noticed this issue as soon as I tried the new Unify Colors option.


I've now tried 4 different colored helmets with 4 different colored chest pieces. Every time I click Unify Colors all my other gear very obviously changes to match the chest but the helmets never do. No subtle highlights change, nothing. The icon next to the helmet lights up, toggling it manually makes no difference and toggling Hide Head Slot makes no difference either.


Blue Chest: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/6913/bluebf.png

Red Chest: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/7379/redtt.png

Brown Chest: http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/6571/brownc.png


To some of the previous posters, please at least look into simple issues like this before assuming the OP is an idiot. Thanks! :D

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BW said if the color isn't available to match the chestpiece, it will pick a complimentary color.


e.g. If that specific model for boots was available in white, yellow and black, there is no orange available for an exact match, so the artists chose white as the best compliment.


Well, that's the thing. When I don't use the Unify option, the boots match up as they are orange with grey. But as soon as I use the Unify option, it changes them to grey with white. One would imagine that it would simply keep the original matching color instead of just changing everything to white ;)

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I can confirm this is not working as well.


I have tried over 10 different helmets, chest combos and the unify color option does not work on the helmet. Every other armor piece changed color in some way to match the chest more closely, but nothing changes on the helmet.

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I noticed this issue as soon as I tried the new Unify Colors option.


I've now tried 4 different colored helmets with 4 different colored chest pieces. Every time I click Unify Colors all my other gear very obviously changes to match the chest but the helmets never do. No subtle highlights change, nothing. The icon next to the helmet lights up, toggling it manually makes no difference and toggling Hide Head Slot makes no difference either.


Blue Chest: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/6913/bluebf.png

Red Chest: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/7379/redtt.png

Brown Chest: http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/6571/brownc.png


To some of the previous posters, please at least look into simple issues like this before assuming the OP is an idiot. Thanks! :D


I'm having the same issue. The whole color match thing is only working like 70% of the time. Helmets don't seem to respond at all. Not even a little bit.


This worked much much much better in beta. Not sure what happened. Also... why cant we *change the color pallet for the armor. I mean... is it really that big of a deal? C'mon guys...

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have to admit im really disapointed in this...i was looking forward to making my rakatta armour blue or green....but no...chest is black so all is black....


I hate to admit it but 1.2 so far feels really half arsed , legacy level of 32....and it gives me nothing really..i still have to spend a load of credits to unlock anything..all I've gained is buffs...woo...


meh early days so far but if this was the big "game saver" i think you failed guys ...


EA = Nickle and Dime and Nickle and Dime


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Edited by DarthSublimitas
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Why can't people read and comprehend simple concepts?


it seems some cant understand what others are saying no matter what.


--some are accepting what bioware did and think its ok being forced to match to chest color. but if you dont like the chest color youre stuck regardless.


--some are saying they want to match their gear to personal color choices regardless of current gear color in any slot and dont understand why bioware didnt just impliment a dyeing system to allow this.


but apparently theres a bug with headslot items for everybody

Edited by Anathar
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Nice to see a thread on this. I noticed it too I thought it was just me or the helmets I was using. I usually hide my helmet so I'm okay for now but sometimes I like to enable it to have that "trooper" look. Hope they fix it soon.
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not trolling at all


let me make myself clear im staying with the game as im a star wars fan ..but for me customisation generally translates to the ability to customise things?..


so take my main...trooper in full rakatta gear..the colour of this is black...


using the new customisation tool i get the option of having my armour black or black...


I've made my tree and have messed around with a few bits and bobs but i'm honestly left with the overbearing feeling of.."this is half arsed"..the vid's and interviews at the start claimed group finder's , new crafting recipies customisation etc and it all seems to have just falled away..and whilst im sure we'll get them later this is not what all the people who were coming back believing 1.2 would be the saviour of the game will be expecting..

which could damn the game further ....


even the legacy tree unlocks seem ..well rubbish...the costs in credits whilst negligable for end game seem ridiculous...and you seem to get nothing for your legacy level save the ability to pay the next level of costs.


As I said Its early days but im honestly concerned that its going to cost moreplayers who were quite frankly expecting more from the miracle patch ...




If people aren't finding what they expect when they return it's because they, much like yourself, had unreasonable expectations. The way the "Match To Chest" color customization worked has been known, literally, for months.


The features in this patch have been nailed down (with the obvious exception of one) for weeks. The only thing that was removed was the ranked warzones.


If people come back expecting things that were never promised...


Well then, that wouldn't be anything unusual would it because half of the geniuses posting on these boards have no idea what they are posting about in the first place and are complaining about features that were never promised or issues that were resolved months ago.

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My trooper has a rust/gold chestpiece, all the other parts now match except he still has a white helmet with yellow stripe.


Wish we could color match companions armour, My Corso's armour has a diferent color for each piece right now.

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Same issue for me. Belt/glove/boots/pants match up, no luck on headpiece. Nothing changes regardless of helmet type used or chest type used.


How this wasn't noticed during their after-patch testing is beyond me.


It's easy to imagine how this got missed.


Most of the heavy testing was done on copied characters with gear that was mostly Rakata (ie. already matched.)


The people that rolled new characters and started armoring their characters from scratch stopped around level 10 (the level that you get the title at) and never saw their character with a helm at all.


This left only those who went all the way to chapter 3 (to get the other title) to actually test the matching system thoroughly and I'm betting there just weren't that many testers in that level range.


Just a guess as to how a bug like this might have been missed, if it's a bug at all.

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so you somehow thought the systems were something they weren't (even though everything was described in detail to us) and now are disappointed that your expectations weren't met?


iirc, in the video they selected a color from a palette for the chest piece.

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