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1 month free subscription for all due to 1.2 failure


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Given that the entirety of the PVP content for 1.2 has been bait-and-switch removed in a very dishonest and seedy manner, Bioware and EA need to act in good faith and refund 1 month of subscription.


Make it happen, if you can't deliver content people are paying for, don't make them pay for it.

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yeah cause that sounds like something EA would do


Yeah I know, EA and good faith are pretty much never in the same sentence.


Given that EA are officially the worst company of 2012, this is not surprising.

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If you like the game play...If you don't quit.


Giving you a free month due to a tough decision made on their end about their game that they created is pretty stupid.


Be patient and understanding....or don't and stop paying....

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BioWare used the Colonel John Boyd fighter pilot model of decision making, which says that the winner of a dogfight is the one who makes the most decisions the fastest. A development team is like a fighter pilot, said Dickinson, in that good decisions made slowly can impact a project fatally. The team iterated through a method of observing, orienting, deciding, acting, and then observing again (the OODA model) to make super fast decisions, based on the combined experience of the production team. This led to faster decisions over time, and, said the producers, a better game on launch day


And what I mean by that is like...

Although every class has a unique quest line, I feel like that was a parameter made before the stories were written. So, I feel like the consular story is there, because the structure demanded a consular story. I don't feel like the story was a unique piece of art that some dev always wanted to include in an mmo.....i feel like it was written, 'because all classes have to have a story, so make one up, fast'. They feel phoned in, is what I'm saying. Their presence just emphasizes the structure of the game rather than organically adds to it, or is an intrinsic part of it. It feels like it is there because, 'all classes have a quest' rather than, 'because we have to find a vehicle to tell this story'.

I also feel the game is way too segmented and compartmentalized. The class stories don't seem to weave together in anyway, its not 'one part of an epic story' they are literally, completely separate from each other. I think what was great about star wars movies were the ensemble elements......different folks from different backgrounds thrown together with a common goal. I feel like in the spirit of 'fast decisions'......they separated the writing teams and gave them autonomy, without having to consult or step on toes of other writing teams, the product could be completed faster.

But in addition to that - it just feels like an mmo placed in a single player world. My ship is always in an instance, never in the pervasive world. The maps, especially in urban settings feels like - here's the level 1 map. Now takea speeder to the lvl 2 map. Now tke a speeder to the lvl 3 map. They feel like separate maps.They don't feel like different neighborhoods of the same city.

Here's a typical scenario:

Log in to the fleet. Que up for a warzone. Run to your ship. Instance. Run to your ships door. Instance. Choose a planet to fly to. Instance out of your ship. Instance into the space port. Cut scene while you pick up quest. Warzone pops. Instance. Get slammed in hutball. Instance. Restart cutscene cuz your warzone popped. Speeder to your next map. Go in the class quest instance. Cut scene. Defeat something. cut scene. leave your instance. ......

It's all very segmented. Even when you are in the persistent world you have to speeder past all this unplayable, unaccessible area to get to the next 'map'.

I don't know the circumstances which led Dallas to make this choice. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and think the investor's sword of damacles was hanging above his head.

But hopefully he understands that 'faster' doesn't equate to 'better'. If his job was to get a highly polished mmo out the door quickly. He should be proud, he did what was asked of him. If his job was to create a simulated living breathing world, he did not.

He put out a great game; I am entertained by it. But there were a lot of long term consequences to the choices they made to make their decisions fast.

Anyway, I think it led to the game being a product of the structure rather than the structure being a product of the game.


written by Zorgo on MMORPG and so true

Edited by Zsavooz
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I agree. 1 months sub would be nice but never going to happen


the only thing happening in this update is a launch feature is being implemented and we have a new WZ/Op


not really worth the false advertising and hype

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If you like the game play...If you don't quit.


Giving you a free month due to a tough decision made on their end about their game that they created is pretty stupid.


Be patient and understanding....or don't and stop paying....



People resubbed and paid money on the promise of rated warzones tomorrow.


Some people even resubbed TODAY for it.


Those people were simply lied to and bait-and-switched at the last moment.


There should be refunds.

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Did you miss the Warzone as well as the rest of the content? Yeah I can understand you may be disapointed about the ranked warzones, but their still giving you alot of new stuff in this patch.


Demanding a months free subcription seems a little over-kill to be perfectly honest.

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Given that the entirety of the PVP content for 1.2 has been bait-and-switch removed in a very dishonest and seedy manner, Bioware and EA need to act in good faith and refund 1 month of subscription.


Make it happen, if you can't deliver content people are paying for, don't make them pay for it.


You must be new to MMO's...welcome to the genre and enjoy the years and years of disapointments and crying your about to experiance.

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Lol, just lol.


Play, don't play. It doesn't matter.


There are enough of us that don't expect perfection at every junction and are quite happily enjoying the game as it is while still looking forward to all the upcoming features whenever they each arrive.

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People resubbed and paid money on the promise of rated warzones tomorrow.


Some people even resubbed TODAY for it.


Those people were simply lied to and bait-and-switched at the last moment.


There should be refunds.



what's a month sub? $20?


Don't be cheap.


If you are that upset about a hard decision they made quit and you'll never have to pay again. It would save you A LOT of money.

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You must be new to MMO's...welcome to the genre and enjoy the years and years of disapointments and crying your about to experiance.


Been playing MMOs for over a decade (yes, I'm old).


Never before has there been such a dishonest yet transparent bait-and-switch.


Pretty much a con to get people to pay for a month sub while not delivering the promised content and only communicating that 8 hours before the patch.


Refunds are needed, or else it's just a con, pure and simple.

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what's a month sub? $20?


Don't be cheap.


If you are that upset about a hard decision they made quit and you'll never have to pay again. It would save you A LOT of money.


that's the problem, many have and will continue. Instead of 3 people on Hoth, there will be 2.

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what's a month sub? $20?


Don't be cheap.


If you are that upset about a hard decision they made quit and you'll never have to pay again. It would save you A LOT of money.



If they cancelled 1.2 completely, and said they would release the new operation, legacy etc in 2 months, everyone who resubbed for 1.2 would have been bait-and-switched and would be screaming for refunds.


This time, only the PVPers got robbed of their content.

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Been playing MMOs for over a decade (yes, I'm old).


Never before has there been such a dishonest yet transparent bait-and-switch.


Pretty much a con to get people to pay for a month sub while not delivering the promised content and only communicating that 8 hours before the patch.


Refunds are needed, or else it's just a con, pure and simple.


I have this bridge to sell you....

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Hate to tell you this but even those previews and interviews they where clear they are planning on adding certain things, there is a difference betwine planning on adding something and actually promising it.


Let me add something to that.

There is even a official post on the PTR forums about this:



Copy pasted the important part :


Because development is ongoing during testing, it should be noted that all changes and updates listed in the patch notes should be considered incomplete and are subject to change or removal before release to the live servers. The Public Test Server patch notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers.

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what's a month sub? $20?


Don't be cheap.


If you are that upset about a hard decision they made quit and you'll never have to pay again. It would save you A LOT of money.


Basically you're sayin " its ok for the to mess you around cos its only $20 " and that complaining about not getting what you paid for is "cheap" .

I mean, seriously, what planet are you living on?

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You know what lawyers say: Caveat Emptor...


If there was only one single reason that you resubbed, then you should have waited for the patch to come out and made sure that reason was included in the patch.


If you don't speak "lawyer" there's that other saying: Don't count your chickens before they've hatched.

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Content. Subject. To. Change.


We pay for access to the game, nothing more nothing less. Its been delayed, please build a bridge and get over it.


For those who went through the whole NGE with SWG mess, this is so very minor compared to that.


Though if 1.2 was a paid expansion, Id agree.

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Basically you're sayin " its ok for the to mess you around cos its only $20 " and that complaining about not getting what you paid for is "cheap" .

I mean, seriously, what planet are you living on?


Hopefully not the same one as you.


What I am saying is this is not a big deal and they have the right to delay it.


Getting a free sub...Or $20...to make it all better is stupid.


Wait a month...they aren't messing around with you they are making sure they don't release something thats not ready....Be patient or leave. Simple.

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Basically you're sayin " its ok for the to mess you around cos its only $20 " and that complaining about not getting what you paid for is "cheap" .

I mean, seriously, what planet are you living on?


You are paying for the ability to access and play their game on their servers.

You are paying for the time that has gone into creating the game and also for it's continued development.


You are not paying for specific patches at specific times. Some people might think they are but they are kidding themselves as Bioware are not obligated to meet the demands of imaginary contracts.

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