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How come so many people get to 50 so fast and few ppl even have multiple 50s


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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



My Current status :

1 vanguard in hoth, 1 commando in hoth, 1 sage in tatooine , 1 Gunslinger in tatooine , 1 Sentinel in Tatooine, 1 Guardian in Nar shadda, 1 Scoundrel in Taris, 1 Shadow in Taris, all 8 imperial toon in Dromund Kass either starting it or near the end of dromund kass


My PlayStyle :

- im alt-o-holic and keep jumping between 8 republic alts and 8 imperial alts (both AC)

- i play maybe 1 hour or 2 hour at most daily and maybe 4 hours at weekends

- i play casually, doing at least 80% side quest on every planet and trying out bonus quest on every planet..

- i do grey Quest/missions because i dont want to miss out the side quest rewards in (credits and commendations)

- i love doing Flashpoints , i Love Space combat , doing them religiously every time i got chance..

- i do PVP sometimes , but on on all alts , just class / ac that i love (like commando for throwing ppl off ramps in huttball, vanguard for harpooning, JK-S for dps in pvp.. etc) i hate playing my healer class in pvp (pug) ..

- i do all crafting for my own alts , sometimes even transfering mats from one alt to antoher..

- i want to enjoy the game slowly, like eating a good food and chewing slowly (EG: Enjoying the stories).. i love the stories and every class got awesome storyline..


how long do you think casual alt-o-holic like me will reach 50 ?


am i normal to play soo many alts in this game and not rushing to lv50 ? am i normal to play for the stories and doing every quest possible ? a bit OCD ?

Edited by dprijadi
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With the combination of dailies/weeklies ( I mean the low level space missions/pvp) on top of story missions (I gather a bunch of side quests and hand in about 6 at a time). Do this a few hours a day, mix it up a bit (pve/pvp) and you'll be 50 in a week.


I recently decided after a few months to start leveling alts and it hasn't taken longer than about a week to ding 50. Another trick is to create a few alts at once, level one to about 17 then park it in a resting zone and move to the next. By the time you get back to your first alt you should have a full bar of double exp, which for me lasted until about lvl 46 ;)

Edited by Smokey_the_Bear
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Personally I focus on one character at a time. I do the space and WZ missions daily and I do the FPs. A couple of planets end up being only class quests. I try and keep the missions and enemies I am fighting at least one level higher than I am. I'm not a hardcore grinder and I only have 2 50s atm though I do have several alts in the 20-30 range as well.
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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? got 3, BH merc, Sith war, Imp Operative how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? about a week ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank.. Just keep questing or do some PvP in between


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ? yes
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ? No 1 alt at a time
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ? If i dont like a planet i skip them and level up while doing some PvP and only the class quest and planet quest
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
    I skip evertying except class story
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ? I rush as much as i can, not wasting time on H4's ect
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ? yup
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50? i dont do Flashpoints, waist of time
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ? Not cheating, but i happend to level alot with ppl in the guild, its twice as fast doing it with 2 ppl



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I have three 50s. For the first one, it's important to play only that character and nothing else. Since I never had any rest, I did every mission on each planet (some heroics were skipped) and also all the bonus series.


Some things that helped: liking my character, liking my class story, and the biggest one was having uninterrupted blocks of time to play.


The other 50s were sort of cobbled together; I played them when they had a lot of of rest, and when they ran out, I switched to something that was rested. In this way I skipped all or most of the bonus series, because by then I was mostly interested in the class/companion stories.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?


I think I got to 50 around the first of the year and that was slow for me.


I did focus on one character, after that I bounce around on alts according to rest XP and what I fee l like playing.


I do not skip planets, although I did on Quesh for my first toon but that was because as a Consular you do like one class quest and it send you off planet. On alts I may skip some of the bonus series quests if I don't like them.


I rarely alt tab but I will occasionally on alts if I've done the quest 3-4 times already.


I have yet to do any PvP at all other than one fight in Ilum when trying to unlock the map.


I do one or two flashpoints, and I didn't do any space on my first 50, but I will do some on my alts occasionally. No PvP


No never done the last one. About the most I've had happen is a level 50 ran me through one low level zone. I will usually wait and solo the heroic two's on my own. Rarely do the heroic 4's.


Even if you take your time, only do the quests available to you, by doing each planet I'm not sure how it could take much more than about 3 weeks if you can play almost everyday.


I can manage to get about 3 levels a week on my alt of choice, and that literally playing 3-4 hours one night a week.

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Parking your character in Cantina's helps alot,plus the bonus quests add up quickly,one thing after lvling my first 50 i rolled two alts and would play one for awhile to the next planet and then the other to the same one,even leaving them in the same cantina,what this did is that i was always green on my exp bar.
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Just depends on how much time you're willing to spend in the game. Around 4-5 "/played" Days if you choose a balanced "lvling" style with FPs/WZs between quests sometimes.


Means round about 100hours playtime per lvl50 char.


If you play for 3 months now and your highest char is lvl45, then you either have many alts or just play for less than 1 hour per day on average. (Which is really not much, even when you're heavy occupied by work/friends/etc.)

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I usually play like 3 or 4 characters to like 30 to decide which i like then i pick a class.


I ended up leveling my Sage first.. But then Oceanic servers came out.


So I leveled a Juggernaut. Then I decided I would enjoy an Assassin tanking more than a Juggernaut tanking...


Then Legacy came out and I wanted to level a new character something crazy...Like a Sith pureblood Jedi guardian....


...I'm just really indecisive....but dedicated.


Even though I have my gripes with the game.


Also it really only takes about 5 days/100hrs to level a character after you've seen half the Mission conversations.




EDIT: ... I haven't done the Jedi yet for obvious reasons.

Edited by VyperStars
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Well I have three 50s and a 49... lulz


do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?

-Yes I'll just play that one toon.


do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?



do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?

- No, I try to do every quest. I skip the bonus series on some planets though


do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities?

- Yes except my classes quest


do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?



do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp?

- I'll start pvp around 30.


do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?

- Yes to space battles. Fast and easy xp


do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early?


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It's not too much trouble to reach 50. I reached 50 on my main last month. I reached 50 on my alt yesterday through pvp and class missions.

It's also important to switch sides when making a new char. That way the quests aren't as stale and you don't feel like your doing the same quest 3 times in a row

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Bah you have to play for at least 7 hours a day and do every quest you can on every planet.

You don't have to skip conversations, but it does help. My 2nd 50 I dinged b4 I finished my questline (which is the only thing I ran on the last planet).


So I think I had 2 50's in 4 months. Don't rush to 50 the game bites at 50. Just like everyother mmo.


I wish someone would come up woth a game where you did not have levels and just earned skills and or social/faction points. I mean that's how the real world works...right?

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


I have two fifties (Shadow [first] & Sentinel [second]) and a 43 (Commando). It probably took me two months or so to get my first fifty, a month for the second one, and another month for when my Commando gets to the Promised Land (not on Taris).


  1. do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
    It's best to do this. That's how I got my Sentinel to fifty so quickly. I didn't so much as "focus" as just enjoy the class and leveling throughout the game. It also didn't hurt that I had made some awesome friends through the process and leveled with them.
  2. do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
    I have 16 characters overall. They've all at least picked their Advanced Class, so I have played each one a good deal. I also have deleted two Guardians that were levels 18 and 23 to leave the servers that they were on while looking for a good RP-PvP server. The Trooper is definitely my favourite class.
  3. do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
    I typically don't skip planets. I'm a completionist at heart, so I try and do everything. However, I PvP and do the Space Combat missions while leveling, which nets a ton of XP, especially the latter. The planets that I skip are Balmorra & Coruscant because they make me want to pull my hair out.
  4. do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
    No, I do not do this.
  5. do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
    Absolutely not.
  6. do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?

    No, I don't actually think this would be effective, but I'm trying it with my Vanguard anyway :p. She's level 22 and already has the full level 40 set waiting for her in the bank.
  7. do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
    I generally don't do Flashpoints unless a group falls in my lap from a guildmate putting out the call for help or I see a group forming on the Fleet, but I do the other things as I mentioned above.
  8. do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?
    No, that sounds boring.



Bah you have to play for at least 7 hours a day and do every quest you can on every planet.

You don't have to skip conversations, but it does help. My 2nd 50 I dinged b4 I finished my questline (which is the only thing I ran on the last planet).


I've hit fifty on Voss both times. My Shadow actually still hasn't finished her storyline or Voss.

Edited by flyersfan
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I remember when i was lvl 9 , myself and another player noticed a character flashing around,it was suggested it was someone using a speed hack. anyway a few minutes later, I managed to identify the character (hard to target) added as friend, within bout 7 days he/she was lvl 50, he been on Hoth ever since , hmmm maybee 8 weeks , Something good about Hoth I dont know about?
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I have three 50's now. Each one took about a month of play time (I took a few weeks off between the second and third character).


I don't do any PVP, and I barely do the space battles. Because I play with a friend, we level up together, which means we do the Heroic 2's on each planet, but we often skip the Heroic 4's. Other than that, however, we don't skip any quests - we help with each other's class quests, and we do all the bonus 'kill X things' quests attached to other quests, and we do every bonus series.


We both only play one character at a time. With our third characters, we made a slight exception, where we rolled a Knight and a Consular together, then a Smuggler and a Trooper, so we could do the starting planets together. Once all four reached level 10, we went forward with the Knight and Trooper. The Smuggler and Consular have been sitting on the Fleet waiting for us - we've been waiting on 1.2 to pick them up.


Every time, we've hit level 50 either on Voss or on the Hoth bonus series. Our first and third characters were played in part during holidays off work, and they definitely leveled more slowly, probably because of the reduction in rested XP - we were playing more, so spent less time in cantinas and on the Fleet. The second characters were played on weekends and weekday evenings, so overall accumulated rested XP for an average of 18 hours a day. Think that made quite a difference to their leveling!


Overall, my three 50's I attribute entirely to playing a lot! When the game came out, we played for a month solid at an average of 8 hours a day.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



I can tell you how put trust me you dont want to do it i have been in this game i think it was 7 days before anyone join in before the game was realease and i have a level 47 bh a le3vel 35 sith warrior and a level 21 commando my 3 toons 34 sith warrior not 35 sorry and level 46 bh not 47 sorry and my level 21 commando



some ppl in here have 3 or 4 level 50 they did not took a shower for days trust me theres no way i can have 3 level 50 2 i think i can 5 in only 6months god the fish smell coming out of thos rooms are driving moms crazy

Edited by MandoArc
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On my first playthrough of the game including exploring, learning new things, wasting time looking on the GTN, going along with a guild to kill world bosses etc I hit 50 in 6 days /played time, I think i could easily cut that down to 4/4.5 depending on the class.


I didn't skip cut scenes etc until i hit about 45 and just wanted to get to 50...


I'll have a small army at some point though!

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Commando = Level 50 (First week in Jan.)

Sage = Level 50

Mercenary = Level 43

Gunslinger = Level 40

Juggernaut = Level 36

Sniper = Level 25



  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ? Yes, one toon at a time.
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ? No, My favorite toon is my Commando
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ? No
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ? No
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?No, I only skip heroic 4's and Flashpoints, as others have stated it's too much of a time waster and isn't very time efficient
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ? No, skipped PVP entirely until lvl 50
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?No, stick to the class story and side quests on each planet till 50, Then do the other stuff after you reach 50.
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ? No, I'm still basically on the beginning of Social 2.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



My Current status :

1 vanguard in hoth, 1 commando in hoth, 1 sage in tatooine , 1 Gunslinger in tatooine , 1 Sentinel in Tatooine, 1 Guardian in Nar shadda, 1 Scoundrel in Taris, 1 Shadow in Taris, all 8 imperial toon in Dromund Kass either starting it or near the end of dromund kass


My PlayStyle :

- im alt-o-holic and keep jumping between 8 republic alts and 8 imperial alts (both AC)

- i play maybe 1 hour or 2 hour at most daily and maybe 4 hours at weekends

- i play casually, doing at least 80% side quest on every planet and trying out bonus quest on every planet..

- i do grey Quest/missions because i dont want to miss out the side quest rewards in (credits and commendations)

- i love doing Flashpoints , i Love Space combat , doing them religiously every time i got chance..

- i do PVP sometimes , but on on all alts , just class / ac that i love (like commando for throwing ppl off ramps in huttball, vanguard for harpooning, JK-S for dps in pvp.. etc) i hate playing my healer class in pvp (pug) ..

- i do all crafting for my own alts , sometimes even transfering mats from one alt to antoher..

- i want to enjoy the game slowly, like eating a good food and chewing slowly (EG: Enjoying the stories).. i love the stories and every class got awesome storyline..


how long do you think casual alt-o-holic like me will reach 50 ?


am i normal to play soo many alts in this game and not rushing to lv50 ? am i normal to play for the stories and doing every quest possible ? a bit OCD ?



I like the story.... I started by leveling my first character, geared him up and then started leveling alts :p. However, when I have only been focusing on one character add a time, and therefore the leveling is pretty quick

Edited by Inzuher
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I've got one 50 and a 45 that I stopped playing over a month ago. Do every quest that's available to you. I did next to no heroics or flashpoints on the way to 50 on my main and it only took a couple weeks at 5 or so hours a day, sometimes less.
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